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Requesting advice about a phone-related relationship issue

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by oliver9184, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. Do you think its possible that she doesn't respect you because she is using you to have her economic needs taken care of and for the possibility of serious money later on?

    The average income in Vietnam is US$1168 per year while the median in GB is 26000 pounds (about 40000 USD). There are very few people in western countries making 40k who wouldnt seriously consider dating someone making 1.6 million dollars (same ratio, approximately) even if they didn't like them. Lots of folks say that they wouldn't, but really? I doubt it.

    Obviously the people on this board don't know you or her, but the possibility is worth considering.
  2. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I would like to just go on the record and mention that if mixedmedia, ZombieSquirrel, PonyPotato, or any of our other fine ladies here make $1.6M or more, I'm pretty sure my wife would rent me out if you need a date. ;)
    • Like Like x 2
  3. curiousbear

    curiousbear Terse & Bizarre

    Happened to me. She use to chat over phone with her family throughout the evening walks. (entire family has this disease).

    I was patient for couple of days. Then told her clearly that she could chat rest of the whole day but need to spend quality time with me. I added I will not say this again.

    It is more than 4 years now, NEVER happens.
  4. Ha.

    Ha ha ha. Huh hah huh huh ha ha.


    What a great way to start the day.

    I don't appreciate when people are on the phone or texting when I'm with them. I remember getting SO mad at a friend I was visiting in Chicago (no, not that weird guy) and he spent an hour on the phone with someone else while I was sitting next to him BORED. This was when I lived in Ohio and drove 5 hours to see him. I told him it was rude and he apologized. He shouldn't have even answered.
  5. Viscount8

    Viscount8 New Member

    Quebec, Canada
    Don't get me started with cell phones!!! Do people, simply, not get it? Rude is rude is rude. This phenomenon is not particular to Vietnam, only. As Dr. Phil mentioned (I know, Dr. Phil........seriously?) it seems people have this need to be wired to the outside world, during every minute of the day. I mean you're in the grocery store and you see someone with a bluetooth stuck in their ear (On call in the Emergency Ward? I don't think everyone is). I know I sound like a crabby old man (I'm not quite as old as the guy in the picture), and I do find some technology is a great advancement, but it does seem that, in many cases today, we don't know how to relate to each other. I guess this turned into a rant. Sorry!!!
  6. oliver9184

    oliver9184 New Member

    Thanks everyone for your input and sharing similar stories and agreeing with me. Zombie Squirrel, your one sounds even worse (I wouldn't be able to stand for anyone talking for an HOUR). Electric eagle, while this may be true...

    ...mine and her financial circumstances are more similar to each other than that. When we eat out we each pay for what we have. I haven't ever bought her anything of significant value. I know what you mean though - I see a lot of what you're imagining here, with local girls and white men, and that's not the kind of relationship I'm in.
  7. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    More ancient thread resurrection, and I couldn't help but observe—good god, this sounds EXACTLY like my last relationship in its death throes.

    Carry on.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I like to focus on who I'm with when I'm with them, SO or friend or coworker. If I know I have an incoming text, I'll wait till a lull in the conversation to respond to it, or until one of us has to go to the bathroom, or if I suspect it's something important from someone like my mother/brother/whatever, I'll say out loud I'm checking my phone. I do slack a little on this in relationships, I'll sometimes grab my phone just to see who it's from, then put it back away if it isn't urgent. If they have their phone out already or are occupied with something like reading, watching TV, driving, whatever, I take that as free reign to look at mine.

    If I'm with someone, the only people I will answer phone calls from are my parents and other family members (in case of emergency) or my boss. If my family is just calling to chat, I'll let them know that I'm otherwise occupied and need to call them back later.