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How do you feel about hugs?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by RangerJoe, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. Ice|Burn

    Ice|Burn Getting Tilted

    My family has never hugged. Hell we don't even show emotion (except for anger) so I always feel awkward when I get a hug from someone (even a hot girl). I never know where to put my hands or if I should rub their back... pat their back. As a result I generally avoid hugs unless it's expected of me. They have to know it's awkward for me because I have to stiffen up slightly.
  2. Freeload

    Freeload Getting Tilted

    I'm from a hugging family and enjoy giving hugs. I have no issues hugging kids, girls or old people - but it still feels awkward to hug some of my not-so-close male friends.
  3. hugging is normal, even pecks on the lips are not unheard of for my family
  4. lionrock

    lionrock Getting Tilted

    Out here
    I don't like hugs from patients. My brain will initiate hugs with friends at weird times, but once I commit, it is less awkward to carry it out than to stop.
  5. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Between Plan 9's list and Baraka_Guru's aversion/love of hugging, is where I live.

    I like a good hug, I just don't like to initiate them. Initiating a hug is just awkward... or rather, it can be awkward.
  6. jewels

    jewels New Member

    I feel the same way as I did this morning. Since I neglected to choose my preferences until after I'd posted in two threads, I have to manually change the email notifications in these threads. Or was there an easier way?

    Whaaaa??? I need a hug after that!
  7. I may be grumpy, but I love a good hug. I'm pretty good at it, too.
  8. streak_56

    streak_56 I'm doing something, going somewhere...

    C eh N eh D eh....
    I'm a hugger, but I do it out of the fun of it to make people feel uncomfortable by invading their personal space...
  9. RangerJoe

    RangerJoe Slightly Tilted

    Stay away!

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  10. amonkie

    amonkie Very Tilted

    Windy City
    I'm not a fan of "fake" hugs. If you're going through the motions and don't really mean the hug, then I don't want one.

    I will usually ask people if they could use/or would like a hug, before stepping into their space that way. Other times I'm the 3rd or 4th person they've hit as they go down the hugging line. I can either put myself in the "line" or else just use it as my escape opportunity.
  11. I was sitting on a bench one sunny day, and a lady was walking along with an ape - probably a barbary. This sad ape with a collar on climbed up on my lap - much to her owner/keepers annoyance, and gave me a big hug, and in that hug I could feel such loneliness, such sadness that I have never forgotten it. Her leash was pulled and she was dragged away. She will be long dead now, but I would have liked a happy hug from her, to know that her life had changed - but I doubt very much it ever did.
  12. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Ooo, ooo... lemme guess! You mean the awkward A-frame hug where there is like 18" between your belt buckles and the heads are cocked to the side? Yeah, those are just weird. Somebody initiated because they thought it might work, but then both parties decided the second their arms wrapped that it wasn't meant to be. Those are usually male/female for me, but can happen anytime people are trying to be friendly but don't wanna follow through.
  13. Redlemon

    Redlemon Getting Tilted

    New England
    I did not come from a demonstrative family, but I joined chorus and theatre in junior high school, so casual contact (including hugs) became norm for the course. My wife comes from a highly demonstrative extended family. She totally confused my dad when she hugged him for the first time, the memory of that still amuses her.
  14. EyeSeePeeDude

    EyeSeePeeDude Getting Tilted

    Nellis AFB
    Hugs FTW!!! ;)
  15. actinic New Member

    Toronto, ON
    I'm not a hugger at all. The notion doesn't even cross my mind. My wife at times says to me, "Hey Jackass, come here and give me a hug dammit!!!"

    Her family and her circle of friends are hug-a-holics and to be honest, for me it's a weird off balance feeling going into the hug, getting pulled into the hug and leaning on the other in the hug. It's quite off-putting for me at times. With my wife, I try to make a concerted effort to give her hug and I never get those "weird" feelings as I do with others. Come to think of it, I just don't like being touched at all with the exception of my wife ;).

    One time, we ran into her friend and her husband. When we parted ways, I left her hanging arms wide open and I didn't even pick-up on "huggy time". I felt like a jackass all day.
  16. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Strong agreement to this - when I've not spotted a fake hug until I am actually 'in' it, I get a pain in my bones.
  17. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    Hugging is something I can love or completely dislike depending on my mood. Some days, I really need a hug and really appreciate having someone give me a good squeezy one. Other days, I just feel squeamish about them and want my personal space. This dichotomy is extremely obvious when it's my mother offering the hug.. sometimes it's great, and sometimes I just want to back away.
  18. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I enjoy hugs, but I have a limit, that when reached, I just don't want to be touched anymore. And I get claustrophobic in a hug that lasts too long, like more than a few seconds.
  19. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    I'm a hugger, but air hugs are a waste of my time. Get ready to get squeezed, or don't bother.
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  20. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I love hugs. Even half-hearted attempts. Sometimes they just go that way.

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