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females, feminists and femininity.

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by mixedmedia, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. curiousbear

    curiousbear Terse & Bizarre

    Our right after they really really laughed like crazy. ....
  2. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Actually, I am going to break this off into its own thread.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2013
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  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Last edited: Nov 17, 2013
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  4. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Excellent. Thanks for posting that, @snowy.
    --- merged: Nov 17, 2013 at 12:11 PM ---
    And she looks better before.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2013
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  5. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I agree--although I did like a little winged eyeliner, but that might just be because I am going through a winged eyeliner phase.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2013
  6. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I used to do winged eyeliner in the late '70s-early '80s. :)
  7. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    I personally think she looks best somewhere in the middle.

    It definitely made me think about what I project to the world. In the beginning, with her hair pulled up, combined with her shapeless clothing and devoid of any makeup she easily could have passed for a male (from afar - not up close). I have, on many occasions, left the house with my hair pulled back, sans makeup and in baggy/boxy sweats. I don't want to be mistaken for a man, or be seen as masculine-looking (I get enough of that due to my name, which is unusual for a female).

    Call me what you will, but I feel compelled to rethink my casual/grubby look when leaving the house on days I don't do any hair/makeup.
  8. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well, I came from a family of strong women...so my mind is women can do anything they put their mind to.

    That being said, I'm a very lustful man who can't get enough of women. This I'm not going to apologize for.
    And this does not contradict itself.

    I've been fascinated with the concept of pro-sex or sex-positive feminism.
    Because it represents the best of both worlds to me...strong women who enjoy their sexuality. (and openly at that too)

    Now, at the same time...I'm not going to spend an ounce of judgement on ladies who do not want to have sex or prefer to be modest.
    It's a free world, you can be who you want to be...and you can change your mind in split-second...and also go back & forth throughout your life.

    One thing I don't understand are women who aren't comfortable with themselves when they ARE healthy and in shape for them. (not someone else's definition)
    And those who conflict themselves with contradictory feelings that go against their own well-being.

    I find that men tend to take themselves as they are physically more often...sure they will cater to things that are defined as "manly" or they are conflict with their social status on the ladder.
    But ladies tend to be trying to alter themselves more, to be something else or more so.
    And that often they are doing it for what women care about...not men. (not to say they don't cater to men's, it's just that it is not ONLY men)
    Again, I do not care either way...but it is something I've noted.

    I've also noted that women tend to exhibit themselves more so than men.
    Again, not that I care about this. Actually I'm very enthusiastic about it. Hey, flaunt away.
    But you do not see "Men gone Wild", you do not see men enhancing their bulge in the way cleavage is...or their legs. (actually the trend for men is to cover in layers, which I hate)

    Not to say that women don't enjoy it, as I see at male strip clubs...but this is done at VERY specific places...and only VERY specific males...not in general.
    Is this due to male restraint or concern? Or because women don't want to see it outside of these arenas? (aka social acceptance)
    **Actually, I've tried this before in a public arena...women seem to like it, but BOY do men get pissed.**

    But I'm curious as to whether this is a social, cultural, mental, emotional or genetic trait??
    And why do some ladies enjoy the attention without guilt.
    And why do some do it...then protest the attention they get? (or dislike themselves for doing it)

    Men are fairly consistent with their desire to see women sexually, in all arenas. (even at work)
    However women I find are titillated at specific times...and are turned off (eww) at other times.
    Is this because of their own change in desires?
    Or what they expect due to social expectations?

    Again, I'm all for all-out feminism.
    But it seems that women themselves are the ones restraining and/or exposing themselves...at times.

    I would think feminism would be to be proud of what you are as a woman no matter your desire or look.
    Why be who you aren't?

    To me there shouldn't be any "Madonna/Whore" complex, because you can be Madonna & Whore at the same time. (not that I agree with the word "whore"...their word, not mine)
    Be what you want, when you want.

    I'm curious how the ladies look at this.
    There seems to be an inherent conflict.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2013
  9. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    This is my viewpoint on the whole thing. And it really comes down to differences in the way that men and women think (or, at least the way men purport themselves to think) which is encapsulated in this sentence:

    This is why there is so much conflict. Because female sexuality is one facet of the experience of being female. But much of the time it seems like it is the only characteristic that is appreciated by men unless you are their wife, mother, sister, etc. And that is a very real expression of sexism. One that needs to become history. I love images of naked women, as is obvious. I like taking photos of myself naked, as is also obvious. But when I hear comments that suggest that those images are <insert negative qualifier here> and you should just shut up or not post them if you don't like it, it makes me feel as if too many men are lazy bastards. Coarse. Uninteresting. Not worthy. Seriously. I don't believe that seeing a woman naked makes it impossible to comprehend her wholly. (Rather, I tend to think the problem is a combination of misogyny and subconscious male guilt for having sexual thoughts about them.) But if that is true then there will never be expressions of female sexuality without backlash against some men. Not for me.

    This is why I prefer the company of men who really like women. Probably another reason why I am tending toward the younger, artistic men these days because they have a much broader appreciation of women. I just can't respect a lot of the attitudes that float around out there.
    --- merged: Nov 18, 2013 at 1:02 PM ---
    Moral to the story: Men fall back on some lame-ass, lazy collective thinking that prevents them from moving forward in their relations with women.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2013
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  10. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well, I don't know about that...let's keep our anger to men to specific selfish men, rather than men in general.
    I know many men that are respectful to women, perhaps some even overly so. (because there are selfish women out there too.)

    But I meant in my statement about men viewing women as something to be desired...not as a slam. But it just is...a part of their nature. It is consistent.
    Even I, as an open minded, respectful and interested in strong-females...still view women with desire, no matter the time or place. (and I know many men who are the same).
    I still treat them equally and with discretion. But this doesn't stop the libido from wanting what it wants. You just learn to keep your place.

    And I'm sure in many cases, women feel the same...but they do it differently. Theirs I've noted is more subtle and situational.

    I'm just trying to figure out why.
    And why is it so inconsistent. (or are you all just that much more in control?? or am I just fooling myself?)

    I've been oogled before...and approached...etc. Just like the women on the board.
    However, the trend is definitely much lower than they have experienced.
    And would the men care if they did? Sure, but it depends...admired, yes they'd like it....used, definitely not.

    It's like the scenes in "Horrible Bosses" with Jennifer Aniston as the aggressor.
    Or the new spoof series of vids, called "The Flip Side" which reverses traditional roles. (great clip on reverse sexuality...much less the other clips)

    As women gain in power and confidence...will they become just as consistent with their desires as men are?
    Will women stop "enhancing" their looks? Or will men start exposing theirs more? (metrosexuals??)
    Will women's gain produce "The Flip Side" in real life?
    Or is the current status a part of their genes??

    For example, in Rio Brazil, where women are more of the aggressor, it would be interesting.
    Might be nice...but like anything, might produce unintended consequences. (good or ill)

    I'd rather just everyone be comfortable with themselves.
    And both sides just put it out there.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2013
  11. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I think women are changing. But, I don't see the same pace of change in men.

    I think what that change means remains to be seen because it hasn't come to fruition, yet. BUT, I don't think that women are going to be like men - no 'role reversal'. I understand that it's somewhat natural to think that female empowerment leads to masculinity, but I also suspect that it's a distinctly patriarchal way of thinking.

    And lastly, I am not angry. Why does everyone assume when women are talking about these things that they are angry? I feel great. I had a great night, I'm sitting here having a beer and I'm happy. I've been in a great mood all day. No angry. K? :)
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  12. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    I suspect you are similar to me in that we kind of just get to the point and don't get all flowery with explanations at times. I don't think I've ever gotten angry here on the board, but because I often am quite blunt and to the point, it sometimes comes across that way. Same for email :/ Again, as women, we tread a fine line between being direct and assertive with being a bitch. Oftentimes misunderstood. Especially by other women. Or so that's been my experience.
  13. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I don't bother myself with lines. Now less than ever. If a bitch is a woman who questions and asks, then call me a bitch. I'll call me a bitch.
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  14. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    No treading of lines due to being female here. I think though that once past say age 25, I scared off men and women by being blunt. I think some members of both sexes find assertive women a threat. A threat to what, I'm not sure. But it's a similar reaction as perceiving MM as 'angry' when she is simply being direct/ speaking her mind. I hate to keep pointing to the patriarchal mindset of society in general but I've felt it and experienced it so many times that I cannot ignore it. Women live in it but it's a man's world. Women who are changing the status quo in myriad ways cause ripples in this patriarchy that modify it. So do enlightened men. I sense that larger changes are afoot and ultimately, whatever form they take will help loosen the ties that bind both sexes to prescribed behaviours.
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  15. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    A threat to what - exactly! I'm sure I've scared off men, too - but I find it much more noticeable with women. Perhaps, I've been lucky to know many enlightened men. They seem to actually appreciate these qualities. Bully for them!

    MM - I'm not afraid/opposed to calling myself a bitch if/when warranted - I just don't happen to subscribe to the theory that I'm just a bitch in my natural state of being. Even if everyone around me does...
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  16. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Here's an interesting piece from Forbes that talks about the use of the word "bitch" in the workplace: The Bitching Point - Forbes

    I think assertive women who know what they want get called bitches far too often.
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  17. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Ok, I'm probably stirring the hornets nest here...but the reason I used "anger" was because of this general statement.
    I'm all for feminism...and the all-powerful female. You get your groove on.

    However, I'm not going to let generalizations about the evils of men be thrown out too. Including sarcasm how we are essentially neanderthals.
    Frankly, I do think men are changing and becoming more aware...and allowing women to become empowered. (even to the point they at times tred on us)

    It's not even and it's not fair...nor will it be ever completely even for every situation...but it IS getting better.

    I thought I handled that phrase lightly, didn't over-react...used one word in a complete phrase...perhaps I could have used "frustration"??
    I see that "anger" is a trigger word.

    Because I even didn't reply immediately back to MM's obvious irritation on the word. I wanted to let it lie. And not take away from the discussion.
    However, there seemed to be a bit of a pile-on about those trigger words.

    Hey, whatever...I know women who call themselves "bitch" proudly, empowering themselves. Call yourself "cunt", isn't that what one skit in the Vagina Monologues was about?
    I don't care...enjoy who you are, take the world by storm. Kick ass, take names.
    Be blunt, I prefer it.

    But just remember, not ALL men are not misogynistic lazy ball scratching assholes. Some care, some are trying. And some you leap down their throats...

    Now that I got that out of the way...keep on rockin' your female selves. Back to the topic about you.

    'nuff said.
  18. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    lol, now I am irritated. Jesus.

    Nowhere did I say all men or all women. In fact, throughout the post that included that quote I used limiters such as 'some men' and 'many men' and then went on to acknowledge that I personally know of men who are not like that. I think my observations speak for themselves and I think they are fair.
    I don't know what else to say. Take it or leave it.
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  19. curiousbear

    curiousbear Terse & Bizarre

    Hmm I felt that saying just 'men' may sound like 'all men'.

    And some of my posts happen to be misinterpreted recently to my great surprise.

    I have some over generalized opinion on women (most women). But deep inside I know that it is based on my expectations and consequential disappointment towards them. What is more hard for me is to realize no matter what I still very more and more attracted to women :( especially the strong opinionated hottt personalities.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2013
  20. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    @rogue49: I didn't think you were being deliberate in trying to anger in your post previous to this one...but this one, yes. I quoted the parts I had trouble with and I'm going to explain why "I", this one female, feels as she does.

    Firstly, men are "allowing" women to be empowered? No. We are empowering ourselves. Sometimes you (men) help--sometimes you get in the way--sometimes you do nothing.

    "Anger" is not a trigger word per se but...For me yes, there is still vestiges of anger towards a certain type of man. I continue to work to overcome it. There are psychic and physical scars. I have a natural inclination towards some other types of men.
    "A bit of a pile on"--just gonna take that as a bit of humour. Maybe football humour?

    Do not please, assume based on a feminist, one-woman play that the word "cunt" is OK with all women. It is one of the words that I do not wish to be called. It is slang for a body part and if you are bedding me, in context it could be OK to use. Otherwise, I have visceral reaction to me as a person being called that.
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