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Bill Cosby - Is it true???

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by rogue49, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
  2. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    FTR, I'm not defending or blaming Cosby, I'm making observations about the situation. In brief, the allegations would be extremely difficult to prove, and several other factors are also in his favor. That's not to say he's innocent or guilty.
  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    If people can forget what that actor from Seventh Heaven supposedly did, Polansky, Allen and so on...they will forget what Cosby did.

    He just needs to ride the surge of witnesses and alleged victims until the media & public get distracted again...then it will fade.
    He may not make another penny in national shows...but he will get attention from those few groups which still "get him"

    THAT...and if true...don't do it again.
    Because if he does...and gets caught...then all bets are off.
    Then the law can act...OJ was stupid enough to put himself in a bad situation. (whether, truly guilty or not...he opened an opportunity for those with authority to "make justice")
    And then the benefit of the doubt, won't be given.
  4. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I think it will be tough to prove any of this criminally at this point, but I doubt he'll have much of a career after his current tour. He is 77 years old, I can't imagine him outliving the accusations. On the other hand, Forbes says he is worth $350M...
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    I actually am prepared to believe that all the accusations are true, although that could be that I didn't really pay attention and know that anything was going on until recently, and now there are like a dozen accusations or so, all with very similar stories, which makes me feel that he is unlikely to be correct in suggesting that they're all lying gold-diggers.

    I actually had more of a problem initially believing the accusations against Jian Ghomeshi-- although things quickly snowballed into a collection of stories and facts in evidence that seems to point fairly conclusively toward the accusations being true. I actually had to pause and consider why I reacted in different ways, since I have heard one or two people out there complaining that there has been a rush to conclude Cosby's guilt that would not have existed were he white.

    I don't actually think I believed the accusations quickly because he was black. I think I believed them because he's always had something of a holier-than-thou attitude: whether his smugness in being a "clean" comedian and his contempt for comics who used "blue" material, or his later curmudgeonly didacticism in blaming black people for problems in their community that, insofar as I can see, appear to be driven more by poverty than by lack of moral or social rectitude. People who come off this way, as superior, smug, or so forth, always rub me the wrong way, and I am all the more willing to believe that they must be doing something in private that they wouldn't want others to know about. In a sense, it's the "nobody's shit doesn't stink" phenomenon.
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  6. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    Sadly, I have that same issue with anyone who wants to hector people about their morals and standards.
    Some of it may be scadenfreude, seeing some politician who has attacked gays get caught in an airport bathroom trying to get a blowjob but Cosby is a bit different.
    This case makes me sad.
    He broke barriers and made it possible for shows to air that never could.
    Regardless if he's guilty or innocent that has been tarnished.
    To try and compare him to MLK is false equivalency.
    Many of the negative things we think we know about MLK were brought out by the FBI in an effort to discredit him and even if they were true, none of them included being a serial rapist.
  7. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    Needless to say, perhaps, but I do regret that someone who was in many ways a pioneer for black artists on TV has turned out not merely to have infelicitous peccadilloes but to be a serial rapist. I am not much of one for judging others by their sexual acts, but there can be no sympathy for rapists.
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  8. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I've never thought of Cosby as "smug" or being unnecessarily/incorrectly hard on blacks, but I also haven't seen or read any in-depth interviews.
  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    No, he had a "higher than mighty" attitude, self-righteous and patronizing often...it's only his humor that off set it and allowed him to get away with it.
    Even other comics, like Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy make comments in their acts about it.

    He considered himself a father figure and promoted it as such and pushed it.
    That's half the reason that people are so shocked.

    Because, you wouldn't have been surprised if Charlie Sheen had this happen to him. (not that Charlie Sheen has done this...he does it the right way, being with pornstars and others that may enjoy the raw sex at that level. - NTTAWWT :D )

    Cosby is a "victim" of his own success in a way. But if true...I don't feel sorry for him at all.
    After the initial surprise, it what it is.

    It's done, it's past...nothing the law can do...wouldn't be surprised of an upcoming lawsuit or civil trail, even class-action level.
    He just has to hunker down and hide. And survive the onslaught. Let the commotion pass. (and EVERY single defense lawyer is saying just that...STFU and kick back for the ride.
    Fortunately for him, the world is a bit ADD.

    That...and don't do it again (if true :rolleyes: )
  10. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    This really makes me sad, as I have always been a Cosby fan and respected his style of comedy, he seemed to do it "right" in a climate full of scumbags. Something about the reports just seems credible.
  11. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    It's like if you found out the Pope was an ex-Nazi :rolleyes:
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    No, not really.
  13. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

  14. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Ok...we've heard a few pipe-ups from Cosby himself as the circus continues...but we've finally gotten a statement from his wife.
    Camille Cosby's statement on assault accusations

    Now, I get being falsely accused...it does happen. (has to me, even)
    But typically, it's from one source...and it only happens once. Big outlier from what is the normal over a long time.
    However, even this is atypical...usually, something has occurred...let's not make the victims perps or ignore a real issue.

    Here, it's different...there have been rumors and previous actions called out in the past. Not focused on by the media, repressed and/or settled...but still some...
    And now, we're getting it from oh so many sources.
    This is not your typical "mis-accusation". (I've read about those...and how they came to be and turned out...) Or even a "mistake" Or "inappropriate" situation
    This is a clusterfuck.

    So, she may be in denial...or maybe it's just spin for her own connected life.
    Or whatever, I don't know what to think anymore.
    But something definitely smells fishy and rotten.

    I certainly don't like the "relationship" or example made to the unfortunate UVA/Rolling Stone accusation situation. (just leaves a bad taste, IMHO...but definitely false logic)

    A shame.
    Again, if they were smart...they'd take their money and retire quiet. (but, I could be wrong)
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2014
  15. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    The volume of accusations do appear to give them legitimacy. That's not to say all, or any, are true. Based strictly on the number of complaints, my thinking is some are true, some are vengeful over real and/or perceived wrongs that have nothing to do with the accusations, & some are jump-on-the-bandwagon.

    Cosby would be wise not respond and keep himself--and his wife--out of the public eye. He certainly doesn't need the money for making public appearances, or the attention from appearing on talks shows. Perhaps he has an ego that compels him to share himself with the public ("I'm great and people need to hear what I have to say.").

    Even if Cosby decides to maintain a low profile, the civil suits could hamper his efforts. If they move forward, Cosby could be in the difficult position of choosing between settling out of court, thus appearing guilty, or defending himself and having the accusations draw even more attention. My guess is some of the women will want a trial in order to further voice their complaints , even if a decision in their favor is doubtful.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2014
  16. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Actually, he was absolutely correct when he said his lawyers told him & her to keep their mouths shut and not make any statements, written or otherwise.
    Anything can be used against him (and her) in a court, especially ANOTHER civil suit. (and yes, they can go after her too...as a person who helped him or knew things and didn't alert anyone)

    If he's wise, he'd STFU
    But people who are arrogant, self-righteous, denial, narcissistic or just plain addicted to fame, reputation & notoriety have a hard time doing so. (and not saying he is...but he's shown some signs of it...)

    If he doesn't, it will just get worse and worse...because it feeds the media and leaves himself open.
    Look at OJ...he couldn't help himself after he got out of it. (no matter what you think the truth was or the result)
    And now he's in jail. (fair or not)
    Should have just faded away and enjoyed what money he had. Cosby should do the same.
  17. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

  18. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    He should have kept his mouth shut...
    Two More Women Join Bill Cosby Defamation Lawsuit

    Didn't listen to his lawyer...now he's going to have to listen to his lawyer.
    Problem is...some judges like to do a "trial" for the previous crimes...whether able to prosecute or not, legally...then "get them" by allowing penalties in the one that is able to be done.

    OJ got caught by the same trap.
    Many didn't think he got "justice" when he was let off (rightly IMHO, because the prosecution and cops fucked up) ...so they went after him HARD in his "kidnapping" case.
    Come on, he didn't "kidnap" anyone, he was stupid enough to put himself in that position...then got hit with the most "liberal" interpretation of the law.

    Now...these lawsuits are going to whittle him down bit by bit.
    If he's smart...he goes into hiding...fades away.
    But it doesn't seem that he's smart...he's still letting his ego and past success, prestige and fandom set his tone...and his actions.

    It's going to turn into a clusterfuck.
    and give the media more to feed on.
  19. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Ooo...did they zap Bill Cosby at the Golden Globes last night.

    One half of the Hollywood audience was shocked, one half was laughing and overjoyed.
  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    And this was what I was talking about for Mr. Cosby...
    Model who says Cosby sexually abused her meets with police

    He should have kept his mouth shut and disappeared...but.
    So, we have someone who may be within the timeframe for the law's limits. (for somewhere...this happens to be LA)
    And so this may become a media event, a circus.
    and is drawn out further
    and there are now legal and otherwise out to get him. (just like OJ)

    Will the benefit of the doubt be given to him?? I doubt it.
    He may get his just deserts (Jello anyone?)