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Pointless Announcements

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Baraka_Guru, Aug 2, 2011.

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  1. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    This was amusing. No idea how good/bad this film is or what happens aside from an inevitable happy ending, but that probably made it even better.

    --- merged: Apr 16, 2014 at 6:45 PM ---
    That Frozen video led to this.....language is NSFW for most workplaces.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2014
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  2. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    Probably the best Frozen parody.

    • Like Like x 1
  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    We were tired of stressing out, so we went for happy hour.
  4. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    With the help of a TFPer, deliveries of liquid awesomeness are being planned.

    Thanks, TFPer!
  5. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Less than an hour!
  6. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    All I can say in my defense is, my sister had a huge crush on Jon Bon Jovi in the 80's-90's and played their music constantly, so whenever I hear even the partial phrase "halfway there", my mind automatically fills it with "Livin' on a Prayer".

    It's like that old vaudeville "Niagara Falls" sketch, but not as violent.
    Slowly I Turned - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Three Stooges and Abbot and Costello both had a good version of it.
  7. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Oh, man... you know how that turned out for R. Kelly, right?
    • Like Like x 4
  8. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    You don't realize just how effective f.lux is until you disable that shit at 10:30 p.m.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Dribble penetration sounds wrong.
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Taliesin

    Taliesin Slightly Tilted

    Western Australia
    Spilling a glass of wine all over the your laptops keyboard is so much more embarrassing if you're not drunk, just clumsy.
  11. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    I bought a bag of apples and the first one was mealy.
    I resigned myself to a batch of bad apples. After eating 3 more, so far, it was the only one that was bad.

    Can you not even count on an old idiom any more?
    • Like Like x 1
  12. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Testing, uno, dos, tres....

    Ah, got it...I kept getting a server error trying to post in another thread. My url code was wonky.
  13. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I had gummy bears for breakfast. Oops.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I could really go for some strawberries.

    Or better yet, a waffle covered in strawberries and whipped cream.
  15. paddyjoe

    paddyjoe curious

    ROC boy gone south
    Snacking on pretzel rods and coffee. Not dunking though....
  16. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    "What would it cost to edit my memoir"?

    "Nearly eight thousand dollars."

    Don't look at me. He's got a lot of shit to say.
    • Like Like x 4
  17. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Tea is tasty.
  18. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I rode my bicycle to work today. I feel like it shouldn't have been as hard as it was. I guess gaining 30 lbs will do that.

    Actually, getting there was easy. Getting home was the hard part. Next week will be easier.

    In related news, I'm thinking that it's about time I replace my department store mountain bike with something a little more appropriate for daily commuting. It's big and heavy and clunky and not very well put together. I'm sure none of that is helping my situation.
    • Like Like x 3
  19. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    Yes, definitely. And get your next bike from a bike shop. You won't regret it.
    • Like Like x 2
  20. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I'm so glad we bought our bikes from a good shop. I've had my bike for seven years now and they've helped me take good care of it beyond the basics.
    • Like Like x 1
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