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Old 01-26-2004, 01:13 PM   #81 (permalink)
shakran's Avatar
Do you understand how OFFENSIVE this is?!?
Why in bloody hell is it any more offensive for a black person to be called black than it is for me to be called white? African American is an inaccurate term unless you have dual citizenship. It is certainly an inaccurate term to label all black people with. It's high time everyone quit getting so damn offended over words.
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Old 01-26-2004, 01:16 PM   #82 (permalink)
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Originally posted by filtherton
It seems that the contest was originally incusive of all races. Most of the winners were black. Two white people won and westside officials decided that in the "spirit of the award" (in honor of MLK) they would change the contest to exclude a bunch of people based solely on their race. Historical context or not, how can you reconcile this with king's belief that we should all be judged not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character? Certainly you shouldn't create an award in honor of somebody and then completely ignore one of the fundamental beliefs of that person in handing out that award.
Thank you filtherton for clarifying this.
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Old 01-26-2004, 01:34 PM   #83 (permalink)
is KING!
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Originally posted by shakran
Why in bloody hell is it any more offensive for a black person to be called black than it is for me to be called white? African American is an inaccurate term unless you have dual citizenship. It is certainly an inaccurate term to label all black people with. It's high time everyone quit getting so damn offended over words.
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Old 01-26-2004, 01:40 PM   #84 (permalink)
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I was born and bred here in the USA. I am.... american.
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
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Old 01-26-2004, 01:56 PM   #85 (permalink)
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sadatx: if it's the word black you so much dislike? Do you honestly think that by giving it another name you will minimize and nullify any differences? I mean, you give off the impression that it's wrong to be black. If it's the term you object to, then instead of using a new word every 10-15 years, why not work to improve the meaning and connotation of 'black'? Something I believe this award is trying to achieve, regardless of the name being used.
edit: I don't mean the original intent of the award, since MLK didn't stand for that. I mean the new updated idea behind the award
Moderation should be moderately moderated.

Last edited by Nisses; 01-26-2004 at 02:04 PM..
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Old 01-26-2004, 02:05 PM   #86 (permalink)
The Matrix had a point...
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water_boy1999 : Olen asunut Suomessa jo melkein neljätoista vuotta, ja tiedän kokemuksesta miten ulkomaalaisia Suomessa kohdellaan.

The_Dude: You are in over your head, read the thread before replying.......

filtherton: My point EXACTLY.......
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!
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Old 01-26-2004, 02:10 PM   #87 (permalink)
Seaver's Avatar
Location: Fort Worth, TX
You all can come up with examples how you been discrminated against because you been in a situation similar to something what most Black Americans go through on an everyday basis.
Wow, you completely missed MY point. My point isn't a rant about how I've been wronged or mistreated, my point is I never asked for anything in compensation. Yes I'm sure some of those things have happened to you, but why should you get partial treatment and not me?

I'm white.. thats right. "We" owned "you"... yeah that gets shoved in my face constantly. Even though we've traced out famliy back 16 generations (320 years...) and not ONE has ever owned a slave. So once again... why? 3 of my family members were lawyers working for free when the NAACP were just getting started, how can you hold what other people do against ME simply because we have the same skin color?

I know your point, blacks have had it bad for a very long time and thus programs like this are ok. My point is it was wronge then and is wronge now, it's that simple.
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Old 01-26-2004, 02:15 PM   #88 (permalink)
The Matrix had a point...
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Seaver and everyone else: Stick to the topic and the thread, please.
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!
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Old 01-26-2004, 02:19 PM   #89 (permalink)
shakran's Avatar
BuDDaH, with all due respect, I'm not seeing a divergence from the topic here. The article posted to start the topic deals with the issue of racism, and so far no one has strayed from the racism topic. . . .
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Old 01-26-2004, 02:53 PM   #90 (permalink)
The Matrix had a point...
BuDDaH's Avatar
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Location: 10th Mountain ASB Fort Drum, N.Y.
Topic: School, award, the kids...

Not topic: Nothing about how many generations you lived in America, who owned slaves or what, quit coming at "me" personally.. in other words, can we stick to the topic?
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!
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Old 01-26-2004, 03:31 PM   #91 (permalink)
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Location: Fort Worth, TX
The topic is about a school who in memory of MLK went the exact opposite direction, and a bunch of kids who were only intending to have some fun tripped over a major gash in society.

The partial treatment of different colors does indeed matter in this case if you ask me.

And I'm not coming at you, my argument is that I have personally been wronged, yet according to Affirmitive Action that doesnt matter simply because I'm white. It is only because of partial treatment that this is even a topic, it would be like discussing views of the christianity without being able to talk about the bible, or talking about the revolution without talking about the Declaration of Independance. You can't just leave out things like that.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas
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Old 01-26-2004, 03:48 PM   #92 (permalink)
The Matrix had a point...
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Location: 10th Mountain ASB Fort Drum, N.Y.
Well, if the country or the point of views people had way-back-when-the-things-were-the-way-they-were and started from the jump go equally, I think this country wouldn't have to deal with things as they are. I am not an advocate of Affirmative Action, but those were created to FORCE the issue of being equal, because things were not.
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!
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Old 01-26-2004, 04:36 PM   #93 (permalink)
shakran's Avatar
BuDDaH, you're absolutely right about why AA was created, and when it was created it was necessary. But AA is not currently being implemented in the way it was intended. It was intended to guarantee that race would not be a factor in the hiring of someone. Now, it is MAKING race a factor in hiring people. It all goes back to the central problem - As long as we make race a factor, we will never progress to the point where race doesn't matter.
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Old 01-26-2004, 05:34 PM   #94 (permalink)
Go Ninja, Go Ninja Go!!
Location: IN, USA
Originally posted by BuDDaH
Topic: School, award, the kids...

Not topic: Nothing about how many generations you lived in America, who owned slaves or what, quit coming at "me" personally.. in other words, can we stick to the topic?
If this is so, why did you bring up what happened in the past?
Welcome to the club! Not that I'm in the club. And there really isn'a a club in the first place. But if there was a club and if I was in it, I would definitely welcome you to it.

Last edited by GakFace; 01-26-2004 at 06:07 PM..
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Old 01-26-2004, 06:41 PM   #95 (permalink)
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It pisses me off seeing things like this, since the only reason any "race" club exists in most schools is because they claim to be a culture club. Who are they to say that he has nothing to do with African Culture.

This reminds me when the "office of diversity" at my school hounded Jamaican students about being African American. They found it so offensive that it wasn't funny. The admissions office also loves to classify them as African American in brochures, simply lumping them together with other people of completely different cultures, because of the color of their skin.
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Old 01-26-2004, 06:50 PM   #96 (permalink)
Sorry if some of these points I'm about to unfuck have already been unfucked, I came in late.

Originally posted by BuDDaH
People like this really need to take a good look at themselves and ask "What am I doing? What am I trying to say or prove?"

(These idiots just robbed part of a script from "Soul Man" with C. Thomas Howell.)
Are they trying to get into "some" club with "one of their own".
Actually, the Americans were supporting an African-American friend. In you're obviously devisive statement, you claim that being African American is only valid if you are black.

Are they trying to be Politically Correct and found someone they think "qualifies" as their definition "African-American"?

(By finding someone an "Caucasian" African and nominate him for an award CLEARLY dedicated for the "Americans of AFRICAN decent" is making a mockery of the whole thing and SHOULD be expelled for being "insensitive".) How are they being that? Why should they be suspended?
How can you say that he is not an American of African decent? He was born in Africa. He experienced African culture. He is now in America.

I can give one reason: If they thought the award should include anyone who also shows the trait one must have to win it, WHY DID THEY NOT pick anyone else, even themselves to be nominated?
Because they were not African-American.

(NOOOOO, they had to go and get someone who was African...) INSENSITIVITY, very blatant..
Yes, since this award was to be given to an African-American...

What they were doing was sending a message, a real fucked up one. Trying to find a point where they can "turn the tables" and point a finger, saying the how racist the whole organization is because they can't get into the "club" they shouldn't be trying to join in the first place!!
Are you trying to say that if he was a black man that had just moved from Africa a few years ago, he would have also been disqualified and suspended?

You might want to think I am speaking because I am a Black.
(Yes, but I see myself as AMERICAN more than even being Black.)
Uh, you're a Black American. Not one more than the other.

Did they really think an African who is caucasian is a candidate for an award designed and embodies awareness and recognition of the trials, tribulations and struggles of the BLACK AMERICANS and their DECENDANTS? (Three words: Hell-fucking-NO.)
This was billed as an award open to African-Americans. Not a decendantsofafricanswholivedinamericaalongasstimeagoohandyouhavetobeblack award.

Still can't understand why they were expelled?
He was suspended.

1) He and I, standing in a park, I am thirsty and so is he. If I drank from the fountain that he just drank from, what would happen? (You know, the one marked "WHITES ONLY"..)
I've never seen one of these at a public park. Have you? Oh, you're talking about 50 years ago, well before any of those kids were even born.

2) He and I, get on a bus, who can sit where he pleases, and who has to sit in the back. (God forbid, if the bus got full, then who would be forced to give up his seat so a "Caucasian" can sit down?
Dude, it's 2004.

3) They KKK corners "us" on a road, somewhere on the country-side? WHO would get lynched? (I think he wouldn't like to volunteer that information he's from Africa right then.) How many Caucasians were lynched because of the color of skin?
This is just stupid. They'd both die, white people didn't like white people who liked black people. Luckily it's really 2004, and this broken "point" has no bearing on the reality of TODAY.

I think you see the picture now, so let's fast forward to today:
I missed it, but lets do...

1) He and I apply for college,(ex: Yale, Yeshiva, Harvard...) who more likely will be accepted and who will recieve a background check?
Wait, there's no black people that work at Harvard? I'm not saying this NEVER happens, but why would you be afraid of a background check? If you've been a good person (black or not) you shouldn't have to worry about receiving a background check. You're applying a sick stereotype here. Have you not seen progress? I assume you're also claiming that a black person would never make a decision on an applicant based on skin color. Purely insane.

2) He and I goes to the same job interview, who'll most likely to get the job without having to have a drug-test before hand?
See above.

3) He and I, standing on a street corner, the police rolls up, who will more likely will the police check and ask identification for?
Both of you. If they have reason to suspect a crime, they won't just let half of you walk away.

Let me not get carried away, I know you see my point... Too easy to pull "that" card, huh.
Too easy to try these days.

Now, let me tell you what that award is for.

It isn't about being Black, or African American.
Actually, it's an award meant for an African-American. Or maybe I read that wrong.

It is awarded to an African American that best exhibits a postive attitude in their contributions in their school work, sets example for his or her peers, and shows promise in face of the racial "restrictions" that are STILL being oppressed on their lives TO THIS DATE.

Now, in this case, their point is that his ONLY qualification for nomination is that he's from Africa?
(To point-fuck, he isn't American to boot..) If you agree to this plight and thing it's reverse-racism, you obviously MISSED the point....
He's an African living in Amerca (might even be a citizen?) with his family. I choose to embrace legal immigrants as Americans, and since he's from Africa, I'd say he's "more" African-American than you (assuming you were born in the states). When someone asks you where you're from, do you say Africa? Do I say Sweden? No. Again, this was an award for African-Americans. If he wasn't the best candidate for the award based on his achievements then he wouldn't have won.

Unfortunately, he wasn't the best candidate based on the color of his skin. This is the attitude we're trying to get AWAY from, not embrace.

This isn't about the award, this isn't about MLK. People should look at them right in their faces and see these people are wrong,
and tell them that, point-blank.
Like this? "You are white, therefor you are wrong." Sounds like a really wise statement to me. pssh.
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Old 01-26-2004, 07:59 PM   #97 (permalink)
Originally posted by StormBerlin
Maybe I'd better read the WHOLE thread from the begining and then comment when I have a better idea of the thread.....

I'll tell you in another life, when we are both cats.

Last edited by BuDDaH on 01-25-2004 at 08:24
JHC. This is plain fucking bullshit. I could see if someone made a completely off topic post, and it was deleted. This is going too far though. It doesn't matter if you reply to the first post after reading only the first post, the thought is still valid. TFP shouldn't allow any moderators to belittle it's members. Hopefully my views won't be deleted because I didn't let other peoples reply to your post (buddah) skew my view.

Last edited by ApexgriN; 01-26-2004 at 08:52 PM..
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Old 01-26-2004, 08:27 PM   #98 (permalink)
Originally posted by sadatx
Am I the only one responding who thinks BuDDaH makes a very good POINT?

Look, the PC wave across America (and the world really) has been spawned by misguided liberal guilt in my opinion, so I'm not one to support it. However, there it is and it has shaped certain things in our daily lives. One of them being: The accepted term that institutions use (in general) is African-American and not Black (just like you'll find caucasain over the term white on most forms)..... chop
I think you're both missing the point. What I believe most people want (myself included) if for those "forms" to disappear. The words used to define the different races aren't wrong, it's the fact we spend so much time trying to define races that is wrong. As someone mentioned earlier, you can't tell someone they aren't "black" just because of the color of their skin.

I think we need to remove any reference to skin color or nationality from every damned 'official' form in the country. IT DOESN'T MATTER. If the government wants to track the true nationality of citizens and immigrants, ask for the country in which you were born, nothing more. You want to have a PRIVATE club for black/white/whatever people? Do it. Just keep that shit out of the schools, keep it out of the government, and keep it out of the human resources department. note: i disagree with any club/award/whatever based on skin color, the previous comment was made in recognition that this IS/was a free country, and peaceful practicing of any belief in private is acceptable to me.

You get it yet? It's not the words, it's the idea behind the words.
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Old 01-26-2004, 09:53 PM   #99 (permalink)
Please touch this.
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I think what this thread comes down to is how everybody interprets everything. It's that basic. I can hold up an empty soda can and half of you will think, "That man sure is thirsty," while the other half will think, "Yes, recycling is good."

Every point in this arguement - Martin Luther King, the award itself, black history month - can be construed into different points of view and each of you arguing are unwilling to accept that OTHER PEOPLE SEE THINGS DIFFERENTLY.

Nobody is right. Nobody is wrong. However, you all are trying to pound the same point into eachother's heads without regard for the fundamental fact that we are in a world of diversity, and no two people have the same construal.

At the heart of this, I'm sorta saying that it's useless to argue. Please DISCUSS, but there is no reason to get offensive, or even use insulting descriptive terms in your posts.

You have found this post informative.
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Old 01-26-2004, 10:36 PM   #100 (permalink)
shakran's Avatar
Hmmm. I think we all realize that others see things differently, but that doesn't change the fact that we all think we're right

The way I see it is, if you make race an issue, then it's an issue. If you don't make race an issue, then it's not an issue. So why not make it a non issue? Quit worrying about what color someone is and start worrying about how they behave, who they are, etc.
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Old 01-26-2004, 10:48 PM   #101 (permalink)
Natalie Portman is sexy.
omega2K4's Avatar
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Originally posted by shakran
Why in bloody hell is it any more offensive for a black person to be called black than it is for me to be called white? African American is an inaccurate term unless you have dual citizenship. It is certainly an inaccurate term to label all black people with. It's high time everyone quit getting so damn offended over words.
Word. shakran should run for president or something.
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Old 01-26-2004, 10:53 PM   #102 (permalink)
We're trying to figure out whether the schools decision to a) punish the students and b) have the award in the first place, was right or wrong. While I do respect other opinions, I also think my opinion (which happens to be part of the majority here) is, for the most part, right.

I doubt if this thread will really get anywhere though. Pride sucks.
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Old 01-26-2004, 11:41 PM   #103 (permalink)
shakran's Avatar
Originally posted by ApexgriN
I doubt if this thread will really get anywhere though. Pride sucks.
In fairness we can't expect it to. Bill O' Rights posted this thread 5 days ago. America has been struggling with race issues for more than 200 years. I mean, we're good, but we're not THAT good
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Old 01-27-2004, 03:31 AM   #104 (permalink)
bigbad's Avatar
My favorite example of the stupidity of political correctness is reading about someone who said Nelson Mandela was one of the greatest African-Americans ever.
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Old 01-27-2004, 09:02 AM   #105 (permalink)
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Originally posted by bigbad
My favorite example of the stupidity of political correctness is reading about someone who said Nelson Mandela was one of the greatest African-Americans ever.
Exactly. Not only is it inaccurate, it's insulting to Mandela. We should say he's one of the greatest PEOPLE ever. Otherwise, it's as though we're saying "Yeah, he's great when you compare him with other black people, but stacked up against the rest of the population, he's not so big a deal."
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Old 01-27-2004, 10:19 AM   #106 (permalink)
Fly em straight!
water_boy1999's Avatar
Location: Above and Beyond
My point exactly Hal. Bout time you showed your face here.....

In summation of my thoughts, we have had a dreary past with regards to the way we treated people of different races and cultures. The majority of intelligent people in this nation will concur that we have improved since 50, 100, 150 years ago, but we still have work to do. There is still indifference, intolerance, and thoughtwemadeagooddecisionbutitreallywasabadone (affirmative action, race specific awards, etc...) happening, but we are tying to move away from it. It will be a while before we entirely embrace all races, cultures, religions, and backgrounds because of the differences of opinion, as we have clearly seen in this thread.

To address the topic more specifically, whether these boys were intentionally being insensitive by running for the award, we don't know. Whether they were purposefully trying to point out the issues or race and discrimination, we don't know.

-Homer Simpson
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Old 01-27-2004, 10:23 AM   #107 (permalink)
Tilted Cat Head
Cynthetiq's Avatar
Location: Manhattan, NY
this is an old argument goes back even before biblical times. Slaves, caste systems, pecking orders, it's always been, and it will always be because of the human condition.
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
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Old 01-27-2004, 11:43 AM   #108 (permalink)
Originally posted by shakran
Why in bloody hell is it any more offensive for a black person to be called black than it is for me to be called white? African American is an inaccurate term unless you have dual citizenship. It is certainly an inaccurate term to label all black people with. It's high time everyone quit getting so damn offended over words.
"bloody hell"? You english there shakran?

Alright, what I wrote has been misinterpreted so let me explain.

First off, do you think caucasian is f**king accurate? Far from it. Yet, there it is in use today in America, meaning white.

And, of course I don't think the word "black" is offensive. I love the word. For me it's nothing but positive. It's strong, it's intelligent, it's defiant, and I could go on and on....

Futhermore, nothing makes me prouder then when I hear these words put together: "A STRONG BLACK MAN".

But when Nisses, (and man I ain' trying to pick on you partner, I know you didn't intend to offend anyone, besides "the PC crowd" of course), seems to completely disregard what African-American means to all Black Americans, whether they acknowledge it or not, and then uses "BLACK" as a slur, (again I know you didn't mean to be offensive but that's how it came off to me), with seemingly a complete lack of respect, I tend to get a little pissed.

And this is all indicative of why all the younger kids coming up don't understand the import of any of this. This is why they don't see where the anger and pain come from. And why they'll be quick to say "African-American isn't accurate you don't have any right to use it" without understanding any of America's history and how that makes all these issues much much more complex.

Originally posted by Nisses
sadatx: if it's the word black you so much dislike? Do you honestly think that by giving it another name you will minimize and nullify any differences? I mean, you give off the impression that it's wrong to be black.

Nisses see what I wrote above.

BuDDaH, sorry to get off topic let me bring it back.

I think the question boils down to this: Do you all honestly think that these three kids (especially the South African kid, who just moved here) fully understand the history of race relations between black and whites in America? And do you think they have any clue as to why what they did could be seen as being offensive? (And I'm sure the South African kid understands the complexity of race relations in South Africa, but that's a whole nother ball of wax.)

I don't think these kids understand anything about what they did at all.

They just saw the words, but they still don't get the meaning.
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Old 01-27-2004, 12:15 PM   #109 (permalink)
shakran's Avatar
Originally posted by sadatx
"bloody hell"? You english there shakran?
Nope, just picked up the habit from a british friend of mine


First off, do you think caucasian is f**king accurate? Far from it. Yet, there it is in use today in America, meaning white.
Nope, and I think it's a stupid descriptor. It doesn't matter, but I'm white, and to the people who want to bandy terms such as "caucasian" around, I say big deal. Let's move on to something more important.


And this is all indicative of why all the younger kids coming up don't understand the import of any of this. This is why they don't see where the anger and pain come from. And why they'll be quick to say "African-American isn't accurate you don't have any right to use it" without understanding any of America's history and how that makes all these issues much much more complex.

Well of course you have the RIGHT to use it, but I have the RIGHT to object to it if it's not accurate. Seriously, what's the point of this phrase? The majority of people using it have never even seen Africa. The best result you can hope to get by insisting on being called African-American is a cultural and racial divide from the rest of the people in this country. I'm tired of people saying "he's black" or "he's white" or "he's African American." Why not, "he's a person?"


I think the question boils down to this: Do you all honestly think that these three kids (especially the South African kid, who just moved here) fully understand the history of race relations between black and whites in America?
Careful, you're trapping yourself. If you're saying that kids, because of their youth and the fact that they obviously did not live through slavery/segregation/etc, cannot understand the history of race relations, then that logic applies to all children, including black children. Why, then, insist on filling all the children's heads with racially divisive poison when we could use their innocence as an opportunity to enforce the idea that we're all people, not that we're all different races.


And do you think they have any clue as to why what they did could be seen as being offensive? (And I'm sure the South African kid understands the complexity of race relations in South Africa, but that's a whole nother ball of wax.)
Yes, I do think that they knew they'd offend people. So what? Why can't it be that they were offended that the award was a) racist and b) blatantly so, when an African American gets suspended for applying for it simply because he's white? Why is it that only minorities have the right to take offense at racism?


They just saw the words, but they still don't get the meaning.
A black kid in 1960 is suspended for putting posters around the school announcing that he wants to be valedictorian. He's suspended because he's black, and shouldn't have tried to get the honor when it was obviously meant for the whtie kids.

A white African immigrant in 2004 is suspended for applying for an award that expressly says it's for African immigrants. He's suspended because he's white, and shouldn't have tried to get the honor when it was obviously meant for the black kids.

Mind telling me exactly what the difference is there?
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Old 01-27-2004, 02:37 PM   #110 (permalink)
Originally posted by shakran
Well of course you have the RIGHT to use it, but I have the RIGHT to object to it if it's not accurate. Seriously, what's the point of this phrase? The majority of people using it have never even seen Africa. The best result you can hope to get by insisting on being called African-American is a cultural and racial divide from the rest of the people in this country. I'm tired of people saying "he's black" or "he's white" or "he's African American." Why not, "he's a person?"
Shakran your smugness is bleeding through the screen. And the more I post the more I feel you don't understand what my point is.

I mean, bloody hell!

In my eyes you keep arguing semantics and seem to be ignoring the point I'm trying to make.

And this whole "He's or She's a human being" thing, I mean come on. I wish it were that simple. And if rascism was a thing of the past then it probably would be that simple. But as I'm sure you know it isn't a thing of the past.

Perosonally, I hope we always point out our differences along with our similarities. Why? Because our differences are what define us and make us interesting and who we are and define are cultures. And why would we want to destroy our beautiful and unique cultures? (and no I don't believe culture has to be defined by race, it's just an example)

Careful, you're trapping yourself. If you're saying that kids, because of their youth and the fact that they obviously did not live through slavery/segregation/etc, cannot understand the history of race relations, then that logic applies to all children, including black children. Why, then, insist on filling all the children's heads with racially divisive poison when we could use their innocence as an opportunity to enforce the idea that we're all people, not that we're all different races.

No I'm not trapping myself you bloody smart ass (I could bloody get used to saying that ). No I'm not saying the kids CAN"T understand, I'm saying at the moment they clearly DON'T.

Why is it important that they understand? Because rascism still persists to this day and it's important that they understand how destructive a force it is.

Ugh, we're all going in bloody circles here. The adminastrators should bloody lock this thread and we can all bloody agree to bloody disagree.

P.S. Shakran, by saying "I'm white" you just defined yourself by your race. We all tend to do that don't we. And until aliens live among us and we can say "I'm a human, and that's a martian" we'll continue to do so.

Last edited by sadatx; 01-27-2004 at 02:42 PM..
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Old 01-27-2004, 04:44 PM   #111 (permalink)
The Matrix had a point...
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Moderator Emeritus
Location: 10th Mountain ASB Fort Drum, N.Y.
Originally posted by ApexgriN
JHC. This is plain fucking bullshit. I could see if someone made a completely off topic post, and it was deleted. This is going too far though. It doesn't matter if you reply to the first post after reading only the first post, the thought is still valid. TFP shouldn't allow any moderators to belittle it's members. Hopefully my views won't be deleted because I didn't let other peoples reply to your post (buddah) skew my view.

Well, first off, the person made a reply TOWARDS ME that I felt degrading and was belittling TOWARDS ME, AND had nothing to do with the topic, so instead of outright banning them, I edited it out and left a message POINTING to stay on topic.

Then I sent them a PM explaining that they shouldn't have done so. If any of you had say the ORIGINAL message, please reinterate it again if you want to see valid proof of it.

Where I am from it's called "Talking from what you assume to know." If you make an assumption about me, I have no problem letting you know what I think or when you are wrong.

Thirdly, there is a big difference between a MOD and an ADMIN.
I, don't quibble or bother belittling members, I try to point them in the right, diplomatic direction, an hope they make best of the situation, and when all else fails, ban them.

The TFP is one, if not, the only place on the net that allow all of you very much freedom and power on its forums, and you all know that. But you all better remember when you are "feeling" yourselves, YOU don't over-ride or over-run TFP's policies, MODS and ADMINS. So step out of line and expect to be regulated... You shouldn't make personal attacks to any members. Next time, talk what you know instead of assuming you know what happened..
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!

Last edited by BuDDaH; 01-27-2004 at 05:49 PM..
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Old 01-27-2004, 05:15 PM   #112 (permalink)
meembo's Avatar
Location: Connecticut
The school was completely wrong in stopping someone who could make a cogent argument that he was qualified -- and he was.

Things are about race when most people choose to make it that way. Why can't it just be a geographical distinction, even a cultural one?

People waste teachable moments all the time
less I say, smarter I am
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Old 01-28-2004, 10:57 AM   #113 (permalink)
Location: Central Illinois
Man... I think it's awesome that this Fair Skinned male from South Africa tried to own the award... I mean... White South Africans never oppressed black africans over there...

Oh wait... That's wayyyyyyyy off the subject.

Buddah was correct in stating that there were channels through which the issue could have been handled. The School was right in the actions they took.
Your future looks very very grim!
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Old 01-28-2004, 01:13 PM   #114 (permalink)
Location: Lubbock, TX
Originally posted by shakran

Then the award was racist and shouldn't have been there. Listen, if we want to solve the race problems, we have to stop making such a damn big deal out of race. All this does is say "BLACK PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT! THEY'RE VERY DIFFERENT! That's why we need a special award only for them!"
That is fucking BULLSHIT! By that claim we should all be pissed whenever awards are given out to HANDICAPPED or people with disabilities.

I have been sitting here reading this entire thread and your statement above irked me. There are NUMEROUS awards given out to people who belong to different groups.

Why don't you go bitch about people given awards and scholarships because they are borth with a defect. Guess what, minorities are UNDER-REPRESENTED and are usually looked at differently in a way to promote diversity and the understanding of a different culture. And I'm sorry, if like someone described, there are 70 black students out of over 200-something then I'm sure they need something like this in their school.

So why is it "cute" and "great" when the mentally challenged boy gets an award, but when a minority who, like the handicapped boy can't help the way they were born, their skin color, gets an award it's "racist." PLEASE.

I just find it hilarious when white people in this country act like they are at SUCH a disadvantage and feel SO offended with the idea of minorities moving up in society. God FORBID the day there's a black president because we all know a black person could NEVER win legitimately; it'd have to definately be given to them. Anyways...

The fact of the matter is, everyone knows this punk ass kid was just trying to be a smart ass and didn't really want to be considered for this award.
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Old 01-28-2004, 02:31 PM   #115 (permalink)
Location: Central Illinois
***gives Illest Urban a high five...***

That's what I'm talking about man... I love for my skin color to be compared to a handicap... that makes me feel...



***rolls away in wheelchair***
Your future looks very very grim!
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Old 01-28-2004, 02:50 PM   #116 (permalink)
shakran's Avatar
Originally posted by illesturban
That is fucking BULLSHIT! By that claim we should all be pissed whenever awards are given out to HANDICAPPED or people with disabilities.

Well that depends. If it's an award for "Best Handicapped Lawyer" or some such bullshit, then no, we shouldn't give them special awards. If it's "won the wheelchair basketball tournament" then sure - - although I will say that many of the wheelchair sport events are open to non-disabled people. The non-handicapped people rarely win because they haven't spent years developing their wheelchair muscles, but it's still open.

I have been sitting here reading this entire thread and your statement above irked me. There are NUMEROUS awards given out to people who belong to different groups.
Another member of the "everyone's doing it so it's OK" club.

Why don't you go bitch about people given awards and scholarships because they are borth with a defect.
I don't get what you're saying. Are you saying black people are defective and therefore the same rules should apply to them as to the kid that was born deaf? You're comparing apples to oranges here. Being black does not prevent you from succeeding in school. It doesn't prevent you from finding a job, and it doesn't prevent you from being rich. Have you watched basketball lately? What about Oprah? Bill Cosby? Chris Rock? James Earl Jones? (who by the way is black AND had a speech impediment (stuttering) throughout his childhood)

Garrett Morgan invented the gas mask, without which we'd have been in DEEP shit in world war 1. Do we say he was a great BLACK scientist, or just that he was a great SCIENTIST? My vote is for the latter, because specifying black implies that he's an exception to the rule, that most black people can't achieve anything like what he did. I refuse to be racist like that.

Guess what, minorities are UNDER-REPRESENTED and are usually looked at differently in a way to promote diversity and the understanding of a different culture.
Well let's see. MLK day. Black history MONTH. Special awards only for black people. And you wonder why people still look at black people differently? It's because there have been such frigging HUGE efforts to emphasize that they ARE different! Maybe if we started realizing that we're all humans rather than going through life with the dumbassed notion that a black person is radically different from white people, we wouldn't have the problems you're griping about.

So why is it "cute" and "great" when the mentally challenged boy gets an award, but when a minority who, like the handicapped boy can't help the way they were born, their skin color, gets an award it's "racist." PLEASE.
Again, unless you're suggesting that black people are retarded, you are comparing apples to oranges. The low-IQ kid does not have the capacity to compete on the same level as those with normal IQ's. The average intelligence of a black person is NOT lower than the average intelligence of a white person. Please stick to like-comparisons if you're going to be racist.

I just find it hilarious when white people in this country act like they are at SUCH a disadvantage and feel SO offended with the idea of minorities moving up in society.
And I find it hilarious that you think getting called "African American" as opposed to "black" is "moving up in society." Got news for you. It's not. I have no problem with black people, on their own merit, moving up in society. I do have a problem with ANYONE being treated differently SOLELY BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE. That's called discrimination, it's racist, and it's wrong.

God FORBID the day there's a black president because we all know a black person could NEVER win legitimately; it'd have to definately be given to them.
Boy, you do like to read a lot into what I say. Might I suggest reading the posts with greater comprehension next time. I have NEVER said ANYTHING to indicate that I feel black people can't do anything without handouts. I would never say that. Sorry buddy, but the racist here is not me.

The fact of the matter is, everyone knows this punk ass kid was just trying to be a smart ass and didn't really want to be considered for this award.

No, the fact of the matter is that YOU ASSUME because the kid is WHITE that he's a punk ass stirring up trouble. You have no way of knowing for real (did you talk to the kid? Did he tell you his motives?) yet because he's white, trying to mess with what you think should be a black award (but which was NOT specified to be a black award) -- You think because he's white that he's being an asshole. That sounds awfully prejudiced to me. I think a good long look in the mirror is necessary before your next misplaced rant.

Last edited by shakran; 01-28-2004 at 02:54 PM..
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Old 01-28-2004, 02:52 PM   #117 (permalink)
Location: Beijing, China
People can't help but to feel segregated by societal distinctions. It's unfortunate, but like Sam Jackson's character said in "A Time to Kill"... "When you look at me, you don't see a man. You see a black man." is true. People feel an unnecessary need to characterize people by color or culture or creed, but what it does is seperate, not lead people into enlightenment.

I agree that this kid was probably being a stupid ass inconsiderate jerk, but it would be nice to show that people don't have to be seperated by anything.

Why not just give out a "because it's needed" award, and then everyone who needs it can have access to it.

P.S. - Has anyone ever heard the Lenny Bruce comment on Race?

"Oh, my god, did you hear what he said? Are there any niggers here tonight? Is that rank! Is that cruel! Is that a cheap way to get laughs? Well, I think I see a nigger at the bar talking to two guinea owners and next to them....Now why have I done this? Is it only for shock value? Well, if all the niggers started calling each other nigger, not only among themselves, which they do anyway, but among others. If President Kennedy got on television and said:'I'm considering appointing two or three of the top niggers in the country to my cabinet'-if it was nothing but nigger, nigger, nigger- in six months nigger wouldn't mean any more than good night, god bless you...-when that beautiful day comes, you'll never see another nigger kid come home from school crying because some motherfucker called him a nigger."
---Lenny Bruce
I'm never gonna know you now...
but I'm gonna love you anyhow
-Elliott Smith
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Old 01-28-2004, 04:37 PM   #118 (permalink)
Location: Lubbock, TX
Originally posted by shakran
Another member of the "everyone's doing it so it's OK" club.
Tha fuck!? Moving on...


I don't get what you're saying. Are you saying black people are defective and therefore the same rules should apply to them as to the kid that was born deaf? You're comparing apples to oranges here. Being black does not prevent you from succeeding in school. It doesn't prevent you from finding a job, and it doesn't prevent you from being rich. Have you watched basketball lately? What about Oprah? Bill Cosby? Chris Rock? James Earl Jones? (who by the way is black AND had a speech impediment (stuttering) throughout his childhood)

Garrett Morgan invented the gas mask, without which we'd have been in DEEP shit in world war 1. Do we say he was a great BLACK scientist, or just that he was a great SCIENTIST? My vote is for the latter, because specifying black implies that he's an exception to the rule, that most black people can't achieve anything like what he did. I refuse to be racist like that.
This must've not sunk through correctly over the internet. First of all man, I'm black muh damn self so NO there's no way in hell I am saying my race is "defective." By bringing up the whole handicapped thing, I was talking about MINORITIES, not defects specifically. I was saying that since people born with disabilities are minorities, and ALSO given alike "awards" or whatever, why don't you sit around and complain about how THAT is unfair. I'm not saying that blacks are mentally challenged or defective; you spun that shit around to make it seem like something it completely wasn't and managed to put words into my mouth at the same time.

I also fuckin like how you bring up that you think blacks are no less better off than whites because there are SOME successful black celebrities. And you mention Oprah, thank you... Oprah is representing to the FULLEST. But oh wait, she's the not only the first WOMAN to be as rich as she is, but also the first AFRICAN-AMERICAN. She's the ONLY one out of tons of whites; don't act like this is cause for all black people to jump up and exclaim that there are still not racial problems in this country. The fuckin' FIRST black actors and actresses to win Academy awards (after SEVERAL were snubbed) JUST won TWO years ago, need I remind you. And James Earl Jones? Unfortunately, he's one of the most underrated actors; he gets no attention. Have you seen him in anything substantial besides a Verizon commercial lately. Oh wait... now that I think about it, he gets to be the voice of Darth Vader again in the next Star Wars... OH MAN I'M SO EXCITED! Man, blacks sure are moving up, aren't they shakran!?

It still baffles me this idea that well, ok there are some successful black people, that MUST mean things are better in this country, right? PUH-LEASE; give me a break.


Well let's see. MLK day. Black history MONTH. Special awards only for black people. And you wonder why people still look at black people differently? It's because there have been such frigging HUGE efforts to emphasize that they ARE different! Maybe if we started realizing that we're all humans rather than going through life with the dumbassed notion that a black person is radically different from white people, we wouldn't have the problems you're griping about.
Newsflash: MLK day faced years and years under consideration and faced huge amounts of scrutiny from people not wanting it made into a national holiday. It wasn't made an official holiday until the late 80's. And you're right, that doesn't discard the fact that it is a hugely great achievement; I'm not saying anything like that. But again, don't try to make it seem like King was assassinated, the country mourned, and he was given a holiday weeks later; no it took nearly 20 years. And while this is trivial, Black History Month is the shortest month. OK LMAO I just had to say that; I really could care less. But anyways, what do people learn about in BHM? I know we might have talked about Harriet Tubman and MLK when I was in high school. And I'm sure you're one of these guys who just HATES that there is a BHM. Lets also not forget that in the state I live in, which puts the most criminals to death out of ANY state, JUST put two white men on death row for the killing of a black man maybe 4-5 years ago. This is, after thousands of blacks are on death row for the killing of whites. There have also been several pardoned in recent times after it was proven they have spent 20 something years behind bars, waiting to die for a crime they didn't commit.


Again, unless you're suggesting that black people are retarded, you are comparing apples to oranges. The low-IQ kid does not have the capacity to compete on the same level as those with normal IQ's. The average intelligence of a black person is NOT lower than the average intelligence of a white person. Please stick to like-comparisons if you're going to be racist.
I believe I covered this above, so I'm not going to again...


And I find it hilarious that you think getting called "African American" as opposed to "black" is "moving up in society."
I find it hilarious too... because I didn't say it! I dunno what tha fuck you are talking about... 'nuff said.


Boy, you do like to read a lot into what I say. Might I suggest reading the posts with greater comprehension next time. I have NEVER said ANYTHING to indicate that I feel black people can't do anything without handouts. I would never say that. Sorry buddy, but the racist here is not me.
Boy, you do like taking things out of context. What you are responding to about the president line was a general statement and really the only thing I was even saying directly to YOU was what I was replying to what I QUOTED you as saying. I too could have disected and quoted everything you had typed up. I wasn't even talking to you then... it was a simple statement. Calm down killer.


No, the fact of the matter is that YOU ASSUME because the kid is WHITE that he's a punk ass stirring up trouble. You have no way of knowing for real (did you talk to the kid? Did he tell you his motives?) yet because he's white, trying to mess with what you think should be a black award (but which was NOT specified to be a black award) --
Again there your silly ass goes putting words into my mouth, which by the way you suck at. I like how you tell me what it is I assume. I don't give a damn if the kid is Orange. He was a PUNK ASS kid period. Stop trying to make me out to some racist bastard. I NEVER said "the WHITE punk ass kid..." And wait, do YOU know the kid? Why don't YOU go and ask him since apparently you're all-knowing.

Damn man, you've got me typing up a damn novel, mostly replying to words that were put into my mouth and things taken out of context.


You think because he's white that he's being an asshole. That sounds awfully prejudiced to me. I think a good long look in the mirror is necessary before your next misplaced rant.

You've got to be kidding me; again you put words into MY mouth. Hey man, if you want to talk for me, hit me up with a PM so I can let you sign in and do all this typing for me because this is plain rediculous. And why am I looking into a mirror? I don't get it. You took what I replied personally and you shouldn't have. This is the internet, and it ain't that serious man. I mean damn, not only have you been on the defensive for the entire three pages of this topic, but you've also made sure to share your thoughts on the issue in the custom status text that shows underneath your nick on the boards. *smh*

Last edited by illesturban; 01-28-2004 at 04:40 PM..
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Old 01-28-2004, 04:55 PM   #119 (permalink)
filtherton's Avatar
Location: In the land of ice and snow.
I don't understand how handicapped people got to be part of the discussion. Since they get their own olympics and blacks and the handicapped are both minorities as you have pointed out, does that mean that objecting to a blacks only olympics would be the same as objecting to the special olypics?
I'm sorry if that paragraph offends anyone, but honestly i need some clarification on that.

Moving on...

I don't think anyone is arguing that this country is free from racism. In fact both sides have conceded the fact that both covert and overt racism exist. I think the thrust of shakran's argument is that if this country is ever going to be color blind than we have to stop making such a big deal about racial differences.
This isn't about white people feeling sorry for themselves because they can't have their own racially exclusive clubs or awards. In my opinion that is irrelevant to anything.
This is about this one simple question:
How can you claim attempt to honor a man who fought for the equality of all races, and famously claimed to favor content of character over color of skin, by holding a contest that excludes all races except one?
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Old 01-28-2004, 05:19 PM   #120 (permalink)
Seaver's Avatar
Location: Fort Worth, TX
Lets also not forget that in the state I live in, which puts the most criminals to death out of ANY state, JUST put two white men on death row for the killing of a black man maybe 4-5 years ago. This is, after thousands of blacks are on death row for the killing of whites.
Um... please state the significance? These men killed another man, and they are being put to death for it. It is THAT simple, yes they were racist, and for their actions they will die. What more do you want?

I was talking about MINORITIES, not defects specifically. I was saying that since people born with disabilities are minorities, and ALSO given alike "awards" or whatever, why don't you sit around and complain about how THAT is unfair.
Let me get this straight. Because you are black you have trouble going up stairs, you can not drive, you can not communicate with people who dont know sign language, and you can not handle normal classes because you are not mentally competant. Oh wait, the only difference you have than me is the skin pigment.

Sorry, handicapped people have a HELL of a lot more trouble in this world than you, so dont compare.

Black History Month is the shortest month.
Yeah, but it is also the only month dedicated to a race.

And I'm sorry, if like someone described, there are 70 black students out of over 200-something then I'm sure they need something like this in their school.
Fair enough, but if you implement this you would need to be 100% equal, offer the exact incentive for whites who attend schools which are primarily black/hispanic.

Guess what, minorities are UNDER-REPRESENTED
It's a democracy, the ONLY reason minorities would be un/under-represented is if they dont vote. The power is in your hands.

I just find it hilarious when white people in this country act like they are at SUCH a disadvantage and feel SO offended with the idea of minorities moving up in society. God FORBID the day there's a black president because we all know a black person could NEVER win legitimately; it'd have to definately be given to them. Anyways...
Please, state where anyone said anything to this manner? Heck my room mate is black and I'm currently helping him get through classes to get to med school, wait, I'm white, I'm afriad... thats right.

The fact of the matter is, everyone knows this punk ass kid was just trying to be a smart ass and didn't really want to be considered for this award.
Couldnt agree with you more, but the simple manner is it is blatently racist and needs to go.

Look, I with all my heart support programs and scholarships that are based on ability and income, but programs like this doesnt even come close to the "separate but equal", it is legal discrimination and needs to go.
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african, american, betcha

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