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Do you sleep through the night?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by genuinemommy, Apr 13, 2017.


Do you sleep through the night?

  1. Yes, always / often

    7 vote(s)
  2. No, never / seldom

    12 vote(s)
  1. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    You drink a pint of vodka, whiskey, or gin before going to bed?
  2. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    I hate this shite.[​IMG]
  3. I ALWAYS have to get up to pee during the night. Doesn't matter if I don't drink any liquids after supper, I'm going to be up.

    If it happens after I've gotten 5 hours of sleep, I may as well get up, because I'm done.

    If it is less than 5, I've got a good shot of going back to sleep. I try not to look at the clock, and tell myself it's not been too long.

    Melatonin helps, as does Benedryl. I can get back to sleep sometime if I have had one of those before I go to sleep.

  4. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    Simple answer....

    Yes I sleep all night unless my wife wakes me up to let the dogs out

    Sent from my VS990 using Tapatalk

    POPEYE Very Tilted

    Sure everynight. Doesn't everyone?
  6. Olympian

    Olympian Vertical

    There is always night somewhere when I sleep.