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Occupy Wall Street

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by Willravel, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. Alistair Eurotrash

    Reading, UK
    So, let's say we cut taxes. Let's also pretend that all of that tax saving went into paying new employees (and I don't know why it would because - hey- they are cheaper abroad - but we're playing with fantasies here, so let's go with it). Let's look at what percentage of that original tax cut we get back in taxes - not good is it? It won't help with the deficit. Where's the trickle-down? It hasn't materialised in the past, why would it now?

    Anyway, surely the incentive would be to expand overseas? Those out of work people can pay extra to make up the deficit (or we can remove the benefits of living in a wealthy nation because they aren't so useful to "us" any more).

    I wonder how they will feel about that? This democracy thing could be awkward. Let's rig it. Then it doesn't matter who they vote for. It's all good. If we get it right, we won't have to pay tax at all!
    • Like Like x 1
  2. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    what you dont get, eddie, is that the ability of corporations to do that is an ideological effect. what ows is after is that ideology. which is why far right people like you are panicking---because it's your politics that's the objective, that is the enemy. funny thing is that it's the implementation of your politics that's brought us to this point. so it's not surprising that people like you don't get it.
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  3. Eddie Getting Tilted

    Cutting taxes alone isn't going to bring the jobs back to America. You have to limit the power of the unions as well. You have to give strong financial incentives if you want to bring the jobs back.
    --- merged: Nov 4, 2011 1:33 AM ---
    I'm not panicking.
  4. Derwood

    Derwood Slightly Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    jobs without unions, eh? sounds like a GREAT situation for all these newly employed American workers.
  5. Eddie Getting Tilted

    I didn't say get rid of the unions. I said limit their power.
  6. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    Why do you have to limit their power?

    Many auto manufacturers don't have unionized workers yet have good paying jobs and high quality products, like the manufacturing of Honda, Toyota, BMW, Mercedes... compared to Chrysler, Ford, General Motors.
  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Their power has already been limited.

    Unions are the result of poor management.
  8. Eddie Getting Tilted

    Not enough. They still gather together and make ridiculous demands. Meanwhile the corporations are saying "screw you, we'll get the Indians to do it."
    --- merged: Nov 4, 2011 2:54 AM ---
    Because if you don't the corporations will never bring those outsourced jobs and manufacturing back to America. It's just not financially feasible.
  9. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I just hired 60 Indian lawyers to do some work for me. There are no lawyer unions or guilds. I tried to hire people here stateside and I could not get qualified people at a reasonable hourly wage $17/hr. I was barely able to get 6.

    People here also have to want to do the work. Many do not.
  10. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    If only the world could fit into your nutshell. (It doesn't.)

    You can blame taxes and unions all you want and as unfairly as you want, but it's not going to change the economic realities facing America that go well beyond these relatively minor factors.
  11. Eddie Getting Tilted

    I don't want the world in my nutshell. I've got enough people in here as it is.
  12. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Well you seem to keep trying to jam everything into it.

    I don't know how you could convince a company to shut down their factory in Juárez, Mexico, and relocate it to Detroit by simply limiting the power of unions and reducing corporate taxes. A manufacturing worker in Juárez is lucky to make $400 a month. It doesn't take a union to convince the company to stay.
  13. Eddie Getting Tilted

    Yeah, Americans are way too good to work for $400 a month.
  14. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    You take away any and all tax monies and deductions that support them (i.e. corporate welfare). You get a strong president in there that explains what I did here and how if they continue to "sabotage" our country by destroying the tax base then we tax their product as imports from foreign countries and tariff the Hell out of it while offering tax breaks and other aid to companies making product here.You tell Nike, they want to make shoes overseas, fine but New Balance gets tax cuts and for every 100 employees it hires that were unemployed or on gov't assistance New Balance gets tax credits for it.

    Short term, yes it may hurt government and the budget, long term Nike will see New Balance able to sell cheaper shoes, make more money, have far more brand loyal patrons and have far more respect nationwide. Nike will eventually fold or stop doing business here all together (which would be doubtful).

    You may say, but by raising taxes on all imports you will in essence raise prices. Price controls, to manage and keep companies from punishing the customers and populace for their greed and questionable business practices. "how much are you going to sell that Nike shoe for? $150 a pair? We're taxing you $75 for that pair and you can sell them for $160."

    You want to play hard ball and play "pity the fucking rich", while they cannibalize and destroy this nation all the while they are talking about "how patriotic" they are as they sabotage the tax base and destroy the infrastructure with malice? Then the government and the people should be using a 45 oz, thick as Hell, Louisville slugger and bashing the company down.

    Trust me, you put that "New Balance plan" into action, get on TV explain that every job they ship overseas takes "x" amount of money out of the tax base and CREATES much more tax burden as in unemployment as in food stamps, college loans, basically social programs. THE VERY social programs the owners of these companies that are putting hard workers on them want taken away.

    In the end, not only are the greedy fucks destroying the tax base here but they are creating the need for more tax burden. So when you can PROVE to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that is not true, that shipping jobs overseas and closing factories here down in no way shape or form hurts the tax base or adds to people needing the social programs net that the very people wanting to take that net away are the ones creating the need for it, then I MAYBE will join in the "don't tax the rich more " chorus.

    Until then look at it this way and prove me wrong: I own a company I have 250 people working in a factory in Des Moines, I pay property taxes, state taxes, payroll taxes and I have 250 workers each paying those same taxes (Granted not as much as I do obviously. I close that factory down, move it to China/wherever I can get cheap labor. So I just put 250 people on unemployment, food stamps, and so on. The city, county, state and federal governments not only LOST that tax revenue but now they are having to PAY OUT in social programs 250 times more than they were. SO, the rich guy gets richer, sure he's taxed on the revenue he makes but he just saved himself and the company so much more that he gets a bonus. Meanwhile this scumbag who truly has no patriotism in his body pays a charismatic guy like Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity enough to convince the little goose stepping Eddies that the rich man creating all these problems pays too much in taxes and oh by the way, you are in his class, (ha ha ha), and the little Eddies sit and bitch about taxes and how it is costing jobs and how unfair we are to these companies and the rich. All these guys have to do is bring jobs back, rebuild a tax base and in 5 years they won't be bitching about paying "an unfair burden of taxes".

    Plus, the US puts pressure on the UN to examine more closely labor laws, any company caught using child labor or sweatshops, not only gets fined but can no longer do business in the US. NO IFS, NO ANDS, NO BUTS, period end of story. AND if say the Cambodian government knew about it, then they get fined and the government officials who allowed it to happen because Nike or Spalding paid them to look the other way get fined and charged with crimes against humanity.

    You want to play extreme, lets play extreme and see who wins. In the end it's the government, they just need a fucking backbone and to stop suckling the corporations dicks and telling the populace that they are working hard for the people.

    THAT'S how you do it. you get government to hit the corporations harder in their wallets for their unfair labor and business practices. If you want to say that sounds unAmerican and too radical, well, if you want this country around for your grandkids then government is going to have to get radical and punish the companies that started all this and have kept it going. Because they are selling this country out and CREATING the government and national financial problems. Plain and simple.

    Keep goose stepping to the corporate drum, they are your friends, they are loyal to this country, they ARE the patriots that love this country, THEY are the ones that care about you, about keeping this country free and yet, this country needs the tax money from the factories and workers they employ here to fight a war, as they close factories and fire thousands of taxpayers (putting them on government programs) and cry about those social programs costing too much.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Actually, they would probably be more okay with it if the company paid for their taxes and the government paid for their food and housing. Don't you think?

    Otherwise, what does $400 get you in the Detroit rental market? Oh, wait. Food...shit....
  16. Eddie Getting Tilted

    Well socialism is what all these OWS folks want. And they'll probably get it...but not without a fight from me and other freedom loving patriots.
  17. Willravel

    Willravel Getting Tilted

    Eddie, can you please tone down the flaming and the trolling?
  18. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    You would have a hard time living out of your old car for $400/month. Maybe a sailboat down in Florida would be possible.

    We already have socialism in America for corporations and politicians. OWS wants good socialism that works for everyone.
  19. Eddie Getting Tilted

    If this economy gets much worse, $400 might be looking pretty good. $400 is enough to buy food and rent a room, even in America.
  20. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I was just curious as to how you'd expect a $400 salary to be feasible in Detroit. Over 15% of that would go towards the cost of public transit to get to and from work. Factor in a daily $2 lunch and we're down to under $300 left over. How feasible is that in Detroit? Would workers be allowed to bunk at the factory? Bathe in the washrooms?