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Anyone else workout here?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Python, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    For protein I eat meat and eggs. Occasionally I'll have a whey protein drink, when I think I've had too many calories and not enough protein. What are these pre-workout supps? Is it some kind of speed to get you moving? I tried one 'energy' drink before, and no thanks. Tried creatine and it seemed to work somewhat, but wasn't worth the money.

    Put something heavy on the bar and lift. Iron is the best supplement, and the cheapest.
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  2. Eddie Getting Tilted

    Yeah, I'm not a big fan of creatine either. The best pre-workout stuff I've found is FRS. It's a rather tasty energy drink. It has this special formula in it called Quercitin that was designed by scientists to give energy to cancer patients who are undergoing chemo. The stuff really works well. You should try it out.
  3. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I get my energy from starting my workout with 20 rep squats with over 300 pounds. That and some heavy metal in my ears. It'll make you or break you.

    Maybe I have a weird metabolism, but energy drinks, or even really sugary drinks just make me feel hot and jittery. I know a lot of guys who swear they can't make it through a workout without them though.
  4. samcol

    samcol Getting Tilted

    i'm not big on supplements or protein drinks either. the couple ones that i actually believe in are fish oil and vitamin d though. people are chronically deficient in vitamin d and its one of the most important vitamins. the only ways to get it are from the sun or eating fish pretty much, and most people dont spend much time in the sun or eat much fish these days. also i feel the fda's recomendation level is only 1/3-1/5 of what you should be getting.

    the only powder protein i use is casein. there reason is because you can make pudding and ice cream like concoctions out of it. basically you take the stuff and add very little water just enough to wet it down then mix it up. you can add peanut butter, fruit, milk, or whatever to it and get a very satisfying desert at fairly low fat/carb calories. here's an article on how to make it

    pre workout coffee and post workout beer, these are my pre and post workout shakes :cool:
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  5. Eddie Getting Tilted

    Does this stuff come in any protein bars?
  6. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    So back from tracking my calories for a while, apparently I'm topping out pushing 2500 a day or so. Problem is I just can't eat any more or just chuck more calories into my food at the moment since I'm on a restricted diet thanks to some stomach woes... but I think once I see the GI doc and really get this sorted out I can consciously work to push that up.

    Seeing it on plain paper gives a logical explanation to not gaining any weight... at least all the work is helping what I do have at the moment. I used to think those 45lb milk bags at work were ridiculously heavy.
  7. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    no weights for me, but i started walking/running and eating healthy around the beginning of the year and i'm down a golden retriever or so. i had some bad stuff going on health wise that all seems to have disappeared since i lost the weight. i mix in some basketball too but i'll probably have to retire from that pretty soon being 37.
  8. AerrBaerr

    AerrBaerr New Member

    I'm trying to make time to get more exercise. I'm 42 and I'm about 60 pounds overweight but I work and I have kids so I have plenty of excuses. I spend a lot of time at the local YMCA with my family but I also spend a lot of time sitting on my couch with my laptop. I've been trying to motivate myself to get a walk after the kids are in bed. I want to live longer and ache less.
  9. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    my mom got me started. she told me to just do a brisk walk anywhere for 10 minutes and then walk home the same way and that is 20 min. of cardio, which is the bare minimum for an officially healthy workout. if you can hammer that out a few times a week you start to crave more and push yourself. i NEVER thought i'd be a runner in my life and had only ever gotten about a block or so before gassing out, but now i can jog/run almost 2 miles without stopping and i've only been trying for a few weeks.
  10. Irishsean

    Irishsean Vertical

    Commerce, TX
    I'm starting to work out now that I can again. I went Paleo/Keto in February and am down 91 pounds so far. I've started walking about 25 miles a week in addition to the normal stuff. I'm also working through a bodyweight two day a week plan and sprinting on an off day. I've picked up a couple toys that keep me active too, like a Dynaflex ball and a hula hoop. I'm starting the Couch to 5k program this next week as well.

    Does anyone else use Fitocracy or need an invite?
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  11. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    Just switched up my primary protein to the all natural whey from Optimum. Tastes like pure ass but I like not having to drink all the crazy additives that most other proteins have. Will do a round of this and then go to the pro-complex for the blended benefits.
  12. Python

    Python Getting Tilted

    You know it works when it tastes like ass. Hehe.
  13. Tophat665

    Tophat665 Slightly Tilted

    Aight, about a month ago I decided I wanted to get ripped, so I went back to the gym. Started off doing half an hour of cardio (elliptical, recumbent bike, or swimming) 6 of 7 days, with weight machines (all upper body, as I have a trick back) every other day, and doubling up with a different cardio every third. Then I decided to spring for the personal trainer. Just started that last week. Keeping a food log, doing cardio for an hour 3 to 4 days a week (bike, walk, elliptical, or swim - should be getting the waterproof heartrate monitor today), with several different routines (flat 50 minutes with heartrate b/w 125 and 146 with 5 minutes ramp up and down on each end is the simplest. The others want me to get my heartrate bouncing around on shorter or longer cycles). For strength training:
    • 2o minute martial arts stretching routine
    • Twisting prone plank (just body weight now. weights will get added later)
    • Spidermans (Prone plank, bring knee to elbow)
    • Supermans (lay flat on the floor face down spread eagle. raise arms and legs. Hold for 3. Release)
    • Prone plank "hip ups" (or fuck the floor as I think of it - hips down - raise and hold for a 3 count, back down)
    • One leg bridges
    • Squats on a Bosu (again, body weight now, added weight later)
    • Alternate dumbell shoulder presses sitting on a ball (12.5 per hand for now)
    • Dumbell bicep curls standing on one leg (12.5 per hand for now)
    • Dumbell Chest press while bridging on a ball (17.5 per hand for now)
    • Forward lunge, curl, and shoulder press, with dumbells (12.5 per hand for now)
    Takes me about an hour and a half to get through it. Right on the edge of what I can do with free weights. The whole point is to strengthen my trunk so that I can control my sciatica and get to doing the harder things.

    Last I checked, I was down 11 lbs from my start weight. I've already swum a mile, no breaks, which was one of my benchmarks. Getting there.
    --- merged: Nov 2, 2011 6:18 PM ---
    Doing homemade trail mix and soy drink for after workout protein, except for Wednesdays, when I do sushi instead.
  14. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I'm currently lopping around the fuzzy edges of sendentariness.

    I used to have a gym membership and I've always enjoyed weight training, but between letting my membership lapse (hate the cost) and transitioning to a telecommuting lifestyle, I've become quite the lazy lout. I've been meaning to get back into something. I have a dumbbell set and even a barbell. The problem is that I really hate lifting weights at home. Dragging the weights out and putting them back is one thing (not a big deal), but I live in an apartment and there isn't a lot of room. I don't have a bench or anything, so it's just the floor and maybe a chair.

    I'm also a procrastinator, which is probably the biggest problem. I'm lazy, which is a vicious cycle: I'm too lazy to workout, but I'm lazy because I don't workout.

    I'm not overweight, but I can feel the negative effects of a lack of exercise: undue anxiety/stress, low energy, midday fatigue/sleepiness, unnecessary cravings, lack of motivation, etc. I want to do something, but it has to be cheap and it has to motivate me.

    I'm comfortable enough in my masculinity to admit to you all that my course of action is to borrow aerobics videos from the library. I'm going to start with a video that combines light weights and pilates/aerobics. I'm choosing aerobics in particular because I want something to get my heart rate up for the benefit of cardiovascular conditioning. I don't really care about building much muscle (I have a slim build anyway, so it's not like I've ever built that much anyway), though I wouldn't mind developing muscle tone in a functional way as a side-effect of aerobic conditioning with weights. This first video is for beginner to intermediate level. After that, I hope to get an intermediate Kathy Smith video (again combining weights and aerobics) before moving on to having Jillian Michaels kick my ass. The waiting list for the latter is pretty long at the library, so I will have some time to work myself up to that level.

    Hrm....I need to get moving. I will probably start early next week when the first video comes in.

    The long-term goal perhaps will see me doing some running. I tried it once but hated it. My issue is that I've always been short-winded. I've never built up my cardio system that much before. When I was in my best shape a few short years ago, it was mainly muscle tone/low fat more than anything. I want to do better.
  15. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I love lifting weights, and would, and have done them alone. I lift in a gym for safety. If I mess up in the gym there is at least somebody to call the ambulance. I do need to get on the cardio train. My general fitness is well below my level of brute strength. Seeing a couple of abs wouldn't hurt either.
  16. Eddie Getting Tilted

    Haha. That's me, exactly. Cardio is just not appealing to me at the moment, but I love crushing weight.
  17. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    After spending so much time doing it, weightlifting seems to me a rather contrived mode of exercising the body. This is another reason why I'm looking at other options. I've looked at a number of bodyweight routines as well.
  18. Willravel

    Willravel Getting Tilted

    Have you taken a look at Convict Conditioning, Baraka_Guru? It's on my list of exercise routines to try, so I don't have experience with it yet, but I've heard really good things from people who've attempted and stuck with it. It's basically a set of body weight exercises.
  19. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Look, Willravel, I just want to break a sweat for a few minutes a few days a week. I don't need to be in enough shape to choke a man out and then escape via parkour.

    "It's 'basically' a set of body weight exercises".... sheesh...
  20. Willravel

    Willravel Getting Tilted

    What happens when you need to outrun a bolder, escape murderous natives, then swim to a biplane to get away from a corrupt French grave robber? It's the unexpected physical challenges in life you should prepare for.

    I always gauge my fitness this way: how fast can I get on the roof? If the answer is less than 10 seconds, I figure I'm doing something right.
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