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Internet Lunatics - RadFems, PUA's, MRA's, MGTOW's, etc.

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by OtherSyde, May 5, 2014.

  1. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    Maybe I missed something earlier in the thread, but (1) I think people ought to take notice of the drop in sexual assault rates, and (2) that doesn't mean it's not still a problem worth working on by organizations like RAINN.

    I think there is such a thing as "rape culture," and it's awful, but it's surely on the decline. Examples of mainstream media trivializing and joking about raping women were commonplace 50 years ago, not so much now.

    The biggest "rape culture" problem today is the way prison rape is tolerated and treated as a joke. And that is something feminists and MRAs should strongly agree on.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
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  2. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Should being the key word there. Especially since it's quite possibly one of the single easiest forms of rape to fight out there because prisons are autocratic and prisoners get so little say in anything. Talk about low hanging fruit... unfortunately even when it's adult guards taking advantage of minor prisoners there are still people who will argue that it just doesn't count if the victims are male. Human stupidity will, as always, find new and inventive ways to disappoint us all. Thankfully there are those as well who argue against that kind of facepalm inducing dumb.

    Also, trying to get a big picture look at the cost in human life all of this has, I looked up overall death rates and was... surprised... to say the least. Our murder rate is only ~13,000 a year. Shocking not just for how low it is compared to what the media would have us think, but because it's also just under 1/3rd of our suicide rate of over 38,000 people a year.

    As a nation we are obsessed with our homicide rate. You would think that losing three times as many people to suicide would be even more important to us.
  3. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    The conventional wisdom is so hardened around the "ever-more-dangerous-world" fallacy that a 20-year decline in murder rates doesn't even register.

  4. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    That wasn't a typo.

    There are no feminist MRAs?

    Must one deny rape culture and the patriarchy to become an MRA?

    Do all MRAs deny rape culture and the patriarchy? Can anyone even confirm that?

    What do you call denying rape culture and the patriarchy?

    Will there be feminist MRAs?

    There are feminists who support men's rights/liberation.

    That there are no feminist MRAs is worrisome, don't you think?
  5. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

  6. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    You're not one of those supporters of the DSM, are you?
  7. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    I don't even know what DSM stands for.
  8. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    Diagnostic and Statistical Manual? Dancing Spaghetti Monster?
  9. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Is it any more worrisome than not having democratic republicans? liberal teabaggers? heterosexual gays? It's only worrisome if you believe that feminism holds a monopoly on morality; That not accepting feminism, or worse, opposing it on anything is enough in and of itself to render something as "bad". If on the other hand you believe morality is independent of political alignment, if you believe it's possible to disagree with feminism's political actions or ideological claims and still be "good" then why is it worrisome at all?
    The question is basically: Can someone (or something) disagree with feminism and not be "bad"? If the answer is no, then you have what is tantamount to a religion.

    Exhaustive negative proof is impossible but I can say that rejecting both as defined by most of feminism is part of the hard core (note: not "hardcore") of the mainstream MRM.
    Rape culture defined as having an epidemic of rape, rising rape rates, near exclusively male->female gendering, and a culture which widely tolerates, encourages, or condones rape is rejected by the MRM. Aside from the empirical reasons there's also the problem that evidence against rape culture is ipso facto considered evidence of rape culture, making it impossible to disprove.
    On the other hand Rape culture defined as our deplorable culture surrounding prison rape and "men always want it/women need to refuse it" dichotomy would be accepted as a definition if you absolutely have to use the words "Rape Culture".

    Patriarchy we've already been over a billion times. The MRM's position is that that both genders are trapped in toxic gender roles which damage both of them in different, although sometimes overlapping, ways. If ever there were something the MRM and Feminism could agree on a good chunk of Toxic Masculinity is probably it. The norm of a hypermasculine extroverted ultrastoic whose personal worth is purely determined by money and sexual success/female approval is beyond dysfunctional. Where they differ is in the MRM's idea of an equally Toxic Femininity existing. Women who act masculine and men who act feminine are penalized by society.

    Likewise oppression exists for both genders in sometimes different and sometimes overlapping ways. Women to some degree have a glass ceiling. Men have a glass cellar. Women are overvalued to the point of pedestalization. Men are undervalued to the point of disposability. Women are seen as pure and good and only every the victim to such a degree they literally get away with murder. Men are seen as predatory and malevolent and only ever the perpetrator to such a degree they sometimes can't go out in public with their own children without harassment. Female sexuality is overinflated as a desirable commodity. Male sexuality is overinflated as a dangerous threat. Women are objectified as their sexuality, men are objectified as either danger or their usefulness and profitability. A lot of these are each half of the same problem, male hyperagency and female hypoagency.

    There are people who claim to be feminists and yet believe in the MRM as well but because of the vitriol they receive from other feminists they're few and far between, often winding up joining the MRM completely. I've also seen some feminists who follow the general theme of "You aren't patriarchs, therefore you qualify as oppressed" but it doesn't seem to be a remotely mainstream or organized branch of thought and usually winds up with a lot of caveats and contradictions. It's... messy.

    [/quote]There are feminists who support men's rights/liberation.[/quote]
    "Feminism is men's rights too"
    There are a lot of feminists who say these things, but what about the real world actions of feminism? We've been down this road several times before, and at this point all I've got s an insightful quote from someone else who put it better than I can:

  10. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I had to stop thinking about this because the premise offends me in ways that many do not understand. My being a male is the problem and even with the solutions pointed out, I'm still a problem because I'm a male. So I'm parking it here for me to return later and see if anyone else has commented about it.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  11. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Look at the last two lines alone, he links to RAINN and then makes further claims that contradict even RAINN's inaccurate figures. It's classic outrage porn, a less vitriolic version of what gawker's clickbait machine puts out every day. Articles like this aren't about the facts, they're about keeping the echo chamber going so nobody has to actually bother with the facts. And they all follow the same rough pattern; they all have the same basic inaccurate statistics, make the same basic claims, and repeat the same basic instructions of self-flagellation or excoriation depending on the author and audience's genders. The persistent belief in a given narrative in spite of all facts and evidence is, essentially, religion. And if Rape Culture as this author describes it is a religion then articles like his are its prayers.

    Think about it. It fits. We've got everything in here. Guilt, excoriation, self-flagellation, original sin, and supplications.
  12. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted


    As I said, sanity....
  13. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    Rape culture is where every year one of the local high schools divides the male and female students up for a week, sends the female students to a self defense class, tells them to watch their drinks while the male students spend a week playing basketball.
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  14. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Hello, I'm a white male...I'm everybody's asshole. (**not my original stuff, taken from a comedy routine)

    Yeah, yeah...I know quite a few were pricks before and some now...but I was just born this way.
    Guilt by association.

    Next thing you know, you'll do something like say, ALL _____ are _____.
    So what did you fill in the blanks with???

    Not to say there aren't things to currently be concerned about and address,
    But I do apologize anyway.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    You're basically saying that there is a problem with supporting men's rights and women's rights at the same time. Do these rights conflict with each other? You then continue to delve into tiresome binary thinking, forgetting, or refusing to believe, that feminists disagree with each other every goddamn day.

    It's like you have some kind of formula for your values, and if anything can't be computed through it, it must be false or impossible, and so the only course of action is to make it out to be something it's not by associating it with something the formula can disagree with.

    It depends on what you mean. If you mean "can someone (or something) disagree with women having rights and equality," then I guess no? It's an odd question to ask. It's a loaded question. It's like asking whether someone can disagree with capitalism and not be "bad." It's more useful to ask more specific questions.

    I think the definition you've outlined here is both narrow and biased to the extent that it sets up "rape culture" as a straw man. You then offer what I think you accept as a "legitimate" rape culture. Are we to leave out everything else and simply accept this at face value? No thanks.

    Thanks in large part to patriarchal values. The problem with this, though, is that you've painted simplistic caricatures that I find hard to believe exist wholesale in reality. Maybe it's an American thing.

    Holy binary thinking, Batman! Where do you get this stuff? (Never mind.) How do you honestly correlate this with reality? (This can't simply be an American thing...)

    I suppose it depends on where one fits in the culture. I think it also is a result of the perceptions of the MRM itself. They're like the NRA of men's rights or something. I'm still evaluating this.

    The thing to remember is that most feminists focus on women's rights for obvious reasons. I'm not going to ask you why the MRM ignores women's issues, and I'll stop the line of thinking about why none of them are feminists. (It was for demonstrative purposes.) But within feminism there is support for the idea of including men's liberation, as it's an equal rights issue as well.

    Anyway, I think I now understand what's what. The MRM is a backlash movement against feminism, but not against feminism as many would know it. Rather, it opposes its own perception of feminism, which is widely misconstrued, whether intentional or not. And if your posts are any indication, it resorts to misinformation and clumsy rhetoric to go about it.

    Like I said elsewhere, the MRM at its core is concerned about important things. The problem is that they're seeking influence by creating boogeywomen.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2014
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  16. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    <<<< Feminist who also sees many of the core goals of MRM as being laudable and consistent with feminism.
    • Like Like x 2
  17. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    You're a feminist, bro?

    bell hooks, line, and sinker

    Feminism claims another self-loathing male victim.
    • Like Like x 2
  18. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

  19. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    I went from cutting myself as a teenager to surreptitiously drinking cooking wine to feminism. Don't be like me, children.
  20. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Is there a culture of rape?

    1 in 5 American women report surviving rape or attempted rape.
    1 in 6 American men report being abused before the age of 18.

    Those are some significant numbers and yet, there remains a general culture where the abused are subjected to things like:

    What were you wearing?
    Were you drinking?
    You were asking for it.


    Why are we teaching young women how to avoid rape and not teaching young men not to do it?

    To be clear, I do not agree with the idea that just because I am a man, I am part of the problem. That is wrong headed. I do recognize that all women have been subject to harrasement at one time or another. Regardless of the numbers dropping in reported crime, there still exists a fear based on percieved threat (if not actual physical threat). There needs to be much work done on this front and it involves both men and women working together to create a culture that does not dimisnish the impact of sexual assault on the victim, regardles of gender.