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How To Make Voyager Better

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by redravin, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Intrepid class - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki

    And yes, I knew that off the top of my head. It wasn't necessarily that they weren't equipped for full battle, but rather that as a smaller ship, they had a limited supply of photon torpedoes, and had to manage those carefully. They were often able to use their smaller size and faster speed to their advantage; it certainly helped that Tom Paris was considered to be one of the best pilots in the entire Federation.

    One of the cool tech developments on the USS Voyager: Bio-neural gel pack - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki
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  2. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    This one kind of covers both Voyager and Next Generation.
    This concerns the Borg and their one big mistake.

    They didn't have a decent publicist.
    Think about it.
    If they had showed up with a smooth talking fellow who said that they were offering a chance for people to upgrade themselves, to be part of a larger group with no fear, total equality, no prejudice and shared knowledge, they would have had no end of volunteers.

    I'm pretty sure if they had shown up with one cube, one sphere and one pyramid ship there would have been religions started about them.
    If they had started out having all the people who joined be only voluntary then had them pressure their families etc. it would be done and not a shot fired.

    They just needed a better front man.
    I some of you are thinking the queen but bleh.
    I'm thinking if they had used Locutes properly it would have been perfect.
    After all he was supposed to be the voice to the Federation but all he said was the same thing any Borg could have said.

    What if he had started telling them how great it was to be a Borg and he was happy like that but not acting full on Borg.
    Sounding reasonable and really selling it.
    Before you say he's a Borg, that's not possible.
    They tapped into his mind, The Borg knew what would best with humans, how to sell to them.
    Why wouldn't they program Picard to do just that?
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2015
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  3. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    This one is also about Kes and Neelix.
    A few episodes before the show ended they come across a group of Talaxians and Neelix decides to leave the people who have been putting up with his shit for all these years, and join a group who were presented as a rather speciesist.
    Are solution was to have Kes stay as I said before but to have her die of old age early in the season.
    People would be emotionally invested in her death so it would make sense because it had been talked about early on and it would hurt at the same time.
    Then Neelix would start on an almost suicidal path, being badass Neelix like we saw briefly in when he was a security officer in alternate timeline before it was wiped out.
    Then his going off with the Talaxians might have made sense, perhaps to get away from the place that reminded him so much of Kes, perhaps because they had some healer with them who could help with his grief, but basically anything that had a real plot.
    And I still love the idea of the crew getting back earlier so you get a chance to see them trying to fit back into Star Fleet, learning about all the changes only to have 8472 come slamming in.
    You don't have to have a happy ending.
    And that would have made people demand another Star Trek in a big way instead of wanting the series to die.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2015