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Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by matelot, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA
    ...Guessing you're in/from Texas..? Anyway I wasn't trying to insult you, or insult anyone who isn't a "gun toting and archaic value worshipping redneck" (i.e.- normal people). And yes the media certainly does exaggerate things, although Texans do often seem to be self-identifying traditional conservative hetero-Christian-ish types. I also think that although I probably wouldn't actually randomly get shot, with a pretty high percentage of Texans evidently carrying guns (that claim in the link may or may not actually be correct and maybe Texas isn't actually the most gun-toting state, so I'm just going to go with "a relatively high percantage") I'd be a bit more leery - especially given that the general mind-set in that very Red state is fairly at-odds with my own. I feel like many Texans might view me as a symbol of "what's wrong with the world today" and such. I realize not eveyone is the archetypal Texan, but it does seem to be a gathering-ground for that type.

    True, people go into moral panics and go nuts with the ideology-based laws, and then they forget about it for awhile and chill out, and then the oddball/extreme laws go back to being ignored in favor of focusing on more important things - like murder, and people smuggling drugs from Mexico.
  2. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    In 1999, in Houston, all the porn shops/adult bookstores had huge GOING OUT OF BUSINESS signs.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2014
  3. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Ifthey did actually go out of business, it wasn't for long. Most "sin" businesses adapt very quickly to new laws.

    I'm a native Texan. I do not have a Concealed Handgun License, but I do take advantage of the law that allows me to carry loaded firearms (includng handguns) in my vehicles. The only time anyone is going to see my handgun when I carry it in my vehicle is if I feel that my life, or my wife's, is in danger.

    Every state has ignorant and backwards citizens and politicians, and idiotic laws. Perhaps Texas has a higher percentage, perhaps not. Texas wasn't always a "red" state, we used to be a solid "blue" state but even then our Democrats were very conservative.

    If I were to believe what is said and written about cities without having visited them, I might think that Boston was one of the most racially segregrated cities in the US with a high percentage of white bigots.
  4. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA
    Gotta love the creativity of those degenerate porn-slinging Devil's Henchmen.
  5. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    did they start a regular business with a dark door in the back?
  6. vogelap

    vogelap New Member

    I remember seeing a movie by myself in the mid-1980's. There was a cute girl, about my age, in the row in front of me. She locked eyes with me before the movie began, and by mid-way through the movie had thrown her hand over the seat, and was holding my hand.

    Throughout the movie, she kept moving her fingers in my palm. It took me a long time to realize that she was writing her phone number, over and over, into the palm of my hand. Sadly, as I said, it took a long time for me to realize that... The movie was over, and I hadn't remembered her number! Ah well...
    • Like Like x 1
  7. matelot New Member

    lol Do not think popcorn was on hos mind and my mind had become fixed between my legs
  8. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    Never saw myself tagged to this. Arresting people in an adult movie theater is stupid. Talk about a non crime. I also think prostitution should be legalized. Combining the two would be some great business synergy. Have a few friendly ladies to take matters in their own hands for say $40 a pop. Watch the movie, wait your turn.
  9. ChrisScissors

    ChrisScissors New Member

    Almost groped in a theater. I was alone because my car was getting worked on and the theater was near the shop. The guy tried to make a grab, (he made some BS excuse about how he fell) but I intercepted and attacked; scaring him off.
  10. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Cue (possible slight paraphrase, top of my head) Carlin quote here -
    "Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isn't selling fucking legal?"
  11. DAKA


    "I was at a movie many years ago and had to change my seat quite a few times, when I explained what happened to a friend she said, what happened, were you molested, I said .......
    wait for it

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  12. I was invited by a young woman's mother to take her 18 year old daughter to a movies at a X rated movie theater and while we were watching it she reached down and felt my crotch to see if I was hard. She discovered I was. She took my hand and put it on her crotch to show me how wet she was. When we got to her folks house she told all about the movie and told the we had felt each other while in the cinema! Later in our friendship we would rent vcr tapes and watch them at home while naked! Fun times!
    • Like Like x 1
  13. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA

    ...Didn't I read in another thread that you were a Catholic Priest..? lol :)
  14. matelot New Member

    About a year ago I posted that I was groped in the cinema when I was 12. I then went off line lol. I noted today though that there had been a number of questions.
    The situation went like this, afternoon cinema, almost empty. Cheap seat, back row. I guy came and sat beside me which I found a bit odd in an almost empty picture house. After a while I felt a hand stroke my leg, shorts, bare leg. I was riged, surprise , fear, I just sat very still. the hand was slow and gentle and I started to relax as it moved slowly up and into my shorts and then to the inner thigh, I had started to get excited which he he noted when he felt me through my underpants.
    he just played there for a while as I became more worked up, he was very gentle. , he whispered in my ear , do you want it? I said yesand eased my self off the seat to slide my shorts and pants down so he could feel me properly. He masturbated me in a way that I had not had before, when I was tossed off at school by a friend it was a fast hard rub, this guy was soft and gentle and made me wild and eventually I had a huge orgasm. how i managed not to yell I do not know, It was a dry orgasm, I was not yet able to ejaculate but the feeling was intense. He helped me pull up my pants and shorts and then left. I left shortly afterwards with a mind in a whirl. I have always reacted positively to being groped in shorts due I believe to an experience I had had 4 years earlier.
  15. destiny_driven

    destiny_driven New Member

    I can't say that a stranger has ever groped me in public. However, I am available if there are any good looking women out there would like to give it a whirl.
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  16. DAKA


    Yeah, me too...I wouldn't mind a groping
  17. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Some dudes are always like, "Pfft, I wouldn't mind a good groping from a willing lady."


    Until they get Large Marge palming their jock. Not so great anymore, is it? Nope.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. DAKA


    Umm...I think NOT LARGE MARGE....but, otherwise....
  19. destiny_driven

    destiny_driven New Member

    Hey, don't cut Large Marge short, now. She may not have the sexy body or great facial looks, but once you lean back and close your eyes, she could be any woman that you can imagine her to be. Since larger women don't usually get as much sex, they are usually very horny and may wind up sucking that thing off. Unless you are getting so much sex that you can afford to be picky, don't discount a good hand job from Marge!
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  20. DAKA

