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NFL 2014 - Weekly Picks

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by rogue49, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I meant @ZombieSquirrel with the compliments. :p
  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    ...ahh, maann...I thought it was about me...it's all about me.
    Ok, it's not about me...it's about football!

  3. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    WTF, man!? I don't even get an honorable mention? :p

    As the season progresses it's getting easier to separate the most likely winners from the most likely lossers, although a few upsets do occur. The last four games of the season should be tough with many divisonal rivalry games.

    I'll help out--When it comes to meat, Borla is smokin'.
  4. Here are @Borla's and my picks for week 6 ;):D

    Indianapolis X at Houston 8:25 PM

    SUN, OCT 12 TIME (ET) TV
    Chicago at Atlanta X 1:00 PM
    New England X at Buffalo 1:00 PM
    Carolina at Cincinnati X 1:00 PM (if Green can't go, I may sneak in and change this)
    Pittsburgh X at Cleveland 1:00 PM
    Jacksonville at Tennessee X 1:00 PM
    Green Bay X at Miami 1:00 PM
    Detroit at Minnesota X 1:00 PM (No Calvin, no Bush, no hope)
    Denver X at NY Jets 1:00 PM
    Baltimore X at Tampa Bay 1:00 PM
    San Diego X at Oakland 4:05 PM
    Washington at Arizona X 4:25 PM
    Dallas at Seattle X 4:25 PM
    NY Giants at Philadelphia X 8:30 PM

    MON, OCT 13 TIME (ET) TV
    San Francisco X at St. Louis 8:30 PM
    44 points
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Allrighty, here are my picks.

    Indianapolis at HoustonX 8:25 PM........I can hope :p!!

    SUN, OCT 12 TIME (ET) TV
    Chicago at AtlantaX 1:00 PM
    New EnglandX at Buffalo 1:00 PM
    Carolina at CincinnatiX 1:00 PM
    Pittsburgh at ClevelandX 1:00 PM
    JacksonvilleX at Tennessee 1:00 PM
    Green BayX at Miami 1:00 PM
    DetroitX at Minnesota 1:00 PM.......why the hell not pick the Lions?
    DenverX at NY Jets 1:00 PM
    BaltimoreX at Tampa Bay 1:00 PM
    San DiegoX at Oakland 4:05 PM
    Washington at ArizonaX 4:25 PM
    Dallas at SeattleX 4:25 PM.......the cowgirls have given their fans hope, which usually means they start losing.
    NY Giants at PhiladelphiaX 8:30 PM

    MON, OCT 13 TIME (ET) TV
    San FranciscoX at St. Louis 8:30 PM..........38 points. Like I would know!

    • Like Like x 1
  6. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Indianapolis X at Houston 8:25 PM

    SUN, OCT 12 TIME (ET) TV
    Chicago at Atlanta X 1:00 PM
    New England X at Buffalo 1:00 PM
    Carolina at Cincinnati X 1:00 PM
    Pittsburgh at Cleveland X 1:00 PM
    Jacksonville at Tennessee X 1:00 PM
    Green Bay X at Miami 1:00 PM
    Detroit X at Minnesota 1:00 PM
    Denver X at NY Jets 1:00 PM
    Baltimore X at Tampa Bay 1:00 PM
    San Diego X at Oakland 4:05 PM
    Washington at Arizona X 4:25 PM
    Dallas at Seattle X 4:25 PM
    NY Giants at Philadelphia X 8:30 PM

    MON, OCT 13 TIME (ET) TV
    San Francisco X at St. Louis 8:30 PM
    Mon = 43pts

    @grumpyolddude and I finally made a couple different choices this week. Probably means he'll beat me. :p
    • Like Like x 1
  7. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    Indianapolis at Houston 8:25 PM

    SUN, OCT 12 TIME (ET) TV
    Chicago at AtlantaX 1:00 PM
    New EnglandX at Buffalo 1:00 PM
    Carolina at CincinnatiX 1:00 PM
    PittsburghX at Cleveland 1:00 PM
    JacksonvilleX at Tennessee 1:00 PM
    Green BayX at Miami 1:00 PM
    DetroitX at Minnesota 1:00 PM
    DenverX at NY Jets 1:00 PM
    Baltimore at Tampa BayX 1:00 PM
    San DiegoX at Oakland 4:05 PM
    Washington at ArizonaX 4:25 PM
    Dallas at SeattleX 4:25 PM
    NY GiantsX at Philadelphia 8:30 PM

    MON, OCT 13 TIME (ET) TV
    San FranciscoX at St. Louis 8:30 PM
    MNF, 36 POINTS
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    @ralphie250, there is no "X" by the Thursday game. :)
    • Like Like x 1
  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    It's crazy this week, I haven't had time to look over everything.
    So here's tonight's for me.

    Indianapolis at HoustonX 8:25 PM
  10. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Yeah, lots of games could go either way. Lots of 1.5-3.5 spreads.
  11. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    im taking indy in thursdays game, thanks and sorry
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I just didn't want you to be screwed out of a win. :D
    • Like Like x 2
  13. Ok...don't wanna fuck it up like I did last week....

    Indianapolis X at Houston 8:25 PM

    SUN, OCT 12 TIME (ET) TV
    Chicago at Atlanta X 1:00 PM
    New England X at Buffalo 1:00 PM
    Carolina at Cincinnati X 1:00 PM
    Pittsburgh at Cleveland X 1:00 PM
    Jacksonville at Tennessee X 1:00 PM
    Green Bay X at Miami 1:00 PM
    Detroit X at Minnesota 1:00 PM
    Denver X at NY Jets 1:00 PM
    Baltimore at Tampa Bay X 1:00 PM
    San Diego X at Oakland 4:05 PM
    Washington at Arizona X 4:25 PM
    Dallas at Seattle X 4:25 PM
    NY Giants X at Philadelphia 8:30 PM

    MON, OCT 13 TIME (ET) TV
    San Francisco X at St. Louis 8:30 PM
    Mon = 37pts
    • Like Like x 2
  14. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Look over everything?? Like actual research?? :eek: :D

    Hell, I just rely on my pisspoor memory to guess who might win. As I previously posted one of these days I'm going to compare my uneducated guesses to coin flips for a few weeks just to see if there's any real difference.
  15. Just for the record: I'm sticking with my Cincy over Carolina pick. It's about defense and the running game today.

    Now, the Lions without Megatron and Bush vs the Vikings without Peterson and Rudolph. My heart is trying to get me to switch, but I'm sticking to my pick of Minny. Home field + Lions historic road woes. Logic dictates, and I'll suffer the loss gladly if I'm wrong.
  16. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Just in the knick of time for 1pm...geez, what a week

    SUN, OCT 12 TIME (ET) TV
    Chicago at AtlantaX 1:00 PM
    New EnglandX at Buffalo 1:00 PM
    Carolina at CincinnatiX 1:00 PM
    PittsburghX at Cleveland 1:00 PM
    Jacksonville at TennesseeX 1:00 PM
    Green Bay at MiamiX 1:00 PM
    DetroitX at Minnesota 1:00 PM
    DenverX at NY Jets 1:00 PM
    BaltimoreX at Tampa Bay 1:00 PM
    --- merged: Oct 12, 2014 at 1:02 PM ---
    And my rest...

    San DiegoX at Oakland 4:05 PM
    Washington at ArizonaX 4:25 PM
    Dallas at SeattleX 4:25 PM
    NY Giants at PhiladelphiaX 8:30 PM

    MON, OCT 13 TIME (ET) TV
    San FranciscoX at St. Louis 8:30 PM - 44 PTS
    --- merged: Oct 12, 2014 at 1:06 PM ---
    Wow...these were just off the top of my head...no research like I usually do. (it's been insane...)
    And I think by chance I picked all what was the "mass" consensus picks...from what I finally got a chance to read.
    Weird. :rolleyes:

    Thank you @grumpyolddude for "cert'ing" my submission.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2014
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Hehehe.......looks like the Bengals had to kiss their sister this week AND @ZombieSquirrel has to come up with three more nice things to say about me. Priceless. :cool:
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Fucking Nugent.
  19. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Ok, I'm still not doing as good in previous seasons...maybe I need to rebuild (or need a new coach)
    I feel like Tampa Bay...but at least they have their cheerleaders to comfort them. ;)

    But here are this week's results...with some weirdness.
    I didn't count the rare tie between the Panthers & Bengals...no win, no point...so no one got it, zip.

    So, @Borla is our power player for the week, winning with clear distinction. (hey, who ya bribin' man??)
    Three way tie for runner up, between @ChrisNoyb , @grumpyolddude and @ZombieSquirrel
    Coming up from behind are me and @ralphie250

    Getting interesting...
    • Like Like x 2
  20. DAMN IT. Can I get a half point for the bengals game?
    1. I like @borla a little more than I liked @the_jazz
    2. @borla has a hot wife
    3. @borla must possess an awesome inventory of behavior modifying drugs to keep that hot lady around for as long as he has. It's impressive.
    • Like Like x 2