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Penn State Child Molestation Scandal

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Borla, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
  2. Eddie Getting Tilted

    I wonder if Sandusky will off himself before his trial?
  3. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    Good question.
    And I wonder if anyone will try and stop him. :)
  4. So in July Joe Paterno transferred the title of his house to his wife for $1.


    Proper estate planning or shielding assets due to expected legal action?
  5. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    I think the prosecutors in this case are salivating over his interview. Sure, the man didn't admit to sodomy, but he basically admitted to everything else in a round a bout way. It's not so hard a leap for anyone, including jurors to say, well, the man touched genitals, stumbled over a question of sexual attraction, horsed around and showered with minors etc so he is a pedophile ergo he raped these kids.

    I'm also wondering why there hasn't been more heat on the former D.A. that didn't press charges when the phone conversation occurred in '98. Based on the phone record alone, it should have at least been presented to a grand jury.

    McQueary's email is odd. The man is saying he spoke to police and the person in charge of police at Penn St. I haven't heard a response from those people, but if it's true, this situation goes from disgusting to utterly ridiculous.I just cannot wrap my head around how so many people saw and heard these things and failed to act in what I would consider a proper manner. It seems like the investigations were nothing more than fly-by-night operations and they didn't really try to see what was going on. If they had done a proper job, perhaps this sick fuck would have been stopped sooner.

    I'm also so disgusted with the judge who let this man off with zero bail. This certainly doesn't make me want to move my family to Pennsylvania.

    As far as Sandusky offing himself.. I don't see it happening. He's far too smug for that and believes he'll walk a free man.
  6. samcol

    samcol Getting Tilted

    that email is extremely odd. when something like that gets out how is there not a buzz around the entire campus and news media? i really dont understand how he or others could work around this guy after hearing what happened.
  7. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    Hopefully, the jurors in this case will not make "leaps" in coming to a verdict as that is not how our justice system is meant to work.

    Hopefully, they will not have any reason to make "leaps" because the evidence provided by the prosecution will be solid enough to "prove beyond a shadow of a doubt" that this man sodomized children.

    Hopefully, the court testimony of the victims and eyewitness accounts will be presented strongly and convincingly, as there does not appear to be any physical evidence (DNA, sperm residue, evidence of forced anal entry, etc) to support and substantiate the victims' claims.

    If victim and eyewitness testimony is weakly presented, the defense will tear holes in it. If the jury is presented with reasonable doubt, they must address it. Strong reasonable doubt presents a jury with two options. Either they come to the conclusion that it severely weakens the case of the prosecution and Sandusky walks out a free man or they overlook it and find Sandusky guilty anyway.

    A guilty verdict in the presence of strong reasonable doubt is sure to make for a fine appeal case. Though, even if he's found guilty, there will likely be appeals and it's possible Sandusky will be free during that process.

    DA Ray Gricard "disappeared" in 2005 (no body found) - so he's no longer around to explain his reasoning. This is sort of a dead end now - a matter for speculation only unless he documented his decision somewhere and that documentation magically appears .

    That was so "nice" of her, wasn't it? I wonder if this has been common practice for her whenever any pedophile is brought in front of her court or only if they're affiliated with Penn State and Second Mile.

    He could possibly walk a free man and I'm sure his attorney has informed him of all the ways that could end up happening.
  8. What are the chances that Sandusky might "disappear?" If some high-roller Second Mile donor starts feeling threatened.....
  9. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    I never thought of that but I'm thinking about it now. :) If Sandusky's attorney becomes convinced that his client will be convicted of the worst of his crimes, a deal in exchange for information and testimony against "others" would be the next step, providing he has any of that sort of information.

    People "disappear" all the time.
  10. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    The way this case is unfolding, I'd say there's a damn good chance of him disappearing. It has the feel of one of those "rings", but that could be the sensationalist in me talking.
  11. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    A new wrinkle. Sandusky's lawyer impregnated a 17 year old girl he later married. (He was 49 at the time) The relationship began when the girl was 16 and Amendola was representing her. She has also been a co-chairman of a Second Mile committee. She also worked for him in his office around the time she became pregnant.

  12. [​IMG]

    NCAA 12′s Unfortunate Penn State Screengrab

    In NCAA 12, EA Sports’ college football video game, players can play rivalry games such as the Penn State/Ohio State game you see above. As you can see, the name given by EA’s programmers to the PSU/OSU game was unfortunate, but accidental: NCAA 12 was released months before the Penn State sex abuse scandal broke. Nevertheless, we have one more unfortunately-named Penn State thing to add to the growing list of unfortunately-named Penn State things.

  13. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    Makes me wonder if it wasn't unintentional considering how many in the college sports world were more or less aware of Jerry's fondness for young boys.
  14. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    so the sicko is being represented by a sicko..

    hollywood..are you there? You need to pay attention because you can't write shit like this.

    At least a new judge has been assigned to the case. That's one good thing at least.
  15. I can tell that I'm already tired of hearing about this case. And it is only in it's infancy. This will get way over sensationalized, if it hasn't already. This is a dark, seedy and ugly episode and I'm going to wish in about 6 months or a year or whenever that it would just get over and go away. But that will never happen. This will take on it's own life. I really feel bad for the victims as their immediate future will be totally engulfed in this. Hopefully it will bring closure and allow healing. But I doubt it. For many it will open the wound again and the scars will last a lifetime.

    What a sad time.
  16. superdave

    superdave New Member

    There is only one true cure for child molesters.......................cut off both heads and shove them both up his ass
  17. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    Joe Paterno has lung cancer. I honestly don't know what to say that wouldn't sound unkind.
  18. Hektore

    Hektore Slightly Tilted

    This is pure speculation, but if Joe's health is expected to take a turn for the worse in the near future it could be to protect the asset for his wife(or protection from some other reason). Pennsylvania has some ridiculous rules (IMO) relating to elder care and debt collection.

    //edit: Somehow I didn't see those posts in between this and the one I quoted. But now, there they are...oh well.