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Diablo 3

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by Frosstbyte, Sep 13, 2011.

  1. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    it's in very early stages right now. you can't buy it probably for another year or so. if you want to try something a little different from wow, i recommend torchlight (similar to diablo) or lord of the rings online (similar to wow, and it's free).
  2. Frosstbyte

    Frosstbyte Winter is coming

    The North
    I highly doubt it'll be a year. SC2 beta testing started February 17, 2010 and then released on July 27, 2010. The WoW expansion beta periods have all been 4-5 months. I would be very surprised if we didn't see D3 released before March 2012, and probably sooner, but you never know.
  3. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    Real cash for vanity items is one thing, cash for functional items doesn't sit well with me. We'll see how it is implemented, it may not affect me or I may choose not to play.
  4. Frosstbyte

    Frosstbyte Winter is coming

    The North
    What I'm saying is there is no such thing as "functional items" in Diablo, and, further, there are no items you can buy with real money that you can't find just by playing. Diablo gear (unless something in the versus system is dramatically different, and much more important than I guess it will be) is all about vanity. You can play through the whole game by basically wearing what you pick up. If you want better gear it's because you want it to want it, not because it makes a huge difference.

    I would agree with you if blizzard was posting "super special sets of awesome" that were quantitatively better than gear that could be found in the game and were only available for real money, I'd agree. But a player driven money-based auction house seems perfectly reasonable to me.
  5. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City

    Right now it's an invitation only beta. You know like what Google did. Now you can hate Blizzard for slighting you.
    --- merged: Sep 22, 2011 2:12 AM ---
    I just got a legendary weapon. Enchanted weapons are blue, this one is Orange and says wait for it.... Legend...... dairy.
  6. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Did you get a chance to lower the specs, cynthetiq?
  7. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    you can't lower the graphics very much unlike with WoW... so I'm guessing it's going to be intensive for that laptop.
  8. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Okay, thank you for trying. :)
  9. thejuanald

    thejuanald Vertical

    They did say that they wouldn't enter beta with Diablo 3 until it was very close to release. There is still hope for the end of the year or beginning of next year.
  10. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    My toon is now level 11. Redoing the content is a grind, not much different than WoW. The big difference is that the gear dropped gets better, and the monsters are harder. There have been some other additional puzzle rooms that have showed up with just massive amounts of mobs to deal with in the solo campaign I just ran.
  11. Frosstbyte

    Frosstbyte Winter is coming

    The North
    Looks like my "not later than March 2012" prediction might be right on the money, but my "before the end of the year" prediction was not. I find it very surprising that less than a month ago they were confident enough in the release to issue the Diableard Challenge, and now they're pushing it back very ambiguously. I can only hope that they take this opportunity to send out more beta invites and to expand the scope of the beta. Gonna be a long wait!


    Super sad post: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/3552227/#blog

    Diableard Challenge: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/3359129#blog
  12. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I did not think they had enough time before the end of the year to get it into gold state.
  13. thejuanald

    thejuanald Vertical

    super sad, indeed.
  14. Arc101

    Arc101 New Member

    I play a lot of RPG's but found Diablo very repetitive. Not sure if I will give this a go yet, will wait to see if you actually have to use more than 2 brain cells.
  15. Gabbyness

    Gabbyness New Member

    You have defeated the beta! Haha, that's awesome.
  16. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I don't know if I have to use more than 2 brain cells.

    It hasn't been so repetitive even when I think that it is. The randomness of the dungeons is still a strong point. The mobs increase in variation and abilities as my level increases. There is a crafting aspect to the game where I can craft some of my own weapons. There are 2 other training skills that I haven't yet seen.

    One can also respec before fights unlimited times. So far I've made 4 toons 3 of which are at least level 7. The play style for them are all very different. I imagine the 4th and 5th classes I have yet to play are also very different in play style.
  17. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
  18. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    i just got in the beta yesterday; downloading now
  19. boom29 New Member

    Orange County, CA
    I got my Beta invite a few days ago as well. Too bad I'm not home at the moment...can't wait though.
  20. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I haven't played in at least 3 weeks, my wife in over a month.