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Pointless Announcements

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Baraka_Guru, Aug 2, 2011.

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  1. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    No worries. I had to look up Travis Bickle.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    So did I. I couldn't remember the name of the character played by (Actor's Name*) in (The Movie*).

    * For y'all that don't know, I'm not telling, you'll have to look it up :p .
  3. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    I'm not going to bother looking any of this up.
  4. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Are you talking to me?

    Are you talking to me?
    • Like Like x 3
  5. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    American history types will remember that Taxi Driver, starring Bob De Niro and Jodie Foster (as a 12-y.o. prostitute), inspired (mentally disturbed dude) to attempt to assassinate (name of American President) in order to "impress" Foster.
    That's what I will forever associate Taxi Driver with.
    Ugh. Hate that guy.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Beer, grass-fed, young, NY strip steak, roasted brussel sprouts, the Gorillaz' singles album and... Albert Bandura.
    • Like Like x 2
  7. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    I totally thought Robert Redford was dead.
    He's not.
    And he made another movie.
    It's about a boat. It's long.
    He's still not dead.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    He'll be in the new Captain America movie this April, as well. If that means anything to you. :)
  9. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Hopeful it won't be as long and dreary as this one.
    It'll mean he's not dead.
    • Like Like x 2
  10. paddyjoe

    paddyjoe curious

    ROC boy gone south
    someone is not dead, if I don't see a new thread….
    • Like Like x 2
  11. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    Robert Redford's publicity agent just released a statement saying internet rumors of his demise were totally untrue and "clearly the work of a diseased mind."

    Just sayin'.........

  12. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    A delayed post on a thought from yesterday: boot camp class ain't no fun when you have to poop.
    • Like Like x 2
  13. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    Happy thought for the day...

    • Like Like x 2
  14. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

    Daughter gets to go to Super Bowl today, taking her employer who is disabled. Thanks to the Eagles camp donating tickets. I get to go to a party and look for her on the big screen. :)
    • Like Like x 5
  15. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Time to start cooking.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    Go get 'em, tiger! Best of success!
  17. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    Wait, I thought it was Bob Seger who has been fending off inaccurate death reports.
  18. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Two kinds of chili on the stove. One is a more traditional 4-bean vegetarian chili--onions, green pepper, jalapeno, four beans, tomatoes. Might add some corn close to serving. Might not. We'll see. The other is a black bean sweet potato chili that I was introduced to via @roachboy. Here's the base recipe I started out with, and I fiddle with it to my heart's content: Black Bean and Sweet Potato Chili | Care2 Healthy Living What I'm serving today is kind of a mash-up between that chili and Moosewood's Brazilian Black Bean soup.
  19. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    Why am I still awake?
  20. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Well apparently our snowman pic with Stanley was a big enough hit that it is going to be on the cover of next month's issue of our village magazine. :p
    • Like Like x 3
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