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saut 04-23-2004 01:23 PM

I've been messing around with enchantments a little, and I am not getting very good results. How can I enchant something so that it has a constant effect? (ie: fire resistance on a cuirass)

kutulu 04-23-2004 02:06 PM

You need a grand soul gem with either a golden saint or an ascended sleeper trapped inside. Also, it's best if you have a relatively skill points for enchant and you gulp some fort intelliegence and luck potions first

flagpole 04-23-2004 05:41 PM

i found its better to not bother learning enchanting, and to just pay the ingame enchanters to do it for you. Just sell a few daedric weapons to the mudcrab to cover the cost

saut 04-23-2004 08:11 PM

I just did a quest to get Azura's star, a reusable grand soul gem -- I'm set.

Stompy 04-25-2004 04:10 PM

I got this game from someone who never played it, and from the hour or so I played, it seems cool... but confusing as shit.

I don't have a manual or anything so there's a lot of stuff I'm confused with.. in particular, skills, leveling up, the "multipliers" I've read so much about, and other things.

teshadoh 04-25-2004 05:22 PM

I started playing Morrowind a few months ago - & of course one reason b/c my last name is Morrow ;)

Anyways, I love the game like a donkey's ass - it's a mother fucking rock n roll mcdonalds.

kutulu 04-26-2004 09:14 AM

The manual is a POS. There's no need for it. The explainations of the character signs are terrible, the don't highlight the differences between the races well enough and hardly touch on the fact that it does make a difference what sex you chose. GameFAQs has some great tutorials to look at.

If you haven't gone too far into the game and you plan on having a character that will use magika, you should restart and make the character fall under the sign of the antronch (sp). They get huge magika bonuses. Because of this huge plus, they don't regain magika when they sleep, but there are very easy ways to get around that!

Here is an excellent FAQ. It's really long, but it explains a lot without revealing any quest details until you get over 100 pages into it. I copied a lot of it to a word file so that I could print it


LNCPapa 04-26-2004 11:49 AM

Acrobat Pro is your friend - Good link kutulu, I just PDF'd the whole thing down it's tree.

kutulu 04-26-2004 12:49 PM

I don't have a subscription, so I couldn't get the PDF file. The other thing that sucks is that there are so many images that it would waste a lot of ink.

I've been making some kick ass potions lately. I start by going to the Imperial Shrine in Wolverine Hall and loading up on Ash Yam and Bloat. I mix up a few, take them, mix more, take them, etc. Once my int is up to about 1200, I start mixing restore health or magika potions. My alchemy skill is under 50, but I'm making restore potions that restore 17-20 pts for about 60 sec. A definite powergame strategy so I try not to abuse it too much.

When my int is that high, my magika is over 3000. When I get around to it, I'm going to foritfy my int and willpower, I'll try to make a spell that will be big enough to kill a whole town in one blast.

LNCPapa 04-26-2004 05:20 PM

You misunderstood me - I made the PDF myself - I have no subscription either. With Acrobat Pro you can set a website for the PDF source and select how far down the tree to go. The resulting PDF was 580+ pages - but that includes some blank pages and all the images. Now I can just pull it up on another machine while playing and see what I want from it :)

charlesesl 04-26-2004 05:38 PM

Just explore around without the manual. That s where the fun is.

saut 04-26-2004 05:59 PM

I just downloaded a plugin that lets you have the Gorbak manor in Caldera (the one with the creeper), and it's totally redecorated and deckout out with armor mannequins and shit inside. I'm trying to collect a full set of every type of guard's armor, plus rare badass armor (ebony, glass, daedra, etc).

My house rocks.

pixelbend 04-27-2004 05:29 AM

I am picked up a used copy of MW for the XBox, not knowing what it really was. I just saw that it was an RPG and game of the year, so I thought it would be good for a few hours of fun. Now I am addicted. Play a little in the morning before work and an hour or so most evenings.

I am currently a level 16 Orc Barbarian with a dwarven battle axe and mostly bone armor. At level 16 I seem to slice through most everybody pretty quickly, but I'm heavy on strength and axe skill. I rely on potions and scrolls for most of my magic work. I recently started casting soul trap whenever I start a battle and have enchanted quite a few sould gems, but I sell most fo them. I do have a greater soul gem now with a Ogrim soul that I want to use to do something funky with my axe.

kutulu 04-27-2004 10:33 AM

I'm a level 16 Dark Elf fighter/mage under the antonoch sign. Most of my armor is Dark Brotherhood, with the exception of a heavy curiass and glass helm and shield. I have an ebony long sword for real fights and a dwarven spear that I use against lesser opponents so that I can raise endurance as much as I can without training.

I want to start enchanting, but my skill level is low and I unfortunately took it as a minor skill. I could raise it by training since I have plenty of money, but I am advancing too fast as it is. I've only done a couple Blades quests and I'm close to becoming the head of the mage's guild (I've done the most of the quests, but need to advance my destruction). For now, I should put my sword away and focus on blowing things up.

saut - there is glass armor sitting in the open in Ghostgate. All you have to do is steal it. I need to go back there. :)

saut 04-27-2004 12:23 PM


Originally posted by kutulu
saut - there is glass armor sitting in the open in Ghostgate. All you have to do is steal it. I need to go back there. :)
Been there, stole that. Along with 3 other sets of glass armor I took from people I killed at Ghostgate -- who also happened to be wearing the Daedric Face of Terror and Face of Inspriation. Need more Daedric and Ebony armor though (aside from what I'm wearing).

Edit: Where in Ghostgate? We might be talking about different sets of armor...

kutulu 04-27-2004 01:00 PM

I've only been there once, but it was just lying on the table. I've heard that a good way to get either Daedric or Ebony is to summon Golden Saints and loot the corpse before it disappears.

saut 04-27-2004 04:27 PM


Originally posted by kutulu
I've only been there once, but it was just lying on the table. I've heard that a good way to get either Daedric or Ebony is to summon Golden Saints and loot the corpse before it disappears.

Summoned creatures disappear too fast for me to be able to search their bodies. Is there a way around this? I'd love to have a nearly infinite supply of badass weapons.

kutulu 04-28-2004 10:07 AM

I think it just takes luck. I haven't been able to loot any summoned creatures yet, but from what I've read, most people can. You need to be able to predict where they will fall and start banging on the spacebar to open their inventories before they disappear.

Once you get Azra's Star and Summon Golden Saint, you can have endless constant enchantments.

Stompy 04-28-2004 10:50 AM

Thanks for the link, kutulu!

That answered a lot of the basic questions I had about the game.

saut 04-28-2004 11:25 AM


Originally posted by kutulu
I think it just takes luck. I haven't been able to loot any summoned creatures yet, but from what I've read, most people can. You need to be able to predict where they will fall and start banging on the spacebar to open their inventories before they disappear.

Once you get Azra's Star and Summon Golden Saint, you can have endless constant enchantments.

Yes, I have Azura's star and it is indeed badass. I'll have to summon me some golden saints and try bashing the spacebar after I've killed it.

skier 04-28-2004 12:50 PM

I never did learn to enchant or cast spells. I just stole everything and joined the dark brotherhood and killed everybody.

I wonder how a mage type would play.

saut 04-28-2004 07:08 PM


Originally posted by skier
I never did learn to enchant or cast spells. I just stole everything and joined the dark brotherhood and killed everybody.

I wonder how a mage type would play.

You should definitly try your hand at enchanting some things. You can make some really helpful items (boots with constant waterwalk and fortify speed is very nice).

TheClarkster 05-17-2004 07:56 PM

I randomly bought this game on a whim today.
Went into Best Buy looking for a computer game to try and lo and behold, this one stood out. Bought the fancy Game of the Year Edition and am liking the open endedness of it thus far.
I mean, I took a torch in some fort, and the next thing I know I'm being attacked by a fire elemental creature and a guard lady, I end up killing the lady and stealing her axe.
Only problem is my integrated graphics card is not handling it well. Any suggestions for a decent enough card to buy which could run this game smoothly at 1024 x 768?

Lasereth 05-17-2004 09:30 PM


Originally posted by TheClarkster
Any suggestions for a decent enough card to buy which could run this game smoothly at 1024 x 768?
How much money ya wanna spend?


TheClarkster 05-17-2004 10:26 PM


Originally posted by Lasereth
How much money ya wanna spend?


Meh, my friend just helped me buy a Radeon 9600 pro on impulse.
Ended up being about $140. He said it was a good deal and he has been working on computers for a job for a while now.
So hopefully, in two days I shall be playing this wonderful game to my heart's content.

gwr_gwir 05-18-2004 06:12 AM

heh. morrowind. last summer, I played through this game for... about 2 months straight. managed to become a level 60 something Redguard, head of every guild and temple I could find... good times. best advice: go for a fighter-thief, then change over to mage later. for your bonus attributes, pick strength and intelligence, or agility and intelligence...

as a thief, you can get the good bonus from the sign (forget what it is offhand, mebbe Tower), then go to balmora and level your sneak and lockpick skills like mad.

as to ebony and daedric armor... try hitting up the ruins that are all around the map.

saut 05-18-2004 08:10 AM

Divayth Fyr (in the Tower of Tel Fyr) is also wearing a full suit of Daedric armor. If you're strong enough to take him out, and you've already advanced far enough into the main quest that you don't need him anymore, it's a very easy way to get a full suit.

I've been playing around with mods lately, which adds a whole new element to the game. It's incredible how addicting it is.

kutulu 05-18-2004 11:02 AM

If you are part of the Telvani House, you can get a deadric curiass and greaves that are enchanted with a 50 pt feather spell. The enchantment allows you to wear it without fucking with your encumberance too much. Great fucking armor. I also found some deadric boots in the Berne clan HQ.

I just killed Neloth so I could get the Robe of Drake's Pride and killed Trebonius to become the arch mage of the Mage Guild. His amulet rules. I also just finished my stronghold, I love it.

If you want to get any real amount of spellcasting, you need to have the antoch sign. It makes regaining magika a pain when you are at lower levels, but the extra mana lets you dish out a ton of spells.

Gjefflin 05-18-2004 11:35 AM

I LOVED MORROWIND!!! :) I never finished it unfortunately because NeverWinter Nights came out while I was playing and I became addicted to that game. Now...i'm finding it hard to get back into MW because it's so big and I can't even remember where the hell I am. LOL!

kutulu 05-18-2004 01:11 PM

Ya, it's hard to keep track of all the quests you've been assigned.

saut 05-18-2004 01:14 PM

I'm currently trying to collect a complete set of every kind of armor and weapon in the game, for display in my awesome house. Anyone else doing something similiar?

MrFlux 05-18-2004 02:56 PM

If you want a pile of good items including lots of ebony armour and a few bits of glass armour, go to the Redoran Plaza in Vivec. In one of the manors, upstairs there is a room with a lady in it and a key to the Vault in the drawers. If you can steal that key, go to the Redoran Treasury, into the Vaults, and head down to the bottom vault.

Open the door and go in, there'san ordinator in there but if you wait long enough with the door open he'll walk out, and you close the door and start looting. I used the "coc" cheat to relocate all the items to my house because everything's so heavy it would have taken me an hour or so to move it all :o

Also, if you don't want to wait for the ordinator to leave the room, close the door and taunt him into attacking you and kill him. This way you also get some indoril armour to either sell or decorate your house with (I'm just decorating my house with everything from there, already got enough cash from slaughtering ordinators.)

Also there's an almost full set of glass armour in the Fighters Guild in Ald-Ruhn if you can pick lvl 80 locks (personally, i just made a spell that does Open Lock 100pts).

kutulu 05-18-2004 03:29 PM

Did you steal the house from a NPC or did you use a mod for the house? Either way, I'd like to start stockpiling everything like that, but my Telvani Stronghold is too small and too out of the way for me.

saut 05-18-2004 06:37 PM

I was using a mod that lets you have Ghorak manor in Caldera (the one with the creeper in it) all to yourself, but I soon ran out of space. Right now I'm using the Abu Manor Mod in Ald'Ruhn. It has a bedroom, a study, a kitchen and a dining room (why these are there I have no idea, completely useless), an alchemy room, and most importantly, two fairly large rooms with tables, glass cases, pedistoles, and mannequins to display all my weapons and armor. It also comes with a ring that will teleport me to the house whenever I equip it, which is quite handy for transporting large amounts of booty (yes, booty).

I have four full sets of daedric, countless glass (most of which I sold to the creeper), just about all the unique weapons and armor (goldbrand, chrysamere, dragonscale, lord's mail, etc). I also soultrapped Almalexia (one of the Tribunal gods, found in the expansion "Tribunal") in a soulgem and enchanted a daedric katana with some really powerful spells. Almalexia's soul in a grand soulgem is worth 75 million septims and has a charge of 1500 when used to enchant an item. I'm slowly running out of things to do in Morrowind, which is something I never thought possible when I first began. The world isn't quite as big as it seems.

MrFlux 05-18-2004 09:07 PM

I just got the "My House In Balmora" mod, adds a house between the pawnbroker and clothier, a short walk from the silt strider.

Lots of shelves, and a bed (which isn't much use because I'm under the Atronach sign and can't regen magicka through sleeping...)

I also have Ra'virr's home, because I always kill him at the start for his juicy items :P

saut 05-19-2004 08:32 AM

I'm playing the total convesion mod "Sword of Perithia" right now... a little disappointed by it with all the hype, but perhaps worth checking out. It creates a totally new landmass to the southwest of Vvarfandel (the existing landmass in the game) with new towns, cities, camps, and more.

kutulu 05-19-2004 09:18 AM

I got the Abu Manor mod last night and I love it. I don't see where the amor manequins are though.

It's going to take some time for me to find the right places for all my loot that I've collected (a good part of that will be just finding where I left some of it). My favorite thing about it is the labeled achemy ingredient storage containers. I was keeping all my alchemy ingredients unsorted on the ground in Ghorak Manor. I also need to go find a few skooma pipes to decorate the place with. The Conservatory is pretty kick ass also, does it take long for the plants to respawn after you pick them?

saut 05-19-2004 11:19 AM


Originally posted by kutulu
I got the Abu Manor mod last night and I love it. I don't see where the amor manequins are though.

It's going to take some time for me to find the right places for all my loot that I've collected (a good part of that will be just finding where I left some of it). My favorite thing about it is the labeled achemy ingredient storage containers. I was keeping all my alchemy ingredients unsorted on the ground in Ghorak Manor. I also need to go find a few skooma pipes to decorate the place with. The Conservatory is pretty kick ass also, does it take long for the plants to respawn after you pick them?

I don't do much (any) alchemy, so I'm not sure about the plants respawning. As far as mannequins go, you have to download a separate mannequin mod. I use the mannequin mod found here: http://www.heph.org/morrowind/Armor%...quin%20v12.zip -- it adds buyable ($150 each) mannequins to the armorer in Caldera. All you have to do is buy them, go stand on the podium, and drop the mannequin in front of you to place it.

edit: Are you having any odd experiences with the doors and cases in Abu Manor? I have 3 doors for every one...

gwr_gwir 05-19-2004 12:02 PM

also, for all you low level fighters out there... here's a good way to get a daedric weapon of your choice, almost immediately. from Balmora, head along the river, til you get to the bridge.. cross the bridge into the wastelands, following the path until just before the curve. turn left, back towards balmora, and you should find a cave-mine (forget the name, offhand) back off the beaten path.

then, go to vivec, to the top of ... st olms, I think. there should be a "haunted" mansion at the top, which, if you explore, can find a man and his bodyguard in.

if you tell them the location of the cave-mine, then he'll give you a daedric weapon of your choice for your trouble. katana is nice, for that...

kutulu 05-19-2004 12:04 PM

I haven't noticed anything odd, but I'll keep my eyes open.

Just after I posted that, I found a good mannequin mod. I'm also going to add better bodies 2.0 to go with that. Thanks.

I love my potions, but I rarely use them. I gulp one restore health potion (made with > 5000 INT and > 1000 luck of course) and I'm practicaly invinsible for 3 minutes.

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