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Droid or iPhone?

Discussion in 'Tilted Gear' started by grumpyolddude, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. Just found out I could get the Razr (online), Thunderbolt, or LG Lucid for free if I upgrade through Target. Going shopping tomorrow night. Might come home with a phone.
    --- merged: Jun 5, 2012 4:07 AM ---
    Embrace the dark side....
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2012
  2. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    Check out wirefly.com. you may have more choices.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2012
  3. Pixel

    Pixel Getting Tilted

    If iOS is the dark side, I must be Darth Vader. I have an iPhone 4, iPad 2 and I'm typing this on my brand new MacBook Pro. I'm a professional geek, but I'm also a designer and iOS, to me just has a better, more complete feel than other phone OSes I have tried. I also worry about software fragmentation with Android. Meaning, there are brand new Android phones coming out right now loaded with older versions of the OS with no real timetable of when they might be upgradeable, if at all.

    If the rumors are true, this might be a problem with the iPhone 5 as well as all the new cool Android phones, but do we really need our phones to be as big as a dinner plate? People look like they are talking into the shoe-phone from Get Smart. I know people are using their phones to watch movies and play games, but when do they become too large to function as a phone?
    • Like Like x 1
  4. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    Being a lady with small hands, that's part of why I want an iPhone.. it fits into my petite mitts much better than my big Android! I already have an iPad.. my phone doesn't need to function as a damn tablet as well!
  5. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    I use my laptop as a phone almost daily. The nice thing about Android is that there is a pretty large selection of device sizes to choose from.
  6. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    This thread makes my Xperia X10 feel ancient. Though my SO has informed me that our account is due for a free upgrade, and she already upgraded her phone to the iPhone 4. I wonder what my options are.
  7. Pixel

    Pixel Getting Tilted

    If you are considering coming to the dark side (we have cookies, but no flash) I would advise you to wait until after Apple's WWDC (starts June 11th). We are definitely going to hear news about iOS 6 and maybe a release date for the iPhone 5. Even if you don't care about getting the latest hardware, you'll be able to pick up the iPhone 4S as the el cheapo iPhone after the 5 is out.
  8. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    You're on Rogers, yes? They have the Galaxy Nexus for $75 on a three year term, which I'm guessing would also apply for upgrades. You can check out mine next time I see you if you want, to see if it's up your ally. It's a great phone -- ridiculously fast, 720p display, dual-band 802.11n, all the bells and whistles. It is a big on the large side, which I'm still getting used to, and that might be a bit of a turn off, but it seems to be the way a lot of the Android lines are going these days.

    If you want a free phone, they've got the HTC Raider for $0.01 on a 3 year term. It hasn't got all of the same bells and whistles, but a lot of what the Galaxy Nexus boasts that the Raider doesn't is stuff you may not use anyway. Aside from the obvious ones (720p, dedicated GPU, active noise cancellation) you may never notice the difference.
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  9. Bear Cub

    Bear Cub Goes down smooth.

    Just got an iPhone for $200. Work picked up the voice and data plan, so I wasn't going to pass it up after my Blackberry took a massive shit. It's fast, impressive display, and is quite the little piece of hardware, but IMO a) it's too narrow, and b) touch screen keyboards are fucking impossible to deal with, and I already loathe it with a passion. Even with the GPS and wifi turned off, and the sync for my personal e-mail accounts set to manual, battery life isn't exactly impressive. I can see having to recharge it mid-day, every day.
  10. No joy today... maybe tomorrow.

    If money was no issue, iPhone would be a consideration. Not paying $200. Don't wanna pay $100. Seriously. If I'm adding 2 years worth of data charges to their bloated corporate revenues, I'm going to do it with a phone I like at a price I like. Otherwise, I'll just stay in the talk/text realm.
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  11. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Damn, I must be a crotchety old man already because I'm a generation behind you and think the same way.

    I'll ride my talk/text phone until it breaks and then I'll start using the cheapo factory refurb throw phones.
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  12. Damned right!

    Wait a minute... did he just call ME a crotchety old man?
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  13. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    If my employer weren't picking up the tab I might actually be right there with you. As it is, I don't pay the bill every month and they are pretty neat-o. Given my established nerd credentials I don't think anyone is too surprised that I would want to be carrying the latest and greatest here.
  14. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I am not willing to pay a good $200 up front and over $100/month for a solid 2 years for a phone. Paying $500-600 for the no contract option does not sound much better.
    I did decide to upgrade from my bit too simple straight talk phone that was using the AT&T network to a Verizon "not quite smart" phone. The main reason was the fact that verizon gets one solid bar of service almost anywhere in this town which is better than the damn near complete dead zone for AT&T unless you get a bit of elevation. $53/month was not much more than I was paying before as well.
    If I lived in an area where full cellular service (or even two bars) was more than a silly myth, then I would consider dropping the vonage/verizon duo for just a cell phone and probably not pay much more in the end result.
  15. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Semi-crotchety; I wanted the e-mail and the Motorola XPRT has met my needs. Company pays $60/month and I get a 15%/month Sprint discount.

    Small - I dont want a mini-tablet for a phone.
    External Qwerty - prefer over virtual
    3G - is all I need for phone/text/e-mail
    Battery - generally 2+ days between charges.
  16. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Since you're willing to wait, you can shop Verizon's deals. Seriously...bide your time. The phone you desire will come up heavily discounted at some point in the near future, and then you will pounce. My husband and I got our phones more or less for free because we did this. We got a credit on our phone bill that covered 2.5 months of service, rendering the $400 we spent on our Droids irrelevant.
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  17. Zweiblumen

    Zweiblumen Slightly Tilted

    I just updated my Samsung Gio to 2.3.6, and I see improvement in battery life and Wifi stability. There are other changes too but those that I have noticed are mostly cosmetic.
    My daughter is sure to want to check if Angry Birds Space works better after the upgrade :)
  18. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Yes, yes.

    I dunno. I can't really justify spending even $75 for extra features. I mean, I'd love the zippiness and the awesome display...but $75 is $75, eh?

    Despite the better features on the Galaxy Nexus, compared to my current phone, the HTC Raider has a much faster processor (dual core vs. single, plus double the cache), triple the memory, a front camera, a 9% bigger display, is Ice Cream Sandwich–capable, etc.

    Free is quite the leap as it is.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2012
  19. verizon came through . I am posting this by talking into an htc thunderbolt . they gave it to me no charge with a 14 day trial.if I don't like it I can you turned it in and try a different phone . so far I like it . it does not capitalize well tho ,through the speech recognition software. :p

    grumpy is rocking the 4 g l t e
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  20. Punk.of.Ages

    Punk.of.Ages Getting Tilted

    Good choice, I say.

    I'm a total HTC fanboy.

    Also, speech recognition is pretty fucking nifty...