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Discussion in 'Tilted Gear' started by DAKA, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. With extra letters and a weird use of "qu"? ;)


    Back on topic, I actually used to have a Nokia brick phone from Tracfone. The kind that you could run over with a bulldozer and still have it work fine.

    I've put my S3 through hell and back (when I get irritated I tend to throw whatever is in my hands, and unfortunately this is usually my phone... thank goodness for a quality case), but I could literally chuque my phone at a wall and, after putting it back together, it would work just like brand new.
    Man, those things were tanks.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
  3. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA
    I hear good things about the new HTC One model, and also about the Galaxy Note III if you're into gigantic, beautiful borderline-tablet-sized screens.
  4. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I don't like the size of the tablet.
  5. I'm at the same point as you, @ralphie250, Verizon customer approaching upgrade date. Advice I've read is, if you are going to sign up for a 2 year contract, buy as much phone as you can possibly afford. For me, it's down to either the HTC One (m8) or the Samsung Galaxie S5. Both are $199.99 on contract. Both have quad-core processors. Leaning toward the HTC. My Thunderbolt has served me well.
  6. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    That is what we did a year ago. The S4 had just come out right when we got the upgrade offer. It was a great choice.
  7. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    The Galaxy lineup is well regarded. It really depends on what you need out of your phone. My mother had a smart phone, but she hated it. She went back to a simple flip phone and couldn't be happier. She even texts on it.

    The Droid RAZR is getting a bit long in the tooth but it's still perfectly serviceable. The question in my mind is, what do you want your phone to do that it can't? Answer that question and we can steer you towards a phone that fits your needs. Maybe you'll keep it, and there's nothing wrong with that either.

    I tend to keep up with the latest and greatest but my phone is a work tool and I demand a lot out of it. The correct device is always dictated by user needs.
  8. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I wish the battery life was better. If I don't keep a charger handy it dies. Has about 5 hours of idle time before battery is at 20% from a full charge. Imagine how it is when I use it. As I have used it over the last 2 Yeats it has slowly gotten slowwwwwwwww. But I guess that is to be expected. I use it a lot for emails and as a hotspot for my laptop cause I don't have internet at home. What does it not do that I want it to.do?? Im not sure
  9. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    What is the difference in HTC,Samsung galaxy 4, lg g2,

    What is gorilla glass? I saw where some people say its the shit and others say it breaks easier
  10. A lot of it is what you are comfortable with. Go to a Verizon store and handle the phones, see how you like the interface, how it fits your hand, etc.

    There are a shit-ton of reviews online. I've been checking them out for the past few weeks. Once you get past the reviewer's biases, you can glean some useful info. Most say the Galaxie and HTC are the two top Android phones for overall performance for the price. They rate the LG a bit lower. Personally, I liked LG (had and EnV Touch) except for the battery and charging times (the G2 seems to buck that trend, according to reviews). And, as stated above, I've been very happy with my HTC Thunderbolt. My son has the first generation HTC One and loves it, while my daughter swears by her Galaxie.

    I'm looking for a faster processor and more Ram and storage. The One and Galaxie offer that, plus an SD card slot (up to 128gb!). The One's best in class speakers appeal to me. I like the idea of metal rather than plastic construction, but the Galaxie is more waterproof. The Galaxie's camera has more megapixels, but the HTC is supposed to be better in low light and have a better front camera (better selfies!) Galaxie has longer battery life and its battery is accessible/replaceable, but both are supposed to be able to last a day of hard use. HTC supposedly has a better newsfeed/RSS app. Samsund has fingerprint scanning and a heartrate monitor. What's most important to you?

    Here are two head-to-head comparison reviews. They tend to take different views of the same features and reach different conclusions, but you may find something useful in your quest:
    Galaxy S5 vs. HTC One M8: In-Depth Comparison | Digital Trends
    Samsung Galaxy S5 vs HTC One (M8) | Stuff

    /not really a phone nerd.... really! Only know from reading and talking to folks
    • Like Like x 1
  11. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    Went with the M8 in the beautiful gold that just came to Verizon. :)


    It should get here tomorrow. I'm really excited.

    My goal was to wait until the LG G3 came out, since that is supposed to be incredible from everything I've seen, but that doesn't show up stateside until July 25th, and my phone is on its last leg.
  12. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    i ended up getting anLG G2.
  13. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    How do you like it? I think it looks awesome.
  14. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
  15. And, it would appear that the caps lock sticks ;P
    • Like Like x 2
  16. I'm leaning toward the M8 over the S3. I can hold off until you give a hands-on appraisal, @GeneticShift.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Those of you rolling into new phones that support the infrared TV remote: it is awesome. I don't know how the apps function on other devices, but Samsung WatchOn suggests things I might want to watch and allows me to switch with the touch of a button. Google Now is just starting to catch up with that. I'd like it to eventually be fully integrated with my Xbox too, but it's easy enough to switch inputs and then use my Xbox SmartGlass. Inevitably, it is much easier for me to find my smartphone over the TV remote.
  18. healer

    healer Extra Medium

    South Africa
    I've had my HTC One (M7) for just under a year now and I absolutely love it. At the time, it was a choice between the Samsung Galaxy S4, the HTC and the Google Nexus. I went for the HTC because the Nexus wasn't readily available in South Africa (at least not on contract with any of the major networks) and the Samsung didn't look like it was going to last me 2 years (even with 2 free screen replacements, which I think says something about the confidence they have in their hardware).

    I've been a big fan of HTC since the days of their WinMo offerings like the Titan, but in the end it came down to longevity. I have way more faith in a full metal phone enduring the daily abuse than something plastic. In the end, it's about weighted criteria...almost every phone ticks all the boxes these days so it's about which features are done better than others.
  19. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Both my husband and I have the S4--his screen cracked because it got crushed by an armrest in a car, which I think was a circumstance that would have crushed most any screen. Mine has survived multiple drops, but I did buy an Otterbox for it after a few months. Our phones are just over a year old and I'm still totally in love with mine.
  20. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    First 24 hour thoughts:

    • This phone is GORGEOUS. It's basically a work of art. The casing is all metal, so it just feels like a luxury item in your hand. It's totally smooth and cool to the touch, and there aren't any weird gaps since the back panel isn't removable.
    • It's big, but not too big. I can still comfortably hold it in one hand, though I still prefer to text with both.
    • None of the pre-loaded software is gimmicky or intrusive. Nothing is forced on you other than the HTC BlinkFeed, which is actually pretty cool.
    • The preloaded gestures actually make sense. If you hold the phone in portrait mode while it's locked or asleep, depending on how you swipe the screen you can autoload apps. If you hold it in landscape mode while it's locked or asleep and press the volume rocker, the camera boots up. Double tapping the screen when it is asleep wakes it up. Picking the ringing phone up to your ear automatically answers it, flipping over a ringing phone automatically mutes it.
    • The camera is crazy fast and has a lot of great modes.
    • The screen is AMAZING. It is BEAUTIFUL.
    • Battery life is insane. After 5 hours of heavy use yesterday including GPS, re-downloading apps, taking pictures, taking video, uploading pictures and video, and keeping the screen cranked up at the highest brightness, I was only down to 82%.
    • BoomSound. Music sounds fantastic.
    • The camera isn't fantastic at long distance shots. It's great for close up, and the front facing camera is one of the best I've come across, rivaling the iPhone. If you need to zoom in on far off shots, those are slightly lacking, but nothing I'm too bummed about.
    • Some of the gestures take a little getting used to. I had some texts show up on my lock screen, and I kept swiping them or double tapping to open them, which opened BlinkFeed and turned the screen off, respectively. But that will just be practice.
    Overall, I'm SO GLAD I went with this phone over the Samsung Galaxy. I played with the S5 in the store and it was cool, but it was like every other Galaxy I've ever tried. I loved my Galaxy Nexus, but I was ready to take a step back. If the slightly lacking camera isn't a huge dealbreaker (and really, it's still good as long as you don't zoom too far), this is definitely the best Android available on Verizon right now, and possibly other carriers (other carriers have the Nexus 5, so I can't be all definitive).
    I am one happy fucking camper.
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