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Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by CinnamonGirl, Oct 20, 2011.

  1. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    At 25,849 words, I finally passed the halfway point. I did it a day early, but that kinda makes me feel like something is nipping at my heels. I've decided that I should spend extra time on weekends to get further ahead.

    To expand a bit on my last post, I have quite a weakness when it comes to writing action and description. It's as though I'm comfortable with writing inner monologue type stuff and not too shabby with dialogue, but when it comes to painting physical pictures, whether in still life like with descriptions or in moving pictures like with action, I cease up and don't know what to write.

    I'm a bit wonky with character development too, but that was expected.

    The interesting thing about this process is learning about the things I know I need to work on. This has been great so far. I know much of what I'm cobbling together is crap, but it's the manure that fertilizes better things to come!
  2. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    what a description is follows from the genre...if the genre requires more distant or comprehensive descriptions, then that's what you have to figure out how to bend around so you can make the sentences do what you like. i don't think of sentences as representational particularly, so this may not help, but with action sequences (any action sequence) maybe try to think of the sentences doing what they're talking about rather than thinking about the relation as being from a distance.

    physical descriptions are interesting. i do less and less explicit work with that these days. mostly i use metonyms (the part that performs the action of the whole)...or work with categories. i'm more detailed about physical interactions...but in the kind of stuff i make, it's mostly about triggering a sense of involvement than about painting a picture.

    so far as physical space goes, i think in terms of geometry alot. mostly i think that follows from looking at a salt marsh out my back window every day and learning something of the complexity of that environment. there's no way i could catch it, not only for the complexity of what i can see at any given point, but also because everything changes. so i make compositions out of details. but again, what is required is a genre effect...

    mostly, resolving these things for yourself is a matter of just working at them. for a while maybe they'll feel difficult and you won't be pleased with the outcomes, but that'll change. it's about finding ways for yourself to move around, which is about finding ways to shape possibilities so they feel like you're exploring what you frame in and don't worry so much about what you (inevitably) frame out.

    that's what i've figured out so far.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
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  3. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    35127, bowl of breakfast cereal, mug of hot chocolate, then off to bed.

    I can't put where I'm at tonight with this better than you have.


    And hi there Roachboy :)

    Take care, both :)
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  4. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I had a good learning moment tonight regarding "OMG just write!"

    You keep hearing people give advice to those who just can't form a regular writing habit. It goes a little something like, "Just put your ass in the chair." This is the writer's equivalent to the Nike athlete's "Just do it."

    I put my ass in the chair, as it were. I started late tonight, and have been feeling a bit tired. I started writing and got to about 500 words, when the steam went out of me. I looked at the clock and it was pushing 11 p.m. I don't usually produce very well when it gets late, and 11 p.m. is kinda an indication that I won't do much for the rest of the night.

    But I was only at 500 words when I know I should do at least 1,667. So I pushed. I pushed away the thought, "But I won't write as well." That's not an issue. Just write. This whole exercise is to write the novel, not write it well. No excuses. If I really want to, I can go back to this "night of crap writing" and fix it. The point is to write it.

    Well, I pressed on and hit a stride, as I came up with a scene out of nowhere. And lo and behold, I hit just over 1,900 words five minutes to midnight.

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  5. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted




    (me, no words written tonight, but met up with the write-in group at a coffee bar near me and sketched out, with pen amdpaper, plot lines to get to the end)
  6. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    20 little pieces so far. just reached the first main recurrence.

    someone forwarded me this. it's too good not to post:

    The Best of NaNoWriMo
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  7. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    er ....... 50244. And I've got to go to sleep now.

    I can't quite believe it. I really can't.
    In one way, I can. I know I have sat at this computer and written every word, many of them rubbish.
    In another way, I can't. A day or two before November, I'd said to myself something like "Herumph ... novel ... fifty thousand ... OK", but I had my fingers crossed behind my back on account of what felt like the 95% probability of 'can't'. Ah, it's that same 95% that is still pushing for 'I haven't', even though I have fulfilled the letter and the spirit.
    Basically, my belief that I haven't is stronger than my senses that I have. It's mad, and I feel mad for feeling this way. Everything in me is doing what it can to pursuade me tht I haven't, that I am mistaken, and that even if I have, then I haven't really

    It's as if a parent has said "The boy's not a writer", and proceeds to ignore or discourage anything and everything that does not support that belief.

    I think my next steps are:
    Check that scenes are in the right order.
    Divide chunks into chapters.
    Go through it, rewriting some of the very worst bits.

    But first, sleep.

    All the best :)
    • Like Like x 4
  8. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Congrats, Zen! I'm sitting at just over 35,000 words.
  9. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Tomorrow I begin my 10,000-word countdown!
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  10. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    i am cheerleading for you folks from my headquarters deep in a swamp of inertia.

    i've stopped with the word count---now, when i put the number in that odd counter on the nano webspace, it informs me that i will reach the goal sometime in the middle of 2014. but the sequence is still motoring along.
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  11. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted


    Ah the final slope to success! NaNoWriMOJO factor 11, Mr Sulu!

    I went to the weekly write-in at the coffee bar ... nobody else turned up. One double Macciato and large cappucino later, I realised I had had SIX shots of espresso. Way beyond my limit. I'd got distracted by the fact that I had been dunking those hard biscotti biscuits into the drinks. I walked home like a trireme at ramming speed and spent the next few hours tidying the house.
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  12. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Okay, one week left. Here are some up-to-date stats.

    My word count is sitting at 40,831.
    I am 82% complete of the word count goal.
    By novel sections, I am about 58% complete.

    This means that I've written more than anticipated for each section. I divided the novel into 12 sections and allocated 4,500 words to each. I've so far averaged 5,800 words per section.

    I'm wondering what this next week will see me do.

    Will I cut to the chase to get to a complete draft?
    Will I keep on keeping on as I have been and reach 50,000 words before I hit "The End"?

    I feel more comfortable with the idea of pounding out the storyline to the end, i.e., hit all sections and get at least the bare bones there. It wouldn't quite feel like "winning" unless my draft felt complete.

    According to the official rules, however, you still win if you hit 50,000 words and the novel isn't completed.

    How do you like that? I'm trying to decide how I'm going to win...not fretting over whether I'll win....

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  13. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    go with the momentum. you can look back later. besides, editing is fun: it's like treats awaiting at the end of a long haul.
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  14. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I just put a gargantuan stone golem in the story.




    So the golem thing opened up some interesting writing, and I squeezed out nearly 2,600 words today.

    I have 4,715 words to go!

    According to NaNoWriMo stats central, I have to write on average 786 words per day to the end to win. I've averaged 1,800+ so far.

    It's very comforting to know that I could write at half the pace I've been writing and still finish in time.

    It's not like I'm going to slow down now or anything, but it's good to know!
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2012
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  15. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    I like what Roachboy says about momentum and treats awaiting the end of a long haul.
    When I compose music, the horrible part is the long bit between the initial idea/inspiration and the going over of bits ... ie smaller editing. That long 'gap' that has to be filled from blankness to .. to something, that I find painful.
    That's where I prefer photography, it's as if initial inspiraition governs the choice of subjects and lighting and esposure and positioning. Then I get home and its Already Done ... apart from the editing.


    I completed the steps I mentioned in my previous post. Then compiled ... Scrivener is a Great program.
    Then submitted via copy paste to the Nano official word-count verifier, which confirmed my 50, 000 words = win.

    My adult, rational curt-nod sense of closure was interrupted by drool-mouthed air-fisting happy-dancing in my chair.

    I'll even print this:
    and put it on my wall.

    Thanks again, Baraka, and I'm rooting for you as you cross the finishing line :)
    Actually, I'm looking forward to reading it, if you choose to share it.
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  16. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    i have somewhere around 2000 words.
    i think i reached the end of a section, so put the whole thing up in the blogs.
    i could stop it here, but am thinking that i want to make another section after this. i have a couple ideas, but they're still vaporous. suggestions are welcome.
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  17. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I have a plan.

    This plan involves sitting down tonight and writing the ~3,000 words required for me to cross the 50,000-word finish line.

    I will let you know how this turns out.

    What are these ideas?
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  18. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    o--i decided to move into a present-future mode. so i put the camera in a night club. i kinda liked the way it came out, so i hung it up here:

    "28" by stephen hastings-king — Fictionaut

    the idea of faint young boys comes out of watching dance sets streamed from the boiler room, the people who just kinda stand there in the background. it helped to have the set streamed on a kind of surveillance apparatus. i linked the karenn set that has been clanging around in my head the past few days... strong medicine tho. play loud.
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  19. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Well, there it is: 50,077 words. I've made the official submission. I've been declared a winner.

    The draft isn't even close to being finished. I've only written 9 sections of 17. (Before I said there were 12 overall. I was wrong.) And even then, much of the 9 aren't quite complete.

    I'm not even going to speculate on what the future will hold regarding this. For now, I'll just bask in the accomplishment.
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  20. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    congratulations on making the count. well done.

    keep going if you feel momentum still happening. might as well get the whole arc down if you do.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2012
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