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How much bullshit do you really believe?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Lish, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    well, to be honest, i am not watching the convention. yet, still, i am not surprised because I have been feeling the rise in disreality ever since obama was elected. (that Clint Eastwood remark is pretty disturbing, though, what the fuck is up with that?)

    I suppose the last remaining vestige of American exceptionalism is the ability to simply imagine that we are so fucking fantastic that we can even make fascism look like freedom. apple pie and pinafores and puppies and fascists. hurrah.
  2. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Don't forget get blindly patriotic chants of U. S. A.! U.S.A.!
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  3. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Last edited: Aug 31, 2012
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  4. Seer666

    Seer666 Getting Tilted

    Lot's of points, counter points, etc. More then I care to read in one sitting, so I'll just say this. I'm all for respecting people's wishes and religions on how they want to go out of the world, but in OBL's case, I hope they used a bicycle pump to pump that fucker full of 20 pounds of pureed pork, pissed on the sheet they wrapped him in, and sent him to the bottom of the ocean with a water proof walkman blasting satanic hymns after letting his body sit for 3 days with no rites what so ever. If there is even the slightest chance that the faith of Islam is the correct one, I want them to do everything they can to make sure that fucker goes to hell.
  5. heheee! you're sooooo going to hell Seer. But i promise ill put in a good word for you....if i ever get there.

    in all seriousness though, muslims seemed to be more upset at the bullshit that followed OBL's death than the fact that they didnt follow islamic rituals. Like BG has said over and over again, it would have been the right thing to do to follow islamic rituals since a dead body (any dead body for that matter) is considered sacred and should be treated with respect. But who are we to tell the mighty US of A what to do? right? The US of A can do as it pleases and everybody else can go jump.
  6. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    No, I'm not a proponent of torture.
    I'm not for bombing a whole area to get one man.

    From either account, this was a direct action with immediate execution.
    Like lancing a festering zit with a needle.
    Done, over with. No drama.

    BTW, I'm all for transparency.
    But I'm also of the opinion that certain aspects are NOT public.
    ALL info is not privy.

    This would be like me telling you what my bank account # is.
    Or how I took a shit this morning.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2012
  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    So what's the criteria exactly? Direct and immediate? Is that it?

    Are you all for transparency? Or is it translucency? Maybe spotty transparency? You know, withholding certain records and black marker type shit.

    The public is on a need-to-know basis?

    Sure the Act has an exception where an Executive Order can withhold information to be "kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy." But why withhold information about this operation?

    I think this is a good question considering the issues of accountability that the U.S. is facing in recent months.

    No it wouldn't be. I don't know where you get that idea.
  8. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Hmm...I'm going to give you an answer that's not going to satisfy you...but it satisfies me.
    I'm for as much transparency as possible, but there can be some discretion that may be important to not reveal.

    This does include some withholding...non-disclosure. Until a more appropriate time.
    And yes, this is delegated and designated by certain authority figures, depts and judges.
    If you want the info, then file a FOIA form...allow a judge to determine this.
    Sorry, don't always get what you want.
    But, I've been on the inside too...and there are things that are not for public consumption unless otherwise needed.

    And the US as well as other nations including your own all have issues of accountability...unless you're telling me Canada reveals EVERYTHING.
    This varies back & forth from one administration, bureaucrat, mgmt staffmember, etc. to the next.
    We have certain laws, protocol, elections, etc...which help determine what is allowed to be revealed.
    People who love Wikileaks want EVERYTHING to be revealed...which I disagree with.
    There are safety reasons for some, and quite frankly...some advantage reasons for others. Why reveal your KFC secret recipe to your competitors???

    You want to withhold information about this event for a variety of reasons.
    Methods...so opposing intelligence members can't figure out "exactly" our military standards.
    Equipment...it was a big loss to get that stealth copter to crash...they blew it as much as possible. But China was delving into it the next day.
    Personnel...Yes, there are not just special forces which themselves need anonomitity, but potential agents, allies, etc... Any connection can be traced.

    See...unlike yourself it seems, at least by your questioning...I don't take one extreme or the other.
    I'm balanced and pragmatic...would I prefer info be known...yes, because it's fascinating, every aspect is another facet.
    But I also know that there should be secrets too.
    And some "flavoring" of events are often protrayed....Why? Because some aspects may be exaggerated on or even used as an emotional instigator.

    Do I believe in "cover-ups" of fuck-ups like what happened with the Pat Tilman? Not at all.
    No, I don't care whether OBL was shot while naked ...or peeking out a door?? No...forget about it. I've got better things to worry about.

    Now, this guy...who had Top Secret/SCI clearance...he may be in trouble with the Feds.
    And believe me, they take this shit seriously.
    The FBI/IRS/Secret Service already go up and down you...and investigate everything about your for 15 years of your life,
    including asking your friends and neighbors about you and your "living patterns" just getting you cleared in the first place.
    So I can't imagine how much he's going to be under the spotlight for this friggin' "reveal". Doesn't seem worth it.

    Then again, I'm not a raging anti-Obama flag-waver either...so maybe it was for him.
    This whole thing smells of "Swift Boat" all over again.
    Either being revealed AT THIS TIME for political gain or attack...or for maximized marketing or sales...or both.
    Because otherwise, they would have been wise to allow the govt to take the time to review it first,
    for things that may get him in trouble. (even the major media does this...)
    but it sounds like they rushed the whole thing out. Well, there may be consequences for that rush.
    I hope the GOP'rs are willing to fund his legal fees...and give him a nice job now.

    Me? I don't fuck with the Feds. Not even on this board.
    I respect what I signed, I know the consequences...and I like a nice quiet life.

    Last edited: Aug 31, 2012
  9. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    Just to refresh my memory I read three different accounts of battle. Some "between the lines" reading tells me this: The 101st Airborne was trucked (mostly) into Bastogne as a desperate defensive move because they were all that was available. No military doctrine envisages using an airborne division as a defensive formation, except in desperation. They did a superb job of holding Bastogne, a major road junction/hub. The topography dictated that there was no way around Bastogne. So the the Germans would have to dislodge the defenders to move through Bastogne to reach their real objectives.
    I could find nothing in support your idea that the 101st could have advanced on their own from their position in Bastogne, no matter how well supplied. Yes, the 101st was the reason Bastogne was held, but by Christmas day was pretty well "used up" and could not have held out much longer. They were in no condition to move out offensively on their own, and wars are not won by holding defensive positions.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2012
  10. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Yez. Now it's our turn. I guess that makes it all right.
  11. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    I'm sorry, I can't respond... I'm too busy jizzing in my pants over Lindy's WW2 rant. That stuff like catnip for GI Joes.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2012
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  12. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    It pretty much stands there on its own anyway. :p
  13. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Say, shouldn't you be arguing with Duane about RPGs or something? He's far more energetic than I am.
  14. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    And I have energy? pfft.
  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member


    I don't know how you can call my position extreme, when I'm merely asking how your position comes to terms with the Freedom of Information Act, both in relation to Bin Laden and some of the recent dealings of U.S. forces overseas. Your position itself seemed extreme in its "ends justify the means," and so I wanted you to clarify, as I didn't think you necessarily held such extreme views otherwise. Maybe just in this situation, as I can understand why people would feel that way with Bin Laden.

    Also, it's not extreme to want a government to abide by a piece of legislation enacted in the best interests of the public.
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  16. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks Plan9r! I'll try to serve up some more. I don't think I've made anybody jizz in his pants since high school.;) At least then he got his hands on my... well, you know.:rolleyes: Is it really THAT unusual that a gurrrl would have some knowledge of things military? I read a lot, and a lot is history, biography, and military. Like in the spring I read Brothers, Rivals, Victors a study of Gens. Patton, Bradley, and Eisenhower in WW2. It was why I had a fairly fresh memory of the Ardennes Offensive.
    I am fascinated by the "endgame" of wars, especially WW2.

    Just to be relevant to the thread: If the end is sufficiently vital, extreme means are justified. An example would be Harry Truman's decision to use the atomic bombs.

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  17. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    maybe the islamists who were offended should blow I mean grow the fuck up? I am offended that they harbored a mass murderer who killed in the name of their religion. If they want to pretend that there is not a strong movement inside of their religion as a whole that is intent on killing all who oppose their conquest, then I dont care what they want. BTW, this is directed at all fantasy spiritual bullshit and their pretend deities. It's just people being killed in the name of islam tends to be higher on the human death toll right now compared to other religions. Fred Phelps may be an asshole, but he has never spontaneously exploded at a funeral or gathering.
  18. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    You were offended? Should you grow the fuck up too?

    All Islamists had a hand in habouring Bin Laden? Is that what you're saying?

    What about those who acknowledge Islamofascism and were offended nonetheless?

    I'm far more concerned about the death toll of conflicts caused by such things as geopolitics, totalitarianism, and scarce resources. Of course, the "Islamic threat" is really high profile and an easy sell despite the numbers.
  19. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    before this devolves into an argument between people who confuse the huntington thesis with a description of reality and those who think it funny and find it amazing that anyone, at all, anywhere took that seriously....

    i am confused by the title of the thread.
    can one understand something one believes as bullshit?
    wouldn't you think that framing something as bullshit would knock it out of the "things i believe" category and place it into the "things that are bullshit" category?
    unless there's some odd mutation in categories i don't know about that has made "things that i believe" and "things that are bullshit" more or less interchangeable.
    i wonder about that.
    perhaps i don't know about it in the way my students didn't know about sonic youth. it's hard to say. perhaps a representative of the youth can fill me in on how this newfangled relation works for them.

    maybe it's an intuitive thing.
    one can't really be conscious that what one believes is bullshit, can one?
    unless one decides that belief is itself bullshit.
    i'd be cool with that. it's consequences would negate american conservatism. i like arguments from consequence sometimes, don't you?
    but how far would the belief that belief is bullshit go?
    for example, i believe that the floor i am walking on will not fly into atoms before my next step. what happens if i decide that's bullshit?
    maybe it is bullshit and i'm just too set in my ways to see it.
    but if it is bullshit, what changes about the experience of floors?
    could someone who is immersed in that system of thinking explain that system of thinking to someone who is not immersed in it?
    wouldn't that explanation require that they step outside of it?
    the statements i am making about my belief that belief is bullshit are objects of belief.
    then what would happen?
    unless that's bullshit too.
    which it probably is.
    come to think of it, so's this post.


    never mind.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2012
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  20. itwasme

    itwasme But you'll never prove it. Donor

    In the wind
    Roach boy, I don't think I have ever heard you use the word "cool" before. Neither good nor bad, just caused me to pause mid sentence and recheck your name before I realized I had done that.

    Dlish, from the name of the thread and the end of your op i thought you were asking what things did we originally believe that we later decided was not entirely true. I think that's an interesting question, and im not sure how it became quite so hot in here. Instead of just posting what I believe to be true or not, I'm going with my first answer.

    Possibly because you mentioned the death of Osama, it's the most recent one that pops to mind. When I first heard of his death, i believed it and I was relieved. I had no delusions that the war would come to an abrupt halt, but there was some relief. But something felt "off" about the circumstances that I couldn't put my finger on. And I called BS. I began picking apart the information. The DNA, the tip, the "burial," the ID, sneaking him out of Pakastan. I didn't necessarily believe he was alive, but was not convinced he was dead either at that point. I half expected him to turn back up in another video (unless the old rumors about his kidney disease was true). But then, if your enemy thinks you are dead, is it not better to let them believe that and continue business as usual? As more time passes without his vidoes, I think it's more likely he is dead. But I don't think I'll ever completely believe WHEN the govt says he died, or who they say was actually killed the night of the raid.

    Also, I used to believe in the Easter Bunny.