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Pointless Announcements

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Baraka_Guru, Aug 2, 2011.

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  1. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    That's like redneck on acid material. I would like pix of the looks on peoples faces as the packing was done.
  2. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    I want to go home. I think I'm getting a cold.
  3. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    I'm sorry, feel better soon.
  4. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    Only if she was holding em to the roof.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Rednecks don't drive German cars. I'm planted squarely in the middle of Cajun, French-Cajun, redbone, and bandito country, apparently.
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  6. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    BS, I've seen rednecks turn VW's into pickup trucks or install v-8 in them.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. FreeVerse

    FreeVerse Screw Tilted, I'm all the way upside down.

    Suburban Chicago
    I do not think I am a demanding partner. You must be clean personally, and preferably "tidy" overall. You must NEVER bring sob story pets into the abode in which I reside. My allergies over-ride any sensibility you may have to "nurture". You must be able to grasp my need for silence for a portion of the day - OUTSIDE the portion we dictate to sleep. You must also not give me an overwhelming and nearly uncontrollable urge to go on a 3 state killing spree with a 7-11 spork, starting with you.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    My daughter's laughter makes me so very happy.
    • Like Like x 7
  9. Instead of being productive, I sat and did this for an hour and a half:

    Cookie Clicker

    This is my life, these are my choices.
  10. amonkie

    amonkie Very Tilted

    Windy City
    I left the house before Starbucks opened.. waaay too early.
  11. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Good news - Within a half hour or so I am leaving with 4 buddies for a 300+ mile motorcycle ride.
    Bad news - My dad had to cancel due to an urgent work situation. Once that requires only an hour of his time, but time where he must physically be there, and it is right in the middle of the day. Boo hiss to that.

    However, we will still have a great time, I just feel sorry for him. Last year he cancelled on our big ride in Sept because he wanted to let my little brother (who doesn't have a bike) go, so he loaned his bike to him.

    And with that, I hear a motorcycle in my driveway...
  12. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    My cats are having a cute-off.
  13. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Sitting here waiting while my sister gets a colonoscopy. Studying child development milestones. Wish I could have a beer.
  14. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    Mmmmmmm beer...mmmmmmm
  15. DaddySquirrel keeps playing that. What's the point?
  16. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Going to take a break from studying tomorrow and go see my tattoo guy about my next tattoo. I have decided on the subject of a tree. Strength and continuity.

    I'm a little undecided about the style and placement, though. Hopefully he can help me sort that out.
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  17. I honestly don't think there is one. It's a goal-oriented task with the added positive reinforcement of 'achievements' that is just addicting enough to keep one entertained for hours if one is not careful.
    Also, COOKIES.
  18. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    The developer of an online game that I played with got this tattoo of a tree. I thought it was cool.

    • Like Like x 1
  19. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Just walked in 10 minutes ago. 400+ miles. We went everywhere. Awesome day. :cool:
    • Like Like x 2
  20. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    That's a great tattoo, but I'm thinking of something more along the lines of a van gogh tree.
    • Like Like x 1
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