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Barber Shop might be up on Human Rights Charges

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Mbraitman, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I completely agree. When someone starts spouting labels, like PC, conservative or liberal, or throwing out talking points instead of reason and evidence, I usually quit with the conversation, and move on. I have previously on FB made the point that what they were snarking at as being PC used to just be called 'being polite'.
  2. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    There is a huge difference between people who choose to be assholes because they disagree with something vs. people who choose to be assholes but have strong arguments or at least something interesting to say.
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    Being an asshole, by nature, I also agree. So much agreement is against my nature. It hurts.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Spiritsoar

    Spiritsoar Slightly Tilted

    New York
    I dunno about him, but I'll go on the record as saying that.
    No, not being an asshole is not acting like the mention of rape in a thread is your own personal batsignal to come and interject your rants in an unrelated topic. Being an asshole is playing victim when someone asks you to return to the original topic.
  5. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    Sure. I will also go on record against ladies' nights at dance clubs.
  6. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Turnabout is fair play, I'm calling you a liar. You, Baraka, Bodkin, and the other feminists on this board have treated me like absolute shit from the very beginning. You guys started with comparing me to the Ku Klux Klan, people who have tried to kill me for my race in real life, and escalated from there. One of you took it so far that even when I tried to contact other staff about the level of personal attacks being thrown at me they intruded on the PM conversation and continued doing it there.

    You all got so violent, so abusive, that you flat out terrorized people away from posting in agreement with me for fear they would be next. You literally scared people off of the forum and you're trying to say I'm the one with the attitude problem.

    That's pure bullshit, and nothing but a straw man to cover up for your own bigotry and abusive behavior by pretending you're the victim in all this.

    People have so refused to acknowledge anything I post that they've been caught incapable of even keeping who said what in a thread straight, and you're directing this at me

    And yknow it's funny how it's always "not about winning" or taking the high ground after you guys are done dogpiling me.


    Just to clarify by "interject rants in an unrelated topic" you mean "directly respond to another person's posts in this topic", right?
  7. Spiritsoar

    Spiritsoar Slightly Tilted

    New York
    I might go a little ad hominem here, so mods, feel free to give me my chastising if you think it's deserved.
    First off, you don't understand Godwin's Law. Second, you interpreted that as a personal attack. The point that was made, was that "This [comparing misandry and misogyny] is like the KKK demanding white rights in the face of institutional racism." It may have been an exaggeration, or a bad comparison, but you took it as a personal attack, and more importantly made it your defense anytime someone calls you out on your shit.
    You know, I'm probably one of the people you call a feminist based on my posts. The thing is, you occasionally do bring up a good point. I've been tempted on a few occasions to agree with something you said about men's rights here or there. I'm not an old member, or a prolific poster, but it's not that I'm scared of being harassed off the board. Baraka, Bodkin, or Charlatan's criticism aren't what keeps me from chiming in. What stops me is that I don't want to be associated with your shitty attitude.

    Your condescension, arrogance, and general assholishness is repugnant. You jump back and forth between crying victim and posting a wall of links and then blaming the reader for not sorting through them to see which ones are shit. (hint: a lot of them are shit). Then you claim that because they didn't find the nugget information in the morass that you posted that they "have got to stop ignoring the content of my posts beyond the bare minimum necessary to find something to latch onto and disagree with."

    You started off ok. You made your point that men are unfairly over characterized as perpetrators of sexual assault. You threw in a factoid purported to support your case. (Which I honestly believe was designed to stir up unrelated controversy, but I can't prove that, so disregarded)

    Someone questioned your factoid. A little bit of civil back and forth occurred regarding the interpretation of data. That's ok, tangents happen. And then you threw out this post where your nature shows. In that post you: accuse others of ignoring your points, point out their apparent failure to interpret data (because they didn't interpret it the way that you did), quoting your earlier points verbatim (because obviously people are ignoring you), and proposed that interpreting things different than you did would be ridiculous (asinine was the word used). It was an overall pretty douchey post.

    In response, a few people responded fairly civilly refuting your accusations (and in fairness, one intimated that your analysis was lazy) and requesting to put the discussion back on topic. To which you whined, initiated your persecution complex, and started throwing your defensive flares when people called you out.

    This is why no one wants to engage with you. Not because you're right and they're afraid of it. Not because they can't handle the truth. Because you're hostile, and you do the forum equivalent to walking into a conversation and immediately yelling about how wrong everyone is. You're That Guy, and everyone but you knows it.
    • Like Like x 2
  8. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    @Spiritsoar, you are my new hero.

    I was in the midst of writing something similar, but you put it much better.

    Thank you.
  9. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Charlatan anyone that jumps on the "hey lets shit on Shadowex3" train is your hero. Spiritsoar's saying the same thing Chris did but with more words, It's always about "getting back on topic" or "taking the high ground" after you guys are done dogpiling me... just like personal attacks and insults are fine when you all do it. The rules are the rules except when you're the ones posting, and then suddenly they all apply again.

    If I say "Post #67 was written by a member of the KKK" that's no different than calling you a member of the KKK.
    If I say "People with helmets in their avatars are members of the KKK" and your avatar has a helmet in it that's no different than calling you a member of the KKK.
    If I say "Arguing against my position is like being a member of the KKK arguing for white supremacy" and you're arguing against my position... that's no different than equating you to the KKK.

    First off let me quote someone else here to point out the problem with your line of thinking:
    Second you're seriously going to try and argue that I'm just so star spangled fucking awful, so insert ad hominem here, that you're not even willing to admit you agreed with me just because I suck so much you don't want to have it rub off on you? You're seriously going to try sell that steaming pile? Even without telling slips showing in places that's still an utterly transparent lie. It's just another way of saying "Look at how Shadowex3 sucks so much he deserves all this".

    Remember what I said about tells? Your slip is showing. My sources are "shit" because they disagree with you guys. Every single one of you has proven time and time again that you don't even pretend to even consider the possibility that you might be wrong about anything, ever. We've got something like 20 pages across two threads now of the lot of you simply flat out dismissing out of hand every single thing I ever say or cite as automatically and inherently utterly invalid.

    Hell the fact that I'm now defending RadFems and Bodkin et al have instantly switched to siding with racial slur throwing transphobic bigots is proof that this isn't even about feminism anymore, it's purely about the fact that I'm the one posting it.

    As for your shot about finding a nugget in morass maybe you missed it where people were ignoring what I was posting to such a degree that they were literally having a completely alien conversation and incapable of keeping basic facts about who actually said or didn't say something straight.

    Yes, Spiritsoar, when somebody says something I have literally specifically addressed already and completely ignores what I said that means they're ignoring what I said. That's the definition of ignoring what I said. When I point out something is flat out mathematically impossible and someone else blunders right on without paying any attention that is by definition ignoring my post. This isn't about "interpretation", it's about basic arithmetic. You can't claim X number of total events in an entire lifetime sample and have recorded X+Y events in just five years.

    No. You don't get to dogpile someone and THEN turn around and try to claim the moral high ground of "gettingb ack on topic". You don't get to say "you're wrong but now I declare this off-topic and if you respond you're the bad guy" as a weapon.

    Treating somebody like shit by insulting them, namecalling, and personally attacking them from the very moment they disagree with you is hostile. And frankly I know exactly that you all think I'm "That Guy" because it's been made abundantly clear with all the namecalling and personal attacks. It's been made so clear that I'm "that guy" to you all in fact that as I pointed out when I contacted forum moderators the second time other people were PMing me to say they were afraid to post on the forum for fear they would ALSO wind up getting attacked like me. And hilariously enough what did one of you do but go on to prove my point for me by jumping in and continuing to attack me even while I was trying to call the mods about exactly that behavior.

    When other people PM you to tell you they're literally too scared to post because of how ferociously you're being personally attacked, and it continues even in the very PMs you make to the mods to try and put a stop to it, that's not a goddamn complex.

    So spare me your "stop hitting my fist with your face" straw manning. If I behaved like any one of you does in any one thread I would have been banned a long damn time ago, let alone if I took it to such an insane level that I was driving people away from posting in pure fear of personal attacks like you all have.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2014
  10. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    For fuck's sake. Please read what people are writing. Take note of what is being pointed out. We are offering honest, non-combative advice.

    I know that you see things differently, but can you perhaps see that others don't see it your way? That maybe, just maybe, your perception of what's happening here is not what you think?

    Then again, you could just keep hammering your face into the wall and calling it a fist.
  11. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I'm not going to take the bait otherwise, but I do want to state for the record that I resent being libelled again.

    I will engage with people regardless of their opinion, but I try not to engage with people who are dishonest, especially when they attack my character simply because I'm not agreeable to their positions or arguments.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2014
  12. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Shadowex3, not every discusion has to be heated debate/argument, peoples views don't have to be "right" or "wrong," there doesn't have to be "winners" and "losers."

    I'm not dogpiling on you. The simple truth is you turn every discussion into an argument, and you always try to get in the last word. Try acknowledging that others make valid points, even if they don't agree with you, agree to disagree (as the saying goes). You're the one who is always combative. You don't have to "win" every discussion, and that doesn't mean that you "lost" the discussion.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Chris, stop. Just... stop. You keep repeating over and over and over again that I need to "acknowledge others make valid points". How about you take your own advice and start by acknowledging that you are trying to defend people who have literally attacked me so viciously, so ferociously, so personally, that other members have PMed me to tell me that they are afraid to post on the forum for fear they would be next.

    How about you acknowledge THAT is combatitive and hostile.

    How about you acknowledge that the entire basis of the problem here is that you guys refuse to acknowledge that I ever make a valid point to such a degree that even when I start siding WITH feminists suddenly you all instantly switch sides and start siding with racist transphobic bigots that doxx and threaten children.

    How about you acknowledge that I've demonstrated how you're holding a double standard. That you guys post all you want but when I post suddenly it becomes "trying to get in the last word", and trying to "win".

    And most of all how about you acknowledge that when you keep insisting I'm the only one that ever needs to do any "acknowledging" what you're really doing is saying that I need to just shut up, let you guys say whatever you want, not bother responding, and tell you you're right?
  14. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I'm not suggesting that you acquiesce, far from it. I'm attempting to offer some advice that might help you get along better with the people whom you accuse of attacking you. I don't know why you feel that people here are attacking you, but I've now reached the point that I no longer care.

    I am going to follow something that you suggested--I'm bowing out of this discussion.
  15. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Except that wasn't the context in which I first used the KKK as a reference. You have brought up the KKK at least six times now. Here is the 'offending' post. I will leave it here and let other's be the judge.

  16. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Problems arise when context becomes a casualty.

    It leads to such things as your being considered a sympathizer of racist, child-hating, transphobic bigots simply for linking to a New Yorker article on an issue, making basic observations about an aspect of said issue, or simply by your association with people who do, as the case may be.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2014
  17. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Or for example when you remove the context that someone is holding up as gospel truth an article specifically written to defend child-threatening transphobic bigots and utterly refusing to even consider or acknowledge the possibility of anything else being legitimate, completely rejecting even direct firsthand evidence contradicting the article.

    There is a difference between "This person says this" and "this is the truth and I agree with it wholeheartedly and reject everything that contradicts it".
  18. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Your context is greatly skewed by the massive axe you are grinding. Hard to see anything contrary through the sparks and noise.
  19. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Does that context actually exist? Can you point it out to me?

    What's your point? Something that contradicts the truth should be rejected, but I don't know where you're going with this.
  20. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    I'm still trying to get over someone defending the gamer community by calling their enemies transphobic. As if transpobia isn't super rampant in the gaming community. "I'm not down with transphobia, I'm down with the gamers." is such a ridiculous sentence. It's unintended comedy.

    I'm a gamer in the sense that I enjoy videogames and have been playing games for decades. One of the first things you learn about other gamers if you play online with them is that they're pretty loose when it comes to letting homophobic and racist slurs fly. I have a hard time with the notion that standing up for gamergate gamers (a type of gamer which I am not) is consistent with taking a stand against transphobia.