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Public sex

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by J-Ring, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    Did you brush and floss afterwards?
  2. Trinity

    Trinity New Member

    HAPE is a dangerous build-up of fluid in the lungs that prevents the air spaces from opening up and filling with fresh air with each breath. When this happens, the sufferer becomes progressively more short of oxygen, which in turn worsens the build-up of fluid in the lungs. In this way, HAPE can be fatal within hours.

    What are the symptoms?

    HAPE usually develops after 2 or 3 days at altitudes above 2500 m. Typically the sufferer will be more breathless compared to those around them, especially on exertion. Most will have symptoms of acute mountain sickness. Often, they will have a cough and this may produce white or pink frothy sputum. The breathlessness will progress and soon they will be breathless even at rest. Heart rate may be fast, the lips may turn blue and body temperature may be elevated. It is easy to confuse symptoms of HAPE with a chest infection, but at altitude HAPE must be suspected and the affected individual must be evacuated to a lower altitude. If you think you have had HAPE, register on the HAPE database.

    Who gets HAPE?

    Unfortunately, it is currently impossible to predict who will get HAPE. This is one of the reasons why we have established the HAPE database. People who have had HAPE before are much more likely to get it again. Therefore, there must be some factor that puts certain individuals at high risk of the condition. However, just like acute mountain sickness, there are some known risk factors. A fast rate of ascent and the altitude attained will make HAPE more likely. Vigorous exercise is also thought to make HAPE more likely and anecdotal evidence suggests that people with chest infections or symptoms of the common cold before ascent may be at higher risk.

    What causes HAPE?

    Despite years of careful research the exact causes of HAPE remain poorly understood. Fluid has been shown to fill up the air pockets in the lungs preventing oxygen getting into the blood and causing the vicious circle of events that can kill people with HAPE. As with many biological processes many factors play a role in the disease and there is good evidence to support a number of theories about how this fluid gets there.
    Normally, oxygen gets into your blood and is supplied to the body from your lungs. Each time you take a breath in, air rushes into the tiny air pockets at the end of all the airway branches in your lungs. At the same time, blood from your heart is brought close to these thin-walled air pockets, so that oxygen can move into your blood while waste products move out. Oxygen-rich blood then returns to the heart and is supplied to the body. If, by accident, you inhaled a small object into your lungs, it would become stuck in one of the airways branches. Little oxygen would get to the downstream air pockets. To prevent this area of lung supplying blood starved of oxygen back to the heart (and therefore the rest of body), blood vessels in the area closed down or constrict. This is normally a very good thing and is an example of the body protecting itself.
    At altitude however, this same process is a cause of the disease HAPE. Because the whole lung is starved of oxygen, the whole lung reacts in the same way – blood vessels constricting all over the place and not just in small areas. The blood in these vessels is squeezed and the pressure goes up forcing fluid out of blood and into air pockets. Click for a more detailed explanation of what happens to the lungs at high altitude.
    Very dangerous and reactive substances are formed in your blood when you are starved of oxygen and these can directly damage the special membrane between air and blood in your lungs causing further fluid leak and worsening HAPE.

    How is HAPE treated?

    The most important treatment for HAPE is descent. Providing extra oxygen and/or raising the air pressure around a victim with a Gamow bag (see right) can reverse the underlying process, lack of oxygen, but these measures are really no substitute however for rapid descent down the mountain. Some drugs can be helpful, but should only be used by trained doctors. Nifedipine is a drug that helps to open up the blood vessels in the lungs. By doing so, it reduces the high pressure in those vessels that is forcing fluid out into the lungs. Sildenafil (Viagra®), by a different mechanism, also opens up the blood vessels in the lung and may be a useful treatment for HAPE. Following recent research, medics may also give the steroid, dexamethasone. Drug treatment should only ever be used as a temporary measure; the best treatment is descent.

    In the case that HACE is ever mentioned:

    High altitude cerebral oedema (HACE)

    HACE is a build-up of fluid in the brain. HACE is life-threatening and requires urgent action.
    What are the symptoms?

    HACE is thought to be a severe form of acute mountain sickness. A severe headache, vomiting and lethargy will progress to unsteadiness, confusion, drowsiness and ultimately coma. HACE can kill in only a few hours. A person with HACE will find it difficult to walk heel-to-toe in a straight line – this is a useful test to perform in someone with severe symptoms of acute mountain sickness. HACE should also be suspected if a companion starts to behave irrationally or bizarrely.

    Who gets HACE?

    About 1% of people of ascend to above 3000m get HACE. The lowest altitude at which a case of HACE has been reported was 2100m. HACE can also occur in people with HAPE and vice versa. Factors that increase the risk of HACE are similar to those for acute mountain sickness and HAPE. The faster the rate of ascent and the higher the altitude, the more likely it is that HACE will develop. HACE is thought to occur mainly in trekkers or climbers who have ignored symptoms of acute mountain sickness and climbed higher rather than staying at the same altitude or descending.

    What causes HACE?

    The cause of HACE remains unknown. Several factors may play a role including increased blood flow to the brain. An increase in blood flow is a normal response to low oxygen levels as the body needs to maintain a constant supply of oxygen to the brain. However, if the blood vessels in the brain are damaged, fluid may leak out and result in HACE. Although we know that reactive chemicals are released when oxygen levels are low and that these chemicals can damage blood vessel walls, it still hasn’t been proven that the blood vessels in the brain are actually more leaky.
    How is HACE treated?

    Descent is the most effective treatment of HACE and should not be delayed if HACE is suspected. A Gamow bag, or portable altitude chamber, can be used as a temporary measure and, if available, oxygen and a drug called dexamethasone should be given.
    Refs: Hackett P and Roach RC. High altitude cerebral oedema. HAMB 2004; 5(2):136-146

  3. Trinity

    Trinity New Member

    ------------------My Lover and I have done both so called "Dangerous Sex" and “Outdoor" sex and we joined {if you will the Two Mile Club Lol!} Have Jumped out of perfectly good airplanes and did it, didn't last very long {sigh} and all because some rowdy drunk in a lounge once very rudely ordered us to go take a flying "fuck", we looked at each other and said yes why the hell not, so we did. -----------

    ------------------We have done it in 7 major chain department stores just before closing time, in out of the way isle's, in 4 major grocery chain stores equaling approximately 26 altogether I say that we have done it in 26 stores around the counties, my Lover says 23 lol, {in one store going through the check out we were warned by the checker that the Mgr said that if we were to do it once more in that store the police would be called, {obviously he enjoyed watching because we did it in several different positions {LMSAO}.--------

    -------------------Every, much wooded park around {making very sure that was not frequented by unattended minors, of course} and then some while traveling; -----------

    -------------------On the road behind gas stations, department and grocery stores, in railroad cars, a-top the truck in a forest settings, in bushes, in lakes, streams, boats and canoes, a few times on our Harleys, at the beach both in and out of the water. At night on the beach would also gather crowds very cool indeed, once we saw they were cool peeps would take it to other levels. 2/3's of our truck's roof is glass and at first after purchasing it, we were going to have it altered because it did not offer enough privacy but on a trip once we stopped in to a rest stop to get some rest after driving 1200 miles non stop. We pulled into one of the trucker’s lanes, way more room and way less hassle. As I was sleeping had been aroused to waken as my Lover had by that time removed my tank top and of course my very tight stretchy briefs. So as I was waking up to the love making I noticed a face looking down at us from above. A trucker had a really happy look on his face, I smiled at the driver I had whispered to my Lover what was transpiring, soon afterwards we got dressed and freshened up and left but gave him several great eye full of us naked.----------
    -------------------In a few theaters where we actually gathered crowds and in one where most of the on lookers became involved in a soft swap type thing. ------------

    -------------------You name it we have most likely done it there and if not might just some day! Our belief is that if you are doing it for your own pleasure and are not out there in the greater out doors or in stores to put your business purposefully in other peoples faces or worse purposely within the sight where little persons could get a glimpse or more of the action. We have actually talked with police officers and of course you know that in most states the “forest rangers” are the police, so as it were talked with them and discussed what we like to do and most just said as I have already mentioned and upon seeing us in an awkward way would assess damages, if there was any one being disturbed would leave it be, but we have also been told that many police are “walking hard ons” and to do our best at not being seen or caught lol, oh darn it,,,,,,,,,,{did we forget to tell them that}, THAT WAS THE REASON FOR DOING THE “DANGEROUS” SEX LMSAO here!!!!
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  4. How very detailed... nice copy/paste?
    How very detailed... nice copy/paste?
    • Agree Agree x 1