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Drug question posting?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by skitto, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    Alcohol reduces absorption of anything fat-soluble only if it's dissolved in fat because it inhibits whole body lipid oxidation. Inhaled cannabinoids will be absorbed at the same rate as when sober according to the one peer-reviewed study I could find, and when dissolved in alcohol the rate of absorption should be about the same as if it's dissolved in a fat.
  2. skitto

    skitto Harmonic chaos redundancy limiter

    Deschutes, Oregon
    Maybe almond oil?
  3. skitto

    skitto Harmonic chaos redundancy limiter

    Deschutes, Oregon
    I would say if you wanted a thc olive oil, you'd need standard olive oil, no v. or e.v. and keep it at super thin, (almost superfluid, if that was possible at normal pressure)

    If you wanted to use v., or e.v. olive oil you'd have to extract the thc into what will be a concentrated oleic suspension, using just enough unsalted clarified butter (3-4 tbsp per 2 tbsp bud, so to speak) and then mixing what you get out of it with a larger amount of olive oil (1 cup)
  4. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I'm not opposed to it, although I agree with Sir L...you just need to be aware of any potential adverse consequences...including legal.

    Me, it just puts me to sleep, no high...I really don't like the harsh or smell...so I've never gone out of my way for it at all.
    We tried it for medical purposes for my wife...but she didn't like the psychotropic affects.
    Both of us prefer to be clear-minded...and find other non-chemical ways to relax. (but that's just us, do as you will)

    However from your question and following replies, it sounds like your trials have gone beyond casual...they are a fairly specific.
    Whatever, as long as you are the only guinea-pig.
    I wouldn't dare take responsibility on the affects on others...much less the increased legal significance.

    Please be careful.
  5. Cwtch38

    Cwtch38 Bat Shit Crazy

    I regularly see people on my case load that have drug induced psychosis from cannabis use.
    Men usually in their late thirties early forties who have smoked 'harmless' cannabis for most of their lives and BAM, one day their brain fries and they are left a dribbling mess in a chair on a psychiatric ward while their horrified wife and kids look on helplessly.
    There are always consequences to introducing unnecessary chemicals into the body and not all of them fun.
    I'm not being a killjoy, I smoked cannabis as a teenager like it was going out of fashion. Now I see the effects later on in life and it's frightening.

    Have fun :).
  6. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    my two cents... i much prefer smoking to eating it or vaporizing. smoking is more of a light head high, and eating/vaping to me is a super deep body high, almost like mushrooms. also, it's a lot harder to control your dosage and go overboard when you eat/vape it unless someone who really knows what they're doing can tell you about it. i don't enjoy joints or straight up pipes anymore either, as i end up with a noticeably scorched throat the next day. i stick to a nice glass on glass bong.
  7. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    I love how Levite isn't only a scholar in Judaism. :p
  8. SOL90808 New Member

  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    uhh...Huh?? :confused:
  10. omega

    omega Very Tilted

  11. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    EDIT/threadjack/Oh, FFS!
    Science people, let's stick with science.
    I quit cannabis last summer because, A. I need to lose weight B. Until and unless I lose weight I won't lower my BP to low-normal without meds. C. I wanted to save money-- contribute to both fun and necessary things, D. It's still illegal here. E. I felt as if I was in a dysfunctional relationship with the distributor--so I ended it.
    Moderation in consuming is an absolute if you are talking cannabis, alcohol or mocha chip ice cream. They are all to be treated as treats. You regularly over-indulge in any of them and there will be unpleasant consequences.
    EDIT: Wow, got sucked into that one.
    I'd refer back to both @Levite 's and @MSD 's replies to address the OP. They contain both science and the science of cooking with cannabis.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2013
  12. Many people find that if they drink and then smoke, they feel sick - but also the same people find that smoke then drink then more smoke does not do this.
  13. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    Let this be a warning to all: marijuana is a gateway drug to Caps Lock.
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