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Old 01-10-2004, 01:09 PM   #281 (permalink)
In my opinion, the internet is bad for dating. Call the girl who's number you got, and email the other if you're interested in her and ask for her number in the email. Don't get stymied in a weird email/IM 'relationship.' It's a good way for things to get strange or for one or the other of you to fall into the dreaded friend trap. Move to phone and then to hanging out in person as quickly as possible.
phlox is offline  
Old 01-10-2004, 01:11 PM   #282 (permalink)
And a lot of what you say is accurate, Plan9. Women are often overly sensitive about the realities of dating/mating. It is a game, but I think it's a fun game!

Interestingly, I function under the assumption that men want what they can't have, which seems to be the opposite of your...erm...teachings. So I think people in general want what they can't have, and whoever remains more elusive will have the upper hand in the relationship. This is usually me, as I'm very hard to get ahold of. Maybe this makes me an insensitive bitch, but I really enjoy the somewhat adversarial, strategizing elements of dating.

Last edited by phlox; 01-10-2004 at 01:20 PM..
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Old 01-10-2004, 02:17 PM   #283 (permalink)
SVT01Cobra's Avatar
Location: Somewhere, Missouri
Interestingly, I function under the assumption that men want what they can't have.
The same applies to women as well
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Old 01-10-2004, 02:23 PM   #284 (permalink)
Right, that's what I said in the very next sentence.
phlox is offline  
Old 01-10-2004, 07:27 PM   #285 (permalink)
Location: Simi Valley, CA
That's so true about the email/IM relationship thing. That happened to me in the summer and ruined it for me with a gal because I would talk to her way too much on the internet and that shoved me into the ever so lovely "friend zone".
"To those about to rock, we salute you!"
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Old 01-11-2004, 04:00 AM   #286 (permalink)
Location: Nowhere
To give an intro, in the past 6 years, I've probably been met with rejection 25-30 times (I'm decently open and forward). I had a rare "accident" (as it's been called) and dated a girl for 9 months last year.

Plan9, I guess I'm still wondering about the meeting people phase though. I usually spend a lot of time hanging out with friends, going to classes, and participating in several organizations.

My friends are great, but there's not often new people. In the rare case that there are new people at a get-together (which I usually host), it's somewhat awkward to talk to them in a room full of close friends.

As for organizations, student government usually seems to be filled with good-looking girls, but they're usually stuck-up and a limited number that are available (though that hasn't stopped me from trying). Another group is a small political organizations with very few girls and very few new people. The radio station where I work seems to bring out skanky/ugly chicks. I guess my best bet is a group of 50-60 that fluctuates a bit.

As for class, there are only so many girls that you can really meet and want to ask out in a semester. I usually go into each semester fairly confident and come out the other side with 3-4 rejections. Do you have any special tips for meeting girls in classes? It's a bit awkward if you're rejected and have to see them every other day for the next few months.

Finally, what are your opinions on "Swingers" and "Roger Dodger"?
DrJekyll is offline  
Old 01-11-2004, 05:34 PM   #287 (permalink)
Location: Portland, OR
There are two girls I have known for a long time (since I was <5 years old) and so they know me pretty well, though we have never hung out together (well, I went to a movie with one). So, both of them know that I'm a niceguy, or at least not any kind of PUA. But, both of them have shown interest in me recently. I don't think that they are interested in just sex, since they know me and my personality, but they are both going to college out of state. So we couldn't have a relationship either.
I'm expecting to hear from one of them (the one I saw a movie with), the other probably not, we only see each other at family get-togethers etc.
I know pretty much how I will talk and progress with the one who will call me, but any ideas why she told me "I wish I had asked you out before", knowing she would only be around for another month before moving far away? The other, I have no idea how to get in touch with her other than calling her home and telling her parents to have her call me next time she's home from school.. I would just call her and ask her out if she lived here, but how can I get her attention without suggesting to her that I will wait for her to call me until she isn't at school, and be available for her schedule?
passthru is offline  
Old 01-11-2004, 09:54 PM   #288 (permalink)
Location: looking in a mirror
Plan9, I must say, that your posts are pure money. (sorry, I just saw "Swingers" and can't quit saying that) Regardless of your personal feelings on this subject, there is no arguing that you know your stuff, and that this is a good thread.

I've always been the guy that's getting some, but in the context of a very serious long term relationship. I don't sell myself as an attractive guy (I'm not) and I've never had an interest in "playing the field" (until recently).

Therefore, your advice is very interesting, and as I've been hitting the bars and such more lately I've had the chance to see these rules used, and I've seen these rules abused.

For it's intended purpose (meeting multiple women with the intent of sex), game like this can help a cat out.

Up until about 1 month ago, I kinda figured that the girl I was with would be the last (I was going to propose this spring), but out of no where that ended, and I'm slowly starting to change my view on sex and dating, so it seems I've found your guide at the perfect time!

I don't really desire to be a "player", per se, but the many of your "lessons" are just good advice for being a good conversationalist, especially with women. Doing things like "nouning" and maintaining control of the situation will help in any situation, even if you're just looking for a female friend, or a serious relationship.

One thing I've learned in my life (I've worked as a semi-professional chef and a "trained sales representative", aka, telemarketer for charities), is that presentation is what sells the product. Of course the "product" here isn't an expertly prepared creme brulee or a yearly sponsorship for the Fraternal Order of Police, it's you. You won't make a first impression with a "super interesting" life and diverse interests. You will make a first impression with your appearance and your openings. Once you've got your foot in the door, you can show your great personality. To continue the gastronomic analogy, it doesn't matter how great that creme brulee looks, if it tastes like swine and boot leather, the person on the receiving end is still going to 86 it. So to use another strange metaphor, there's no use in having a cool facade, if there isn't a nice house behind it.

To boil it all down and skim off the jacked up comparisons:

It's not always about changing what you've got to offer, it's about changing how your offer it.

Just wanted to point out that even the guys who dig the long-term monogamous game can learn a few things from this thread.
it's all about self-indulgence

Last edited by majik_6; 01-11-2004 at 09:57 PM..
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Old 01-11-2004, 10:34 PM   #289 (permalink)
Archangel of Change
I just read this thread today and wow, Plan9 knows his sh!t. Like everything he said I have observed in other people. Everything he says to do I've seen guys do and get all the girls. IMO, he is totally on the spot. I'll have to use some of this advice (i'm a wuss, IW for some time now). I have noticed that after working out a bit that I seem to react better in situations with hot girls when improving things to say. I have no idea if it is related to working out but I intend to keep doing it just incase.
hobo is offline  
Old 01-14-2004, 01:03 AM   #290 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Originally posted by majik_6

It's not always about changing what you've got to offer, it's about changing how your offer it.
As you all know by now, I don't always check this thread daily. I like to wait a week... read what people say... then respond when necessary. I will have replies for the above posters, however, when I got home I skimmed this thread and really liked your quote majik_6! "It was so money and you don't even know it" . I just had to tell you that.

I'll be back here soon to respond n' stuff .
Plan9Senior is offline  
Old 01-14-2004, 06:05 AM   #291 (permalink)
Location: Melbourne, Australia
good, this thread needs a bump
bing bing is offline  
Old 01-15-2004, 06:12 PM   #292 (permalink)
Location: looking in a mirror
I must say, I haven't exactly used these techniques as they're intended, but in the last few days I've been implementing the basics (smiling, being a little cocky/funny, nouning, eye contact) and not only have I struck up a lot of great conversations with girls that usually wouldn't give me the time of day, but one of my profs seems to like me a lot more!

I'm starting to unleash the Alpha Male inside (in a good way), and although I don't have the "look" of someone that a girl would want to hook up with, it has made me more confident, and people seem to respond better.
it's all about self-indulgence
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Old 01-17-2004, 07:33 PM   #293 (permalink)
skier's Avatar
Location: Edmontania
*edited because I solved the problem myself. Thanks for nothing.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim

Last edited by skier; 01-26-2004 at 10:43 PM..
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Old 01-17-2004, 07:46 PM   #294 (permalink)
Huzzah for Welcome Week, Much beer shall I imbibe.
Location: UCSB
Originally posted by hobo
I just read this thread today and wow, Plan9 knows his sh!t. Like everything he said I have observed in other people. Everything he says to do I've seen guys do and get all the girls. IMO, he is totally on the spot. I'll have to use some of this advice (i'm a wuss, IW for some time now). I have noticed that after working out a bit that I seem to react better in situations with hot girls when improving things to say. I have no idea if it is related to working out but I intend to keep doing it just incase.
Yeah Plan9 seems like the AMOG (Alpha Male Other Guy) from hell, well except that he helps out all the recovering chumps.

My golden rule is: "it is a privilege to be in my presence and to be talking to me" if you follow that mindset a lot of confidence will come from it, confidence not arrogance a difference does exist.
I'm leaving for the University of California: Santa Barbara in 5 hours, give me your best college advice - things I need, good ideas, bad ideas, nooky, ect.

Originally Posted by Norseman on another forum:
"Yeah, the problem with the world is the stupid people are all cocksure of themselves and the intellectuals are full of doubt."
nanofever is offline  
Old 01-17-2004, 10:14 PM   #295 (permalink)
Alpha males are no match for smart girls. And I prefer them, not because of some ridiculous James Dean fantasy, but because I prefer not to have to worry about nursing someone's fragile ego.

I read the Taming of the Shrew this week for a class, and the discussion we had about it made me think of this thread. The play is much more satisfying, romantic, and makes more sense when read as a comment on how romance/courtship should be than as a question of male domination or not.
phlox is offline  
Old 01-18-2004, 02:44 AM   #296 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Oh man, you would have loved it tonight. The girl I have been hanging out with invited me to go to a bar with her. I show up and she is spending a little more time talking to other guys at the club instead of me (i believe she was trying to get me jealous). How did I respond? Well I found the best looking girl in the place and walked over and started talking to her. I ended up spending the rest of the night bullshitting with her as the girl I have been hanging out with didn't know what the fuck hit her. The new girl went to the bathroom as the one I met there was leaving... some words were exchanged and they started getting into it... arguing to the point that I thought they were going to fight. The girls got seperated and I exchanged numbers with the new one as she left. It felt like being in that show "singled out" where the dumb girls fight over the guy. Anyhow, the point is... I had the two hottest girls in the club (and believe me they had all the guys wanting them) fighting over me. Why? They could have had any guy in the place if they wanted. The thing is that I exuded so much confidence that both were willing to "mark their territory" even though both don't even know me well. I come home right now (3:00 AM) and I have a message on my phone from both girls . The beauty of it is that both girls saw that there was another girl who was hot that wanted me and girls inherantly want to be the girl that wins. Example: watch any of those cheesy dating shows and even if the main guy is some tool that isn't even good looking, they will fight it out just to be "the winner". There really isn't any lesson or point to this story, it is just a story of what happened tonight and I felt like sharing . Hope you all had a good weekend, I sure did .
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Old 01-18-2004, 07:10 PM   #297 (permalink)
Location: NZ
Hahaha plan9, you're the fuckin man.

I've had a couple of hot girls chasing me lately after taking heed of some of your advice, it actually all makes quite a lot of sense now that I've seen it in action.

I will keep you posted on progress :P
Mettler is offline  
Old 01-18-2004, 10:22 PM   #298 (permalink)
Location: Australia, Perth
haha, thats funny. Same sorta thing happened to me in the first year of uni, albeit the girls weren't really attractive or too interesting...so nothing really came out of that
Maybe you could suggest to them that they both can win or draw

hmmm, it seems, recently, every girl (who i get interested in) has a boyfriend...

Anyway, recently, for some reason, i've had some trouble sustaining the usual chit-chat and small talk. i don't know why though... i gotta get back into normal things people talk about, before i get into too much weird observational analytical stuff, as that's probably a little absurd and overbearing
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Old 01-18-2004, 11:01 PM   #299 (permalink)
Location: Nowhere
Plan9, congratulations on the success. Is there any chance you can bestow more advice upon us? (I've been waiting over a week here)
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Old 01-19-2004, 03:22 AM   #300 (permalink)
Location: Wisconsin, eh?
Hey, it's 5 a.m., and I have to get up in 6 hours, but I thought I might as well share my success story for all you kids out there. After a long winter break filled with dumb high school girls and ugly college drop outs, I'm finally back at school. Last night, partied with all my friends, and was drinking until 4 in the morning. Tonight, I was planning to take it easy, when all of a sudden my friend invites me to a small party, many of whom I know. There is a very cute girl there I didn't know, so i put plan9's commandments into action. Said hi to her, flashed her a few smiles to show interest, and the second she started smiling back, I would start talking to the other girls at the party, joking and touching them. She obviously noticed, because as the night wore on and the numbers thinned out, she started getting very close to me. This is when me and my friend(last two guys there) said we were going to leave. She follows, and so I make my move and walk her home. It's fucking freezing here, so I kind of bitch about freezing my ass off while walking home. She invites me in, and we hang out for about an hour(I kinda jammed up here, coulda made a move, but I'm new at this so I played it safe). I get her phone number, a date for later this week, and a kiss goodnight. Not bad for a freshman guy in college, considering she was a very cute (7ish) junior. I must say, plan9, you know what you are talking about, and I'm shooting 100% while following your advice. Can't wait to see where this one goes....
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Old 01-19-2004, 03:48 AM   #301 (permalink)
Location: Leicester, UK
Mannnnnnnn I've been an avid reader for many many many days of this thread but still being in a relationship I never had a chance to try.

Well I split up so I went for the plan

It was an old school mate I hadn't seen in years but just happened to bump into them. So anyway got the number and being in the UK with such a huge SMS culture I started txting but then suddenly realised "wait a sec I'm sending txts here and not getting many back" so I took the acting too busy tactic.

Well after a couple of days of that she can't leave me alone and, not to sound over confident, shes eating outta the palm of my hand! I'm saying "jump" shes saying "how high?". I'm now meeting her again this Saturday so lets see how it goes!
llama8 is offline  
Old 01-19-2004, 12:16 PM   #302 (permalink)
hey plan9, ur insane, but i've also found that a great way to start talking to girls if you're not confident enough is to introduce a friend to them, that gets a great convo started. One day I even had a group of 11 (no lie) girls around me and my friend. That night my arm was covered in ink from numbers.
mystix is offline  
Old 01-19-2004, 01:20 PM   #303 (permalink)
Originally posted by mystix
hey plan9, ur insane, but i've also found that a great way to start talking to girls if you're not confident enough is to introduce a friend to them, that gets a great convo started. One day I even had a group of 11 (no lie) girls around me and my friend. That night my arm was covered in ink from numbers.
how can you introduce someone to someone you dont know yourself? doesn't make sense "hi, i dont know you, but this is my friend bob"
Demonism is offline  
Old 01-19-2004, 02:57 PM   #304 (permalink)
Location: Leicester, UK
If your interested just to give you a gauge....

On 1 day I stopped to talk to 5 gals....

2 blatant rejections

3 phone numbers

Out of those 3 one of them has just ignored me a second one still contacts me but she was about a 3 on the scale :S so I am trying to slowly let her down and 3rd whos a strong 7/8 and meeting at the weekend

I never knew how easy this game is ... well it is if you know what to do and when to do it! Well you got a huge thanks from me Plan9!
llama8 is offline  
Old 01-19-2004, 03:27 PM   #305 (permalink)
Location: Kentucky
Before you all start circlejerking and starting a cult in celebration, Plan9s guide is more than a little bit similar to the players guide at fastseduction.com .... It's nothing new, nor original, but it still works.
BooRadley is offline  
Old 01-19-2004, 03:37 PM   #306 (permalink)
Location: Leicester, UK
Well whoever the original author is I send my thanks.

If it isn't broke it, why fix it I know it sounds weird but he has gave me the confidence to go try it and then it's built on from there.....
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Old 01-19-2004, 03:42 PM   #307 (permalink)
Location: Kentucky
There is nothing broke about it, it is all solid advice. Plan9 added meaningful insight, but there are hundreds of similar and good articles at fastseduction.com . I'm glad you have success.
BooRadley is offline  
Old 01-19-2004, 04:32 PM   #308 (permalink)
i used some of this advice and it really works i was quite amazed keep up the good advice fellas! thanks
TickTock is offline  
Old 01-19-2004, 04:32 PM   #309 (permalink)
i used some of this advice and it really works i was quite amazed keep up the good advice fellas! thanks
TickTock is offline  
Old 01-19-2004, 06:22 PM   #310 (permalink)
Huzzah for Welcome Week, Much beer shall I imbibe.
Location: UCSB
Originally posted by BooRadley
There is nothing broke about it, it is all solid advice. Plan9 added meaningful insight, but there are hundreds of similar and good articles at fastseduction.com . I'm glad you have success.
Thats a second to fastseduction.com, the forums/field reports are both funny and useful.
I'm leaving for the University of California: Santa Barbara in 5 hours, give me your best college advice - things I need, good ideas, bad ideas, nooky, ect.

Originally Posted by Norseman on another forum:
"Yeah, the problem with the world is the stupid people are all cocksure of themselves and the intellectuals are full of doubt."
nanofever is offline  
Old 01-19-2004, 09:43 PM   #311 (permalink)
Location: Melbourne, Australia
i somehow managed to get myself out of a friend zone (i'd been there for almost a full year) and be with a chick who i go to school with. Pulled some of the shit that was recommended and jesus it works.
bing bing is offline  
Old 01-20-2004, 08:47 AM   #312 (permalink)
Location: Leicester, UK
Originally posted by bing bing
i somehow managed to get myself out of a friend zone (i'd been there for almost a full year) and be with a chick who i go to school with. Pulled some of the shit that was recommended and jesus it works.
I know what you mean by that!

I was amazed at how many "friends" wanted to try and be more then friends. All you have to do is give the right signals and they swarm. Although you take the chance of ruining a friendship so tread with care. :S
llama8 is offline  
Old 01-20-2004, 07:51 PM   #313 (permalink)
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Originally posted by llama8
I know what you mean by that!

I was amazed at how many "friends" wanted to try and be more then friends. All you have to do is give the right signals and they swarm. Although you take the chance of ruining a friendship so tread with care. :S
Well I’m officially back in the friend zone though she said that she’d “have sex with me” if it felt right. Meh, I really don’t think I want that from her but anyway, being buddies with this chick is much easier than not or being more, believe me. She’s got some issues heh.
bing bing is offline  
Old 01-21-2004, 07:33 AM   #314 (permalink)
Location: NZ
I've managed to become friends with this chick who has invited me for a threesome (provided I find the other girl to be involved), and has said she'd be keen to occasionally have sex & stuff just for fun.

Seems like a pretty cool no strings type situation, and she's also fun to hang out with.
Mettler is offline  
Old 01-21-2004, 01:59 PM   #315 (permalink)
neoinoakleys's Avatar
Location: Michigan

Awesome post. I must say that this is really valuable information. I can't believe I didn't run into this post earlier. I am quite the player, too. I have been playing the game for a VERY long time. You have put into words just about every tactic that I use. You nailed it right on, man.

For everyone that is not getting any tail. Listen to Plan9, he speaks the truth. His methods are the same ones I use all the time.

You don't have to be an underwear model to land beautiful women. You need some confidence. I have been preaching that for years. I am not the most attractive guy in the world, but I am average.

I have been using these same tactics for years and have gotten more tail than a public toilet. I just never knew how put most of my tactics into words. I was reading Plan9's post and found myself saying, "that is EXACTLY what I do!!"

Keep on preaching Plan9, you have put into words what I couldn't...
It's My Duty to Please That Booty!!
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Old 01-22-2004, 02:49 AM   #316 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Originally posted by BooRadley
Before you all start circlejerking and starting a cult in celebration, Plan9s guide is more than a little bit similar to the players guide at fastseduction.com .... It's nothing new, nor original, but it still works.
Hehe I am familiar with that site, but I actually dont agree with a lot of things they say to do. Thanks for trying to downplay my thread slick .
Plan9Senior is offline  
Old 01-22-2004, 02:57 AM   #317 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Off topic sorta... I just wanted to say that I see some people posting here that are from all over the world and I WISH to God I could go experience where you live.. experience the women there...and work with you all first hand in achieving everything you ever wanted with them. What I am trying to say is buy me a plane ticket so I can taste the women of your area!!!

I do want to post another lesson... but I am fukin tired. Sorry, time for my beauty sleep. I enjoyed all of your latest conquests though so I am going to bed happy

Last edited by Plan9Senior; 01-22-2004 at 03:23 AM..
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Old 01-22-2004, 11:06 PM   #318 (permalink)
Location: Melbourne, Australia
ok, after a year long drought i've picked up twice in one week following this shit. One chick was a 7, the other was an 8. I want to have plan9's babies.
bing bing is offline  
Old 01-23-2004, 02:08 PM   #319 (permalink)
Location: Russia
What an amusing thread!

Although I have enjoyed reading some of Plan9's postings, I must admit to being a little shocked by the way he treats the subject of meeting girls and women. When I first began following the thread, I had the feeling that either he was a 14 year old boy on a hormone rush, or possibly a steroid junkie twitching his pecs, or even that he was in the habit of popping a bit of IV cocaine before he posted. I hope that you don't take this as an insult, Plan9, if you are listening: we have all been 14 at one stage or another (except for the younger viewers), and I am certainly in agreement that a shot of coke is a great way to clear the brain, but really, your approach to women leaves a lot to be desired.

I can understand your attraction towards the so-called alpha male profile as a tool for getting laid, but it seems to me that you are taking a tool for analysing the behaviour of gorillas and baboons and simply adapting it for human use. Yes, I admit that your calculated strategies can work, but by omitting the fact that people mostly end up in bed via behaviours which more or less contradict your advice, I think that it would not be unfair to call a 'foul' on most of your advice.

One of my impressions is that you simplify relations as being a game where the man wins if he gets laid. Is that how you really see it? Are your successes in this game the tool by which you have chosen to boost your self-esteem by giving advice to younger, less secure, men? Can you imagine how much you are screwing the world-views (women-views) of the younger men foolish enough to take your advice seriously?

My experience contradicts yours. I don't know why. Perhaps there is something wrong in America. For me, there is no problem in sleeping with my female friends. It happens sometimes. You go out in a group, have an interesting conversation, and end up in bed. If someone doesn't accidentally fall in love, everything continues as normal.

I've never dated anyone really until after we've been to bed, so I don't really understand the American concept of dating.

I have no qualms about showing my feelings to a girl I like. Several times I have been the complete loser in this game only to later find myself wanted on account of my sincerity.

For all of you frustrated geeks - please closely criticise the postings of Plan9. Although within his disgustingly cynical appraisal of man/woman interactions there are some truths, I can't see how their application would healthily feed a relationship.

If you just want to get laid, however, his tricks will work. But how much you will have to lie to yourself?

I'm a decent and honest bloke (not quite a Caring Understanding Nineties Type) and I've slept with most of my female friends and plenty off the streets. In my understanding, Plan9's attitude is a crock of shit. Just be yourself and some girl will find you.

All the best.
woodhead is offline  
Old 01-23-2004, 03:20 PM   #320 (permalink)
Maybe things work different in Russia.
Thebiz. Hes so hot right now. Thebiz.
thebiz is offline  

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