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I know it's a good day when.....

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by fflowley, Feb 4, 2012.

  1. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I spend it with my daughter. I actually took her hunting this past deer season.
  2. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Centerfire rifle? I'd imagine she's too small to use a bow yet and not too many guys are running muskets anymore.
  3. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    loincloths and obsidian spears? I'd imagine she's too small to wrestle it down yet and not too many guys are running them off of cliffs anymore.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

    When I can go into Posting Games. Some days I can and day I can't.
  5. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    Plan9 and EventHorizon actually we went during bow season and just sat on the ground. she was too scared to get in the stand. we took some coloring books and such and just had a good old time. didnt see shit but the time was well worth it. when shes older i hope she gets into being an outdoors girl
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  6. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    Mine are too little yet but I know that this will be a great day for me if and when it happens in the future.
  7. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I loved every minute of it.
  8. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    It's a good day, when it's over... I like night better anyway
  9. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    It's Friday.
  10. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    When I keep the rubber side down.
    When I have—or make—time to watch and listen to the birds.
    When I make music.
    When I am proud of what I've accomplished, either personally or professionally.
    When I feel loved.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2014
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  11. When I can sing my notes on-key.
    When my fingers go where I tell them to go and my hands move in sync.

    When I can walk without tripping over myself, or talk without tripping over my words.
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  12. Katia

    Katia Very Tilted

    when I haven't argued with my genius son and lost. Jeez, that kid is too smart for his own good.
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  13. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I don't get any passive aggressive emails from my professor.
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  14. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    When I wake up at the beach.
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  15. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I see a penny and pick it up... ;)

    When I see my pup's cute butt wiggling while walking happily along her wall top. (she's picked up a habit of balancing, just like little kids do :cool:)
    • Like Like x 1
  16. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    There's a new chapter of Naruto after a two week break that ended on a cliffhanger. And we ended on another cliffhanger. Sigh. The upside is that this chapter confirmed a theory I've held for a long time, so I'm pretty pleased about that.

    I have a job booked for today. I love Wednesdays. 6 hours of work and get paid for a full day. That 6 hours includes an hour of prep (sitting around doing nothing) and 40 minutes for lunch. Yup.
  17. boomer411

    boomer411 New Member

    I would love to have the time and resources to be able to pee in the woods more often. I think that life would be significantly better for people if they took more time to remember what they are grateful for and what makes for a good day. I personally know it is a good day if I wake up. As the old saying goes, "every day this side of the grass is a good day." We often focus on things to be angry or upset about. Many people focus on the bad stuff and things to feel victimized by. If we would all remember what the alternative to life is I believe we would all feel a bit better on a regular basis.
  18. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I get up second and my husband has already made coffee. Tasty, delicious coffee.
  19. boomer411

    boomer411 New Member

    Having someone available to make coffee and have a cup ready for you when you get up, is definitely a sign of a good day.
  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    You get a 2nd interview for a new job to get the hell out of the insane one you're in...
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