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Every Girl Crazy 'bout a Sharp Dressed Man

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by ZombieSquirrel, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I'm with noodle.

    That isn't to say I don't love my husband in a suit. I just know how uncomfortable he is wearing it, and so I feel bad for him when he does wear it.

    I prefer a man in uniform to a suit.
  2. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    every time I click this thread I can't help but feeling I'm sneaking into the ladies lounge
  3. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Well, don't. And stop it with the donning of the wig and the tuck job in the coat room. You're making the security guards nervous.

    *fixes tie*
    • Like Like x 2
  4. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City

    To be honest, though, I actually tend to hate dressing up. Oh, once in a blue moon, to go to the opera, or a really amazing restaurant, or suchlike, sure. But in general, I can't stand suits. They are not comfortable, and I have a hard time pulling off looks that are all about straightlaced when I am by nature all about laid back. On occasion I'll wear a jacket to work teaching, but never a suit, and certainly not a tie-- ties are the worst part of suits. Ligature should be recreational, not ceremonial, and I don't get why it's a good trade-off to be acknowledged as businesslike and socially polished at the expense of asphyxiation.

    Left to my own devices, it's jeans, t-shirts, my favorite Baja hoodie. At most, maybe a nice sweater (I do love a good sweater).
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  5. The Ladies Lounge is so limiting. I like that a lot of men are posting on what they consider to be "dressing up."

    I love suits, but what started my Professor McAwkward crush was seeing him in some nice jeans, shoes, button up and this really cool leather jacket. I considered that to be well dressed too. So many profs around here don't look so nice. Who wants to dress up when they are playing with rocks, chemicals or animals?

    Uniforms are very nice. I miss living near an air force base. :-(

    I also love a man in a rugby jersey and scrum shorts. I suppose that is like a uniform.
  6. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    It also occurs to me that suits with no ties are hotter than suits with.


    But for whatever reason, I really like women in loose ties-- I used to hang out in my favorite bar with the top buttons of my white shirt unbuttoned, my tie loosened, a pair of jeans, and a fedora. I loved the look, but I love it even more on other women.
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  7. I like that look on women too. Suit vests with a nice shirt and jeans is nice on ladies too.
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  8. That plaid suit looks like golf pants with a jacket to match
  9. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    It'll all about being dressed for the occasion to me. I spent the better part of 20yrs wearing a at least a jacket and tie. In some courts, depending on the judge, you just don't show up in Dockers and expect to be taken seriously. On other days I might find myself looking for someone who decided he was due an early parole and was some where in the middle of the Oregon Coastal range. Good reason to keep BDU's in the trunk.

    Is any of it "hot or sharp?" Never really gave it any thought but I can honestly say I've only wore a tie twice in the last three years. Both times to weddings... not mine thankfully.
  10. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    I won't even wear a tie to a wedding or funeral. Why? Because it's not about me, it's about them. I look good as hell when I go, but I'm not going full on formal. Some will say that a tie is out of respect for the occasion, but I don't believe that. As long as I look good, clean cut and I'm respectful, that is the key to the whole occasion. Unless the invitation/notice dictates the attire, I'm going to dress nicely without being tight and uncomfortable. When I throw an event at a nice restaurant etc. I expect people to dress how they feel comfortable as long as they're clean and don't cause drama. Things tend to flow better that way.
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  11. Hektore

    Hektore Slightly Tilted

    So...Am I the only one that doesn't mind wearing a tie? Maybe it's the knot?

    I always go with the full Windsor. You fellas? (or ladies)
  12. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Yeah, Double Windsor is the only tie knot. Anything else should have been left in the '80s.

    Anybody have a different take on this?
  13. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    I don't mind wearing a tie unless the shirt has too much starch in the collar. Usually that's not a problem, but sometimes the drycleaner goes overboard.

    I don't like the double because the knots are so big. Since I don't have a real thick neck, the single works better for me.
  14. Hektore

    Hektore Slightly Tilted

    It's funny (to me) that you should put it that way. I learned to tie a necktie from my grandfather and he said in his own curmudgeonly way:

    "If you have the occasion to wear a tie then you have the occasion to tie a proper knot. There is only one proper knot - the full Windsor.
    [grumble, grumble]
    Half-Windsor; what a bunch of garbage."

    Still cracks me up thinking about it.

    Maybe I just like the look, I have a thick-looking neck and I guess the larger knot suits me (see what i did there?). Though, when it comes to necks, I'm not sure just how big 'big' is. [17.5-18 on a five-foot eleven frame]
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  15. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    Ryan Gosling wears the shit out of a suit, or anything (or nothing), for that matter.






    (Additional reference: see numerous tumblr "hey girl" blogs, etc.)

    As do a shit ton of women:






    (Further reading on the subject)

    I do what I can.


    And yes, Windsor knots are my favorite.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    "Come to lunch, Eliot will be there in a four-piece suit."
    —Virginia Woolf on T. S. Eliot in an invitation to her brother-in-law
    • Like Like x 3
  17. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Completely agreed. My shirts are always plain, and I find matte black to really emphasize a striped navy suit. It also brings out a red (usually a stylishly-patterned half matte, half silk) tie.

    Though, in terms of ties, I used to have this chessboard-patterned black and brown tie that went really well together with a gray chalk-striped suit and black shirt. Lost it some time ago and made me a sad panda.

    EDIT: I can't really empathize with people who don't like wearing suits. Ever since the first time I put one on at age 15, I've loved them. They're really comfortable to me.

    The only reason I prefer baggy pants/jeans and untucked shirt for casual wear, is because of the hassle of going to the toilet while wearing business attire. Fuck that.
  18. I love this thread!
  19. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    I'm speechless. 3 pages and nobody has bothered to post American Psycho quotes? Jesus Herbert Christ, TFP. I mean, I totally expected the swooning ladies of TFP to have to change their sopping panties to make room for the squish tide that comes from the greatness of an '80s'd-up Christian Bale.


    Now, by the numbers:

    1. My Face!


    ...but you don't notice because, hey, I'm wearing a suit. Suits are like uniforms: they remove your face.

    2. Weddings


    ...you can look like a hobo from the neck up as long as your suit is sharp. See #1.

    3. This Suit Will Get You Laid


    ...and married. And divorced. It's also really, really expensive to maintain.

    4. This Suit Won't


    ...but it's a great conversation starter. And you can work out in it.
    • Like Like x 2
  20. Heavily starched white shirts for me.