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Caitlyn Jenner

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by snowy, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?

    The transgender issue is irrelevant to me, as is his connection to the Kardashians. I have a different issue, stemming from Jenner's carelessness.

    Bruce Jenner involved in car accident with one death - CNN.com

    The short of it is, he rear-ended a car and knocked it into oncoming traffic- a woman was killed and children were injured.

    Why should I care? Don't accidents happen? Yes, they do. But, my life has been marked by several unfortunate episodes of other people's carelessness in driving, and the Jenner episode reminds me of them:

    In 1996, some close friends of mine lost their son Dane Garrett because some cowboy decided to drive 40+ mph on a side street. He would have turned 30 this fall. (There are no words I can find to express the horror of a child's funeral.)

    In 2007, some friends of mine lost their father to another careless moron in a similar fashion.

    In 2012, my wife and daughter were rear-ended TWICE in the space of four months, my wife suffering whiplash the first time and then aggravating her injuries the second time.

    Even I got broad-sided in 2013 when some idiot thought that ignoring his stop sign and cutting across four lanes of traffic was a good idea.

    I simply have a dim view of careless drivers, and Jenner is one of them. I expect that like Rebecca Gayheart,who drove around a school bus and managed to kill nine-year old Jorge Cruz Jr, Jenner will receive a sentence no harsher than a stern warning to not do it again, because she is a celebrity.

    Kimberly Howe, the woman who died in the crash, gets buried for her troubles. Jenner goes on to appear on magazine covers and collect big paychecks. Yep, sounds fair to me.

    I'd really like to join hands and dance joyously around the campfire with you fine folk on this issue. But my perspective prevents me from doing so. If the champion of transgendered people was Lana Wachowski, I'd have no problem with that at all.

    Writing all this out has opened a wound I didn't care to revisit, so I'm stepping away from the keyboard for awhile. Also, I'm staying the fuck out of this thread.

    Wasn't my intent to piss on the parade.

    Have fun.
  2. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    I think the Walter vs Wendy situation was because it was from the very early days of transgender and the rules weren't figured out yet.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member


    Yes, and your opinion is wrong. Your continued insistence on asserting your own personal criteria for who is or is not transgender in contradiction of both the generally accepted terminology and the express stated wishes of actual transgender men and women is condescending and intensely disrespectful to those people. I'm just not sure at this point if you somehow continue to not understand that point, of if you've just decided that you're going to define that shit based on your own hangups or ideas and who gives a shit about how the people affected by that feel.

    This really doesn't need to be complicated. If someone says "call me Caitlyn" you call them Caitlyn. If they say "I'd rather be addressed with feminine pronouns" you use "she" and "her" when addressing or referring to that person. It doesn't matter what they were born as or what their genitalia look like or what chromosomes they have or how they dress. It doesn't matter if they have had surgery or are going to have surgery or if they are or are not on hormones. It doesn't even matter if they changed their mind about it three times last week. You fucking respect their autonomy and give them the same basic respect you'd want them to give you. Caitlyn may or may not "really" be a woman depending on where you want to draw that line, but if she wants to be addressed as one then who are you to decide that you know better than she does how she should be called?
    • Like Like x 3
  4. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    And this response is why you are, and always will be, one of my brothers.
  5. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor


  6. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member


    If instead of going from Walter to Wendy she had gone from Walter to Wesley, how would you refer to her album? Probably as Wesley Carlos' first album. You might also specify that Wesley Carlos went by Walter at the time, if you want to be super clear.

    The addition of a change of gender doesn't really complicate that in any way.
    • Like Like x 2
  7. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    But they aren't rules. They're just accepted conventions of language and usage. They change with time and wind direction. We may like to think that our present 'politically correct' conventions are ne plus ultra, at the pinnacle of perfect and should be chiseled into granite. History of language says otherwise. Consider the history of accepted usage of nigger, darkie, negro, black, African-American, person of color, and.... What will the "rule" be 25 years from now?
    It complicates it enough that the Wikipedia article on W***** Carlos seems to studiously avoid the use of the personal pronouns. It also seems to, whenever possible, sidestep the use of a first name.
    That was not the case in the half-dozen other bio articles that I glanced at.

    There's a successful non-celebrity gender transition here in Lincoln, Nebraska that's worth looking at.
    My boyfriend Sig takes his car to her for service. Take a minute to read this. It's worth the time.
    I'll let Becky (George) Witt tell the story in her own words:

    Becky (George) Witt

    Her auto repair shop business not only survived, it continues to flourish:

    George Witt Service, Inc. Your Hometown Honda and Toyota Specialists
  8. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I personally despise much of the "politically correct" bullshit, and have to choke back a not-so-positive knee jerk reaction when I hear that term without any specific context such as people saying nigger/spic/etc/etc or whatever else.
    In manners of race or ethnic background where people feel the need to use various slurs I strongly disagree with them.
  9. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I don't know that I've ever heard anyone express the opinion that current language conventions are perfect or immutable. They're just current, that's all. They may change or they may not; if they do, whatever replaces them will be no more or less perfect. At the same time, as a white male I belong to none of the minorities in question, and as a man painfully aware of my own limitations I am not arrogant enough to think I have a right or duty to decide how other people ought to be addressed for them. So I use the language I'm asked to use. If it changes, so will I. If they haven't stated a preference I will be respectful and attempt to match normal language conventions as closely as possible. Hence Walter/Wendy/Wesley; we have social conventions for how to handle a name change already, so just apply those unless the person changing their name requests otherwise.

    Life is hard enough for trans people. I'm not going to be the asshole who ruins some poor transgender woman's day by trying to dictate appropriate language to her.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    The language we use is always evolving. Doing what I do, I see how this happens. For example, in one school, saying "that's so gay" was perfectly acceptable to the student populace. I had to put my foot down and say that it wasn't a phrase I wanted to hear. We had a conversation about why it was inappropriate. Some of the kids tried to insist it was okay to still use it because well, they didn't know any gay people. I raised my eyebrow at that. Sure, it was a small community, but I knew there were a few students who identified as LGBT but weren't out due to the community mores.

    In the school I typically work at, it's wholly unacceptable to say something like that, and on the Day of Silence, we had a large group of students participating. It was really awesome.

    In yet another school I know of in a larger metro area, there is a young girl dealing with gender issues, and her friend (my friend's niece) is very aware of how her own language is changing to meet her friend's new identity halfway; she wants to use the correct pronouns to support her friend, which is awesome. Teenagers have enough problems with forming their identity.

    Hell, people in general have enough problems with identity.
  11. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Referring to the trans woman Caitlyn Jenner as Bruce/Caitlyn and he/she is maybe kind of like saying Ellen DeGeneres needs a man to have "real sex." It's maybe kind of like saying Anderson Cooper's erect penis is meant for vaginas only. It's maybe kind of like saying Lady Gaga is a slut because she's attracted to both men and women.

    In other words, it's a failure to understand what an identity signifies.

    Maybe it's also kind of like saying all men are latent rapists. Let's try that on for a while and see how it feels.

    • Like Like x 1
  12. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    That's my take, as well. I address people however they prefer. If Snowy wants to be addressed as "him", why would I care? :p

    The only real language issue that I have is with the use of historical pronouns, I find them hard to avoid. Bruce Jenner won the decathalon, Caitlyn Jenner posed in Vanity Fair. He/she & him/her seem insulting, yet "She won the men's decathalon" seems wrong, as well. For now, I'm going with the single pronoun that was applicable at relevant time. It makes for an awkward sentence; but I'd rather take a hit on my use of language than insult folks.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    It's Mistress, dammit!
  14. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX

    Actually, I could NOT care less about Bruce/Caitlyn regarding the gender issue. If he/she has found the personal happiness and contentment that was previously missing, fine. If his/her story somehow makes life easier for other gender confused folks, fine. If he/she is going to play this for as much publicity as possible--for personal gain over a better understanding of gender confusion--not fine.

    Apparently my insistence that Bruce/Caitlyn is technically speaking still male bothers you, as does my use of Bruce/Caitlyn, he/she, and him/her. That is how I see him/her.

    I have no issues with gays, lesbians, or transgenders. I do have an issue with the definition of transgender. If my not accepting a person claiming to be one sex while maintaining the genitalia of their birth sex as being truly and completely trans-gendered bothers you and others, so be it.
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  15. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member


    Turns out that being deliberately offensive will bother a lot of people.
  16. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX

    If you want to use language to upset people, do so without altering my posts. It's a cheap shot.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    I think that what Martian is trying to say is that your insistence on using your definition of trans is on that level of insult to trans people @Chris Noyb.
    To even have the surgery you have to live as a woman for over year and during that period you are a woman.
    Many trans people can't afford all the surgeries at once so the do them one step at a time.
    Your insistence on your definitions are insulting just as people who use retard because it used to be the acceptable nomenclature or fits for seizures.
    I wish you could see it that way.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    It seems you are getting caught up in the relationship between gender and sex. There is a distinct difference between the two.

    Many trans women have penises, and many trans men have vaginas. Not all of them want surgery to change their genitals, and some are even comfortable with the genitals they were born with.

    That said, when a trans woman identifies as a woman, she could quite possibly be deeply insulted and hurt by being referred to as "he/she." It can be extremely difficult and taxing to live as a gender you don't identify with, and it can be frightening to come out as a gender you do identify with that's different than what you were born with.

    Your insistence on using he/she for someone who identifies as she is about as sensible as my referring to you as he/she. Shall I call you Christina/Chris as well? (I have no evidence of your sex, so I want to hedge my bets.)
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I understand what Martian, you, and others are saying. I see a difference between what I consider partial trans-gender and completely trans-gender.

    Now you're resorting to cheap shots.

    But at least you didn't quote me and then alter my post.


    This' my last my last word. I make a distinction between what I consider partially trans-gendered and completely trans-gendered and I don't apologize for it. That distinction is in my mind. IRL people can use whatever name they want, and I'll respect it (please note I-R-L). In my mind, and in cyberspace, I'll question what constitutes trans-gendered.

    Right now I'm seeing some I'm-More-Liberal-Than-You-When-It-Comes-To-Certain-Issues-And-I'll-Give-Myself-Carpal Tunnel Syndrome-To-Prove-It posts. Y'all have your views, I have mine. I'm not trying to change your minds, quit trying to change mine. It's not like I'm joining any Anti Trans-Gender groups.
  20. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Caitlyn Jenner is a trans woman, not a partial trans woman. How you refer to her seems like a cheap shot. I prefer not to think you're doing it intentionally.

    Another reference: GLAAD Media Reference Guide - Transgender Issues | GLAAD