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Shut up and take my money.

Discussion in 'Tilted Gear' started by Xerxes, May 25, 2012.

  1. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico

    I wear Maui Jim's, have since a pair of Ray Bans disappeared a couple years ago. I used to wear $20-30 shades all the time and someone bought me a pair of higher end glasses as a gift. I found the higher end brands better constructed and when I had a problem with the Ray Bans I could get them factory repaired, in that case for free. Maui Jim's come with a 2 year warranty after which they'll repair a minimal cost- $15-20 I think plus postage... for the original owner for life. When I used to buy cheap shades I'd often go through 2-3 pairs a year. I think paid $250 for my latest pair of shades, if they last me 4-5 years they've paid for themselves.

    Tools, dive gear, camping/hunting/fishing gear, weapons, cameras, foot wear and sunglasses are all things I'm willing to pony up extra cash, depending on the item, because often I find I get what I've paid for and the quality matters. If I have a break down in the middle of the jungle I don't want to see "Taiwan" stamped on the only 9/16th box wrench that will get me back on the road. Same thing if I'm diving alone, something I do often, I don't want to be at 80-100ft and have a 1st stage complete failure because I saved $150.
    Last edited: May 26, 2012
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  2. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    I'm not sure if the topic is sunglasses or pushy salesman.

    I'm incredibly picky about my vision and sunglasses in particular. I've wear prescription Vuarnet, ordered from Paris and imported to the US. I prefer extra dark, non-polarized, glass lenses. They probably cost twice as much as a pair of Oakleys and I'm fine with that. They'll last longer than my prescription. (4-5 years)
  3. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Hah. She was extremely hot, though. Early 20s, massive cleavage, supertight dress. When you're 17/18/19 (honestly can't remember my exact age) and a chick like that is putting all her moves on you to sell that overpriced crap-in-a-bottle for $150, it's quite tempting to offer $200 for 10 minutes of bendover action (1 min undressing, 3 mins "foreplay", 2 mins finding the right position, 2 mins figuring out the right hole, 2 mins awkward pelvic thrusts). :D

    Yeah, not really into sunglasses myself. I used to be... bought these awesome Porsche sunglasses for A$250 when I was 16 or 17 and felt like the biggest alpha numbnut ever.

    I do consider it pretty stupid to spend that kinda money on sunglasses in Afghanistan (a particular friend of mine here did that not too long ago). Superluxurious cars, guns, drugs, mini-castles? No problemo. :D

    Same here. I've long ago stopped caring on what particular arrangement of letters was embedded in my shirts/pants.
    Last edited: May 25, 2012
  4. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    This man get's it. Or more succinctly put:

    Has no-one ever purchased something so frivolous they have no justification for?

    Mixedmedia: Have you never walked into a shop before for a reason unrelated to buying whatever the shop sells and walked out the poorer for it?

    In my case, I was waiting for my sister to come over so we could watch a movie. I had toured the entire mall and was bored witless. I had never once thought I would purchase a pair of $150 sunglasses but was very impressed by them. It's not the first time that's happenned though, come to think of it.
  5. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    I impulse buy a lot of stupid stuff. Not really expensive things, just junk and knick knacks.
  6. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    People like you are a literal goldmine to competent marketing experts.
  7. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Not to the tune of more than $20-40 dollars. I just don't do that.
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  8. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    I rarely go shopping unless there's something I need to shop for and I never let a salesperson sell me what I'm not looking for. But that's these days. I used to be the type of person who felt I was being rude if I brushed off a kiosk worker or flatly answered "no, thank you," to the salesgirl looking to be "helpful." I saw where that ended up. Me poorer, in possession of an item I didn't need or even want. Occasionally I will buy something small and inexpensive that catches my eye, something not on my "list" but never as a result of the coercion of a salesperson. They don't make them pushy enough to affect me anymore.

    What freedom!
    Last edited: May 26, 2012
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  9. jannista

    jannista Vertical

    My friend bought Okaleys once and they broke within 2 days. Now I use Wal-Mart for my eye care needs.
  10. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    Once you go polarized, you never go back.
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  11. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    If they're real Oakleys then your friend should contact the company and get them repaired-

    Warranty Policy | Us
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  12. TheSurgeOn

    TheSurgeOn Getting Tilted

    We're all human and so are designed normally to react to others' enthusiasm, body language, pheromones, looks, even schpiel. It sounds like you got caught up in the perfect storm of a pitch - probably heightened by your initial resolve not to buy.
    I used to sell sometimes, the trick was to get them saying yes, easy stuff first, then more and more yesses eventually building up to the 'shut up and take my money' bit. Makes me smile when it's done to me although I just say 'no thanks' instead of yes.
    Quality sunglasses are not a bad thing, quality anything is not bad either, if you're going to have something, save up for the best and while you have it you have the best - it's a nice feeling. I really enjoy researching the best - while saving up for it.
  13. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I buy what I need...name doesn't matter, only if it works.
    Now, if I need a certain level to get what I need, then I'll pay a price for them.

    Sunglasses...I'll lose, I know myself...so I never invest.
    My wife however, she'll buy anything with a name...sometimes just for the name. (I hate it)

    But I'm wondering if in this case you weren't suffering from pretty saleswoman syndrome?

    Now that I understand, I don't know how many cuties have convinced me to buy.
    I'm not vulnerable to that anymore, but hell in my younger years I suffered the loss of my money many times from my horndog ways.
    Hell when I managed marketing outlet, we had a whole female group,
    just dedicated to approching men to sell them. Especially Marines from Camp Pendleton (spare cash & ready to go...)

    I've noticed that ladies aren't vulnerable to the same thing as much...they've got different triggers.
  14. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    I agree. I could care less about "luxury brands." That doesn't mean that I don't appreciate quality. Often though the "luxury" is just the name of some celebrity, that, since I'm mostly phobic of TV and pop culture, I've probable never heard of.

    A couple of years ago I went shopping for a car in Orange County, California. I was looking at a 2004 Mercedes E320 wagon, 4matic AWD about 60k miles, just what I wanted to replace my SAAB and old AMC Eagle with just one car. I made an offer of $14,000 net. I emphasized the NET. I would buy the car for $14k with no additional fees or charges. I would give them a Cashier's Check on Bank of the West, a local bank. The salesman (actually a woman) got the OK from the manager. I went in and sat at the desk, and she came back a few minutes later with the purchase contract with a doc fee, a prep fee, extended warranty, etc. altogether almost $2000 in add ons. I just got up and walked out.
    Like Baraka, I've worked in sales. A lot of guys are a pretty easy mark. There is a huge difference between BUYING something, and BEING SOLD something. The OP didn't BUY sunglasses. He was SOLD sunglasses. I'm not sure that he knew the difference.
    I buy things all the time, sometimes even overpriced things. I will never willingly be SOLD something.:D

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  15. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    You wanna rub more salt in?

    Anyway ... I did in fact recognize the significance and quality of the Oakleys over all the other sunglasses I got at the thrift store for $5.00 that I sat on and broke. Say in an online fashion, I would never click the "buy this item now" button. So yes, I do know the difference between being sold on something and actually buying something.

    I too was a salesperson. I've had three sales jobs. One of which was a door to door gig. I lasted exactly a week in all three. I could never sell things that I myself thought were ... fucking useless.

    Guess I never learned!
  16. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    Needs to have photos of the cute girl with big tits, I mean really, that's why you got sold on the glasses right? You got played, and luckily you happen to get a pair of glasses out of it.

    Me. I don't get sold so easily. I have a simple rule that makes it easy to walk away. I don't buy something on impulse that is over $100. If there is something that I want that is over $100, I have to wait overnight and see if I still want it.

    This gives me ample time to figure out if I need it or want it. It also gives me plenty of time to find it cheaper elsewhere.
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  17. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico

    Yes. I never buy anything valuable on impulse. I used to use $50 and then went to $75 but the longer I live in Mexico I find the number going down. I'm down around $40 now. Seriously I have sticker shock every time I go north... $15 for a salad and a drink? Seriously? But yes, if I want it I'll still want it tomorrow. Plus it gives me time to check out other purchasing options. Often I can find to on line cheaper and have it shipped to my daughter house then simply pick it up on my next visit.
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  18. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    Yes, it has fallen down to about $40 now. It becomes a more of a question of "Do I want to contribute to this longer term goal or get this instant gratification?"
  19. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    That's a really good policy.

    I generally don't buy things on impulse. Typically, I set a spending limit before I go shopping. There have been a few times recently where my husband and I went over that limit, but that was largely due to there being a couple irresistible deals, like a pair of hiking boots on clearance. I can't say that was really an impulse purchase, though, as they had been on my gear-to-acquire list for some time.
  20. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    Right, that's a different kind of impulse purchase. That's the "I'm planning on buying this when I see it at an acceptable price." It's an open and ready to buy policy. I have that all the time for consumable clothing, socks, underwear, etc.
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