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Daily Quotation

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by uncle phil, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    "If we wish to live in the light of reason, we must follow rules or principles; for that is what being rational is."

    -Isaiah Berlin​
  2. CaptainBob

    CaptainBob Slightly Tilted

    Kingston, eh?
    When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.
    - Albert Einstein
  3. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    "If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things."

    -RenĂ© Descartes​
  4. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    "Beyond a critical point within a finite space, freedom diminishes as numbers increase. . . . the human question is not how many can possibly survive within the system, but what kind of existence is possible for those who do survive."

    -Frank Herbert​
  5. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    "The intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, the sensible man hardly anything."

    -Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe​
  6. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    "Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul."

    -Mark Twain​
  7. CaptainBob

    CaptainBob Slightly Tilted

    Kingston, eh?
    The great thing about a computer notebook is that no matter how much you stuff into it, it doesn't get bigger or heavier.
    Bill Gates
  8. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    "Our observation of nature must be diligent, our reflection profound, and our experiments exact. We rarely see these three means combined; and for this reason, creative geniuses are not common."

    -Denis Diderot​
  9. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    "It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err."

    -Mahatma Gandhi​
  10. CaptainBob

    CaptainBob Slightly Tilted

    Kingston, eh?
    "Nature has no mercy at all. Nature says, I'm going to snow. If you have on a bikini and no snowshoes, that's tough. I am going to snow anyway."
    - Angelou, Maya
  11. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
  12. DAKA


    The only time you have too much ammunition is when your house is on fire....
  13. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
  14. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."

  15. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    "Time does not relinquish its rights, either over human beings or over mountains."

    -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe​
  16. CaptainBob

    CaptainBob Slightly Tilted

    Kingston, eh?
    I love to put on lotion. Sometimes I'll watch TV and go into a lotion trance for an hour. I try to find brands that don't taste bad in case anyone wants to taste me.
    -Angelina Jolie
  17. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    "Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof."

    -Galbraith's Law​
  18. CaptainBob

    CaptainBob Slightly Tilted

    Kingston, eh?
    One should never trust a woman who tells her real age. If she tells that, she'll tell anything.
    Wilde, Oscar
  19. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    "It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself."

    -Thomas Jefferson​
  20. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    "It is a waste of energy to be angry with a man who behaves badly, just as it is to be angry with a car that won't go."
    -Bertrand Russell