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Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by hankster, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    So true. Prison systems that tout rehabilitation and correctional philosophies are failing their inmates in this regard, and much of that has to do with retributivists both inside and outside the system. An eye for an eye and all that. It's the mainstream.
  2. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    No. Why spend money on studying this any more than we already have? Sandusky is broken and he cannot be fixed. Was he born that way or was he made or some kind of mix of the two? I do not care. People are going to keep being born with mental twists and some of the twisted will corrupt some that were 'just fine.'

    Sandusky is unique in that the vast majority of us do nothing remotely like what he did. Sure, there are monsters undiscovered but the level of predatory brutality that he exhibited is rather rare in the population as a whole.

    Long ago, I was an idealist and might have agreed with you. And punishing Sandusky to deter others--yeah, no real impact on predators, I do agree.
    Studying him so we are 'helped in discovering others like him'? No. There are few others like him. We know how to spot the warning signs--look how long people 'talked' about Sandusky but did nothing.
    How 'bout this? Let's study why people are such selfish chickenshits and change that. Let's protect the children that are currently being abused by listening to them, believing their claims and ffs, not turning a blind eye to any kind of suspicious sexual activity between an adult and a non-adult.
  3. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    You understand the definition of "unique", right? Especially since Baraka_Guru used it right.

    Sandusky is not unique. You cannot argue that he is using the correct definition of the word.

    Yet if you study what Sandusky did, you learn how to prevent the next predator who slips through the safeguards. Thinking the system is already perfect is an obvious fallacy. Especially since we've seen that it failed here.

    I see a lot of bluster above, but I don't see any substance.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Yeah, there's plenty of bluster: My reptilian brain would like to see the guy handed over to his victims and their families. The brain that studied this shit won't let me actually retain that opinion as a valid or ethical desire.
    And, sometimes I get annoyed with all the attention paid to the perp, all the concern. Thinking back to the beginning of this when so many fans just would not believe Sandusky did such a thing...it annoyed me then and still does.

    My points in sum, relating to @Baraka_Guru's opinion are: To 'study' behaviour of someone, a member of a group called pedophiles, takes money. This group has been studied enough in my opinion to conclude that most of them are beyond repair. Opinions vary on what 'causes' one to be a sexual predator. We seem to understand that we _can_ keep them away from those they would abuse by keeping them confined.
    I am much more concerned with protecting potential victims than throwing 'good money after bad' by trying to figure out what went wrong with Jerry and his ilk.
    The system is not perfect and I implied no such thing, unless you mean perfectly broken.
  5. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I don't understand how on one hand you can say it's a waste of money because they've been studied enough and are simply beyond repair but on the other hand understand that opinions vary on what the causes could be.

    These two positions seem at odds with one another.

    Understanding the abusers helps victims. Understanding abusers helps protect potential victims.

    I don't think the study of pedophiles and sexual abusers is finished. I don't think it's a waste of money figuring out causes and better treatments. Let's not forget that pedophiles are not necessarily sexual abusers.
    • Like Like x 3
  6. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    Oh I get it, Fangirl. You're both against the system and spending any money on making it any better. In that case, you and I stand at complete polar opposites. And I don't see how you can ever justify that position since it's one that completely doomed to failure.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    In the past, I would've agreed with your general statements: Study these men. Find out what makes them tick and figure out how to help them stop themselves, possibly before they even begin destroying lives beyond their own.
    The reality is that there are a finite number of funds. I'm trying to be realistic, pragmatic here. Who is going to fund this--and what are we going to divert funds from? Studying IDK, women who commit infanticide, to men who rape boys or are white-knuckling not raping them? Why would we do that? How do you prioritize what is most important to study?
    A lot of things. What information have we gathered thus far? What treatment seems to work with repeat sexual predators? Who desires to delve even more deeply than we have into the psyche of mentally ill, sexually deviant individuals, when behavioral science is a crap-shoot? We really cannot definitively prove anything when we cannot open up the brain of the ill and 'see' what is wrong. We have to interpret deviant behaviour it using on behavioral-scientific observation, which of course, is coloured by the observer.

    Human behaviour is often reasonably rendered and generally understood--then you get 'can of worms' cases like Jerry Sandusky.

    I don't think we should ever quit studying human behavior, but in some specific situations like studying up on what makes a male sexual deviant, I see funding diverted from another source to do so to be a crucial consideration.

    Most sexual predators are male. We spend a great deal of money doing health/behavioral health studies on men. When we've evened things up more, when I don't have to look at the pool of subjects of yet another study and see that they are 'college-aged, white men', then maybe it'll be time to cough up more fundage to study guys like Jerry.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2012
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  8. Alistair Eurotrash

    Reading, UK
    I'm not sure what "studying" would entail here. A lot would depend on Sandusky.

    Some paedophiles may well want help and consider their sexual predilection something they want to rid themselves of. Great. Maybe it is possible to work with them. Many, however, don't see it that way at all.

    If we are discussing "talking therapies" such as CBT, the only way these will work and the only way we will really learn anything is if the subject of therapy engages and wants help. Without that, all we would be doing is providing some intellectual entertainment for the "patient" and (possibly) also for the therapist (though he/she may also feel that they are wasting their time and training).

    If we are engaging these people in groups, there is quite a lot of experience out there of paedophiles engaging enthusiastically because they can get off on each other's stories. What do we learn? We learn that they consider their sexuality appropriate, even if society doesn't. There are even advocacy groups out there arguing the case for the removal of any age of consent.

    If we are discussing the use of drugs or surgery, surely that can only be carried out morally with the full consent of the subject?

    I have no idea what camp Sandusky falls into, but I wouldn't assume that we can effectively "study" him.

    Even if we do learn something, what does that do for us? We can't lock people up because they might be a paedophile. We can only act on a crime being committed. So, where does that leave us?

    Yes, we could learn that abuse leads to abuse and then act to reduce child abuse - but I think we already know that.

    It all sounds well and good, but how would it work in practice? Unless that can be explained, I think I'm with Fangirl.
    • Like Like x 2
  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    While the act Sandusky had a reason...there was no "reason" from his part.
    It was pure selfishness and manipulation.

    Sure, we do need to study such individuals...within reason.
    Rehab or psychological help would be perhaps for one who is younger...and could be worth some investment of time, effort & money.
    IF this person has the potential of being a part of society again...IF judged capable, safe & healthy.

    Sandusky however, will be behind bars for the rest of his life...he is older...no rehab would prove useful or practical.
    He will die in prison, period; unless he somehow wins an appeal. (which I doubt)

    While I don't believe in leaving him to "rot", he will be cared for within the prison system, safe from vengeful victims...
    Perhaps he could volunteer...and open up to somehow explain his actions. Right now, he's in denial and rationalizating.
    There is no practical purpose other than to satisfy our own curiousity.

    I don't believe in being liberal or progressive just for the sake of it.
    There needs to be a purpose...a productive reason to execute it, otherwise it is wasting precious resources that could be allocated otherwise.
    I don't mind helping...but here...I don't want to force the issue or make it easy. The onus is on HIM to come out, and be satisfied with his final lot.
    He took, now he needs to give without getting.

    There is a price to pay for Evil.
    No matter the reason.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2012
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  10. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    Yes, he was selfish and manipulative but evidence has yet to be uncovered one way or another that may shed light on what, if anything, may have happened to him to turn him into a selfish and manipulative pedophile. You may not care what that might be but lack of regard does not negate the fact that diagnosing possible causes for a condition is a necessary aspect to discovering treatments. If you don't believe me, ask your doctor.

    To state, rather emphatically as you have, that Jerry Sandusky did what he did with no motivation or cause other than his own selfishness and sexual need indicates to me that, because you dismiss the notion of any underlying causes or cyclical behavior, you must also dismiss the hope of treatment or rehabilitation for the victims, now or in the future; that you believe there is no cycle of abuse and the only management will forever be the removal of the pedophile from society after the crime has been committed and the behavior discovered.

    A society which looks towards prevention, intervention and treatment through identification of causes and recognition of symptoms before the behavior manifests itself is a far better plan, in my opinion. Unfortunately, we don't get there until we are willing to prioritize the need to.

    Precious resources only appear precious when the need for them is not a priority. Is the rampant (yes rampant) occurrence of child molestation not a priority? Tell that to victims, present and future. No cure? Polio had no cure at one time. We know so little still about what causes us to be the way we are, for better or worse. I can imagine a time in the future when we'll know more; and correcting aberrant behavior will be possible. Unless of course, dismissive, head in the sand attitudes such as yours prevail.

    There is no such thing as Evil. There is only the human condition, exposed to as many variables as there are grains of sand on all the beaches. Evil is a concept for the fearful, the vengeful, the intellectually lazy, and the fundamentally close-minded.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2012
  11. I was in regular contact with high security prisoners, and have heard what my lifers thought of the therapy sessions they had in a special prison for prisoners to get 'treatment'. From the prisoners perspective, they play the game, they get time off, they get out quicker. I was told by one, big hard chap, very upset - that sitting in a group with a bunch of nonces, one talking about how good it felt to fuck a three year old whilst the others got off on the description really made him want to get up and start beating the crap out of them, but he couldnt, because it would cost him time. I do believe he was quite traumatized by it. In this country also, visiting facilities for such prisoners and their families are in more comfortable surroundings than the other inmates visits. Seems its good for them psychologically, years of social workers and therapists pushing got them these necessities.
    We know this man raped a lot of children. How many souls did he destroy/kill?
  12. Indigo Kid

    Indigo Kid Getting Tilted

    He's on a suicide watch. That seems pointless to me.

    Let the creep off himself and then society will be done with that piece of shit.
  13. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I simply don't have enough personally invested in this case or this man to want to continue an in-depth conversation about it.

    All I will say to conclude is this:

    When the worst of humanity rears its ugly head, many people cry, "Make it go away!"

    We will lock the Sanduskys up whenever we can.

    But they're not going away.

    I enjoy escapism as much as the next person, and sometimes this includes the fantasies of a just society, but I keep coming back to this harsh reality staring at me in the face.
  14. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    I don't put much any stock in psychotherapy or group therapy as an effective method for understanding or rehabilitating the sex offender, despite my belief that anyone legitimately seeking help (with no ulterior motive) should have access to some sort of counseling regardless of how meaningless it may appear to those for whom nothing less than a productive benefit to society determines access.

    At this point I don't know that there's any effective or reliable treatment for the serial pedophile and without knowing how many different factors are likely to cause it, it's questionable whether there will ever be a "one size fits all" method of treatment, in the event any treatment at all is found effective.

    If it is, it is surely many years or decades away. So for the time being, rather than focusing solely on how to rehabilitate those we cannot yet rehabilitate with any confidence, I would prefer we pursue the path towards greater knowledge by taking full advantage of the availability of live subjects. To do otherwise, seems a waste to me. If I want to know how a car runs do I leave in the garage and talk to it or do I get under the hood, dismantle the engine, examine all its parts, and figure out how everything interacts? I'd rather they be offered compensation in some form (not release) for voluntarily consenting to be participants in an ongoing study which provides an atmosphere where the subjects can divulge to their hearts desire without fear of reprisal or judgement and includes whatever minor invasive procedures might be necessary (DNA samples, brain scans, etc)

    Again, it would boil down to financial resources and what sort of priority we might consider placing on this with the full knowledge that results are not likely to be seen in the short term. In decades to come would we rather look back and realize that our investigative efforts have had some impact on the fact that there are fewer and fewer victims of sexual crimes or live with the fact that we were shortsighted, did nothing and continue to bemoan the fact nothing has changed or gotten worse?
    --- merged: Jun 24, 2012 at 4:51 PM ---
    Yeah, that'll solve everything. Sandusky offs himself and children everywhere are now safe from sexual predators.

    Spoken like a true enabler of the status quo (refer to Penn State officials) which refuses to do anything about the problem until after the kids have already been abused and the perp is outed. Feels better to vent than prevent, doesn't it?

    Do you have anything constructive to add to the conversation Indigo Kid or are you just blowing off a mindless chemical reaction?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2012
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  15. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    ah...so we get down to labeling your opponent, again.
    Calling me intellectually lazy and close-minded is like calling Speedy Gonzoles, slow...
    Gee...I wonder who is truly lazy here...taking the easy way out by dismissing those who disagree with you...and grand rhetoric.

    As with most words, Evil is a definition or description.
    There is evil...it is a real situation and state of mind.
    Just like there is bad...and good. Except that evil is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY bad...and typically done by intent and fore-thought.

    To me, these are not literals...I do not think there is a Hell, or a Evil...but it is a symbolism and description of despicable thing.
    However, I'm not going to begrudge or belittle those that believe they are literal. This is their right, their life, their viewpoint.

    You are correct, I do not care what happens to Sandusky.
    Tonight, if he takes his own life or another does it...I'll say, "oh well"
    We have better fish to fry, better places to place our resources.

    IF the person was younger...then I may find it useful, even if they were a SO or Murderer. THEN he could be potentially productive in the future.
    But I do draw the line somewhere...because otherwise would be an infinite blackhole of trying to "save" everyone.
    Unless you are purely and coldly just using him as a psychological lab rat...if that's true, then just say it. He's a curiousity to you, something to study.

    Me, I have better things to spend my time & money on.
    He's 68, he's going to die incarcerated.
    What??? Do you think he's going to coach football or charity work while in prison for life as an SO? Because that's what he did.

    I'd rather use that money to pay for rehab of those that will be a part of society again...please use them as models for your psych scenarios.
    These are the people who are going to paving the way for other future rehab candidates. Not those who are languishing in a cell waiting for death.

    Hey, notice how I made my argument without labeling you or dismissing you as a person.
    Amazing how that works.
  16. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    So enlighten me, rogue. What research or area of study has led you to the conclusion that Sandusky's behavior is the result of pure and willful maliciousness, completely unaffected by any other factors which may have predisposed him to behave this way? You asserted this so I assume you have some proof of it.

    A definition or description of what?

    Can you define evil?

    Where does it come from and how does it develop?

    We can label deeds and behaviors as evil (adj) understanding that the term falls short of accounting for the real causes and motivations of the deeds and behaviors, but I have to seriously question those who use it as a noun, considering Evil to be the sole cause and motivation.

    I can only assume that those who believe this:

    Have a fear of what they haven't experienced or can't comprehend. They are reassured by this static ideal which never fails to explain the horrendous and incomprehensible.
    They get a greater internal reward (hard on) out of warehousing anger and righteous indignation than they do applying reason, finding explanations, and possibly solutions, as all of these would render their cozy relationship with their anger and indignation unjustifiable.
    They can't or won't be bothered (usually due to the above two assumptions) exploring the possibility that a number of significant events, probably in early childhood, would have likely occurred to create someone who would behave in such a way.
    They have explored these possibilities but rejected them for fear they might serve to somehow legitimize such behavior.
    They are simply incapable of understanding the complex nature of human beings.

    I have no idea if my assumptions are correct but there you have it. Not insult. (unless you choose to take it personally) Just some reasoned analysis and theory formation.

    I would enjoy hearing your defense of Evil as the sole cause and culprit.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2012
  17. Brain scans and such? Suddenly I am back in time to a place where homosexuality was seen as an illness. As I vaguely remember, lots of 'therapies' were tried, but none worked now did they. Some just learnt to hide what they were - for fear of societies reprisals; many lived a lie. The obvious difference between the two is that one is an act between consenting adults (which used to be illegal), and the other is an act of rape on a small child. There is no cure, it seems, for sexual preferences. Some like blondes, some brunettes, some buggering little boys. At least he will not have access to any more -
  18. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Bad, evil, horrendous, sick, twisted, perverted...there are MANY ways to describe his actions and intent. (unless you are saying he didn't or isn't)
    It is certainly the opposite of good, well, productive, useful, clean... one is a negative context in extreme, the other is positive.

    My definition...is what I said above,
    "evil is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY bad...and typically done by intent and fore-thought. evil...it is a real situation and state of mind."
    Unless you want me to define "really" and "bad" and the rest of the dictionary...which would be unnecessary, and I would require of it you too.
    Let's not get petty here.

    I don't need to be a subject matter expert in socialogy or psychology to see the obvious.
    My proof is the same as yours, by what I read about...unless you are claiming to directly know Sandusky or have been on the legal team.
    This is not a court-house...it's a debate on a web board.

    My perspective is just that...as is yours, our opinions are both our own. Truth is ambiguous in this case, because neither of us have direct knowledge.
    And even then...it is subjective, based on the bias and perspective of those observing the action. (even shown in this criminal case)

    However, what we do have noted in the media, what we have both read...is a preponerance of previous actions.
    Actions that tortured many other individuals, children...and willful manipulation of establishments to get those children into torturous situations
    and then cover up those misdeeds, to continue with intent...to torture other children.

    And I use the word "torture" here, because that is what he did...willful harm upon the bodies of the children to extract something out of them,
    which is pleasure for himself. (No, I don't want to debate the definition of the word torture or pleasure or otherwise)

    My opinion is: it is a waste of time and money to involve ourselves further with this man who has done such horrific acts
    and will die in prison because he won't be released...and in a relative short time too because of his age.

    Your opinion (correct me if I'm wrong) is that we spend time, effort and money to extract his WHY for doing this evil. (there's that word again)
    despite the fact that he will not be member of society EVER again.

    I have an additional opinion of, "I do not care WHY" for someone who is useless and did these horrendous things on children.
    I do not care to use him as a psychological guinea pig. I do not see value in this matter.

    Scientists make decisions all the time about what criteria defines their protocol...what they will spend their valued resources on.
    As I said above, a better model would be based on someone who IS going to have logistical and probabilic chance of becoming something to society again.
    Again, this is my opinion.
    Yours, (again correct me if I'm wrong) you'd want to probe his dark recesses of his mind to extract some "reason", no matter the cost or practicality.

    You know, as a colorful person once said, "Sometimes a cigar, is just a cigar"
    Sometimes, a person is just plain ugly inside...something just didn't click.
    My opinion, is there is no meaning or reason behind his terrible torture worth extracting...this is the limit to my protocol.
    He is outside my bounds for being worthwhile.

    Now, unless you have direct knowledge of Sandusky's life and a PhD in Criminal Psychology specializing in sexual disorders,
    please do not ask me to provide "proof" of my opinion.
    For me, his value is gone...any resources or time spent are wasted.

    To me, if you want to yourself go talk to Sandusky at some length, spend your own money, develop a theory
    (because you won't truly know the real truth, it will be his warped perspective...and your own observations with some natural bias)
    But I do not think our tax dollars or any grant money should be wasted on this "short-timer" who is not connected with society anymore nor will be.

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
  19. Hektore

    Hektore Slightly Tilted

    Re: There is no value in seeing what makes a man like Sandusky tick.

    Claiming to know that studying Sandusky's(and others like him) brain and behaviour cannot yield anything of value might be good rhetoric, but it's an absolutely vacuous position. To begin with, it's claiming to know something you cannot possibly know, largely because it relates to future events which are in themselves unpredictable; events that are particularly unpredictable given the booming nature of the brain sciences and the incredible depth and breadth of the information in those fields. It's also a statement in ignorance of the history of science. Much of what we have learned comes not from studying normal, but from studying the broken, unusual and extreme cases. 'The exception proves the rule' as they say, and they are often right.

    The simple truth is that there is probably more value in studying men like Sandusky than there is in studying you or I or any other 'normal' person.
  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    The impact of this on Penn State is going to be profound.

    Unfortunately, this is what is often comes down to...
    People ignore the problem, and then someone gets hurt or killed...only then after a significant punishment, will there be any steps taken.
    And people wonder why there is an argument against caps
    and one for regulation

    I'd rather not have them at all, but it seems the only way to prevent damage in the long-term.
    Cause otherwise, the powers that be, just sweep it under the rug. (and people's lives too)

    Last edited: Jul 14, 2012