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Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by CinnamonGirl, Oct 20, 2011.

  1. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    This is the interesting thing. I totally feel the momentum. In hindsight, this was much easier than I thought it would be (especially compared to past attempts). I have the resources (and now the will and the habit) to keep on trucking with the writing thing.

    It will be nice to have more time to work on the craft and not have to worry as much about word counts. Though I think setting a daily quota is something that works for me (as is evidenced by this contest). However, I think it would be better to cut my average word count to about half. This will give me more time to craft and tinker and experiment, rather than just pound out the words frantically.

    What's also interesting though, is that despite the "throwing craft to the wind" while aiming for quantity, I've impressed myself on a number of occasions with flourishes of creativity. I think I've learned quite a bit about the writing process too.

    I definitely know what I want to work on now. Also, it will be nice to be able to read more one again.
  2. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Fantastic news! Well done Zen and Baraka_Guru!
    • Like Like x 2
  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Awesome job, guys! If you feel comfortable sharing at some point in the future, I would love to read what you've written.

    I, unfortunately, never got around to writing more than a couple of pages. Between all of the other factors in life right now, it just wasn't happening. I couldn't focus. I know I can churn out that many words in that time frame as I've done it, but never during NaNoWriMo. I think it's something about November.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    for what it's worth, it's about figuring out a process that works for you. so roll with it, and double back to shape things as you feel inclined to do it. take the piece as far as you can. if, once you're done, you decide that you coulda done x or y different, change those things around gradually for the next project. but just keep going with this one. it's a good thing. i'm pleased to have been able to cheerlead and move along in parallel.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Heckl I'm excited and happy for you -
    Congratulations, Baraka_Guru :)

    And roachboy, it's been a pleasure to run alongside you - some of what I've learnt from you has influenced my own writing, so thank you for that, too. :)

    snowy It'll be a pleasure to share. I'll PM a link to you, Baraka and Roachboy, and to anyone else who PMs me ... just don't want the link itself sitting in public.

    Though I look at what I've created with a weird mix of pride and shame. I KNOW there were certain section should should never have got written. OK, so they don't add to the plot, but they do add to the charaterization? Yeah right, so a quiet moment has two of the main protagonists going into detailed discussion about biscuit dunking? :oops:
    Then again, I'm kinda proud of my description of a nano-chip neurally enhanced experience of playing of a barre A chord on electric guitar through distorted valve amp. Even though 'one millimeter thick Tortex plectrum' might be, in retrospect, too much detail.

    However, Glasses Raised and Well Done All :)
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2012
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  6. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Oh, and I'm totally going to take up the offer from the folks at Literature and Latte regarding a 50% discount on Scrivener for NaNoWriMo winners. It will be 50% off the $45 price tag for the Mac version.

    It's supposed to be made available around December 2 (though the NaNoWriMo page says December 5).

    Scrivener NaNoWriMo 2012 Offers

    National Novel Writing Month Offers
  7. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Me too ... I risked 'learning-curve clashes' and used the dedicated NaNoWriMo trial Scrivener to do the novel. It was so logical, not only were there no clashes, I'll say that without it, I'd have got bogged down and would have simply failed.

    When I input my winners' code and press 'BUY', I will have that jut-jawed hint-of-tear-eye of the warrior who earnt his sword on the battle field, and, with a gothicly henceforthish look on my face, shall consecrate it as a mighty engine of improvement, which I shall endeavour to feed with better than the fodder with which I won it.

    Baraka_Guru I didn't realise it would be released on Dec 2nd ... I'll be queuing up at the door. Ahhhhh and I so look forward to Snapple being ported to PC :)
  8. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Well said. :)

    I wouldn't hold my breath. I'm expecting December 5, as the NaNoWriMo site states.

    I'm pretty pumped about it though. I wonder how importing my novel from Word will go over.

    Actually, I can just download the NaNoWriMo trial version and get started now! (I think.)

    UPDATE: Well, well. They have all kinds of tutorial material to go through. I might as well do that. :)
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2012
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  9. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    you just got 5 more hours.... it was set to UTC, now it's set to EST.

    It's a Christmas miracle!
    • Like Like x 2
  10. tecoyah

    tecoyah Illusionary

    Might do it:

    The Man Booke
    In this latest and updated version of “the only book you will ever need”, as it has been referred to over the ages, we have changed the format slightly, to remove the old crusty nature found in previous revisions in favor of a less complicated and lighter copy.

    You will find within the latest revision, the usual rules and advice that has seen so many through living as a man, in the womens world.
    As with all previous versions however, we MUST include the following statement:
    “This is your copy of the only book you will ever need. Do not lose it, do not lend it, and do not allow any female to gain possession of this tome at any time. Should any male allow this material to fall into the hands of a female for whatever reason, they shall be subject to the full retribution and destructive nature of Mankind.”

    In the long and painful history of the Human Species one thing has pretty much been static and absolute throughout, males require females to maintain sanity and function. Very few male individuals have managed to find a way out of this one…and it is doubtful those that have enjoy life to the extent of those who simply accepted the inevitable, bit the bullet, and went along with mother nature and her diabolical plot to torture one gender far more than the other.
    Exceptions to this general rule include, but are not limited to:
    Catholic Priests (up for debate)
    Homosexual Males
    The Dead
    The pages that follow are the basic principles and practices considered critical to modern mans success in a world that is terribly complicated by subtle and dangerous hurdles placed before us in out quest for the only prize worth winning.
    A Wonderful Woman

    The Absolutes
    1) Maintain the silence, Maintain the relationship
    2) She wins all the small stuff, you get the big ones
    3) The beauty of little notes
    4) You Da Man!
    5) There is always tomorrow
  11. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Guys, there's like two weeks left before this begins: National Novel Writing Month

    I've decided to do it again this year, and I even have the beginning of an idea, but I still need to hammer out an outline.

    I've been damn busy though with work. I haven't had a day off in three weeks. (It's not a good excuse, really, since writing is something that is usually done on the fringes of time.)

    Beginning this weekend (I hope), I'm going to start working on this.

    Is anyone else doing it this year?
  12. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Hi Baraka :)

    Yes indeedy! When I did my Jason Sage: The First Awakening novel for NaNo 2012, I was able to keep up the pressure of wordcount-regardless-of-quality partly because of my promise to myself to study writing properly this year in order to do it better this November. My username on the NaNo site is as it was last year: Zenda. I'll be using this year as an opportunity to follow through to conclusion the 'Forces of Darkness' story for which I used your weekly Plottos as foundations. I've written nearly 10, 000 words so far, therefore I've set my Scrivener project target to 60,000 words to honour the principle of 50,000 during the NaNo month. As I contemplate doing this, I feel as incompetent a failure as I did last October, when you gave me that push over the edge. I expect to be similarly surprised as I find myself immersed this November and with a rough manuscript by November 30th.

    All strength to you and all who enter.

    Take care :)
    • Like Like x 1

  13. I don't necessarily think that I'll be participating this year, as I'm a bit busier than I want to be trying to do that whole 'graduate and get a real job' thing.

    I'll definitely be monitoring this thread to see updates, though. And, at the end of it all, if anyone feels comfortable enough to let me read any of their works, I'd be interested in reading them. :)
  14. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I'm participating this year, and I'm setting up a virtual classroom in the Young Writer's Program for my students who wish to participate, as I have a number of kids who have expressed interest in doing it. It's going to be an exciting November!
    • Like Like x 2
  15. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    A friend of mine signed up, and asked me to be her writing buddy... so I now feel obligated to participate.

    Which is good, seeing as how I say I'm going to do this every year, and then end up not doing it. I'm thinking of going straight-up fantasy, since otherwise I tend to just Mary Sue myself right into the story. I think I'm going to work on some ideas and plot outlines this week.
    • Like Like x 2
  16. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    i am thinking about it. i have a couple ideas churning. we'll see.
    • Like Like x 2
  17. retrogunslinger

    retrogunslinger Vertical

    Asheville, NC
    Anyone in the middle of NaNoWriMo this year? I'm having a writing day to catch up to my word count. Hence why I'm on an Internet forum.
  18. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I was thinking about doing it, but I got sideswiped by work. (I haven't had a day off since before Thanksgiving—the Canadian one.)

    Now back to work.
  19. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I had too many projects going on elsewhere to take on NaNoWriMo this year. It just wasn't going to happen. I've got too much sitting unfinished.
  20. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I gave written a few hundred words so far. I have brief notes about the character and story to reference/change as I see fit after that portion.