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Geek, Dweeb, Dork or Nerd

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ZombieSquirrel, May 14, 2014.

  1. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Geek, Dweeb, Dork or Nerd.

    In my misspent youth, let's say the 1970s, the only above-listed term I recall hearing semi-regularily was dweeb. It was out-of-fashion, but did get used. Geek*, dork, & nerd were later terms.

    At the time dweeb basically meant someone who was socially inept. A dweeb might or might not have been smart; it didn't matter because nobody wanted to get to know a dweeb.

    Poindexter was the equivalent term for nerd, used for someone who was brainy or bookish to the point of not "fitting in" except with other poindexters.

    * OK, I did hear geek, but not very often. It meant someone who was a weirdo, worse than a dweeb or poindexter. I'm guessing it was a throwback to circus geeks.
    Last edited: May 15, 2014
  2. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    This is the distinction for me. I didn't do particularly well in school (average at best). I wasn't a brainiac or gifted. I just happened to be caught up in my own head, daydreaming about fantasy worlds. Doing weird things like playing D&D and video games and reading books instead of watching TV or listening to cool music (though I was into Metallica and a few other heavy metal things at the time).

    This disconnect still occurs somewhat today. I'm into things that people around me aren't really into. Though my new(ish) neighbours are big geeks (like pros compared to my perpetual amateur), so now I have the opportunity to be among my people.

    This is a part of my inner conflict. Part of me wants to be "normal" and accepted, but a stronger part of me says that "normal" sucks and it will destroy your soul. I've spent much of my life in a kind of Limbo, where I won't just give in to who I am—I'll just dabble.

    I'm working to overcome this. I've tried "normal" too often, and it fails catastrophically. I'm not "normal" (whatever that means). Who cares if people look at me like a freak (or like I'm immature even)—refer back to Simon Pegg's words. At least I won't share their miseries of having lost my imagination and idealism.

    I don't want to lose my imagination and idealism.

    Fuck the real world.
    Last edited: May 15, 2014
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  3. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    I'm a geek. I focus on something and it takes over my life until I get it out of my system. That knowledge remains for years after, and I remain able to regurgitate it as needed.

    I have geeked out on Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, Battleship Galactica, and probably others... Sci fi. I have geeked out on botany , horticulture ... And all things plant really. I have geeked out on compost. Also disorders of the female endocrine system, natural birth techniques, and lactation. Oh, and early child nutrition. I like go be able to navigate scientific lit on any given biological topic.
  4. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    Geek and nerd. Former dork.
  5. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I'm not really clear on where the distinction lies between geek and nerd.

    I make my living typing indecipherable stuff on little black and green terminal windows. That indecipherable stuff is what makes the internet work. I get paid a pretty decent living for doing this.

    I enjoy technology and all of the myriad ways it enhances modern life.

    I have a drive to understand how things work. As a kid I took apart all of my toys. My success rate for putting them back together again was less than perfect, but I learned a lot in the process.

    I play video games. I don't have as much time for them as I used to, but I try to keep up on what's popular.

    I watch Star Wars and Doctor Who. I listen to nerdcore and sometimes hang out in IRC chatrooms. I've had the term 'BOFH' applied to me in a manner that's not completely joking.

    I don't know what all of that makes me. I don't actually care. Labels never meant a whole hell of a lot to me.
  6. Jon Quixote

    Jon Quixote Vertical

    Oh God, I'm such a nerd. I'll watch anything if it's recommended to me, and then I have to recommend them to other people, so my less open-minded friends poke fun at me. Once, I recommended this really good anime to one of my closest friends and I was like, "It's really good!" and he was all like, "but it's a fucking anime," and I was like, "but you would looooove it." I have a low tolerance for that kind of arrogant...ness.

    Anyway, I'll obsess over nerdy shit and learn everything about it. I'm infamous for my addiction to great plots and stories, which is a large part of what makes up quality for me in anything. Maybe that makes me a geek, also. I'm not much of a dweeb, though. I might be a dork, because I can be a little clumsy sometimes, but for the most part, I'd say I'm a nerd.
  7. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    Music nerd and bird nerd, through and through. Always have been, always will be.
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  8. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Yes, I'm the same way too.
    BUT think of all the great references and analogies you have.
    Gives you a catch-phrase at anytime. Or a cool thing to what you're experiencing or explaining.

    And to extend your Geekdom...they actually appreciate all these good references on the internet. (+1 Internets for you...)

    Fuck'em The idiots who don't understand can take a flying leap.
    You live at a whole level they cannot comprehend. (and sadly...nor do they want to)
    Their loss.
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  9. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Rougue49, using your standard, I'm an "idiot" who should "take a flying leap."
    I know what is of interest to me, including new things.
    I know what is not of interest to me, including new things.
    I am polite to people who go into passionate and lengthy explanations about things of no interest to me. Even when they feel compelled to attempt to convert me. Even when they don't know when to STFU.

    For example:
    I have no desire to watch the Battlestar Gallactica (and similar) series. The few episodes that I've seen were very good, but that genre doesn't appeal to me.
    I have no desire read Paradise Lost. The portions that I read bored the shit out of me. I'm not religous, I don't like poetry, and never cared for philosophy.
  10. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    I don't think @rogue49 was talking about the same kind of fuck them that you are@Chris Noyb.

    When you are sharing your passion sometimes you will hit a wall, people who have no interest at all in anything you are saying whatsoever and are happy to make that very clear.
    In that case your super power of geekdom is to blow them off and move on.
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  11. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    The way I look at it....

    A geek would wear a t-shirt with a light sabre on it and know who used them.
    A nerd would know how to build a laser and why light sabres are a silly concept.

    Geeks get laid more though. ;)
  12. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    That's a bingo... :cool:
  13. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Good point.

    Counterpoint--Some people get very excited about things that appeal to a small group, and they insist on sharing their enthusiasm with people who aren't part of that small group. I try to be polite, but there are times when I have to stop these people and explain that while I'm happy for them, I have no interest in the (TV series, movie, game, novel, documentary, whatever).

    The sword cuts both ways. Some people need to learn when to tone it down or be quiet. Some people need to learn to be more tolerant of others excitement/enthusiasm.
  14. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    More specifically, a geek watches the Star Wars trilogy, while a nerd reads the Mars trilogy.
  15. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well...now you're describing someone who has transitioned from Geek/Nerd to Dork/Dweeb. (like a butterfly)
    Geek & Nerd have now become "hip" in media and mindset...while Dork & Dweeb still have a negative context.

    I'm guilty of what you described above...even on my posts the board.
    It varies moment to moment and by mood.
    That's why I say I'm all the above.

    Sometime someone is SO excited about the topic they are interested in...that they are oblivious to the listener's interest level.
    But that also can be said for some jocks and sports-fan...there is only so far I want to discuss play, stats and such.
    Or weapons...or gear...or or or...
    It's for ANY topic or interest...the key is to recognize social cues...something I think many fail at, at times.

    It's only that "certain" interests are more acceptable at the time...those often in the "in" tease or look-down on those who do not sync.
    Just wait...some day, you'll be in TMI mode.
    It's a condition that affects most.
    Last edited: May 27, 2014
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  16. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    When I was younger a nerd had to be a braniac, and a geek was just clumsy, awkward, and or just damned freaky. A nerd could be a geek, but geeks weren't necessarily nerds.

    Geeks were originally side-show freaks who bit the heads off of chickens, and other small creatures. Intelligence was not required to be a geek.

    Dork was just another way of saying 'you're a dick', which is what dork means. Dweeb? Never used the word.

    What am I? Just a Cayvmann (I was a nerd, but quit using my brain)
  17. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    What am I today... hmmm...
    I'm dealing with spreadsheets of raw genetics data from spaceflight-grown seedlings while watching Stargate. Would this be a nerd and a dweeb at the same time? Or maybe just an all-out geek?
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  18. [​IMG]
    This is helpful.

    I'd say I'm a geek when it comes to dinosaurs. Have been forever and I think that's rubbing off on my child. (She will hold her dinosaur toys and say "baby" then lie it down on the ground and start patting it so it will go to sleep. So cute.)

    I pride myself on not being socially inept. (Being a total bitch is different.) So I don't think I fall into the Dweeb or Nerd categories. I'd say I have dorky tendencies as I suspend my social standards for certain things I can obsess about.
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  19. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Depends on which phase of my life I was in.

    And now, which topic...

    I really haven't been a Dork or a Dweeb since my emergence from the cocoon of my teens, figuring out how to talk to with others (especially girls, but also other guys...at least socially oriented ones)
    And I learned how to dress with some style too.

    Since I'm a media junkie, that represents my Geek side...and I still like movies, TV, comics, fantasy and games.
    Nerd-side...it's all about the sciences, especially Physics...but also Genetics, Psychology, Sociology and Computers...including cutting edge.
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  20. Geek
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