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Attractive scents

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Meier_Link, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    mmmm, me too. But that's more "you just got done working out and I'm going to ravish you now," and less "we're going out for dinner."


    Also, I asked the guy I mentioned earlier what brand of soap he used in high school. Hopefully, the message didn't have a creepy vibe and he'll answer me soon :)
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  2. cj2112

    cj2112 Slightly Tilted

    Scents are a big deal with me. I do NOT want to know that my date has entered the room because I can smell her perfume as soon as she opens the door. There are scents that make me very ill immediately upon smelling them. My wife and I were on a date the other night and had to leave the restaurant quickly because a woman came in bathed in perfume. My wife just looked at me and said, lets get out of here before you get sick.

    Having said the above, Shalimar, or Obsession for Men, are two of the sexiest scents a woman can wear. I'm sure this is because of memories of my youth.
  3. Cernunnos

    Cernunnos Vertical

    Orlando, FL
    I can completely relate to this. Any overpowering scent will repel me, regardless of its appeal at lesser intensities. If some woman has bathed herself in perfume and it invades the room, I'll suppress a gag and flee elsewhere.

    With that said, a faint touch of gardenia or jasmine is seductively feminine. I am also fond of cinnamon and peppermint, both of which are invigorating. The former is warm and spicy, the latter is cool and soothing. My favorite would have to be a high quality rose scent, which I've found to be irresistible, and it will immediately attract me to the source.
  4. Meier_Link

    Meier_Link New Member

    I'm with you on the overpowering stuff. Plus most people that bathe in cologne do so to mask the fact that they haven't bathed with soap and water. Somehow a sweet fragrance plus stale b.o. is much worse than the b.o. by itself.

    When it come to sweatiness, fresh sweat is ok with me, old dried stale sweat is a complete and total turnoff.
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  5. streak_56

    streak_56 I'm doing something, going somewhere...

    C eh N eh D eh....
    I'm big on smells as well... I can only speak for me but I can go back to a certain moment with a smell. Its hard for me to pinpoint which ones I like the most but I'm a positive energy type of guy and I think the more positive the smell memory I have, the more I'll enjoy it. Although I am impartial to Thyme...
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  6. DRP967

    DRP967 New Member

    1. Green apple
    2. Peaches
    3. Strawberries

    *Not much for colognes/perfumes, prefer those fruity body sprays my friend girls lace themselves with.
  7. Ha, it's cute that you think I go on "dates" with guys.
  8. Wyvers

    Wyvers New Member

    MSD's old post on cologne was awesome. Still looking for something aquatic that has decent longevity. I've always been pulled towards woman wearing more aquatic and jasmine scents
  9. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    girl's shampoo i guess. i'm not a big connoisseur of scents but just girl smell is 10x better than any perfume they could possibly put on
  10. Leto

    Leto Slightly Tilted

    I second that.
    --- merged: Aug 19, 2011 12:03 PM ---
    Funny, my wife is of the same opinion. I love the smell of vanilla in general, but on her it drives me nuts. She can't stand it and refuses to use it preferring the floral scents that I don't like. My favourite alternative is Coco (chanel).

    No I have to categorically state that Vanilla is the king of scents. Followed closely by a mild coconut and then maybe cucumber. Lavender? that's right out. The White Musk from Body shop? Nope. Makes me think of my mother, yet I smell it everywhere.

    My wife did say that she prefers a citrus type scent on me. Buys me stuff from Fruits & Passion for men.
  11. healer

    healer Extra Medium

    South Africa
    I met my wife while we were both at varsity, through some mutual friends. She found out (not sure how) that I loved the smell of CK Crave. She used to work at a big retail store at the time, so she'd steal the sample bottles and put a couple of drops of the stuff on her neck and behind her ears every time she was expecting to see me. Oblivious man that I am, I fell for it completely, smelling her neck every chance I got.

    8 years later, I'm glad she was such a cunning little mynx.
  12. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    I can't stand "feminine" scents, at least not among deodorants, whether to wear myself or to be around/with someone else wearing them. I much prefer men's or "gender-neutral" deodorant scents and soaps—to me they smell clean and crisp, more natural and better in general than, um, floral disgustingness... and not because I want to smell like a man.
  13. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Leto: Ah ... Bodyshop White Musk. Yes ... I tried a bottle of that and gave up before I got a third of the way through.

    For wearing, at present, I combine Bodyshop roll-on deodorant with Bodyshop Cucumber water which is gentle and fresh.
  14. Leto

    Leto Slightly Tilted

    yes - I think the days of Hai Karate, Brut and the blunt Old Spice are over - in favour of subtle light scents that don't assail the senses...
  15. Lucifer Slightly Tilted

    The Darkside
    I love the scent of Vanilla. Patchouli is the most overused scent ever. For me , I like citrus/sandalwood/cedar types of fragrances, although I admit to always having a longing to purchase a bottle of Old Spice.
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  16. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    I have a high sense of smell..and vanilla just reeks to me. I will quite literally gag if it's strong enough.

    When my wife puts on just a touch of Ralph Lauren Blue.. I go nuts. (yes..pun is intended too)

    Me? The only scent I use is Old Spice Aqua Reef. It's amazing how many people (both genders) will stop me and ask what cologne I have on. They are shocked when I say I don't wear cologne and only use Old Spice.
  17. I once dated a girl whose favorite perfume was essentially offensive to me. I asked her to not wear it when she was with me. My nose would burn and I'd get a headache that would last for hours after we were apart.
  18. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    Personally, I prefer the smell of "clean".

    While my allergies are minor, nearly all of them are components of various perfumes and colognes. I can go from zero to miserable in about 10 floors if I get stuck in an elevator with the wrong person.
  19. lionrock

    lionrock Getting Tilted

    Out here
    I have to go with strip club perfume. I can't tell you what brand (It has been years since I have been in a strip club), but there are one or two perfumes that just automatically make me think of dim lighting, angry women, and self loathing. I love it.
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  20. wolf Evil Grin

    Right Behind You
    My wife loves that smell too... so I use the aftershave because I know she likes it.

    I love the vanilla smell on women. Victoria's Secret used to make a scented lotion, years ago, in a purple container.... oh my god I loved it. My wife wore that for a while and I loved it. They stopped making it because they are nazi's or something.