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photographers we like. (NSFW)

Discussion in 'Tilted Art, Photography, Music & Literature' started by mixedmedia, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. Manic

    Manic Getting Tilted

    Guy Bourdin










    He's got a whole body of amazing work that's little more than pretty women, products and some of the most beautiful and creative lighting I've ever seen but sadly that stuff is harder to find online than the more immediate stuff sourced above. Perhaps I'll scan some later.
  2. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    hell yeah.
  3. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    I'm still kinda partial to Annie Leibovitz. I guess it might be a little bourgie,
    but I like her more raw stuff and things that are less pop-y.




  4. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I read a book of hers, an autobiography of sorts, a couple of years ago. She's awesome. Not bourgie at all. :p
  5. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Picking up the Bourdin high fashion smut theme...Helmut Newton...and here.











  6. lionrock

    lionrock Getting Tilted

    Out here
    Pretty amazing stuff. It is putting me in a mellow mood.
  7. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    Art Wolfe and Spencer Tunick
  8. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    the image of the couple on the beach posted by mm, that is an elegant picture. it seems to capture the couple in the moment. it just brings a smile to my face. that picture makes me thing of "LOVE"
  9. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    William Eggleston. and here.
    sorry there are so many this time, but it's hard to narrow this one down. one of my very favorites.
    William Eggleston encapsulates most of the themes that inspire me as a photographer. It's not about magnificent images or perfectly composed shots, but capturing a moment of overwhelming beauty that most people miss or dismiss as ordinary or common.
    Plus, he's a southerner. :)

    the photographer with his Leica photographed by Maude Schuyler Clay​


















  10. Manic

    Manic Getting Tilted

    Good stuff with the Eggleston post, MM. You've beaten me to the punch.

    Just a few years ago the Whitney put on a retrospective of Eggleston's work. Truly remarkable stuff that totally made me rethink a great deal of my approach to making images. Really good stuff.
  11. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    here are just a few more Egglestons. it wouldn't allow me to post them all in one post.





  12. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Eggleston - Definitely a photographer after my own heart. Dignifying the everyday. I'd seen a few of his before ... (that archetypal tricycle!), but this is a total feast; in fact, just what I needed after editing pics from my walk yesterday. Thank you, MM :)
  13. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Ansel Adams


    Here is one of my favourites of all time

    In 1995, the Photographer, Chris Cook did some hefty research and found the location, though not the Moon.

    I could not find the location, but around 2005, I found the Moon: outside my local supermarket in West London, I saw this scene, and was conscious of paying homage.

    A spectacular miracle of Adams was to take the vastness of Creation, and transform it into something around which you can put your arms, without choking its grandeur.

    Ohhhhhh - I mean, Feck! Feck Yeah. Neither mountain nor humanity is lost in this. The message is not 'See how frigging BIG this all is' but 'See how you can embrace its Magnificence!' Adams has in no way diminished it ... and if you remember Michaelangelo's famous finger-zap ... yes?

    I believe Adams has done that for the relationship between the viewer and the Creation viewed. Lookit this.

    The mind behind these previous two Adams' pictures puts humans in their place without diminishing one inch of their stature: there is so much to explore, yet contained within our ability to explore it.

    And in the following picture, Adams reveals this vision of humanity - each of these people is a beautiful star. It is like a group portrait of those with power to be fruitful and multiply. Somehow, Adams has organized that cluster of people, the mountain in the background, and the tilled field in a proportion which gives each maximum yet no more than maximum power in the picture.
    Similarly, Michaelangelo did not put Adam a long way below God. Both elements are strong.

    All miracles, Yes. Yet the sweat and blood is accessible. Ansel was committed to sharing not just the what, but also the how.
    In the same way that Michael A left his sketches ... so we get to see behind the curtain, here's Ansel having a go with different views. UNlike Cartier B, This Magnificent Bastich was a Geeky Tweaker.

    "Through the arch!"

    "Now, what if I move my tripod over Here?"

    That Adams, like Cartier B were teachers is part of why they are two of my favourites.

  14. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    That one is especially mind-blowing, although all those pics are impressive.

    One photographer I've enjoyed is John Chumack, who does astrophotography. I bought a few of his prints when I met him at an art fair in Michigan.

    Here's his site: http://galacticimages.com/catalog/index.php
  15. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Thank you, Zen. I enjoy Adams' photos from the WWII Japanese internment camps, as well.
    --- merged: Sep 10, 2011 12:16 AM ---
    particularly this one :)

  16. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    Then why isn't the moon in zone 7? :p
  17. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    MSD :oops: ... Fixed and replaced ^^^. Thank you :)

    Mixedmedia - very interesting Adams' portrait. I'd not properly registered this side of his work. I will explore further. Thank you :)
  18. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Try this. :)
  19. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Wow! I have quickly gone through these. I'll enjoy them more thoroughly when I have had some sleep ... which I should be getting soon. Thank you - they DO form an amazing collection :)
  20. ktspktsp

    ktspktsp Vertical

    Seattle, WA
    I really like how geometric everything is in this picture.. Almost a fractal-yet-square aspect with all those square shapes. I like that building facade look more than the modern, very glassy skyscraper look that has been more common for a while. At least, from the outside.