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Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by CinnamonGirl, Oct 20, 2011.

  1. TFP Writers circle on the members only section?
    Baraka - off you go, you know you want to, off to the dark side with you
  2. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    The dark side has the best cookies.

    and brownies.

    just sayin'
  3. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    The spirit of NaNoWriMo is to not edit or revise for the month.

    No. Time.

    This thread will work fine for war stories and encouragement. The official website has some pretty cool tools as well.
  4. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I tried last year. I think I got about 100 words. If you ever saw Throw Momma From The Train I feel like that was me last time.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. I don't have the patience or the focus to be able to write more than....hey look a squirrel.. Hee hee hee...squirrely squirrel squirrel. You shall be my minion.

    What were we talking about?
    --- merged: Oct 21, 2011 6:06 PM ---
    The pop up book was AMAZING!!!
    • Like Like x 2
  6. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    This year I have a book idea. I have not devoted any time to it still. I will put time of ether to get it at least started.

    There was a pop up book? Have you seen the star wars one?
  7. The Danny Devito Character's version of the story was written as a pop-up book. Instead of throwing Momma from the train, they went on a picnic! :D

    I love pop up books...I may need to search for the star wars one of which you speak.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    I have a few ideas rolling around in my head that I'd really like to pursue. I often think about them while diving, hiking or preforming minimal grey matter occupying tasks such as dishes, laundry or simply floating in the pool. Unfortunately I'm beyond dyslexic and lack even the most basic grammatical skills. I'm certain any attempt to put my ideas into written word would cause my head to implode.
  9. lionrock

    lionrock Getting Tilted

    Out here
    Cinn, a friend of mine told me that he does not allow himself to talk about what he is writing until after it is written....otherwise it just stays an idea.
  10. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    I'm like that though I try not to be. It's more out of paranoia that someone will "steal" my idea. I have also always looked for a "co-writer" to push each other into writing a better story. Now with the stroke and recoverysome good has come, I have the time to work.

    Like right now, my idea for the past year and a few months has been: What if Ponce De Leon had discovered the Fountain of Youth and instead of what the idea of that brings, the fountain of youth is an American Indian tribe in the Georgia/Florida swamplands that are vampiric and thus live eternally unless killed. And what happens if one of De Leon's men gets the "curse" and becomes a pirate? There was a lady I was talking to that wanted a short story dealing with vampires and pirates and I thought that up. Takes a great deal of studying Ponce DeLeon and the tribes in that area and time period of America. It also takes a lot of research on the whole time period of Europe and the New World.
  11. Tully - tape your ideas maybe, re-listening is like re-reading. As for grammar, if its a persons story told in their voice it takes the edge off grammatical worries, punctuation is just where you would pause in telling your story - short of long - its the storyteller who holds the audience - all you would be doing is preserving the tale.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    personally, i wouldn't make too big a production out of the idea you may have up front because it may end up getting in the way of what makes nanowrimo really useful--which is in the doing. chances are--not even chances are--it's more or less inevitable that, if you stick to or close to the word counts and have a life to manage, that you won't really do much editing. so you'll end up with a draft of a project that you can then, if you like, tinker with, make into a piece or pieces. so if you've a novel length idea and a general outline of where things should go in terms of events and maybe even some notion of character then put it into motion. it's like the ira glass thing bg posted earlier said---what matters is doing stuff and continuing to do stuff. this is as good a way as any to start.

    what i ran into is the fact that my stuff these days comes out of the editing in a way that isn't necessarily functional for something with a word count/day constraint as high as nanowrimo...my first drafts aren't really anything. they aren't drafts---they're mostly chunks of material or fragments of sentences that i move around and cut or add to and make into something through the editing. it's really different from how i used to operate and i'm still figuring out what this other process can (and can't do)...so putting out 1500 words of "first draft" material for me wouldn't do anything. but that's because i've figured out a routine and, while i can direct the routine in lots of ways, it's still quite difficult for me to change basic things about it like what the relation tends to be between writing Stuff and editing...so i dunno. everyone works in ways that work for them (or they don't work on this sort of stuff) and so. still thinking about this nano game tho.
  13. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    I wanted to wish you the best of luck with your endeavor, CinnamonGirl.
    I cannot write fiction--unless it is me being a bit too fond of a certain product. I cannot write stories but I admire the imaginations and initiative of those who do.
    I write every day and sometimes quite a lot so certain mind-muscles are getting flexed, anyway. I do 'guerrilla' photo stuff all the time, too (screen capping and creating slide-shows) so I guess that is some of where I get my creative freak on.

    Again, best of luck. Have fun!
    • Like Like x 3
  14. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    I admit, I have been avoiding this thread. I just couldn't come up with anything that didn't seem to be, either directly or indirectly, copying something else I'd read.

    I have a bit of an idea now that I'll probably go with-- the main character may end up being too much of a Mary Sue, but what the hell. Not like I need to worry about it getting published :)
  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I'm still on the fence. I'm going to spend the weekend tooling with an outline to see if I can come up with something.

    I should probably do it for the sake of doing it.
  16. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    i am prepared to be a cheerleader.
    outfits and dispositions awaiting.
  17. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    All right!

    I'm putting all my chips in!

    I'm going to write some kind of dystopian, pre-apocalyptic, philosophical sword & sorcery novel—probably a kind of blend between Michael Moorcock and Gene Wolfe, with an admixture of J. G. Ballard.

    Two nights ago, I wrote out a loose structure, which I have been fleshing out in my head a bit since yesterday. Something is beginning to shape up.

    I have much more to go on this time than last time, so maybe I'll get further than 1/3 of the way.

    Who's with me?!

    Game on!
  18. I guess I'm going to do this....
    • Like Like x 1
  19. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    So I'm in meetings and don't have time today. Maybe to other I can start. I know exactly what I am going to write.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Would that be a good tactic? Write a bunch of short stories and then thread them together later? Would the "threading" part be considered editing? I could write a bunch of short stories in a month to reach the word count and then piece them together later......hmmmmmm

    The NaNoWriMo site is down, so I couldn't find my answer there...