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Occupy Wall Street

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by Willravel, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. Derwood

    Derwood Slightly Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    He doesn't. POINT FOR EDDIE. I think the five minutes of racism in the clip is the point
  2. Eddie Getting Tilted

  3. Willravel

    Willravel Getting Tilted

    Can we concentrate on Occupy Wall Street instead of Eddie's attention grab? Please? What just happened in Oakland is absolutely astounding. Tear gas was used on peaceful Occupy Oakland protesters. A non-lethal bullet has landed a veteran in critical condition after striking him in the head as he was walking away from the protests, following police orders. Flash bangs were even used, for Christ's sake. This is serious and I'd like to have an adult discussion about it.
  4. Derwood

    Derwood Slightly Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    You consider that a win? Man, you really are petty
    --- merged: Oct 27, 2011 4:27 AM ---
    The Oakland situation is definitely bad, but as roachboy has said, the negative attention is going to be on the police.

    Frankly, it's a testament to the OWS folks in NYC that it's gone on this long without violence
  5. Eddie Getting Tilted

    It's unfortunate that the Iraq vet got injured but the crowd was warned well before hand that they needed to leave the premises as they were in violation of city laws and ordinances. Also, there were protesters throwing rocks and bottles at police, that was part of what initiated the crack down.
  6. Derwood

    Derwood Slightly Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    Would you care to provide "glaring evidence" that the police were assaulted?
  7. Eddie Getting Tilted

    I'm just telling you what reporters, the mayor, other protesters and the chief of police said. I wasn't there myself.
  8. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I think it's very telling, the mindset that ok's the use of teargas and 'non-lethal' bullets on americans even if they are throwing 'rocks and bottles.' We live within a very shallow and obsequious society. Which just might be the most dangerous sort of society of all.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Ed Clark, the head of TD Bank, when interviewed recently, had this advice for the protesters:

    "My main advice is stick to your guns. When people say, 'You don't have a solution,' say, 'Of course we don't. If there was a solution, don't you think people would be doing it?' To ask the people who occupy Wall Street or Bay Street to have a full answer is absurd. They're doing their job which is to say, 'If you think this [system] is working for everyone, it's not.' Now they have to figure out how not to get captured by special interest and keep the pressure on. We need people to talk about these problems and how we're going to solve them."

    This is coming from the head of one of the bigger banks in both Canada and the US.
    • Like Like x 2
  10. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted


    the point here is obvious.

    and it's one of the reasons there's is the right panic that allows versions of the highly structured petty idiocy of the eddies, each of whom spontaneously generates all the latest faux news talking points in the way that cheese spontaneously generates worms because we all know that he likes his empirical world straight with no chaser of corporate opinion unless of course that corporate opinion happens to be something he agrees.

    i think the way to view eddie here, is as a faithful mirror of the extent of right panic. they stand to lose first and foremost.
    and its happening.
    and there's not a fucking thing the eddies can do about it.
    because no-one not of the religious persuasions of the far right, at all, anywhere, takes them seriously.
  11. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member


    What's required is a bit more perspective about the function of the occupation and the perspective we have of it in contrast to the status quo. Perhaps we have been sleeping for too long.

  12. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    Yeah and they were warned at Kent State too, weren't they? And 4 people lost their lives because Rhodes was an asswipe and some trigger happy National Guardsman said he heard shots, when evidence has shown over and over there weren't any until the Guardsmen opened fire on innocent, non violent kids protesting against an illegal war.

    All it takes is a trigger happy cop/guardsman to "hear or see" something and start the bloodbath. I cannot think of ANY REASON on Earth to use violence against non violent protesters. Violence begets violence, just as lack of respect and giving someone dignity begins mutual animosities. I don't care if you "shoot" blanks or rubber pellets, it's still an act of hatred and control. ANYONE who approves government force against nonviolent offenders should be labelled for what they truly are a totalitarian. They may as well stop bitching about how big government is and just forfeit their rights and go live in Saudi Arabia, China or any other country where speaking out against the government is treasonous.


    IF government gets so big as to not fear the people, then, is it not what our founding fathers fought against? And is it not time to shrink government to the point they fear the people?

    I don't get these "Constuitutionalists" and "Tea Partiers" that laugh about police actions against the occupy crowds. Do they not realize that what the government is doing is taking away rights every time they "enforce" and try to "control" a non violent demonstration? But it's ok, I guess the "TRUE" patriots and Tea Party spokespeople Beck, Hannity, Faux News, all approve and call for enforcement and claim the violence against the demonstrators was "OK, it's just against pot smoking kids that hate America." That's good bullshit rationale there.
  13. Eddie Getting Tilted

    Totally, 100% agree with this.

    I guess maybe the occupy crowds need to learn not to throw stuff at the cops. I mean they give these spoiled kids plenty of leeway, let them lay around public parks like a bunch of bums stinking up the place. But I guess it's like the old saying goes "you give em' an inch and they'll take a mile." These inner-city police aren't into being taunted and having projectiles hurled at them...they will crack your skull, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
  14. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I'm now interested in seeing if the Department of Health comes in to see how they are servicing and preparing food. All food must be maintained with safety guidelines or they cannot legally prepare and serve food.
  15. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    You have no idea the context in which I said that. But by all means agree and then talk about how these non violent kids are "stinking up the parks" and need to have their skulls cracked.

    Those are the very signs of a government NOT afraid of the people, but commanding the people fear them.

    So keep up the hypocrisy Eddie.

    So again you were there? You know for a FACT that rocks and bottles were being thrown by every protester there? SO I guess you saying earlier that you thought cops were fascists should get you teargassed and your skull cracked... cause calling a law officer a fascist is that not taunting him? I thought we had freedom of speech and peace officers were trained to handle taunts NON VIOLENTLY. What inch have you given the protesters Eddie? Show me ONE post where you are not degrading people you have NEVER met or have no true idea what they are doing out there because FAUX NEWS and Beck and Hannity and Limbaugh all tell you how to think and what they are about through staged and well edited interviews.

    These same people probably believe the KSU victims deserved what they got also, because they were warned and how dare they stand up to National Guardsmen, the guardsmen had every right to shoot. How dare they put a daisy in a rifle.

    I agree Mixed, it is sad when there are the vocal minority giving approval to the violence. There is no need for it, NONE. It does speak volumes about the people who approve or want there to be violence though.
    --- merged: Oct 29, 2011 11:59 AM ---
    Having worked a few fundraisers, I can give a perspective from Ohio: I don't know about NYC but here in Ohio, the standards and guidelines for "free" food and food for "charitable donations" do not have to meet the same Department of Health guidelines as someone commercially selling say hot dogs from a cart. But, you do need a special permit.
  16. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    i believe the word is pretext. i believe the strategy bloomberg is to be petty--you know, just before what could be the first winter storm of the season, conduct a gratuitous "safety" inspection. way to fucking go. assholes.
  17. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I don't find it gratuitous. Many people have these kinds of propane tanks. Explosions happen from time to time causing extreme death, but there are also silent deaths via carbon monoxide poisoning while people sit in tents getting themselves all roasty.

  18. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    that's nice that you don't find it gratuitous. maybe you could go over to the square and tell people that. no really, there's nothing petty about it. it's a safety matter. i'm sure folk would find it even funnier there than i do here, that pathetic line of bullshit.
  19. Eddie Getting Tilted

    I do believe most cops are fascists, which is why I don't taunt them. Been there done that. And I suppose I snicker a little bit at the OWS because it's my two least favorite kinds of people, liberals and cops, coming together to create a most entertaining mix.
  20. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    RB, with all due respect, there's a very good reason that I deal with propane tanks in my civilian life - they're potentially bombs or worse if mishandled.