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Internet Lunatics - RadFems, PUA's, MRA's, MGTOW's, etc.

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by OtherSyde, May 5, 2014.

  1. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    I'll take it from this that your answer is "the latter".
  2. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Feminist logic:
    "If the pair of pants on top has 'size 32' on them and the rest in the stack look like they're the same size they're probably all size 32"
    "MRA Logic: I wear a size 32 waist. I must also wear a size 32 shoe."

    Erase, explain-away, or obfuscate all criticism. Misrepresent, mischaracterize, or flat out make up things to attribute to your opponents. When in doubt, lie your way out. And if all else fails resort to criminal violence to try and terrorize people into submission. Don't worry, nobody will ever act against you, nobody will report on it, and when anyone brings it up we start right back at the beginning with Erase, Explain-away, and Obfuscating criticism.
  3. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Hint: We're not talking about pants either.

    If we can rewind a bit: I can't erase, explain away, or obfuscate something that doesn't exist. I can't misrepresent, mischaracterize, or flat out make up things about something we're not discussing.

    This doesn't even make any sense. Are you operating on a script?
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
  4. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    It's the classic "I know feminism is, but what am I?" approach popularized by PeeWee Herman in his late "Benign Misogynist" phase.
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  5. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Dying over here.
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  6. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Honestly? I'm baffled. I point out rather elementary lapses in logic, and I'm considered wrong, perhaps because I'm being labelled a feminist and therefore must be wrong. This despite the complete absence of feminist theory in my criticism of the logic.

    We've run quite the gauntlet of logical fallacies, from faulty generalizations to tu quoques. There is nothing ideological about my criticism. They are objective rationalizations. I have been more than fair (and patient) in expecting to see some actual data on the subject at hand (homicide, remember?).

    I'm more than welcome to seeing how my criticisms are inept. If we have not indeed seen faulty generalizations, tu quoques, etc., if we have not seen a lack of logical integrity regarding a discussion of gender and homicide, then, please, someone point it out to me in a fair manner. Don't accuse me of "hand-waving" or "obfuscating" the evidence away. I'm pointing directly at it and asking for clarity. In other words, I'm doing exactly the opposite.

    I made a statement about men and homicide, and the criticism of it has discussed pant sizes more than homicide.

    Why is that?
  7. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

  8. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    You misuse fallacies like magic invocations and when I finally force you to try and actually justify them you go back to presuming you're correct axiomatically and therefore anything that disagrees with you is wrong by default. Presuming something is correct axiomatically, like some kind of divinely revealed absolute truth, is the exact opposite of a "complete absence". Feminism is your bible, and anything that ever disagrees with it is assumed to be utterly wrong by default.

    We have run a gauntlet of fallacies, mostly from people who keep repeating "You disagree with me therefore I'm right" and "You disagree with feminism therefore you're wrong". Your "objective rationalizations" are neither objective nor rational, and as I've repeatedly demonstrated as (as opposed to your bare assertions) they are based solely and completely on assuming that anything which ever disagrees with or differs from feminism in any way is automatically and wholly wrong. Even when I finally got you to actually back up your cargo cult invocation of fallacies it turns out all you were doing was basing them off of that inherently broken premise. You don't legitimately justify accusing me of a hasty generalization, you merely work backwards from the assumption that Feminism is perfect therefore all evidence I have otherwise is either invalid or an outlier. Likewise your constant repetition of "tu quoque" is nothing more than an "I shot first" shield against all criticism of feminism's actions, even though they're directly relevant to the subject.

    And when all else fails you resort to playing games, like your bullshit "red light/green light" stunt with homicide where you first claimed it was the topic, then claimed it was irrelevant when I responded, and then demanded I get back on top right afterwards when I stop playing.

    "If I'm doing something wrong point it out to me"
    "You're not allowed to point out what I'm actually doing"

    Ironically the way you set up this trick question gave me exactly what I needed to answer it successfully. First you play the victim, pretending to be reasonable and pretending all you want is honest debate. You put out a crocodile tear ridden plea for someone to point out what you're doing wrong, if anything, and ask only that it be done in a "fair manner". And then you go on to exclude exactly what you've been doing wrong from the things I'm allowed to point out you do. It's like calling me names and then asking what you're doing wrong and saying I'm not allowed to respond with "name calling". Gee, that's not intellectually dishonest or underhanded at all.

    Oh the irony, considering the sheer vitriol thrown at anyone who doesn't 100% agree with 100% of feminism 100% of the time even right here on these very forums.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
  9. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Wow. You really have no idea what's going on, do you?

    I'm not even talking about feminism. My criticisms have nothing to do with feminism.

    Biased much?

    Hey, guys, remember that time I said something about homicide?
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
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  10. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    And we're back to me having to repeat things for you since you don't read anything that disagrees with you longer than it takes to latch on to one thing to mischaracterize or whine about.
  11. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member


    Anything about homicide?
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    I'm beginning to see the appeal.
  13. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member


    I justified them by pointing out that your sources don't discuss homicide, nor suggest the data also applies to homicide. Point this out to me if I missed it.

    This isn't divinely revealed absolute truth, it's what I've observed. If I'm wrong, let me know. (With facts.)

    This has nothing to do with feminism. The fact that your sources lack evidence on homicide has nothing to do with feminism. It's a simple case of your sources lacking evidence on homicide.

    The lack of evidence on homicide combined with your attempts to use the sources as proof that what I stated about homicide is false is logically fallacious.

    Let me spell it out for you:

    1. [statement about homicide] countered with [sources not about homicide] + [argument that the sources prove statement about homicide is false]

    2. [counterargument to statement about homicide] countered with [the sources do not discuss anything related to the statement about homicide] + [the argument that the sources prove statement about homicide is false is therefore illogical]

    3. [counterargument to counterargument] countered with [you're wrong because you're a feminist ideologue]

    4. [WTF?]

    Neither of these has happened. You're making things up now.

    Where has this happened? Let me tell you: no where.

    What broken premise? That a refusal to discuss homicide in a discussion about homicide is illogical?

    Again, my pointing out your lack of evidence and discussion on homicide has nothing to do with feminism.

    This isn't about feminism. (Surprise!) This is about your lack of logic in a discussion about homicide and gender. Whenever you resort to a "What about FEMINISTS!" type argument, that's a blatant tu quoque, and it doesn't even make any sense because we're not talking about the MRM or feminism here. We're talking about homicide stats/evidence (or a lack thereof).

    You didn't respond with anything about homicide. This is the core issue—read that sentence again if you have to.

    No, no. You're totally allowed to. What I'm actually doing is asking you to make sense. You're not making sense. You're saying (from what I can gather): Women murder as much as men do because of stuff regarding sexual and domestic violence. This is a failure of logic.

    Pretending to be reasonable? Pretending I want an honest debate? For serious?

    It's unreasonable to want data/evidence on homicide in a discussion on homicide. It's dishonest of me to point out the failure to provide such and the logical problems with that.


    What have I been doing wrong? Not taking you at your word?

    Here we go again.

    1. I said A.
    2. You said A is false because B.
    3. I said B doesn't disprove A because it isn't connected with A; you need to come up with C, which is.
    4. OMG you're a feminist!
    5. B doesn't make sense. What about C?
    6. You're only saying that because you're a feminist ideologue.
    7. No seriously. B doesn't make sense because it says nothing about A. Can we look at C, perhaps?
    8. Maybe if you weren't such a feminist, you wouldn't call B wrong just because it disagrees with A.
    9. But B doesn't disagree with A. They're unconnected. I want to talk about C, which is connected with A. If I missed something in B, let me know. I want to know whether my criticism was unfair.
    10. Now you're playing the victim, you feminist propagandist!

    No. It's like me calling you out on your failure of logic and you responding with calling me a feminist ideologue that won't accept sources not about homicide in a discussion about homicide.

    Again, we're not talking about feminism here. It's not vitriol to expect you to make sense. If I come across as a meanie, I apologize. I just want to hold you accountable for things you say in response to me.
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  14. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Man, @Baraka_Guru, you should have gone to law school or something. Or taken up teaching rhetoric and logic.
  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    • Like Like x 2
  16. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I'm afraid I'm just a feminist.
  17. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    There's your problem right there.
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  18. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    You're spelling things wrong, here let me correct your typo:

    1. [Statement about men as a class based on conviction rates]
    2.[Multiple sources across the criminal justice system proving conviction rates are extremely prejudiced] + [basic fucking logic that in a sequence of 1 2 3 4 x 6 "x" is almost certainly 5]
    3.[Playing games about what's relevant] + [bare assertion that I'm wrong]
    4.[Repeat #2]
    <repeat pattern>
    15.[Continue playing games about what's relevant] + [assertion that synthesis and logical development are invalid and demand for exhaustive and arbitrary degrees of specificity]

    This has everything to do with feminism because that's been the subject of discussion this entire time, and your sole strategy this entire thread has been to claim by bare assertion that anything which contradicts or disagrees with feminism is wrong purely because it contradicts feminism. Even your pedantry right now about how we're talking about homicide and not feminism is nothing more than a continuation of your use of dishonest tactics to undermine the act of discussion itself, the only reason this was even brought up is because you tried to use biased data to claim men don't value human life in response to my assertion that female life is valued more than male life.

    Once that happened you latched on to that arbitrary and pedantic point to further avoid dealing with any of the substance of what I'd said.

    You realise that unless you use moderator powers to delete multiple posts in this thread all someone needs to do is go back and find where I specifically quoted Bodkin's gratuitous use of that cheap trick and specifically explained how and why it applied, right? Also it's just ironic for you to accuse me of making things up, once again unless you've deleted multiple posts all anyone needs to do is go back and watch you guys completely make things up I never said because you weren't even reading my posts, or even go after me for directly responding to someone elses post.

    This entire thread, and the other one, has been one long exercise in the three of you repeatedly insisting that anything which disagrees with or contradicts feminism or any feminist claims are utterly invalid and "don't count".

    Your assertion that "this isn't about feminism" is just another dishonest tactic to delegitimize whatever I say without actually saying anything of substance yourself. You're the sole arbiter of what we're talking about, and you get to change what that is whenever you want. No matter what I respond with you accuse me of being off topic. If I try to stick to the original point before you derailed it with your arbitrary pedantry about what does or doesn't "count" (and surprise surprise nothing i say is ever valid) you accuse me of being off topic.

    The moment I start discussing homicide rates suddenly everything I say is "irrelevant" and you STILL attack me for being off topic. I'm done playing your game.

    As for your continued abuse of accusations of fallacies, once again you fail to read my post and embarass yourself by ignoring that I've already destroyed your argument:

    The very core of the subject includes feminism's claims of moral superiority over the MRM versus feminism's behavior in the real world. Pointing out Feminism's behavior is thus directly and inherently relevant. You do not get to arbitrary exclude an enormous relevant body of argument purely because you shot first and classified everything I say in response as "Tu Quoque".

    The fact that you have arbitrarily decided to utterly shut down all discussion by derailing into pedantry when you've already been given valid statistics has no bearing on that.

    Once again you try to twist away from the actual substance of what I said, with the added bonus of straw manning me and dishonestly misrepresenting my evidence.

    Let's try this again. You said:

    Handwaving and obfuscating is exactly what you are doing. Saying "point it out to me in a fair manner" followed immediately by "Don't accuse me of hand-waving or obfuscating" is a setup exactly like I described. You're pretending to be reasonable but specifically excluding exactly the very thing you have been doing.

    "If I'm doing something wrong point it out to me"
    "You're not allowed to point out what I'm actually doing"

    Yes, for serious. You have done nothing in either of these two threads but arbitrarily refuse to accept the validity of anything which contradicts feminism. You have done nothing this entire time but erase, explain-away, or obfuscate feminism's own actions and you have done nothing but misrepresent, mischaracterize, or simply arbitrarily declare invalid any evidence I give.

    And this is just more evidence of how little you care to actually engage in any kind of honest discussion. Let's look at this without the straw manning:

    1. You said A because of sample B
    2. I said B is biased and renders A an invalid claim because of X, Y, and Z
    3. You ignore X, Y, and Z and accuse me of being off-topic and irrelevant.
    4. I reiterate X, Y, and Z
    4a. I point out your pattern of arbitrarily dismissing anything that contradicts you.
    5. You say X, Y, and Z are invalid and off-topic.
    6. I reiterate X, Y, and Z are overwhelming evidence of B's bias across the entirety of the population sample B is drawn from
    6a. I point out your pattern of arbitrarily dismissing anything that contradicts you in addition to this.
    7. You say X, Y, and Z, are utterly off-topic and demand exhaustive and hyperspecific evidence
    8. I reiterate X, Y, and Z are overwhelming evidence of the entire population which sample B is from is biased
    8a. I point out your pattern of arbitrarily dismissing anything that contradicts you in addition to this.
    9. You make a big show of how you're such an innocent victim of the big mean anti-feminist
    10. I point out the consistent underlying flaw in all of your arbitrary dismissals of everything that contradicts you, why it's not logically valid, and why your claims are not sound
    11. You straw man me by acting like all I've been doing is namecalling.

    There's no comparison between "You continue to arbitrarily dismiss everything that contradicts your theory" and "YOU'RE A FEMINIST". One is disagreeing with a tangible action, the other is straight namecalling. Straw manning me for the latter is as much an ad hominem as directly insulting me, just like there's no difference between saying "your post was written by someone that's an idiot" and "you're an idiot".

    No of course we're not, we're talking about whatever I'm not talking about so that way you can always accuse me of being off-topic. It's just another cheap trick like "disagreeing with me proves me right" traps, completely ignoring what I post to the point of being utterly non-sequitur to the thread or attacking me over something someone else said, and arbitrarily dismissing nearly every single thing I post as invalid for some reason or another.

    Now I think it's time to close this thread. You yourself have devolved to being straight up insulting, and it's increasingly just a shooting gallery of other people making mocking trollposts. Either way I'm washing my hands of it.

    If you want to feel like you "won" just like when you and some others literally drove people off the forum for fear of personal attacks in the Females and Femininity thread go right ahead. Hell keep posting Stormfront level hate material from Manboobz and the SPLC quoting feminists who want to commit genocide against transpeople if that's what gets your jollies off, you're just helping drive even more people to leave feminism in disgust while your echo chamber keeps you from hearing the door slam on the way out.

    I've banged my head against a wall of "That's not valid" and "If you disagree with me you prove me right" for 17 pages, and when it devolves to namecalling while a peanut gallery spam trollposts the thread's not even good practice anymore.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2014
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  19. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member


    Things would have turned out much, much differently if you had actually discussed homicide.

    It's gone this far because I'm one stubborn motherfucker.

    Is the complete absence of useful homicide data because of the feminists?

    But how do you know that your "sources that are the closest thing you will approve of about homicide" haven't been tainted by the Fem?

    I think we should move on though. I can't say I won, because I didn't get what I wanted: a fair response to a comment about homicide.

    Let's just chalk it up as a non-starter, hmm?

    Last edited: Jun 20, 2014
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  20. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Obtuse in the first degree.