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[Post a pic of your latest purchase]

Discussion in 'Tilted Gear' started by cis689, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    Things disassembled, and then first two bushings installed. [​IMG][​IMG]
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  2. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.


    This skirt and this bag.
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  3. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Airport blanket. I'm freezing and exhausted.

    • Like Like x 3
  4. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Just bought a "new" word processor. This is courtesy West Germany from the early 1970's and in very good condition.Pardon the poor picture, used my point and shoot with flash even for sheer convenience.
    adler j-5.jpg
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  5. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA
    I bought some carbon fiber wrap and wrapped my inner door panels, I wasn't all that fond of the budget-car/1990's-esque fuzzy grey material that came stock...

    Also, bought some very bright LED tail lights/reverse lights.
    --- merged: Aug 15, 2014 7:47 AM ---
    And I got creative. I bought some carbon-fiber B-Pillars, and then on Ebay I got ahold of some KONIG (the brand of my wheels) stickers in silver lettering where the O in the word contains their crown-and-2-dots symbol, and only installed the O.
    Put in some color-matched cleared side-marker lights too, because orange looks stupid on a blue car.
    --- merged: Aug 15, 2014 8:06 AM ---
    OK you know what? I'm going to stop spamming this thread and go make a thread for my car. Jesus. I do way too much to my car and take way too many pictures.
    However, non-car-related, here is are some cool things that came in the mail today for my phone (brand-new HTC One M8 - the same one @grumpyolddude has now). This is my new case, a two-piece plastic-and-rubber deal with a neat flip-out kickstand on the back:


    This black box thing with the blue lights on it (each blue light represents 25% battery charge) is a super-mega-ultra battery. The typical phone battery, like the iPhone 5S for instance, has about 1,500mAh worth of charge - enough for 8-12 hours of moderate use before it needs a charge. My phone has a stout 2,600, and lasts a good 12-18 hours depending on use. This god damn battery thing has 10,000mAh! It is the size of my entire phone, and a bit fatter. I bought a super-short little micro-USB cable to attach them together with as well.

    Since the size of the battery matches the phone's size down to within a couple millimeters, I plan to buy a second, much slimmer and cheaper plastic phone case, like a snap-on model, and attach this battery pack to it, so if my phone runs dead somewhere I can snap the case/battery combo on and have myself a super-duper-lasts-for-5-days-straight phone that weighs about four pounds :D It'll be like one of those early 1980's cell phones lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2014
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  6. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Nice phone background ;)
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  7. Hey, @OtherSyde, share the brand and model of that case, please. I got the Otter box, but am not totally sold on it. I kinda miss my Thunderbolt's kickstand.
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  8. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA

    You know, I looked at that same Otter Box case in the AT&T store when I got my phone, and it felt like it was just... Missing something. The build quality is good, it feels pretty much just like an Otter Box, but waaay less expensive; while the Otter case is like $30-$40, I found this one for less than $7. FYI, this case also comes with a hard black front-cover/belt holster with a velvet interior (that faces the screen) and a stick-on screen protector as well.

    This is the exact one I bought: Heavy Armor Shockproof Case with Kickstand and Belt Holster for HTC One M8

    Oh and also, I got the super-battery on Amazon for $25.99, and the little short USB cable on Ebay for about $3.79. The super-battery has 2 USB charge ports and works with anything that can be charged via USB.

    Maximum geek cred :cool:
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2014
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  9. Looks a bit less bulky than the Otter. Just may go for it.
  10. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    FYI, the Anker gauge isn't directly proportional. They tend to be about 4 - 88% to 100%, 3 - 73% to 88%, 2 - 47 - 73%, and 1 - under 47%
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  11. cis689

    cis689 Slightly Tilted

    Picked up a new Z!
    • Like Like x 2
  12. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA

    Sweet, that's awesome. Those are smaller ranges, and thus easier to gauge by. Also, it says in the manual that something like 15%-20% of your electrical charge is lost during transfer through circuitry, cables, etc.. - although I guess that happens with any external battery, so I guess it's just good that I got the 10,000mAh model. I think they actually have a 13,000mAh version as well, but it's shaped all long and weird and phallic, so it wouldn't go as well stuck to the back of my phone.
  13. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    So this happened yesterday.



    ...Yeah, I don't know. They were on sale. Whatever.

    This, however, I actually needed.

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  14. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor


    Pretty sharp things.
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  15. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    2 tactical knives and a violin rest? There is purchase tracking software somewhere that has crashed.
    • Like Like x 5
  16. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA

    Yeah, that is some classy Hitman-type stuff :)
  17. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Back in the pre-internet dark ages I was a member of the NRA, and subscribed to The New Republic magazine. I received the weirdest mix of mail. The strangest was the "mailed in plain packages" offers that were borderline legal/illegal from paramilitary groups.
  18. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    Getting ready to move in a week or so. Finally got a handtruck. Hopefully I get some use out of it.
  19. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    make sure you drain the blood first and wrap the bod......er......"items" in enough plastic before you move them.
    • Like Like x 2
  20. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    You got the Astro E3, the "phallic" one is the E4, which I have. It's phallic if you define phallic as longer than it is wide, so not really phallic, but to each his own.

    The conversion loss is mainly because the mAh rating is for the internal 3.7V Li-Ion batteries and it outputs 5V. Transformers and battery conditioning circuits eat up the rest.