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Internet Lunatics - RadFems, PUA's, MRA's, MGTOW's, etc.

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by OtherSyde, May 5, 2014.

  1. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    Yep. Pretty sure you're misreading things here. You think that #YesAllWomen participants all believe that nothing bad ever happens to men? Because that's ridiculous. But I will grant you this: if I shared your delusion, I'd be pissed too. But I don't share your delusion here, so I'm all like "Oh, word? *sideways glance* That's cool."

    You're so caught up in what you think #YesAllWomen participants were saying that you've lost touch with the reality of what was actually said. If someone had started a #IraqisDealWithTerrorismEveryDay hashtag during the aftermath of the Boston marathon bombing, people in Boston would have probably been pretty pissed, and probably with good reason, because it would be minimizing the very real suffering of Bostonites. This would be true regardless of whether or not the Bostonistas believed that no one else had ever suffered from terrorism. Bostones would be justifiably pissed even though Iraqis do indeed deal with terrorism much more often then Bostoners do.
  2. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Wow, @shadowex3. I think I know where I've gone wrong here. I have been trying to find common ground. You truly are only interested in being right.

    I know from your point of view I appear to have the same problem but I can assure you that that isn't the case.

    This is tiresome. Please continue to chase your tail, but know that if you are trying to win people to your point of view, you have, in this instance, failed.

    Have a great day.
  3. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Bodkin I posted it for you in size 7, a different front, bolded, underlined, italicized, all capitals, and in three different colors. I don't know how much more obvious I can make it for you that what I think has nothing to do with this. I found #YesAllPeople AFTER it had started, and found tweets in it referring to why the women who started it did so. You're only humiliating yourself by attacking me over this, you may as well try to accuse me of starting the chicago fire.

    You say I've lost touch with reality, but you're literally making post after post after post going on about me when the only connection I have to #YesAllpeople is having found it. It's not me you need to attack, it's the brave women who stood up to start #YesAllPeople knowing they would be abused and harassed for it.

    But then again... you can't, can you? I don't think you can. It would contradict your worldview too much and I don't think you can handle that. I think you've been pushed so close to the brink that like Charlatan you've had to simply stop even pretending to be connected to anything in reality and just attack me over and over again, as if somehow attacking me will change what the women who started #YesAllPeople saw and did in response.

    That's why you even keep rewriting the narrative to push the completely false claim that #YesAllPeople is somehow an attack on #YesAllWomen. Something that even just looking at them on twitter can prove is literally the exact opposite of the truth. You NEED #YesAllWomen to be the victim, you NEED #YesAllPeople to be a man's fault, you NEED me to be evil or ignorant. Because you just can't live in a world where #YesAllWomen was filling up with morally repugnant hate speech, women started #YesAllpeople in response, and #YesAllWomen started viciously abusing and attacking #YesAllPeople without provocation.

    I think that's why you just can't let go of this obsession with going after me on this.

    Let it go Bodkin. You can attack me all you want. You can say I imagined everything all you want, you can keep saying I'm delusional if that's what you need to hold your world together. It doesn't change anything about #YesAllWomen's morally repugnant actions, or #YesAllPeople being founded by women disgusted by those actions, because I had no connection to any of it.
  4. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    • Like Like x 1
  5. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    It wasn't random.

    But don't let logic sully your propaganda. Keep forging* ahead, brother.

    (Do MRAs have slogans? Like "Hasta la Victoria Siempre" or "No War but Class War" except less Marxisty and more Men's Rightsy?)

    * Speaking of forging, I've noticed that a lot of your posts leave an irony aftertaste.
  6. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    • Like Like x 1
  7. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Super foamy.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Y'know...this reminds me of the speakers engagement for a debate my college once had back in '88

    One was a radical feminist.
    The other was a pornographer. (Al Goldstein of Screw magazine)

    Now the radical feminist went first...and pissed off everyone...including all the women. She was just too angry and extreme.
    Then Mr. Goldstein followed...
    His points were logical and balanced...and everyone said he won...including the women.
    However...he was so crude & foul...using language just to make a point that he could...he turned off his audience...especially the women.

    It was very interesting to observe...not so much the speech
    but the dynamics and reactions afterwards.

    Meaning, you CAN be completely correct...yet still lose your audience.
    Sometimes, it's not what you say...but also "how" you say it...including the intensity and tone of that.

    Don't lose your audience.
    Your passion can inspire...but it can also turn-away.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I think there is a very good chance that things would have been different if he had a girlfriend. And that is what I think is missing in the tens of thousands of comments on this story. What did he or someone like him need to do to get a girlfriend? Mental health treatment is one thing, but what Snowy suggested of teaching teens how to be in relationships is absolutely needed. And guys like me and him and a bunch of others need even more training.

    I have tried to stay away from this story and the 'debate' around it. I'm not quite as crazy, but I am an older version of him. When you get an 11 on the sex number test posted a few days ago, but you look like the avatar OtherSyde has with shorter hair, it is hard to figure out why. I don't play video games, I don't watch sports, I don't smoke, I volunteer, I have a job, I'm in good shape, I have savings, I own a house, I have friends that are women (married), and I failed at on-line dating. I don't need to be the ultimate PUA, but you would think that there would be one single girl in almost 20 years of wanting to be in a relationship...

    I read the "Your Princess Is In Another Castle" article, but when a high 90's percentage of guys have had sex by their mid 20's, it isn't so much "entitlement" as much as how can you be so unlucky. If there were 100 guys on a basketball court being picked for teams, you would be one of the last few left. I had an excuse when I was 22 that I was broke poor, had no job, and had 3 or 4 friends. But, it does get annoying when everything you do is to increase your desirability, but it gets you nowhere.

    Things are not good for 20 or 30-something male virgins out there. And it really messes with your mental state. And that is what is scary to me. For my physical health, I am fine. My emotional health isn't anywhere near where it should be for how much success I've had since college.

    I was going to make a thread last week about if a male virgin could ever be successful? Is it better to be a millionaire that gets no female attention, or someone living paycheck to paycheck who has a loving girlfriend? Or what is the point of working hard and doing well if it never leads to a relationship? This isn't "taking a break" from dating, this is never being exposed to anything dealing with relationship.

    I'm not really sure why this became a trend because of this incident. Was he stalking girls? Gropping them? Date-raping them? I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I want to see the data on football players, frat guys, artists, and other male groups too. For some reason I don't think too many virgin guys over 20 lose it by raping a woman. If you aren't going to ever forget your first time, that isn't the way you want it to happen...

    He didn't rape anyone before going on this rampage (which I am kind of surprised at), but rape, one night stands, and prostitution aren't the same as a successful loving relationship. When you are competing against siblings and you want your parents to approve of who you are with, it can be tougher and the hook-up culture won't work. Raping or hitting women isn't the answer.
  10. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

  11. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Dude...this is what I was talking about...the challenge there is these days in dating.
    As women have to deal with the image illusion given to them by Hollywood, media, porn, advertising and such.
    Men have the same issue, but in the context of being "The Prince" and "Mr. Cool" and other archtypes.

    You CAN have supposedly everything they say they want. (and not in extremes like millionaires or models/bodybuilders)
    And yet...still fail with some consistency over a long period of time.
    Income, Humor, Stability, Conversation, Caring, etc...and so on. Are in the end, truly random factors...but at the same time needed.

    Your only two weapons that seem to work most often...
    And the ability to put yourself out there and try & try again, until it works. (makes you feel like a large set of sperm :rolleyes: )

    Years before, males had the patriarchal emphasis and social structure at the time to assist them in finding someone.
    The dominance of men, women in "their place", religion and social mores, family units pushing them to mates, matchmakers, etc...
    But now this does not exist (much) ...at least in US, Canada, Western Europe and others.
    Women have more discretion and choice. And I'm not saying this is a bad thing. It's a good thing. It just what is.

    However, just like before men were given some choice...and they judged according to their illusions and biases. The same is true for women now.
    They can be picky...and they have EVERY right to be.
    But this gives a challenge and an issue to men. How do you be what they want?? How do you get what you want??
    These are soft skills that many aren't born with.
    And those that do, live in the "sun"...and take up more of the "options"...and sometimes piss it up for the rest...
    How do you get results??

    Yes, it is "supposed" be romantic...or it isn't the "ideal"...but that's not reality.
    If you just wait...or don't learn and adjust...then you're likely to be a very lonely man.
    You have to feel comfortable with yourself...and you have to be willing to hit your head up against that wall again & again.
    Yes, some men find women who like their shy ways. They are very lucky.
    But this is NOT the normal trend you have to deal with.

    And BTW...people are NOT accepting or choose ALL that they see or encounter...be honest.
    Even that person is likely passing on quite a few choices or receptions...that aren't the right "fit"


    And to end...on your frustration...I have the same EXACT frustrations. (including online dating...)
    Supposedly I have "it all" or at least more of what they say they want as you describe
    ...but you end up having to deal with the ambiguity and skittishness ad nauseam.
    So you write another email... Or gear yourself up for another "approach" in RL. Or wait until you get lucky and they find you.
    You have a choice. Let fate decide. Or act with intent.

    However if you choose the latter...and you're tired of waiting...make yourself feel good about yourself...and keep trying...until it hits.
    Hate to say it....it's like finding a fuckin' job.
    The romance only comes into play...when you've been able to spend some time with them.
    IF you're being sincere...before that it's either an illusion or your hormones are leading you.

    From what I understand, women have the same issues...so do gays.
    So now we are ALL in the same boat. (unless you live in the "limelight"...then appreciate your luck)
    Last edited: May 30, 2014
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  12. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Well, you can also perceive that you have everything they want, and still give off that Creeper Vibe.
    • Like Like x 3
  13. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Too true...I can't speak for anyone else...
    Haven't heard feedback on the "creeper" thing yet for me...although I'm very guilty of the "talkative over-enthusiastic" vibe...and have noted it.
    But I don't know why anyone would think that of little ol' me... :rolleyes:

    But let's face it...ANY old "vibe" can chase someone away.
    Hell, even a raised eyebrow at the wrong time can.
    People observe, if needed adjust...then move on ...and try again.
    Sooner or later, you'll meet someone who finds your vibe with no issue or even endearing.
    That's the game.

    I think the key here for this thread...don't be TOO angry or petty at it.
    You've got to let go.
    If not for them...for yourself.
    Last edited: May 30, 2014
  14. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member


    -+-{Important TFP Staff Message}-+-

    I understand this is a sensitive topic for all parties. The staff are inclined to keep this thread going because it's generated some very enthusiastic participation. Debating the topic is okay and encouraged. Personal attacks of any form and from or to any party are not. There've been a few here from both sides already. Do try to keep it in check going forward.
  15. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage


    Mass media, we're soaking in it.
    Last edited: May 30, 2014
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  16. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA
    Jesus, this thread really mutated and went nuts after its humble, humorous beginnings...
  17. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Man, and in my head, everything is completely assbackwards.
  18. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

  19. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA
    Me too - I'm almost certain of it, really. I mean his inability to escape his state of virginity or have a successful sexual relationship of any kind - which resulted in his extreme isolation and bitterness. If he'd had a sexual relationship, he would have been too busy blowing his load on her face to be blowing people away with his Glock. It was essentially his stated motivation. Sure, there were some other factors, but they were smaller in comparison. And yeah, maybe he was just nuts, and would eventually have gotten rich-guy control-freak syndrome and killed some girl, but I seriously doubt he'd have written a 140+ page manifesto and gone on some kind of psychotic grandiose large-scale killing spree.

    If you looked like Jack Harkness, you would have a long line of pretty women and pretty men lining up to suck you off. Seriously. Of course, Rodgers was a pretty-boy with a BMW, but even those things couldn't compensate for his atrocious douche-bag personality. Honestly I can't say anything about your personality since I've not met or hung out with you and I won't make any assumptions (although you don't sound like a douche at all), but you can't be any more socially retarded than I am. Do you have trouble forging genuine connections with male friends as well? Not in a homo-erotic sense, just like, deeper more meaningful connections? Or is everything surface-level, lost-in-translation type stuff with you as far as human relations?
    --- merged: May 30, 2014 at 8:45 PM ---
    Me too - I'm almost certain of it, really. I mean his inability to escape his state of virginity or have a successful sexual relationship of any kind - which resulted in his extreme isolation and bitterness. If he'd had a sexual relationship, he would have been too busy blowing his load on her face to be blowing people away with his Glock. It was essentially his stated motivation. Sure, there were some other factors, but they were smaller in comparison. And yeah, maybe he was just nuts, and would eventually have gotten rich-guy control-freak syndrome and killed some girl, but I seriously doubt he'd have written a 140+ page manifesto and gone on some kind of psychotic grandiose large-scale killing spree.

    If you looked like Jack Harkness, you would have a long line of pretty women and pretty men lining up to suck you off. Seriously. Of course, Rodgers was a pretty-boy with a BMW, but even those things couldn't compensate for his atrocious douche-bag personality. Honestly I can't say anything about your personality since I've not met or hung out with you and I won't make any assumptions (although you don't sound like a douche at all), but you can't be any more socially retarded than I am. Do you have trouble forging genuine connections with male friends as well? Not in a homo-erotic sense or anything, just like, deeper more meaningful connections? Or is everything surface-level, lost-in-translation type stuff with you as far as human relations?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2014
  20. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Sure it would have been great if he had a sex partner to relieve his tension.

    I think this misses the larger point that wouldn't it be better if there wasn't this pressure to begin with? Why is there an expectation of a relationship to begin with?