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Non-Ordinary Experiences?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by davynn, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. davynn

    davynn Getting Tilted

    East coast U.S.A.
    Levite, "These things happen, I think...."
    Yes, I think that you're right. I have a friend who lives in a very "active" home. Among the things he and others have witnessed is cabinet doors opening and then slamming shut, hearing footsteps, and once being slapped in the face. The face slap was undoubtedly a preferable alternative to his house burning down around him as he slept ... he was able to extinguish the incipient fire. The fact of having multiple witnesses (I've had an opportunity to talk with one of them) to other events lends a certain respectability to that last claim.

    Interesting. Thanks very much for contributing. :)
  2. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    I hope to live long enough to see science explain this phenomena. I have no doubt that it will eventually, as it does occur. If even 99% of all claims can be explained away as fabrication, imagination, or having a reasonable and earthly explanation, that still leaves 1% that cannot be easily explained away.

    I do wonder how many in the "legitimate" scientific community are seriously looking at the phenomena.
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  3. davynn

    davynn Getting Tilted

    East coast U.S.A.
    Being a doubter is cool, especially if you've never had any personal experiences ... yet. ;)
    I tend to subscribe to an open minded stance. I wouldn't say that I'm crazy about the word "paranormal" either ... it seems to summon so many negative associations. I personally try to use the word "transcendent" as in something that transcends material causes.

    --- merged: Jan 17, 2012 9:55 PM ---
    More and more as technology rises to the challenges presented ... that's my hope. There's meaning to be had, if as you say just 1% is found to be true.
  4. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    Yeah, I don't discount things that we don't understand yet. I tend to operate on things with proof though.
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  5. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    That sounds like what happened once before I was been when, as my mother describes it, was stupid enough to let someone break out a ouija board in our house.
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  6. davynn

    davynn Getting Tilted

    East coast U.S.A.
    Shadowex3, I'll be be straight up honest with you, I wouldn't mess with a ouija board for a bet or a dare. I'd be interested to hear more if you're ever up for telling it.
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  7. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    It was before I was born, and all she's ever said is that she pmuch refused to be in the house until it got "cleaned up". Her explanation was that some doors open both ways but some are one-way until an idiot goes and opens them from the outside, and that you can think of that whole general "field" of experience like you do the ocean: Go out past a certain depth and you are neither the largest nor the highest item on the food chain anymore.
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  8. davynn

    davynn Getting Tilted

    East coast U.S.A.
    Shadowex3, Makes sense ...
    "Go out past a certain depth and you are neither the largest nor the highest item on the food chain anymore."
  9. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I work in an old church. The building has a lot of history. Strange things happen all the time there, and we just shrug and say it's the ghosts. We may or may not be joking.

    I have had more than a few experiences I would categorize as out of the norm. Some of them were intensely personal. I'm still not entirely comfortable discussing them.
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  10. davynn

    davynn Getting Tilted

    East coast U.S.A.
    Places with a lot of history do seem to have more strange things going on. I have a friend who routinely collects E.V.P.s (electronic voice phenomena) in an old cemetery near where she lives. I don't know if I would have enough patience for that, but the fact that she is able to do it all has staggering implications.

    I definitely understand what you mean about some non-ordinary experiences as being intensely personal ... maybe they were intended to be just for you.
  11. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    Last summer, I had to check a network port on one of our switches. Most of our network infrastructure is housed in independent closets, but the one in the middle of the second floor is a freestanding rack with patch cables connecting to the wall in the back of the mechanical room that houses the chillers and air handlers for our two auditoriums plus some classrooms. It's a dark, noisy room with high unfinished ceilings, a concrete floor, and machinery so big it had to be dropped in before the third floor was built. Lots of shadows and narrow walkways between A/C units; basically, if you ever need to film a horror movie with a scene in a mechanical room, give me a call.

    I walked in, walked the 30 feet to the back of the room, started trying to find the cable I was sending a tone to, unplugged it, and the air handler behind me cycled on. I jumped a bit because of the loud sound right behind me and almost banged my head on a pipe. As I was plugging in the cable tester receiver, I saw a shadow start to move out of the corner of my eye, but when I turned to look there was nothing there. I was suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of dread and the feeling that there was some sort of malicious presence behind me. The moving shadows in the corners of my field of vision grew, and I knew I needed to get out immediately because I was on the verge of panicking. I turned my back to the wall (no way was I turning it toward the open room) and ran sideways for the door.

    That day, I became a little more sympathetic toward people who sincerely believe they've experienced something paranormal. I would have unquestionably believed that the room was haunted if I didn't already know what infrasound was. More than anything else, I was and still am amazed that a sound can do that to you.
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  12. Sitting around a table on ship in the Azores I saw a little girl with the most beautifull smile standing opposite me and at a chaps shoulder. I sometimes wonder, was she a passed over spirit, or was she a sleeping child whos spirit was having a journey and adventure whilst she slept. Was she a traveller on the astral plane?
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  13. davynn

    davynn Getting Tilted

    East coast U.S.A.
    There's always a caution when dealing with a high EMF field, that a person can be affected in a number of ways, some of which you describe in your experience. The problem with that type of environment is that it contaminates the experience - you can't trust it 100%. Having said that ... a high EMF doesn't exclude the 'non-ordinary' as a [possible] explanation, it's still well worth evaluating in terms of a being personal experience but has to be discarded as true evidence. Infrasound is something that I need to bring myself up to speed on, I assume that vibrational frequencies are involved and could very well affect the experiencer in much the same way as high EMF.
    That was a cool experience nonetheless and well worth bearing in mind. Thanks. :)
    --- merged: Jan 22, 2012 2:44 PM ---
    There have been well documented cases of 'bi-location' with multiple witnesses - so that, or a 'spirit', along with some sort of astral projection is a possible explanation. How were you able to discern that something out of the ordinary was going on? How did she leave your presence?
  14. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    The most I can contribute to this thread is the vivid "dream" I had two days (at most I think, it has been 3 years now) after my grandfather died. I had a mid-day nap and had a lucid conversation in an older version of my parents front room with a slightly younger and significantly healthier version of him that I remembered from my younger years. The lucid conversation was beyond special here as he had been past that point for the most part for awhile in his last years. Just seeing him stand and sit unassisted was a treat. At the end of it he half laid down on a wooden bench that never had been there historically and fell asleep.
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  15. davynn

    davynn Getting Tilted

    East coast U.S.A.
    Interesting. I've had a couple of intensely vivid "dreams'' myself. I don't know exactly what to make of them either ... but I'm reluctant to discount them as being merely dreams ... they're certainly not ordinary.
    Thanks. :)
  16. I was the only one who saw her - and I said nothing. It was her smile that struck me - whichever way she was there, I go t the feeling she was having an adventure - as children do. I did give her a smile back, and when next I looked in that direction she was no longer there. Its rare that I see people with my eyes open like that. Mayhap it was something to do with my having relatively fasted all the way there. The closest would have been a precog moment when I saw a friend drowning whilst standing at the bar. A warning.
    --- merged: Jan 23, 2012 4:37 PM ---
    On dreams. Some dreams, whilst you are having them I find, do not feel like the purely recreational. I would find 'the other sort' would come mostly when I was on one side - but thats just me. It is an idea to have a 'dream diary' next to your bed. Write them down befor you forget them, and go back to them later.
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  17. davynn

    davynn Getting Tilted

    East coast U.S.A.
    chinese crested, "I was the only one who saw her - and I said nothing. It was her smile that struck me - whichever way she was there, I got the feeling she was having an adventure - as children do. I did give her a smile back, and when next I looked in that direction she was no longer there. Its rare that I see people with my eyes open like that. Mayhap it was something to do with my having relatively fasted all the way there. The closest would have been a precog moment when I saw a friend drowning whilst standing at the bar. A warning."

    Fasting has a long tradition of purifying the body in preparation for spiritual experience.
    Did the drowning event take place? ... or was it prevented? Interesting.

    chinese crested, "It is an idea to have a 'dream diary' next to your bed. Write them down befor you forget them, and go back to them later."

    I like the idea of a dream diary ... a few times I've awakened from a dream to write down ideas that turned out to be creative, original, or extraordinary in some way.
  18. The drowning. I went to the beach with the guy - told him it would be nice for me to have a break and some fresh air - he was going there windsurfing. Yes he did get into trouble, he got hit in the head with the mast and trapped under the sail. I spent my time walking up and down like the french liutenants woman - staring out to sea and waiting for it. We - me and some people who were on the beach - helped him out of the water. In the pub when I saw him drowning, he was realy shaken up by me - said I was looking at him like he was a dead person.
    One March someone asked me a direct question - because I conned them into doing so - and I told the person they were on the wrong path, and that all I could see was darkness - advised them to reconsider where they were heading. In the May, 13th May, they turned off the life support the person had been on since end of April. Never changed their path in life. Isnt a coma just like being in the darkness?
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  19. davynn

    davynn Getting Tilted

    East coast U.S.A.
    Yep ... that sounds like precognition! Thanks for sharing. :)
  20. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Certain extremely low frequencies have interesting effects on people, most notably the ones that hit the resonant frequency of various bodyparts. There was a case of a lab in Warwick at Coventry University that everyone was just absolutely certain was haunted, and doing that to a whole lot of scientists is no mean feat given their inherently empirical mindset.

    Well, late one night a guest is in there working on his fencing foil after having a very vivid and clear sighting of a grey blob out of the corner of his eye along with a feeling of profound anxiety. He's got the grip of his foil in a vise... and the thing starts vibrating like mad. Turns out that the lab was producing a frequency of 18.98hz, very nearly NASA's resonant frequency of the human eye (18hz), and was almost exactly half a wavelength so it produced a standing wave with his desk right smack in the middle of it.