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phukraut 06-26-2005 08:04 PM

Here's another interesting one. A list of <a href="http://linux_wless.passys.nl/">native Linux wireless drivers</a>. If you haven't bought your card yet and you're too scared to try out <a href="http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/">Ndiswrapper</a>, look here for what chipsets are supported.

bendsley 06-26-2005 08:37 PM

Everytime I've tried using NDIS wrapper with my Dell Laptop with a TrueMobile 1450 a/b/g card, the machine locks up. I've tried this actually on three separate laptops, with the 1350's and 1450. Bummer.

phukraut 07-02-2005 03:55 PM

Some more links:

<a href="http://www.apcupsd.com/">Apcupsd</a> - A great daemon to get your APC UPS working in Linux. The documentation here is pretty thorough, but see if your distro comes with a package for this to make life easier.
<a href="http://rtfm.dyndns.info/">RTMF: Redefine the Fine Manual</a> - A few tips and howtos for doing various things in Linux, from installations to formatting floppies; user-maintained.

Oh, and here's a couple software "replacements".

For Newsbin and other usenet binary downloaders (and just readers for that matter):
<a href="http://pan.rebelbase.com/">PAN: A newsreader for GNOME</a> - Don't be fooled by the name, I'm running this thing on KDE just fine.

For LaTeX frontends:
<a href="http://kile.sourceforge.net/">Kile</a>; <a href="http://www.lyx.org/">LyX</a>; <a href="http://www.texmacs.org/index.php3">TeXmacs</a>.

keyshawn 07-03-2005 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by phukraut
............Some more links:

Oh, and here's a couple software "replacements".

For Newsbin and other usenet binary downloaders (and just readers for that matter):
<a href="http://pan.rebelbase.com/">PAN: A newsreader for GNOME</a> - Don't be fooled by the name, I'm running this thing on KDE just fine.

Not to get off topic, but although pan's the best newsreader for nix that i've used, it freezes sometimes when I try to update larger [alt.bin] groups. Ever experience that ? BTW, do you ever post binaries ? If so, what do you use for that ?

Catcha back on the flipside,

phukraut 07-03-2005 09:17 AM

I haven't used PAN enough to run into your bug, and I don't post binaries. Sorry!

Here's some info I found though about posting bins:
<a href="http://www.infoanarchy.org/wiki/index.php/Usenet_Tools#Binary_Upload_Tools">Wiki!</a>. Let me know how these work for you.

phukraut 07-23-2005 08:15 PM

Have you tried <a href="http://klibido.sourceforge.net/">KLibido</a> for getting binaries? It requires KDE libraries.

phukraut 08-08-2005 08:25 PM

keyshawn, I've heard that the new CVS of PAN greatly reduces the instability when taking down lots of headers. Maybe you should check it out.

laconic1 09-11-2005 08:43 AM

Unless I missed something I haven't seen this posted here yet. Suse is doing something similar to what RedHat did with Fedora Core. Starting with Suse 10.0 it will be a freely available distro developed out in the open with community support. Currently Release Candidate 1 is available, with the final release scheduled to be out on October 6.

Latch 09-11-2005 11:40 PM

Yeah, I'm really looking forward to OpenSUSE, just to see how the integrate Gnome w/ Mono.

When the final comes out, I'll update the main post w/ the info about it.

Markboy 09-13-2005 10:57 PM

kk - I'm a very experienced Windows user, and a very unexperienced Linux user. I date back to DOS days, so I'm happy at a command-line, but of course, I don't know any Linux/UNIX commands, so I'm not much use when I get there. I currently do have one machine at home dual-booting XP Pro and FC2 (I think), but I barely use it, something I should probably rectify.

But, to make my point, I have tried several books/online tutorials/walkthroughs etc, and always have one of the same two issues. One type assumes that you have never touched a computer before, insists on walking you through how to right-click etc, the other type seems to assume that you have past UNIX experience, as it leaps right into commands I've never heard of. I guess what I'm after is a "Linux guide for Windows users" - a guide that tells you how to do the things that are second nature to an experienced Windows user e.g. change the resolution. That put me off one of my initial Linux installations. I didn't get the resolution right at installation, and after that, I found myself so frustrated trying to change it that I gave up in disgust. Any thoughts from people who have been in my position?

Martian 09-14-2005 05:40 AM

Markboy - I'm DIY - I learned everything I know about Linux from fiddling around with it and asking people who know more. I think some of the guys in my first LUG got thoroughly sick of my 'how do I...?' questions, but that's what a LUG is for, among other things.

That said, I'd highly recommend changing the Fedora install for a Mandriva (formerly Mandrake) install with either KDE or Gnome for your front end. It's the easiest to learn coming off of Windows and you'll be able to fiddle around and learn at your own pace.

O'Reilly may have a manual out that'll give you what you want, but I wouldn't know which one.

Latch 10-17-2005 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by keyshawn
Not to get off topic, but although pan's the best newsreader for nix that i've used, it freezes sometimes when I try to update larger [alt.bin] groups. Ever experience that ? BTW, do you ever post binaries ? If so, what do you use for that ?

Catcha back on the flipside,

I'm sorry this is so damn late, but I've just started using PAN heavily with binary newsgroups. You have to get the latest CVS version. It has HUGE memory improvements, and is well worth all the dicking around to get it compiled/running (compared to an rpm).

Latch 10-17-2005 03:31 AM


- Put PAN in as a good alternative to Agent.
- Took out some info on Knoppix/Gnoppix that was outdated
- Added a link to OpenSuSE, as well as a small bit of info on it
- Updated numbers/versions for: Knoppix/Gnoppix/Mandriva/SuSE/Ubuntu

sailor 10-24-2005 04:26 AM

Woot! Just successfully dist-upgraded my Ubuntu to Breezy, the newest version. I must say, I like it! Ubuntu is making huge inroads into the "it just works" problem, and Breezy is so far the best Linux distro I've ever used.

DanV 01-08-2006 08:15 AM

One thing I`d like to add for all the linux folks out there. The greatest thing about linux is the community.
Google is GOD if something doesn`t work. Just search for the error message. Most likely, someone has encountered and fixed the problem before.
Be sure to join your local LUG (linux user group), as they will come in handy one day. Check their mailing list archives before asking something, though. Some of them might be pretty bitchy, but all around good guys.
If you`re having trouble with something, don`t hesitate to ask.
The FreeNode IRC network ( irc.freenode.net ) is a great place to start. The people #debian , #ubuntu , #linux , and #linuxhelp along with #mysql and #php can come in handy.
That`s it for now.


Latch 06-02-2006 07:45 AM


Just updated the post (was waiting for Dapper to come out).

- Almost every distro (except for Gnoppix) had updates.
- Added comments about Automatix and EasyUbuntu into the Ubuntu section.

GO GET DAPPER. It rocks :)

laconic1 06-04-2006 10:59 AM

Excellent update Latch. I just installed Kubuntu 6.06 and it has been really good so far. Easyubuntu made codec installation easy although I'm still having difficulty with plugins. Other than that Kubuntu may be my new distro of choice now.

shortynickel 06-16-2006 11:50 PM

Have you tried just Unbuntu?? I just installed it the other day, havent done to much with it yet. So far I like it :)

Manic_Skafe 06-26-2006 07:19 PM

So I've been tinkering all day and I'm officially without a clue. Google searches as well as thread searches have yeilded no results so I seek your assistance....

I've attempted to run Ubuntu and Damn Small Linux from a copy I've burned and one that came with a Linux magazine I got from work. After burning the bootable disc, putting it in the drive, and having it start up to the point that if loads "ntfsread.exe" I'm stuck on a command request in DOS.

I'm sure the answer will be one of those forehead smack inducing - right under the nose solutions but I've spent a lot of time searching for an answer and will be happy to trade my frustration for embarassment.

Thanks. Forgive me if I wasn't specific enough. I'll be happy to elaborate.

Latch 06-28-2006 01:58 PM

By DOS I think you mean just a command line.

Nothing (that I know of) should run ntfsread.exe. .exe is a Windows thing, it sounds like you're still in Windows somehow.

Is this the DSL CD or the Ubuntu CD? I highly suggest skipping DSL (It's great when you need a .. Damn.. Small.. Linux distro, but it's not good as a normal Desktop OS) and using the Ubuntu CD (I'm guessing/hoping it's Dapper Drake (6.06). Is it?). The Ubuntu CD should be a live CD you boot into, and you can install from there...

Manic_Skafe 06-28-2006 08:52 PM

Yet again I must ask you to forgive my ignorance.

I set the bios to read the cd drive first and it reads the disc and loads a bit and then I'm stuck at a command line without a clue as to what I should enter. My first assumption was that it's waiting for me to specify the appropriate file to load so that it could run the OS but I haven't a clue as to how I should go about finding it on the disc without an OS up and running.

I thought I might be burning the boot disc improperly but after following the instructions from multiple sources it seems as if that isn't the case....

Latch 06-30-2006 09:57 PM

If you get a command line of some sort it's a safe bet that you aren't burning it improperly...

What does the command line say? is it "linux: " or something similar? Is there anything else on the screen besides the command line, or is the command line totally at the top?

If you have a digicam, capturing a photo of the whole screen with it may be a good idea.

Irishsean 08-01-2006 10:56 AM

I just installed Ubuntu and so far I love it. I haven't been back to XP yet! Its more fun to find what I need in linux!

grumpyolddude 08-11-2006 01:15 PM

Kubuntu rocks!
You are reading my first post using the Konqueror web browser packaged with Kubuntu 6.06! I installed it on the pc I set up for my son. 1.4g Athlon, 394mg ram, 80g hard drive Savage on board graphics Cmedia sound (originally a Gateway that I salvaged from the scrapper.).
WinXP and WindowsME were totally unstable on this system, our wireless network was a crapshoot and any attempt to play audio or video files caused an immediate crash.
Right now, I've multiple browsers open, Aerosmith's Big Ones blasting away. I've downloaded flash player 7 for linux, but can't seem to make it run. I'll keep noodling away, but will monitor this thread in case any has a clue for me. Do I have to get Firefox instead of Konqueror?

laconic1 08-11-2006 03:48 PM

For some reason I could not get flash installed using Adept on Kubuntu. So I just downloaded flash directly from Adobe's website, extracted the files and ran the installer as root. it was fairly simple, I'm posting this at work and don't have a step by step list of what to do and what directory to install it in, but the default directory the installer suggests should work. I f you need any more specific info I'll check back in, but it really was better doing it manually than through Adept.

grumpyolddude 08-11-2006 06:26 PM

Well, I've been unable to install flash, even the download from Adobe. And installing firefox has proven elusive as well. What does linux mean by "localization"? The firefox install makes sense until I'm ask to designate a localization for the installation.
I may be a linux wimp, but this Windows vet could use the crutch of an installation wizard.

laconic1 08-11-2006 06:27 PM

Actually I just ran the installer, even if you don't run it as root it should work. If you don't run it as root it installs in /home/username/.mozilla/plugins which is one of the folders that Konqueror scans by default on startup.

Ack, was typing my post while you replied. I dunno, I'm fairly n00bish myself even though I've been fiddling with Linux for five years. You'd think I'd know what I was doing by now. I thought usually by localization they mean country, language, etc. I would have though the initial install of Kubuntu set the localization. I'll have to defer to someone more knowledgeable than me on that one. Odd though that the flashplayer installer isn't working for you.

grumpyolddude 08-12-2006 04:29 AM

"Actually I just ran the installer"
Here's where the fun starts. What installer? All I see are files with unfamiliar extentions, or none at all.
"extracted the files and ran the installer as root."
I've been searching here, and on Kubuntu forums. Everyone seems to assume that everybody knows how to do these things. I need to find basic, plain english, detailed assistance, I'm afraid.
"usually by localization they mean country, language, etc"
The OS rejected all of my responses as being "non-numeric". :confused:

I found a web page called "Linux for Windows Users" and now I'm even more confused!:eek:

Latch 08-12-2006 05:52 AM

I'm not sure about Flash and Konquerer but....

How are you trying to install firefox? Going to their website and downloading the installer? Don't worry about doing that, just go to a shell (Konsole) and type:

sudo apt-get install firefox

If it prompts you for a password put in your normal login one.

That should put firefox on your system for you. No localization needed.

laconic1 08-12-2006 08:40 AM

Ok, I'll try to be as specific as possible. If you downloaded the file from Adobe's website it should be saved in your Home folder, install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz

Ark is a archive manager similar to PKZip for Windows. It is part of the base Kubuntu install. Right click on install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz On the menu that shows up select "Extract", and then on the submenu select "Extract here" This will extract the contents of the archive and create a new folder in your home folder called install_flash_player_7_linux
Once this step is completed open up Konsole. On the program menu click System, then Konsole. in the Konsole window type this command:
cd install_flash_player_7_linux
and hit Enter. The command cd means to change the directory you are in. Then type in
and follow the directions. You will have to hit Enter twice, then make sure your web browser is closed, hit Enter again. When it asks you if you want to proceed with the installation hit y, then Enter. The default directory it asks you if you want to install it into is fine. Then it will say Installation complete, and asks you if you want to perform another install. Type n, hit Enter and close Konsole.
Now open Konqueror and try a website that you know has flash on it. If Flash still does not work, then click on Settings in the Konqueror menubar at the top, then Configure Konqueror. Select the Plugins icon at the bottom left, then click the button that says "Scan for New Plugins", and click ok. You may have to close Konqueror and reopen it for it to see Flash. Try the page with Flash on it now and you should be good to go. If you still have problems feel free to post on this thread, I'll be glad to try whatever else I can do to help.

grumpyolddude 08-12-2006 02:05 PM

"moroney@moroney-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install firefox
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Package firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
However the following packages replace it:
E: Package firefox has no installation candidate"

This is the result of following Latch's suggestion. I'm befuddled.
When I install libnss3, I get:

"moroney@moroney-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install libnss3
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
libnss3 is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."

When I try to install the flash player, it's like this:

"moroney@moroney-desktop:~$ cd install_flash_player_7_linux
moroney@moroney-desktop:~/install_flash_player_7_linux$ ./flashplayer-installer
bash: ./flashplayer-installer: No such file or directory

I feel like there's a step missing.

laconic1 08-12-2006 03:01 PM

Well I'm thoroughly befuddled as to why Flash will not install. Everything looks right. The only thing I can think of is if instead of clicking "Extract here" you accidentally clicked "Extract to install_flash_player_7_linux", in which case you would need to type
cd install_flash_player_7_linux/install_flash_player_7_linux

As to the firefox problems I wonder if perhaps it is a problem with your sources list. Can you copy and paste the contents of your sources.list file to here?
Just open konsole and type
nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Then copy and paste text with your mouse like you would any Windows app.

grumpyolddude 08-12-2006 07:14 PM

Since things weren't going well, and I was only just begun, I decided to roll the dice and reinstall from scratch. This time, adept had upgrades to perform (my original install ha none) and dozens of other apps and utilities available to install (originally none). I downloaded all of them, just to prove that I could (and so I could check them out later) and they installed automatically!
As I'm typing this, firefox has just finished downloading and installing and it now sits patiently among my multimedia apps. I've got my fingers crossed that everything will go this smoothly now.
Don't know what the hell was going on with that first install, though. I refuse to lose sleep over it. Time to play with my new OS!
Thanks for the attention, Bill and Latch! Your tips are very helpful.
Next challenges, an MP3 player, flashplayer, and a printer!

spectre 08-12-2006 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by grumpyolddude
Next challenges, an MP3 player, flashplayer, and a printer!

For an mp3 player, if you were a fan of winamp, I'd suggest XMMS.

grumpyolddude 08-12-2006 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by spectre
For an mp3 player, if you were a fan of winamp, I'd suggest XMMS.

I've got XMMS-KDE for mp3's, and The Gimp 2.2 for photo editing. I'll work on the printer tomorrow after work.
Download and install of flashplayer went smooth this time, but websites are telling me that I don't have the latest version, despite being the current available from Adobe. I don't get it, I guess.
Konquerer will play some video ( with mplayer or xine, I suppose) but it comes through choppy and stops to load the next sequence every 10-15 seconds. Is there a way to set a large cache?
Firefox still get told it has the wrong version of flash.
MP3's play great.

I grasp the idea of "mounting" and "unmounting" peripherals. Are there any other surprises awaiting me when I connect my digital camera or printer?

Printer works! Boy! I feel like I'm reinventing the wheel here. Thanks for all the help!

Latch 10-28-2006 10:39 AM

Updated it:

- New versions
- Took out the dev version info.. not really for use by noobs anyways

guthmund 03-06-2007 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by grumpyolddude
Printer works! Boy! I feel like I'm reinventing the wheel here. Thanks for all the help!

It seems to me the hardest part is the terminology. Sudo, apt-get, aptitude, chmod, blah blah blah. Once I started figuring out what these words meant and how the command structure was set up, installing programs, setting up hardware and such became--I wouldn't say easy--but easier.

Not to mention, regardless of what flavor of linux you use, there is a fantastic user community out there if you know where to look.

deportes 03-09-2007 06:25 AM

Great post. Excellent source of information. I do have a general question for those that have Linux installed. What do you gain with Linux, I learned Basic and Cobalt in college, that tells you how long it's been.
I don't want to be sarcastic just trying to understand if it's something I want to spend my time learning and playing with it, sounds really interesting, I'm close in age where a Hobby would be nice to develop.
What is the benefit of Linux versus the Windows crap I have been programmed and forced to buy and buy again and again.

Latch 03-21-2007 09:11 PM

If you want to treat it as a hobby, you can. It's pretty much up to you how much you want to get into it. There's always going to be some sort of learning curve, but depending on what you choose to use, it can be small or large. There are quite a few noob-friendly distros out there that (for day-to-day) should only have you learning where the Internet icon is and that there's no "Start" menu, per se ;)

What do you get out of it? Depends on how much you put into it (cheesy, I know). The more you dig, the more experience you'll get. It's hard for me to say "you'll learn this, this, and this". You'll learn a lot just by installing, but that's general "this is how linux works"-type stuff.

Sanglune 04-01-2007 07:54 PM

I need to say that I.m new to Linux, but I already love it ! I've picked a LiveCD of Ubuntu 6.10, ran it on my laptop to see (Dell Inspiron 9300) and EVERYTHING ran perfectly, every peice of hardware was reconized.

I work with 3DS Max so I can't turn my back to Windows but Ubuntu is now a permanent resident of my laptop, I recommand it to everyone who want to taste Linux :-D

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