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Politics Obamacare

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by pan6467, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Who in hell writes these things? It was Otto von Bismarck, who ushered in decades of peace in Europe. His health care bill passed when U.S. President Chester A. Arthur was in office. (Remember him?)

    He was also a conservative who treated socialists in such a way that in America today could only be a Republican's wet dream. He even wanted to go as far as passing a law that would revoke the citizenship of socialists. (It failed.)

    I won't even get into that other propagandic bullshit.

    (Good find, redux.)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2013
  2. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    Fuck me. It's amazing people can be so easily and willingly fed bullshit.

    You know the Nazis, Stalin, Mao and Castro all believed in breathing air as well. Perhaps US citizens should rethink this whole "oxygen intake" approach to staying live?
    --- merged: Oct 7, 2013 at 2:21 PM ---
    Yes, he's the answer to one of the main clues in the plot of Die Hard III.

    Other that most US citizens have never heard of him. I'd bet at least 7 out of 10 people on any randomly selected street in the US if asked "What role did Chester A Arthur have in US history?" would be clueless as to the fact he was a US President.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2013
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Are you kidding me? They wouldn't even know who Bismarck was, let alone an insignificant president from the late 19th century. Of the Americans who do know who Bismarck is, I bet that 80% of them only learned about him through the Civilization video game series. And, even then, they probably know very little about him, and some may even think he's a fictional creation for the game.
  4. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    Dude, this is Americuh. They named a doughnut after him - guy's famous!

    Or they're thinking about the battleship named after him. Father of Modern Germany? Who?

    I also like how he managed to forget that America's firmest ally, Great Britain, has had universal healthcare for decades, and done it quite successfully and popularly. You don't hear too many Brits complain about it.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    I can honestly say I do know who Bismarck was and I have no idea regarding anything to do with video game you mentioned.
    --- merged: Oct 7, 2013 at 2:45 PM ---
    I don't meet too many Brits but I'm surrounded by Canadians. They claim they found this area Mexico before any US citizens, which is likely true. They out number US citizens here I'd guess approx. 8 to 1. Of the Canadians I know it's about an even split between those who love their health care system and those that claim it sucks. Funny thing about those who claim to hate it is of them 100% have either returned to Canada when they've had a major health issue or submitted paper work to be reimbursed for emergency care they received here in Mexico.

    They hate it but sure do use it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2013
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  6. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    It's a typical Canadian pastime to complain about the things we take advantage of, well above and beyond the things that most of the world can only dream of.

    There are some areas of the world where you can't get decent health care even if you can pay for it many times over.

    I think many Canadian who do complain about the health care are doing so based on wait times or other disadvantages of a public system. Those are legit enough, I think.

    My father is currently waiting for a bypass surgery. He keeps getting bumped because of priority patients (you know, the ticking time bombs). Sure, he might complain, and he has a right to. However, he's also probably thinking how great it will be that the only cost to him will be 20% of his post-op meds because of a combination of universal health care and group insurance coverage through work. Well, that and the time off work, but he'll get some disability funds for that, I'm sure.

    I hear that bypass surgery can cost $10,000 in Canada. It's a good thing he's covered. He's not exactly that financially secure. If he were an American, he'd probably have to pay $20,000 and put it on credit at 18% interest.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2013
  7. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    20k? Are you nuts? Try over 60k-

    Coronary Bypass Surgery Pricing by Healthcare Blue Book

    My grand daughter was born three or four weeks early and had a small heart problem, really nothing major. She ended staying in the natal ICU for a week or so. Total bill for the early birth (not Caesarean section) one night in hospital for my daughter and the week for my grand daughter was around 250K.
  8. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    All righty then.

    Fuck that noise.
  9. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    Really you should have seen the bill for my grand daughter's hospital stay. I should have taken photos or scanned a few pages. I first noticed it one morning when I woke up at 0400, the rest of the house was sleeping. Only reason I even took note of it was because it looked like nearly half a ream of paper with both my daughter's and grandchild's name on it. No idea it was the billing statement. At first I wasn't going to read through it, figured it might be violating my kids privacy. Curiosity got the better of me and as I drank my coffee I leafed through it. I was stunned. Every little thing they did or gave either patient was documented and billed. Nurse visit- $200, Nurse visit & B/P check- $250, Ibuprofen tablet, mother- $85, Medicine dispensing cup, white paper- $10. About a hundred pages of that type of crap. A tiny white paper cup for 10 bucks? Give me a freaking break. When we went to the hospital for a scheduled check up a day or so later I went down to the billing office and as politely as I could muster asked "WFT?" I was told not to worry it was all paid for since my kid is in the military, it was all going to be "free." I told the lady since she I both pay taxes it wasn't free and we were both paying for it.

    But just listen to many on the right and they'll tell you the US has the best medical care system in the world, why fix what isn't broke?

    Trust me it's broke.
  10. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I've recently seen a bunch of info flying around about the U.S. system and how it's expensive but not justifiably so.

    One recent example: http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/09/13/waste-vs-value-in-american-health-care/

    Over 30% of health care spending is excess cost? Seriously?
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2013
  11. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I don't even want to think how much my co-worker is racking up in medical bills right now. He had a heart attack, and spent 2 nights in ICU, and has spent a week in the regular hospital.

    He might be alive, but I might be retired before him (and he is over 60)...
  12. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    World Net Daily is the preferred "media" outlet for many of the Tea Party types.

    While the above views dont represent all (or even most) Tea Partiers, they nearly all agree that the ACA is socialized, government controlled, health care. Despite the fact that the key component, the Insurance Exchanges, promote competition among private insurance companies and consumers contract with the private insurance company of their choice.

    If the ACA is socialized medicine and conservatives have any say in the matter, the US will never see a real universal/single payer system.
  13. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Oh, I think it will be decades before the US gets universal health care, if ever, especially with the Tea Party/libertarian types controlling the conversation. It will ultimately be to the detriment of the wider long-term economic health of the nation, but these types will always blame economic woes on "Big Government" despite facts demonstrating otherwise.
  14. loquitur

    loquitur Getting Tilted

    Chester Arthur gets a bum rap. He was a pretty decent guy. Honest, in fact.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Actually, I think it will be faster than you think.
    One thing of note about America...we kick, scream and yell about it all...but sooner or later, Bam...it's done.
    It becomes a part of the mindset...then we're on to the next thing.

    I give it within 20 years, maybe 10...but I doubt that fast.
    Businesses are tired of dealing with insurance, people are tired of dealing with insurance. It's too expensive.
    That is, unless the Health insurance industry becomes like the Auto insurance industry with it's efficiency...but I don't see that happening.
    Health scenarios are much more ambiguous than Auto scenarios...and the subject is WAY more emotionally sensitive.
    There's a reason Warren Buffet is invested in GEICO and not BCBS.
  16. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    Wal-Mart started a push to universal several years backs. Think they gave it up when no one else jumped in with them but sooner or later it'll happen. I'm hoping the masses will see the Tea party for what they are and it will spark a turning point.
  17. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I could see 10 years (at least to the next significant step of health care reform in the right direction) if the political environment shifts back to the centre in the next election and beyond. If not, all bets are off.

    The industry needs a true reform from a cost and access perspective. I think it's inevitable, but it will only really happen with a government-run universal system (even a tiered system would be better than the current one). Otherwise there will be no impetus. Too many people seem to be lining their pockets, and I'm sure they view health care like any other industry, rather than a broader socioeconomic or human rights issue.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2013
  18. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I'll say this...I've been unfortunate enough to be caught in a very difficult health situation.
    Supporting my ex through her issues...much less my own.

    The previous laws or lack of them did not help...if anything made it worse.
    Insurance companies took my money and my companies' money...then didn't give the service you would expect for health insurance.
    They came up with EVERY excuse in the book.

    So in the end, it was a scam.
    It would be like an auto insurance company saying sure, we'll pay for a ding...but when you car is totalled, through no fault of your own...nothing.
    To me, that's fraud.

    So the Affordable Care Act made it safer for citizens.
    No matter what the lemmings who fall for the talking points of the opposition.
    And you should call it that...Not Obamacare, not ACA...because it emphasizes why the damn thing was made in the first place.

    People protested the end of slavery too,
    And civil rights,
    And women getting to vote.

    Realize we are better now, people are safer...take a step forward...and tweak the law so it's better.
    But if you think we should repeal it, you're insane.

    Obamacare saved my family from financial ruin - Link

    And it saved mine too.
    And if you think you're immune, just wait until you're vulnerable.
    Not if, but when...

    Imagine being in pain, being in crisis...and someone saying "sike".
    Nope, no soup for you.
    • Like Like x 2
  19. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Actually, it is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

    The law's patient protection "bill of rights" provides immediate benefits to all those with health insurance -- requirement to cover those with pre-existing conditions, greater transparency in insurance policies so that patients can clearly understand the coverage and benefits, new medical loss ratios and holding insurance companies accountable for rate increases, making it illegal for insurance companies to arbitrarily cancel a policy if/when a patient gets sick, protections against annual and lifetime limits that insurance companies will pay, right of appeal ...

    The affordable comes in part from the conservative proposal in the 90s (that they now disavow) that a national "marketplace" where insurance companies compete for consumers and small businesses will help keep the rates down for those w/o insurance...along with tax rebates for low and moderate income individuals and families.

    Numerous other features in the law including greater focus on Accountable Care Organizations and Consumer Directed Health Plans as well as significant investment in health care technology are all geared to lowering the cost of health care over time for all consumers.
  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    You know, I was in a discussion/debate with this guy.
    Good guy, work with him...leans right...his heart is in the right place, but he spits out all the talking points of the GOP.

    So I say to him...you know, when you poll people on "Obamacare"...they say they hate it just like you say.
    But when you, poll people on the specific parts...they like everything.

    Then I say...you know it's actually a conservative plan...originally enacted by a Republican...and thought up by the Heritage Foundation.
    And he say...yeah, but its bad...because Obama made it bad.

    I said, alright...If you were in control...and you're screaming it's bad...it's horrible. Give me a solution.
    He said I don't have any...but it's bad.
    I said, you know why they needed it...there was a problem. So what's the solution???
    Nothing. So you have no solution...but doing nothing is not solving it...If not worse. He was stumped.

    I said, I don't know if you've ever been through or will ever be through a catastrophic or chronic situations, but I have.
    I know what it's like to not have the laws enacted. And I've already seen the difference with some of them enacted.
    And he said, yeah...I've been through it...my son was in a situation. He was too old. He didn't have insurance, so he got it through Medicaid.

    And I said, so the government paid for it...and he said, no the taxpayers paid for it. And I said, yes...thru government. He said, no the taxpayers.
    He refused to conclude that it was government that helped his son.
    Where do you think the taxes go?? Who do you think runs the program??

    He said, I'm not a bad guy...I don't want the people in bad trouble to be in pain. It's just that there's SO MUCH abuse.
    I said, in total...statistically...the percentage of true abuse is small...maybe 3-5%
    So you're going to get rid of a whole government program...that's helping honest 95%...just to stop 5%.

    Yeah, but the poor people are getting a handout. The program is going to grow so there's only TWO ways, one for poor and one for rich.
    And I said, but what about us middle class...what about your son?

    Now, this guy...he's intelligent, he's educated...but his arguments were circular. Unclear.
    He's an IT network engineer with a background in Biophysics...complaining that company mgmt can't make a choice on software.
    He says make a friggin' choice, see what happens. If it doesn't work, fix it.
    Yet, in this case, the govt is BAD. (forgetting who's paying his check at a federal govt contracting company for 26 years...and this whole time)

    And in the end...I said, You're SO ANGRY (stomping my foot in the rain) You know it's SO BAD.
    But you don't think your reps know what they are doing (they are all bums) ...or know the future.
    Yet you haven't got a different solution.
    Yet you haven't given this one a chance.
    Is it that bad? Can you tell the future?
    How do you KNOW???

    He didn't have anything to say.

    It's amazing how many people have been duped into a mindset...for ideas they like otherwise.
    Government BAD
    Obama BAD
    Obamacare BAD

    Solutions: nothing.
    Alternatives: nothing.
    Knowing: nothing.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2013