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Olympic Opening Ceremony 2012

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Snake Eater, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. I've enjoyed it. I don't think each opening ceremony has to beat the last one. It was a spectacle. I'm sure if I were there as a spectator or an Olympian I would have been blown away. I did think that NBC's narrative previous to the countries marching in was lame, overly scripted.
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  2. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I wish Matt Lauer and Bob Costas would shut up during the Parade of Nations. Listening to Matt and Meredith during the opening spectacle piece was bad enough.

    I actually really enjoyed the spectacle aspect. I suppose that part of it is that I was a definite Anglophile during my teens, but I really liked what Danny Boyle did. I admit, I had my doubts going into it, especially after seeing the opening diorama featured on the Daily Show. I agree with everything PonyPotato has said.
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  3. TheSurgeOn

    TheSurgeOn Getting Tilted

    Anyone know where it's available to see on line? There were a couple of youtube vids that were removed by the copyright owners - The IOC.
  4. Jove

    Jove Slightly Tilted

    I enjoyed the Opening Olympics, but it would have been better (as Snowy stated) if NBC commentators did not comment during the show because it was distracting.

    I just watched the swimming event this morning and noticed Michael Phelps is in 8th place while his comrade came in 3rd.
  5. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    Many of the athletes competing in the Olympics are part of the text/rap/party/internet generation. Maybe it's just me, but I wasn't bothered at all by that segment - the music that was being danced to was largely from the 70s/80s/early 90s, so it was a nod to multiple generations and their cultural contributions that remain popular today. Honestly, given that it was a trip through history, I think it would have been wrong not to bring the show up to present day. Personally, I loved that segment - trying to pick out which songs/bands they'd include based on the costumes the dancers were wearing was really fun, and the whole group I was watching with loved the Rocket Man piece.
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  6. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I tried to watch them like I try to do each time. It's impressive to think of how they coordinate all of it from a logistics point of view, getting all the people there, atheletes, talent, dancers, musicians, and crew. Feeding them, moving them in and out of spaces. It's a logistical nightmare production.

    But I find them boring. Each time. I dunno why.
  7. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    • Like Like x 2
  8. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Hi, Freetofly

    I woke up a few minutes ago and saw this thread. I've not been following any of the Olympics, so didn't know. Yesterday I was helping a friend with her computer, and she showed me a picture she'd taken down the back of her garden of the Barge going past with the Torch.
    So, it's all starting?

    Hah ... I've sourced a copy of it on the internet, so I'll give it a watch. I'll have to see it on its own terms, because I've not seen any other olympic opening ceremonies apart from footage of the 1936 one in Berlin where Jesse Owens won the 100 meter sprint. The version is "EuroSport HD Live". Simon Reed and David Goldstrum are commentating and open by stating they will be talking as little as possible so's not to interrupt the event. I'll watch it and come back later. Thanks for 'jogging me'. I'd have missed out on registering it.

    Take care :)
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  9. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I loved the James Bond part. And having the 'Queen' skydive to enter was definitely unexpected. They could have done a little more in the setup of that part, but it was cool. I wonder why they didn't ask Sean Connery to be part of it?

    I thought they should have had some Monty Python stuff in it.

    And it is pretty bad that NBC censored the 7/7 tribute, probably out of spite that they wouldn't have another moment of silence for the Israeli hostages that happened 40 years ago.

    I liked the NHS part, and even what NBC said about it. How nice it must be to have a healthcare system that you would celebrate...instead of the mess we have here.

    I also have to wonder why they didn't do this on Thursday night and then start most sports on Saturday. That would have let a lot more of the athletes participate in them.
  10. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Question: is this going to be our official Olympic thread, or do we want to keep this Opening Ceremonies only, and start a new thread for the events?
  11. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Not my call, but I think it should just be about the opening and closing ceremonies.

    Anyway, I finally watched the opening ceremonies and I really liked them.

    They showed much more of England and the surrounding countries than I've seen in a while via movies.
    The progression from an agrarian society to an industrial one was nicely shown.
    The music was upbeat throughout and some were even laced with comedy (Rowan Atkinson)
    For the most part, I enjoyed the show.
    I didn't care too much for the Frankie and Johnny(?) storyline, but the music, again, was awesome.
    During the parade of champions, I kept wondering about the copper funnels that the children were carrying in, and what they turned out to be was a pleasant surprise and kinda awe inspiring. (Danny Boyle or whoever put some thought into that.)
    The Queen and James Bond bit caught me by surprise, as well, pleasantly. (her family all looked like they weren't enjoying themselves, though)
    Paul McCartney's voice seemed tired, but he brought the crowd's spirit where it needed to be to end the show.
    Overall, I really enjoyed the spectacle of it all, and can't understand what the hoopla was from those that poo-pooed it.

    Oh well, to each his own.
  12. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    Make 3 threads. Opening, sports may break up on their own, and closing.
  13. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    closing optional

    MKOLLER Vertical

    Susanville, CA
    Read that as "clothing optional."
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  15. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    That never would never play in the US
  16. TheSurgeOn

    TheSurgeOn Getting Tilted

  17. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    The Opening Ceremonies have about as little to do with the Olympics as they do the American Presidential race. Pretending otherwise basically misses the entire point of the Olympics.

    The Olympics are about sport, first, last and always. The Opening Ceremonies are about entertainment, and occassionally using the athletes to prop up that entertainment. With the exceptions of soccer/football, tennis and basketball, this is the pinacle of competition for every single sport. This is the biggest track meet, swim meet, handball tournament, etc. in the world and the most important one. It's more important to the athletes than the World Champion/Cup in almost every sport. The Opening Ceremonies are viewed by the athletes as an interesting distraction rathter than an intergral part of the Games.

    So, yeah, I don't really care beyond the "oh that's interesting" emotion.
  18. TheSurgeOn

    TheSurgeOn Getting Tilted

    Not according to the first fundamental principle of Olympism

    Fundamental Principles of Olympism
    1. Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of
    body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a
    way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example and respect for
    universal fundamental ethical principles.

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  19. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    That's relevant when countries observe Principle #2:

    Which would mean that countries like the US, Syria, North and South Korea and Pakistan, who are all fighting shooting wars at the moment, lay down their arms for the duration of the games.

    In other words, that's all fine and dandy, but if you ask any athlete, they're going to agree with me and not with you. The Games are about competition for the athletes. Not high-minded philosophies. Those are for the officials - which, incidentally, is who the Opening and Closing Ceremonies are for as well.
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  20. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    I'm with the_jazz on this one. Especially given the time zone "issue" for us Aussies. Who in the right mind would get up at 4.30am to watch a pre-cursor to the actual sporting contests?