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Homosexuality; If you could choose...

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by omega, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    Like other people I've talked to, especially @damnitall, I view sexuality as a continuum. So would this pill take you to Kinsey 0? I have a very hard time believing that there are a majority of people at either end of the spectrum.


    I view myself as a Kinsey 2. Would the pill affect me differently than it would a Kinsey 1? A Kinsey 6?

    I think it's definitely an interesting thought experiment.

    As it stands now, I think this aspect of who I am has impacted other facets of my life and suddenly removing it would be unsettling. I would not take the pill, as stressful admitting that I am against the societal norm.
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  2. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    I agree with @GeneticShift's assertion of sexuality falling along continuum, and I happen to believe it can be expressed with varying degrees of fluidity throughout an individual's lifetime. I agree that there is comparatively minimal element of conscious choice in what or whom an individual will find sexually attractive, though people are free to make the choice whether to act on their most basic desires or suppress them and/or substitute them with more acceptable behavior, socially speaking or otherwise.

    According to the chart above I'd probably end up a 5, but that's assuming that behavior translates to experience. If behavior translates to attraction independent of experience, I'd probably consider myself somewhere between a 3 or 4, despite having limited sexual experiences with the opposite sex. Regardless, I'm very happy with who I am and have no desire to change beyond wherever my own sense of attraction might take me.
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  3. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I agree with the idea of a continuum as well. I am probably a 1.5.

    It's probably part of why I wouldn't be interested in taking a pill. I've had a taste of the "other side" and I'd rather stay where I am on the continuum.
  4. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    Last edited: Nov 25, 2013
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  5. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    The logical part of me says to take the pill. It would instantly double the number of potential partners, and make sex a hell of a lot easier as a male.

    The 100% straight part of me says "ew gross". While I am not offended by homosexual male behavior or the like, I don't think being near a penis will make me gay or that sort of level of paranoia, actually doing anything homosexual is a major turn off to me. It would be like saying "if you take this pill poop will now be delicious to you."

    So I would not take the pill but have some regrets.


    I've been enjoying casual meaningless sex for quite some time, and I'm most definitely not a woman, bi, or gay.

    Its harder to find it as a straight male being we are up against biology, where as in gay men the biology works for them having casual sex, but its still very possible and not all that difficult to find.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2013
  6. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    K1 - A breeder who hasn't bred.
    And I've always found that interesting, since I'm open minded. Offers made, none taken. Thought of it as a compliment.
    Or as an admirer once said to me, "Oh, what a loss..." (with his hand up to his cheek) :)
    Certainly would be a lot easier...at least I suppose so.

    But I do find it interesting, that despite I'm very open minded and have/had quite a few gay friends...I'm seem to be instinctively revolted by the sight of it. Even sometimes just kissing.
    Like seeing vomit...and that, I just don't get. I would think if I'm accepting and comfortable with the idea, that seeing it would be no issue. But it is.

    The body and the mind is a weird thing.
    Who set this shit up? I want to talk with the office.
  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I'm likely a K1 or K2.

    I don't see a benefit of such a pill. I'd see a benefit in opening up sexually (i.e., from hetero to bi, or from homo to bi), as that would open up one's sexual attraction to others, which I would never say is a bad thing.

    I won't say something as quaint as "Hey, it would give me more chances by including the other 50% of the population." I see it as being more "panerotic" in your responses to the world. I mean this on several levels: interactions with people, experiencing culture, experiencing art, etc.

    It would change simple experiences such as watching the next Avengers movie.

    I think it would be a richer experience. :)
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  8. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    It's a tough one. Would I take a pill that made me (f'rinstance) a Kinsey 3? Not sure - it's too hypothetical.


    Would I think a world in which everyone was a Kinsey 3 would be good? Damn right. An end to homophobia? That's great. An end to heterophobia? Also great. Letting everyone be honest that they are excited about someone? Great.

    No shame or fear or misery that the object of one's desire is not the right gender? Brilliant.

    That said, I realise that there's also some negatives. Now I can sexually harass (or be harassed by) twice as many people. There are more chances for the faithless to be unfaithful. All sorts of things.

    But generally, if a wand could make everyone perfectly happy to be perfectly bisexual, I still think that more people would be heterosexual, as the dirve to have children is so great.

    A far more interesting thought experiment is "would you wave a wand to make everyone bisexual and happy to be poly-amorous?" because THAT would re-write society globally. Think of the impact to house sizes, family incomes.
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  9. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD

    I think we as a society desperately needs a magic wand to make all this planet's humans sexually satisfied and, more importantly, comfortable with themselves as sexual beings. That would do untold wonders for our civilization.
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  10. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    I agree...I'm still waiting for my own holodeck. :cool:
    Question is...would I dive in and never come back out...or would I somehow sate myself to the extent that I could be myself without agenda or distraction. (damn this libido)

    As to the 2nd, I think the internet is doing a decent job now...for those on it for some length and willing to explore...
    as you'll soon find out, in the privacy of your home, what you like and don't like.

    This may be why more people are opening up...that and the media is more willing to portray varying lifestyles on TV.

    Actually I saw on "The Crazy Ones" on prime time on one of the original Big 3 channels...a woman in the role of the aggressor...taking many lovers as desired, man or woman, young or old, etc.
    And she wasn't shown or noted as a "slut" or "bitch", etc...any classic stereotype. No judgement, no moral to the story in that context.
    The only negative was her playtime was creating jealous/envious conflict in the close group. Which is what I think would happen in an open society, not roles or types...just individual conflict.
    It was very well done, no bias at all.
  11. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    How many great works and effort was put into things in order for some guy to get laid? Before we make a sexual paradise its best to think of this from a behavioral aspect.

    Much of my self improvement in life has been to be more appealing to the opposite sex. I am a better person because I had to work for pussy.
  12. I don't like the Kinsey Scale. Is anyone really a 1 or a 6? Those people are boring. I also don't like 3 and be totally 50/50. I think there's more of a spectrum. I've never considered myself a 3 as gender never really was a thing for me. Am I attracted to the person? Yes. Hey, the person is a female. Cool.

    I'm with a male now... he knocked me up....I'll probably be with him for awhile.

    I would never want to change who I am, so no pill for me.
  13. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    Nice to know that romance is still alive. :D

    I'm happy with who I am, no pills for me.
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  14. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    That's the core of how I feel as well. I only use the scale as a general guideline to those who only see straight, gay, and maybe bi. I fall in love with who the person is, and the outside parts that he or she happens to have is secondary to who they are.

    And since I'm a statistician at heart, I think 0 and 6 would be the smallest percent of the population if we think of the scale as a bell curve.
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  15. Neeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd!


    Nerds are cool
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  16. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    Well, I totally know where I stand on this scale!
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2018
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  17. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I would rank myself as a 1.5, as well. It may be higher but I've yet to have an experience with another woman that would knock me up a full notch on the scale. I would not expect to ever go above a 2 though. I'm just too fond of men. Or, rather, I would be really surprised to find myself a 3, but admit that I just might not have met the right woman at the right time.

    I think the whole pill question is complex. Lots of variables. Me? I wouldn't take it if I were a lesbian because my family already had lesbians (living openly) when I was growing up and it just was never something that we thought much about. Awareness of homophobia never even hit my consciousness until I was in middle school. Reverse sheltering. I think I would be ok being a lesbian and wouldn't take a pill to change because no one that I love would want me to.
  18. It is complex. I suppose it's easy for me to say I wouldn't take the pill. I don't identify as being gay and don't have any experience with the pressures from family or society to be straight. I don't know what it feels like to not like who I am.

    I definitely wouldn't take a pill to be less bitchy though. It makes me who I am.
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  19. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    I agree with the continuum idea, but I think that it's a mistake to assume a normal 'bell curve' pattern of distribution. Evolution and the necessity of reproduction would suggest a distribution positively skewed toward the K - 0 side of the spectrum, with the fat tail (a strong majority) on the left side of the curve.
    The k 6 side would tend to die out over time from lack of reproduction.
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  20. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I agree that it wouldn't be a bell curve. I think your distribution is more accurate. I was just attempting to point out that a strict K0 and a strict K6 are both relatively rare compared to more moderate points on the scale. Thanks for finding a better graph.

    Though I do majorly disagree with your statement that the K6s would die out over time. Since biologically, K6s can't reproduce naturally in the first place, and since the statement would imply that only K6s can produce K6s, there wouldn't be any K6s ever, and clearly that is not the case. Straight parents have children that identify as gay at least 10% of the time, based on current estimates.