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I can't be around you if...

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by GeneticShift, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Yeah, we have been.
    We pretty well know who does and does not or has and doesn't anymore.
    It's not legal everywhere, as you know, so discretion is the better choice when speaking on a public board. I attended the last meetup and had a crystal clear notion of who does/ does not, would /would not.

    I'm extremely open about it in regard to myself.
    I've never been much of a drinker, never been a cigarette smoker, but have used cannabis on and off since age 16. 'Off' would be periods of up to 10 years.

    I quit last summer as I am trying to lose weight and the only cannabis I could find was too damn druggy. After all the 'ditch weed' I'd been stuck with over the decades, having pot that was "too good" was a problem. It is like too-strong coffee (side note--good discussion yesterday with my college age son about his observation that caffeine is "our" (society's) drug of choice).

    Also, I have heart issues and quitting lowered my bp. Significantly.

    In summary, I love to get high (not wasted) but have to really either have it only for super-special occasions and preferably, eat it, not smoke it.
    --- merged: Feb 10, 2014 at 5:15 PM ---
    You can start a thread but it strikes me as an old topic. And alcohol intoxication and cannabis intoxication are nothing alike. And then there is the combining of both which IMO is BAD news. But who gives a care what my opinion is? I'm not about to shove it down anyone else's throat which is where these discussions seem to go.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2014
  2. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    If such a thread were to be started, I'd prefer that it be in MP.
    • Like Like x 3
  3. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I'm not going to start such a thread. I just found Omega's statement to be pretty strong, which I can understand from his viewpoint. I think that the discussion could be civil.

    Yes, definately something for MP.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2014
  4. NobleDeb

    NobleDeb Getting Tilted

    New England
    I won't date you if one of your standards is that you are looking to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't have any "baggage".

    I can't imagine there is anyone in the world who doesn't carry some baggage from previous life experiences and relationships. If there is someone out there without baggage they would have to be one of the most boring people in the world. Yeah that's one of my big pet peeves.
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  5. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    I have no interest in starting a thread because my point wasn't any person's experience with cannabis or whether it is a drug. It is a drug. You can't argue that. i prefer not to be around it but I'm not going to throw a hissy fit if someone around me does spark up somewhere. Im not going to have someone in my life that sparks up, that's all. And by life I mean someone I'm sharing a bed or living space with.
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  6. It (pot) was legal over here - right up until your chap demanded we declare it illegal too. Poor us. You can still find opium growing wild - the seeds are sold - without instructions - at the garden nursery. Certain types of wild mushrooms are also now illegal - presumably even to exist.
    From my perspective - its (pot) like diazepan but without the addiction/withdrawl.
    Of those I have lost in my peer group - most are alcohol related. Barmans and Butlers disease creeps up on people and they dont even notice. The shakes in the morning will be put down to a dodgy curry or any bloody excuse.
    I also cant be around people who are intentionally killing themselves slowly with drink. I would help any one of them who wanted to get out from under it - having seen one friend drink herself to death over a few years, having visited her in intensive care, having tried to make her live - never again. Now I would walk away, because to do otherwise would be a form of self harming.
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  7. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Yes, pot is a drug, which shouldn't be illegal IMO.

    Technically pot isn't addictive. I've known many pot smokers (read my blog if you have access to it), and folks with addictive personalities can become addicted, even if the addiction mental rather than physical. One guy that I knew couldn't function without it, it was his equivalent 'taking a nip' at inappropriate times (morning, mid morning, lunch, mid afternoon, early evening, late night, at work, while driving, in public places, etc.). He would freak out if when things got dry, he'd burn a tank of gas, leave his wife stranded at work, etc. just for the possibility of scoring pot. Another guy was extremely high strung, he was always on full alert, and had stomach problems as a result. He neeed pot at night to unwind (he did not want a chemical dependency on pharmaceuticals), and he was a responsible toker. These days some people laugh when they hear that medicinal marijuana is legally prescribed to people with "nervous conditions." And I've known many tokers who fall in between the two extremes.
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  8. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    From the article:

    "....Carolyn Stuart, a coroner’s officer, said: ‘It is very rare to have cannabis toxicity as a cause of death. She was a healthy 31-year-old woman who had nothing wrong with her.’..."

    I suppose that cannibis toxicity is possible, especially if someone got really carried away toking on some super strong pot. From my understanding the pot available these days is much, much stronger than in my toking days. Back then there was some variation in quality but it wasn't large, unless you moved way up in price and even then you had to know the right (wrong?) people. In the Gemma Moss case, my gut feeling says if cannabis did play a major role in her death, it was because of some really weird fluke chemical reaction. I doubt that Moss underwent the kind of truly indepth testing that would be required to determine exactly why she died, i.e. why the toxcity occured.

    Why can't I get this font back to normal size?
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2014
  9. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    The daily mail reminds me a lot of "juice" drinks they promoted when I was a kid that contained "real juice" (10%)

    While I never had any use for pot, I'd not take a story from the daily mail as anything but a story from the daily mail, which means it may more may not contain 0-25% truth.
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  10. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    Better yes. What you have seems to be "woman died, we don't know why, she smoked a joint, so we will call it that".

    Even odder is that she was a long time user, and despite the "stopped and started again story" at least started again for a while prior to this. The amount in her system was 'moderate to high'. This doesn't sound constant with a sudden death.

    So I don't put much weight into this as anything but a weird anomaly.
  11. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    Same, though I'd still choose to respond anonymously. Even though pot is legal in Colorado, employers do not have to go along.

    It wouldn't seem that the lady in question was anywhere close. Pot is just a convenient scapegoat for lazy diagnosis.

    Pot is a drug, so are alcohol and caffeine. I have no issues moderating my use of any of them.
  12. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    From what I understand it's almost impossible to smoke yourself to death. So that diagnosis is suspect. Comparing caffeine use vs alcohol or cannabis use is like comparing a red Ryder bb gun to a flamethrower. Its like comparing reading a playboy vs watching hairy grandma porn.
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  13. Our govt last year paid for another report on Cannabis. They didnt like the one in the seventies that was pro, so they buried it and lied about the conclusion. Last years one did not support the accuracy of Reefer Madness.
    One cant but help wonder if the coronor is waiting to go on a future honours list. I think his finding suspect. Nice to know my opinion is balanced out by that of a non pot smoking law enforcement person.
    It could raise the gates to a lot of stupid stuff. Could a copper run you in for pot smoking, or should he take you to hospital in case it is a deadly overdose in that one joint the smoker has partaken of.
    Streets would be littered with corpses.
    More chance of dying of a nut allergy.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2014
  14. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    I am very untypical of my generation in this respect. I have never used any illegal drugs. And I don't expect to.

    (And, no, it wasn't because I knew I'd become a politician. As a very shy adolescent, that kind of public role would have been beyond inconceivable. Rather, it was because my mother was severely mentally ill. I had a terror, an absolute terror, of ending up like her. She didn't get that way because of drugs, but I knew other people who looked like they did.)
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014