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Online Dating...aka life of a single guy

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Cordachine, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    Count me in that bunch. Not the part about online dating, the other part- after 12 years of having sex only in the dark, I'm convinced I've never actually seen a vagina in real life.

    (waits for inevitable TFP reaction)
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2018
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  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Actually, I like online dating.

    It gets much of the initial ambiguity and randomness out of the way.
    Is she available?
    Is she interested?
    Some simple topics of themselves are known that allow an ice breakers.
    You can find out their attitude a bit.
    Maybe some deal-breakers. (for you & them)

    It allows them to come to you a bit as much as you approaching them.

    I like that it concentrates the dating process...
    You don't have to wait for that person...who happens to be in your immediate vicinity.
    You don't have to wait for complete randomness and luck.
    You don't have to constantly put yourself out there (and spend money) to just go back home with no luck.

    Now, this isn't to say there aren't crazies.
    Or lame dates...or ones that just don't click.
    But if it doesn't work...you immediately have a large pool of known available potentials.
    When you feel like it...at your discretion.

    You don't have to be a player...but you don't have to just wait either.
    That good date...may come that much sooner.
    That certain someone...may be found...and from a MUCH larger volume than you'd have just by yourself. (or friends...)

    This doesn't guarantee love...but at least you can look for it with a bit more efficiency.
  3. PandaBoy New Member

    you should go to the huge dating sites like eharmony and match. It is worth paying for it to me. The free ones are just filled with fake and dead profiles.
  4. Fraeia

    Fraeia Getting Tilted

    I've only ever tried POF so my advice is limited to what would be relevant on that site, but I find that there are a lot of people who are simply looking to date or make friendships that don't post a photo of themselves. Not that looks are the only thing i'm concerned about, but a no-photo profile just seems sketchy to me (depending of course on what they're looking for). On the other hand, if I see a profile with 10 selfies, I tend to assume that person is boring and vain. It's all about balance. Both the quality and the quantity of your photos are an important aspect of your profile, they can portray your character and personality just as much as a well thought out "about me" section (which is obviously also important). My advice would be to post 1)a favourite/genuine pic of yourself, 2)a silly pic of yourself, and 3)a pic in which you're doing something that you enjoy. I wouldn't post pics with other people in them (just my opinion), and definitely none with small children.

    When I was using POF and I found someone I wanted to message, I read her profile and focused on one interesting piece of information. The message I wrote was usually just a few lines long, with the standard introduction, and then a comment/question on that interesting piece of information (either something like "You mentioned you were a member of (name of organisation/charity), what made you want to get involved?" or "I see you're into painting, what would you say is your primary inspiration?"). No single-sentence messages, but nothing longer than 5 sentences... that was my plan.

    I actually found POF to be a great place to meet people. I met my current gf (of almost 3 years) there. It was actually kinda funny, I lived in Newfoundland at the time but was planning on moving to Quebec, I was only searching for friends in the Quebec City area but Montreal profiles kept popping up, I looked at her profile but since she was in Montreal (3 hours from away where I was planning on moving) I didn't message her, but then she messaged me back saying something like "Why's a girl from Newfoundland looking at my profile? ;)" and we got to chatting and the rest was history. I've also met a few people on POF who are now some of my closest friends, and I've had plenty of other interesting conversations that started off with that <5 sentence message (unless they messaged me first).

    The most important thing, imo, about online dating - be as up front about what you want as you can be. If you're the kind of person who just wants an online connection (just someone to message, maybe video chat) then say that. If you're online to actually meet people face to face and you have no intention of messaging back and forth forever before meeting in person, say that too. I was undecided as to ultimately what kind of relationship I wanted to get out of online dating (I was open to almost anything including casual or friendships) but I was sure that I only wanted to meet people who were serious about actually getting together face-to-face and seeing where it went, whether it be friendship or something more, and I made that clear, so that's the kind of people who responded to my profile and/or messages.

    (Today is a home-from-work-sick day for me and i've got extra time so forgive me if I've rambled)
  5. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...


    eharmony wouldn't accept my profile. They told me that in all the world there were no matches for me and to fuck on off out of here, please.
    Match.com meh. Seems to be really earnest dating types. Professional daters. Hard sellers. People looking for the love of their life, damnit.

    I prefer OKCupid simply because there are more people there who run at my speed. I get responses from men I can actually see myself sharing an evening with. There is a fair amount of bullshit to wade through, but no more than any other dating site I've been on.
  6. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    Checking the profiles of the last 4 women I met from OKC, one had a master's degree, one had a law degree, one was an MBA student, and one was a med student. All 4 also messaged me first, so clearly I'm just more awesome than you. To be fair,I'm not sure how old you are, but I'm 29 and my "looking for" range is 22-39, which shows me a completely different demographic than back when I was looking for 18-25 - quickmatch and match search were a veritable sea of baristas and aspiring hairdressers (seriously, a few years ago every other woman with a profile was in school for cosmetology.)

    POF is the epitome of "the odds are good but the goods are odd." I signed up years ago, searched a few times, and felt no compulsion to stick around. OKC was smaller in those days, but seemed like the best bet.
    I have to ask. Which sounds more dirty to you, someone whose "looking for" is "causal sex" or one who has "short-term dating, activity partners" listed? I've always felt that "looking for activity partners" on a dating site sounds absolutely filthy, but it could just be me.
  7. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I never really thought about it, but you're right. I don't think most people there are looking for knitting partners.

    The #1 compliment I get on that site is a variation of 'Thanks for writing an honest profile and just saying flat out what you want. I don't see a lot of that here.' I swear, I get that email from everywhere, even people who live overseas write to tell me how much they like my profile.
    So, ladies, state upfront what you're looking for and don't apologize for it. The guys seem to like that.
  8. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    It makes it a hell of a lot easier on us...that's why.

    But it's also rare...most women do not feel warm & fuzzy with putting it out there
    ...and in truth, I've found most don't know what they want...what they say and what they actually act on are two different things.

    And it doesn't seem to be a guy misunderstanding a girl-thing...because I've talked to lesbians, and they've said the same thing.
    So I've at least checked my sanity that way.
  9. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I hear almost those exact same sentiments a lot.
  10. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Why I'm Giving Up On Online Dating

    I stumbled across this yesterday (I can't remember where). I found it interesting.

    Though I've never participated in online dating. Actually, I've never really participated in dating—period. (That is, unless you count a couple of awkward situations when I was in high school. Oh, high school... :oops:)
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  11. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    You strike me as the kind of man that attracts authoritative women.
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  12. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I do have a history of alpha females being all up ons, if that what you mean....
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  13. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I dunno. I can't help but find anyone on this site coming down as 'against online dating' (not saying you are, baraka, because you haven't) as a little hypocritical. Most of the regulars here devote quite a bit of time to this site which is, get this, ONLINE. What's more, a whole gaggle of you are about fly into another country to meet people you've never met face to face before. I understand (believe me) the attitudes implied in that article and I share some of them, but not all of us gather up into groups of friends and hit the clubs every weekend where we can meet these fabulous people who happen to live here and who happen to be inside the same building at the same time as us. It's real romantic, I know. But, frankly, when I go out, I go out to dance and have a non-'hey, how you doin'?' time. Besides, in my experience, the likelihood that I'm going to run into some douchebag who wants to follow me around and harass me all night is far greater than the chance that I'll meet someone I can tell is right just by looking at him and sharing a few shouted words with him over the booming music.

    I know snobbery when I see it. After all, I'm one of best and most ardent supporters of snobbery in our day and time. But, really.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2013
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  14. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    That's the nicest way of calling a dude a bitch I've ever heard. :eek:
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  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Au contraire. (That's French, btw.)
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  16. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I've probably been married and out of the dating world too long to really speak up. But that's never stopped me before so...

    IMO, dating is largely a numbers game. The more people you can interact with, the more people that can pass that first figurative "eyeball test". The more that pass that test and start getting considered as a potential dating prospect, the more potential dating prospects turn into dates. The more dates, the more chance you find whatever it is you are looking for.

    To mixedmedia 's point, with all the online interacting people do today, it would almost be foolish to weed out that entire aspect of interaction as a way to meet potential dating prospects.
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  17. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    "Chienne," "salope," "garce," "chipie" and "rosse" are also French.


    Indeed. Amazon.com revolutionized the way that people shop much in the same way the online dating has made it easy to examine products, comparison shop and avoid wasting time in meatspace.
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  18. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    So is "Casse-toi, espèce de crétin!"but I wouldn't say that where it doesn't apply.
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  19. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    If I lived in Florida, I'd join your sewing circle ;)
    This, but without the cynicism.
  20. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Pfft, I'm too stupid to be cynical. And I've had incredibly positive experiences with online dating. I've been with my current girlfriend for half a decade, FFS.

    There is no reason to downplay the strong points of online dating, just as there is no reason to pretend that it isn't shopping for a person at your own pace.

    Last edited: Jun 20, 2013