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Internet Lunatics - RadFems, PUA's, MRA's, MGTOW's, etc.

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by OtherSyde, May 5, 2014.

  1. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Maybe the fourth time's when you'll learn that a claim based on conviction rates can be rebutted with hard evidence that those conviction rates are the product of an prejudicial system and thus giving you biased data.

    I'm not holding my breath though.
    AKA: "Your citations don't use the specific arbitrary verbiage I want despite directly applying to the topic at hand, therefore I claim they are invalid!"
    See also: "Your studies are about Colour perception and not Color perception, therefore they are invalid!"
  2. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I meant: Could you point me to the data on homicide itself. I don't see it. I see stuff on domestic/sexual assaults and federal crimes. I don't see stuff on homicides.

    I'm asking this because we're talking about homicides. I'm asking this because I want to be sure you're not committing a false attribution fallacy and a fallacy of composition.

    When talking about homicides, we should talk about homicides, shouldn't we? You don't consider homicides or murders "arbitrary verbiage," do you? I'm referring to the actual acts. I'm requesting actual data.

    Do you have it?
  3. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    And now we're back to you using fallacies like magic invocations, thinking that just by saying the words and waving your hands you can magically invalidate my facts with your own invalid assertions. For example "false attribution" has absolutely no relevance here, and the "fallacy of composition" is literally the exact opposite of what I've done. You see Baraka when you want to call something a fallacy you need to PROVE IT, just like any other claim. You need to actually demonstrate how and why something is invalid, not just say "you lose because I say so".

    Now try it a fifth time and maybe it will sink in that you're making a claim based on a subset of conviction rates and I've proven that conviction rates across the board are profoundly prejudiced and therefore giving you biased data.

    Last edited: Jun 12, 2014
  4. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    This data doesn't include homicides.

    If it does and I am in error (yes, I can admit when I'm wrong), please extract it and show me.

    Until then, the "magical" fallacies are sticking to you like pixie dust.

    You're glittering. Do something about it. Or don't. I'm fine either way.
  5. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Evidently you don't understand that homicide convictions are a subset of all convictions, or how synthesis works. Lets try it a sixth time and maybe you'll get it... or maybe as usual you just refuse to recognize as valid anything that contradicts you.

    Also your claims of fallacies aren't sticking to anything because all you've done is invoke their names. You haven't demonstrated how or why my arguments are fallacies in any way, shape, or form which makes your post a Bare Assertion fallacy... just like almost every other post you've made where you simply say "I'm right because I say so, you're wrong because I say so".

    Now lets try this a sixth time:

  6. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Your "synthesis" forms the basis of your fallacies. (See below.)

    I'm sorry, but the data on crimes that aren't homicides cannot neatly apply to crimes that are. It's because they aren't the same thing.

    One could also argue that you've cherry-picked data. I chose to limit identifying your fallacies to the two that were the most significant and directly applicable.

    As an extension to your claim, data on crimes related to prostitution and dog-fighting don't apply to crimes of homicide either.

    You're citing data that isn't directly related to homicides and making a logical leap.

    Why won't you use relevant data? This is a serious question.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2014
  7. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Saw below. Nothing there. You still fail to prove how and why my arguments are fallacies according to the definition, which is impossible anyway since one of your claimed fallacies simply doesn't apply here and the other is literally the exact opposite of what I'm doing. Once again I've actually said something of substance and you do nothing but simply assert your own correctness blankly.

    Had you not been lying yet again you would know precisely why you're objectively wrong in this statement even IF I weren't empirically proving that the criminal justice system across the board is prejudiced and giving you biased data. My data is two-pronged, applying both to claims of violence being a male trait and to the empirical basis of that in conviction rates. your claims are about a subset of convictions. Therefore, my data applies to your chosen subset and THEN some.

    So lets repeat this again, for the seventh time.

  8. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    You haven't said anything of substance on homicides or your lack of data on homicides, which is what we're talking about (ostensibly).

    The fallacy of a false attribution occurs when an advocate appeals to an irrelevant, unqualified, unidentified, biased or fabricated source in support of an argument.

    I made a statement about homicides. You cited data about sexual/domestic violence and federal crimes (homicides are largely state level). You didn't cite data about homicides. You appealed to cited data that isn't about homicides. You therefore appealed to irrelevant data.​

    The fallacy of composition arises when one infers that something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole (or even of every proper part).

    I made a statement about homicides. You cited data about sexual/domestic violence and federal crimes (homicides are largely state level). You then claimed that sexual/domestic violence and federal crimes have gender issues associated with them and so homicide crimes therefore have the same gender issues associated with them. You didn't cite data about homicides. You inferred that your cited data applies to homicides because the same issues regarding sexual/domestic violence and federal comes must also be true regarding homicides. There is no logical basis for this, especially with the lack of data on homicides themselves.​

    There are other fallacies that apply to your arguments. The fundamental problem is that you equate homicides with other crimes despite any direct data or logical connection.

    This is a rudimentary problem. I don't know why you don't provide data on homicides. Will you tell me that at least?

    You're assuming. Can you find actual data? You want me to trust you at your word, which is intrinsically linked to data that's not about homicides (the thing we're supposed to be talking about).

    Why won't you talk about what we're talking about?

    Why are you talking around the issue?

    I withheld this for as long as I could. Sorry. Proof by assertion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2014
  9. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    If you hadn't been lying about actually reading my post and citations you'd know why this is wrong even aside from the fact that I was empirically proving that the criminal justice sytem across the board is prejudiced and giving you biased dat.

    You made a statement about homicides based on convictions. I cited three seperate peer reviewed articles which proved that the entire criminal justice system is substantially prejudiced and thus giving you biased data. Also once again had you not been lying about actually reading my post and citations you would know you were patently wrong about this, even outside from that.
    No matter what I say you'll always claim it's invalid, your current favorite is to claim it's irrelevant or off-topic. The real question is why you are incapable of even recognizing anything that contradicts you as valid. The answer, I still posit, is that we're discussing two different things. I'm discussing facts and evidence, you're proselytizing your religion.
    No no no, it's Bare Assertion that you've been relying on virtually every post.
  10. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Okay. Let's assume I'm an idiot. (I have my suspicions.) Please restate what you said about homicides and point to the supporting data on homicides. I'd like to see it. I'm genuinely interested. Perhaps I missed it while I was looking through the other data you posted.

    Again. Assume I'm an idiot. (I'm practically honest to a fault, so it must be idiocy.) Where in your articles is the claim that homicides have the same problems as crimes such as domestic and sexual violence?

    Your first source talks about intimate partner violence and injury among couples aged between 18 and 28. Nothing about homicides between intimate partners. Nothing about homicides between people not in an intimate relationship. Nothing about homicides among those between the ages of 29 and 79 (the U.S. life expectancy). Your first source is irrelevant to a discussion of homicides.

    Your second source discusses new data on the sexual victimization of men and how past assumptions are now false. Nothing about homicides. Nothing about male victims of homicide. Nothing about female victims of homicide. Nothing about male perpetrators of homicide. Nothing about female perpetrators of homicide. Your second source is irrelevant to a discussion of homicides.

    Your third source is from a book about perceptions of female offenders. You seem to have linked to a section entitled Gender Stereotypes and the Criminal Justice System. This section discusses intimate partner violence, not homicides. The book makes no claim that the data on intimate partner violence also applies to homicide. (If I missed it, please cite it here.) Your third source is irrelevant to a discussion of homicides (unless you can point me to a section covering homicides).

    Your fourth source looks at gender disparities in sentencing, but the data is from U.S. federal courts. It's my understanding that only a fraction of homicide cases fall under federal jurisdiction and that they are mostly under state jurisdiction. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) The article makes no claim that the data also applies to homicides at the state level. If I missed it, please cite it here. Otherwise, your fourth source is irrelevant to a discussion of homicides.

    I'd like to see data on homicides. I really would.

    This is false. I brought up homicide and you have failed to discuss homicide. You haven't contradicted what I've said because you haven't said anything substantial. I made a statement about homicide. You haven't made a counterstatement or -argument about homicide that isn't fundamentally (and obviously) illogical.

    No. Although we're discussing two different things, it's actually a case of my discussing homicide and your discussing domestic and sexual violence. Two different things.

    You're discussing facts and evidence, yes, but they're irrelevant because they're facts and evidence unassociated with homicide (the thing we're supposed to be talking about).

    If I'm proselytizing any religion, it's reason.

    Ironic, this.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2014
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  11. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    The Force is strong with this one.
  12. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Honestly, though, this has become rather surreal—where absence is substance, smoke is absolute, and the admixture of inklings and magic formulate logic.

    It's disorienting when you're calibrated otherwise.
  13. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    @shadowex3, you appear to want to discuss something other than homicide. Why don't you just address what it is you actually want to discuss, since this back and forth has become hilariously boring.
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  14. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

  15. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    So we're supposed to believe that feminism was the victim of a completely fake setup as part of a massive multi-year conspiracy involving hundreds of people who Buzzfeed claims are all MRA's, despite listing off groups that not only aren't part of the MRM but actively oppose it? And then there's how the foremost feminists online tacitly condoned this by staying silent until the mainstream media forced their hand, and how even then they didn't oppose #endfathersday but instead attacked the people hurt by it.

    4chan's trolls started this, but plenty of real people picked it up and ran with it, and trying to pin it on the MRM in yet another act of scapegoating is entirely inexcusable. Poe's law only works if the troll is indistinguishable from a group's normal conduct. This never would've worked had that not been the case, no matter how desperately people try use this as an excuse to claim anything that's drawn criticism was part of the conspiracy. It's a nuclear powered No True Feminist; not only is everyone that's ever politically inconvenient not a True Feminist, they're actually a Deep Cover MRA.

    The really sad thing is it would've been so easy to flip this on its head right from the start, especially for people with thirty freaking thousand followers, just by proactively tweeting something like #YesAllDads. And it doesn't take any effort not to do something like scapegoating MRM. Feminism would've come out smelling like roses, the trolls would've starved, and it would've been an enormous step towards peaceful coexistence that undermined extremists on all sides. Instead we get this.

    But yknow what? I'm coming to terms with that. When the UCSB smear pieces were spreading like wildfire I was afraid I'd be attacked in a revenge crime motivated by all the vicious libel. Instead I saw were more people than ever saying they read the MRM's material in morbid curiosity and realised they'd been lied to, or that they were finally pushed away because they knew MRAs and the lies about them were just too morally repugnant to excuse anymore.

    Two words sum up how all this libel has been working out: "Own Goal"
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2014
  16. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    No, but you can totally believe that if you want.
    • Like Like x 3
  17. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    Did you get past your fears by dismissing your concerns by citing statistics about completely unrelated crime rates, or do you only do that to women in fear of gender-based violence?
    • Like Like x 2
  18. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA
    OOOHH! ZING! :p
  19. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    No I just stopped using feminist math to get to "1 in 4" from "1 in 1,877" and realised my odds were three orders of magnitude better than I thought. But in all seriousness it must be so hard for you to get through life completely incapable of synthesis or even basic comparison. How do you go grocery shopping when you're incapable of figuring out that the round objects next to the Granny Smith apples that look exactly like apples are also apples? How do you find someone's house when their address numbers are covered and you can't figure out that the building between 386 and 390 is 388? How do you buy clothes when only one pair of pants has a size label on it and all the others are just the same size and in the same pile?
  20. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    MRA logic:

    Apple pie is good for you because apples are good for you.

    I bought a house with the number 386 on it. All buildings with 386 on them are now mine.

    I wear a size 32 waist. I must also wear a size 32 shoe.
    • Like Like x 2