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Dexter (Use spoiler tags for anything that hasn't aired yet)

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by fill23ca, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Or as the Canadians say, 'Oh Gord.'
    I have all kinds of things to say about the season and this episode in particular. I'm afraid that it amounts to a rant at this time though, so I'll be brief.
    Deb is IN LOVE with her brother?! Never in the six years (well, 5.75 yrs.) we watched them did they give any inkling whatsoever that she felt that way. That is so crap. And my guess is that little plot device is going to drop almost immediately next season since witnessing Dexter kill--in full kill garb at that is going to blow all that navel-gazing bull out of her head. They just wanted to make very, very sure that we'll 'understand' why she doesn't turn him in. So unnecessary. Hall and Carpenter were/are fully convincing as sibs with familial love. I'm still fuming about it because it strikes such a discordant note (not because of potential 'incest') and does a disservice to the characters.
    For me, the 'I'm in love with him' line was so bizarre that Deb witnessing Dex kill really did not do anything for me. Bah. Way to ruin 6 years of build-up.
  2. dippin Getting Tilted

    and what is worse than the "in love" bit is that both her and her therapist think it is a good idea to declare her love for him.

    Of all the literally hundreds of clues, of all the chances (no one enters the crime scene?), on the day Dexter goes missing at sea at the same time Travis is doing something at sea, Deb finally finds out because she has to rush to a crime scene she sent her brother to because she wants to declare her love for him?

    at least I hope this isn't like Rita's death, that goes nowhere. Hopefully they won't have her run out, hit her head, and get selective amnesia. Or be convinced that this was Dexter's only time.
  3. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    She's increasingly had panic attacks, the first one in that very church, and though I don't think it is great writing they could have her pass out and wake up at Dex's where he could have a bit more control of the damage. She's seen the kill scene before with Jordan Chase in season 5 when she let Dex and Lumen go. There are so many things that have not added up for Deb in re: Dex, there's no way that she's not going to finally start to piece things together. Like, Dexter is part of the reason Miami Metro's crime-solving rate is so low!
  4. dippin Getting Tilted

    nevermind the season 5 kill room.... she was tied up in one in season one!
  5. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Good point.
    That seems so long ago...and I suppose it was.
  6. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    The scene with the boat of illegal immigrants was the best part of the episode. As soon as I saw it was named "Milagro," I realized the writers were telling us "this is the most blatant and unapologetic deus ex machina we could imagine. You will watch this scene and you will like it because you are still watching the show and therefore will allow us to get away with anything." The self-aware absurdity gave me a glimmer of hope that the writers realize they aren't writing the same show as it was in season 1.

    Meanwhile, back on land:

    Lucky for Dexter, MMPD only put one officer on top of each building and had nobody inside, outside, or nearby, and a huge building like that has neither security cameras nor occupants that might spot him dragging the most wanted man in the city, state, and possibly country, to the trunk of his car.
    Rita? who's that? I think they mentioned her once or twice at the beginning of last season, but never since then so she can't be that important.
  7. dippin Getting Tilted

    Dexter was never a subtle show. They would not only show you something, but have a monologue, a flashback, and a fantasy conversation with ghost Harry all tacked on for the sake of explaining stuff.
    an example of this heavy handedness was naming Julia Styles' character Lumen, and just in case people didn't get that Lumen meant light, they named an episode "everything is ilumenated"

    The thing that was great about the show, though, was the moral ambiguity in it. Which is gone. Dexter is Batman minus the gadgets.
    all the way to the point where that scene with dexter tied on the boat and travis trying to kill him are something straight out of Adam West's batman episodes
  8. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    Yeah, I accept now that Dexter is pretty much a comic book now, but the stark contrast between the way it started out with kills being carefully planned, meticulously executed, and full of tension and the current "oh, I wonder how he's going to get away with it this time" disappoints me.
  9. Zweiblumen

    Zweiblumen Slightly Tilted

    "Me in a dress, I feel like a freaking crossdresser" D. Morgan
  10. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I finished watching the boxed set of season 2 recently and am looking forward to season 3. I probably need to go back and skim through some of them again though as I was watching a marathon session after work and fell asleep during some of the parts.
    Season 3 will hopefully add some kind of new serial killer like the Ice Truck killer angle or something similar. But that will wait have to wait until I buy the next season on DVD.
  11. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    • Like Like x 1
  12. Python

    Python Getting Tilted

    I was hoping she'd finally find out who he is. Ah well, maybe she will later in the season. I can't imagine the show lasting that much longer, and I'm hoping it'll go out with a bang.
  13. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Dexter has been renewed through season 8 (upcoming is 7). Then they are done. Everything being done now is leading to a grand finale. This is a spoiler-free thread so I'm not gonna use spoiler tags to say much more as despite being a spoiler hound myself, I respect that other folks may not be. (I have an inside line with Showtime, meaning I review the shows I want and I get press kits that are loaded with spoilers--though they never show the last episodes--as they are still filming when the kits are put-together (and reviewers can't be trusted to keep their lips zipped anyway).
  14. Python

    Python Getting Tilted

    Two more seasons.. I'm betting the last one will be better than the upcoming. At either rate, it's still a great show and in my top 5 of current running shows.

    So you've seen almost the entire upcoming season? That's pretty cool, though you'll have to wait a while for the finale I guess.
  15. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Nope, I have not as they are very much still filming. Often, they are still filming when the season debuts. The press kits probably have not even been put-together yet. I'm pretty certain I'll be lucky to get the first 4 episodes to watch prior to the debut. Fingers-crossed.

    Dexter is always in my top 5. When people complain that it's bad it's still way better than most everything else. Sometimes, specific episodes can be weak but still, M.C. Hall as Dexter is an unparalleled character. I'm riveted every time he's on-screen.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2012
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  16. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Watched the entire first episode of the new season of Dexter (legally) yesterday. It was much different than what I'd assumed based on the sneak peeks and promos in that there were quite a number of things that did not happen. I have one quibble about a minor character, other than that I'm ecstatic that soon (Sept 30) it will be back for 12 new episodes.
  17. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    ......<edit> jogged my memory by reading my last post in this thread, I need to refresh my memory with season 2, I suspect I watched those DVDs in a marathon after work when I was tired and nowhere near fully alert.
    Last episode I clearly remember watching things were just getting serious with Rita and that major event with her husband in prison is a very recent event. </edit> No doubt specifics are far from a spoiler to most who have posted in this thread but will follow that guideline.
    Hopefully they will somehow 'unmask' Dexter in some grand fashion at the end. Something over the top would feel appropriate here, and I can say that with confidence even being eons back relatively speaking as far as the Dexter universe is concerned.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2012
  18. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    i just finished the edward james olmos/ colin hanks series last night and really loved it up to the last couple episodes. it got a little weird from that point for me, but i'm hoping it all comes around for the next one.
  19. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Yep, I agree that the Colin Hanks story kind of went off the rails. I'm hoping that the huge ending to season 6 will open some fun avenues to explore in both season 7 and 8.
  20. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

    I'm guessing that I don't watch TV enough. Never heard of Dexter, but asked my son, I thought my eardrum was blown away with laughter. :)